b/Calculator Talk

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Unirse Started by u/Alvajoy123 • April 09, 2017, 08:09:27 PM

Questions about programing in C or C++

How do you use tool chain?Do you pull the file to the program Please explain
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • August 17, 2015, 09:54:53 PM

TI-84+CE OS bugs

I just ran into some fatal bug on the TI-84 Plus CE and I am unsure if it can be reproduced on a TI-83 Premium CE, but it doesn't happen on TI-Smartview CE:- Crash or weirdness when storing massive strings 1) Store the string " " into Ans2) Store Ans+Ans into Str13) Repeat number #2 until you get ERR: INVALID DIM (strings cannot be larger than 32 KB on the 84+CE)This causes the calculator to shut down, followed by a RAM Clear. I managed to recreate the bug that way three times in a row. If ...
10 Replies
Unirse Started by u/critor • April 02, 2017, 04:19:09 PM

TI-84 Plus CE downgrade protection with Boot 5.1.5+

Owning a TI-8x Flash calculator had always been a synonym for freedom.  You could update and then downgrade freely. With the only exception of TI-84 Plus coming preloaded with Boot 1.03, in which TI had moved from a 512-bits RSA signature to a 2048-bits one - so the only accepted OS were 2.55+ (so 2.55 only, as no update has been released since) .But the intent wasn't to prevent downgrading, or they would simply have checked the version.They wanted to prevent us from being able to install ...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 08, 2017, 11:17:36 PM

C.Basic - A much faster Casio fx-9860gII BASIC interpreter

One of the many complains that Casio calculator programmers always had was that its BASIC language was slow. TI programmers had similar complains about TI-BASIC, but the slow speed of TI-BASIC is nothing compared to Casio calculators, especially the ClassPad series. Thankfully, the fx-9860G series has a BASIC language that runs at speeds roughly comparable with the TI-84 Plus, but only because of the much faster processor (between 29 and 58 MHz depending of the fx-9860G hardware revision, compar...
17 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • June 06, 2016, 06:05:31 AM

You can go to jail for 3 years in France for using a TI-Nspire

Last year in France, some teachers decided to apply their own rules and restrictions about what calculators can be used during the BAC exam and what you can use on your calculator. Until 2018, although devices like smartphones or other things that has a touchscreen or storage memory are banned from exams, certain calculator models, which includes the TI-Nspire, are exempt if the exam allows the usage of said calculator, and under the current laws, viewing TI-Nspire documents is allowed.However, ...
16 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 06, 2017, 01:37:11 AM

Oiram levels

List of levels as of Feb 22nd 2017: Rainbow Road (DJ Omnimaga) ;topic=1815.0;attach=1243My Level (PT_) ;topic=1815.0;attach=1206xAirship (xMarminq_) ;topic=1815.0;attach=1246Super Mario Bros World 1 (Pieman7373) Mario Bros 3 World 1 (STV's version) ...
62 Replies
Unirse Started by u/critor • January 22, 2017, 11:06:42 AM

Ndless 4.4 release

A bit less than a year ago, on February 19th, 2016, Ndless 4.2 was released. This version added compatbility with the then-latest TI-Nspire CX OS version, OS 4.2. Ndless is the TI-Nspire 's "jailbreak" , which makes it possible to run programs much more powerful than those allowed by TI 's approved tools...
28 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • February 23, 2015, 04:51:43 PM

Release of TI-Connect CE 5.0

TI has just released TI-Connect CE 5.0 on their official website. It is a standalone version of TI-Connect that supports the USB version of the TI-83 Plus.Fr, the TI-83 Premium CE and the entire TI-84 Plus family. It sports a brand new interface, which lets you edit calculator program code most notably, and offers considerable improvements on file transfer speed. While it used to take 30 seconds in the original TI-Connect to initiate a transfer at all, everything such as drag-n-dropping a file i...
15 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • February 23, 2017, 11:42:53 PM

z80 Brass Assembly issues

For some reason, I set up my 83+ Assembly environment (following and checking it against every guide I looked for, including correct include files, etc. And I'm no stranger to ASM, I did a little bit of CSE ASM), yet I can't load any program I build into WabbitEmu. I've tried looking through the list file produced, I've tried removing the .db t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp so I can see if it just outputs a readable file (that would only contain numbers, of course ), but I can't read that either. .nolis...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • June 24, 2016, 03:12:30 AM

Have you ever met a calculator community member in real life?

See topic title. I was wondering if any of you ever met other community members in real life? I am talking especially about people you originally met online, then later saw them in person (such as during a trip).I know that some Omnimaga and Cemetech staff often meet each others at Maker Faire in September and that past ticalc.org staff often met each others as well. In my case I met Aaroneusthegreat in 2009 and I often see Juju since late 2010. Juju also met Deep Toaster (formerly Deep Thought)...
56 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • February 11, 2017, 09:36:48 PM

TI-Disconnect Stories

Share your TI-Disconnect stories here!I was trying to send a program to my calc, so I had it queued up in the software's Send to Device window, and was about to send it when I noticed an issue with my program. I quickly fixed it (modifying the program), and got an error saying it couldn't send. I just retried, since I expected that from TI-Connect, and it sent. However, I looked over at my calc minutes later, and the screen was full of garbage data! It was extremely weird. I reset the calc and t...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • January 23, 2017, 08:27:48 PM

Pixels permanently on -- TI-Nspire

I recently recieved a monochrome Nspire through the mail (although the package was wrapped up decently), and it arrived to me with some pixels already on, and strangely blue when the screen is on, yes black when off. I'll post a picture here: Full album here: 'll try taking a screenshot in the Student Software later, and see what that does.Edit: Intersestingly enough, the Student Software screenshot doesn't sho...
17 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • February 08, 2017, 06:06:49 AM

JamesV releases TI-84 Plus CE port of classic SQRXZ game

In 1996, a PC game called SQRXZ came out. Released by Maze and Hojo, it was later ported to the TI-85, TI-86 and TI-92 by Jimmy Mårdell and later to the TI-83 and TI-83+/84+ series by Solignac Julien and became a classic on ticalc.org. In 2015, it was ported to the TI-Nspire CX by gameblabla, along with SQRXZ 3 and 4. But now, the TI-Z80 ASM version has finally made its way to the TI-83 Premium CE and TI-84 Plus CE! game is inspired from Mario serie...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • November 17, 2016, 03:55:55 AM

Advice for BASIC

Should someone like me who is making his first BASIC program separate it into bits that run as one or just one big program?
36 Replies
25 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • December 17, 2016, 08:37:04 AM

Reuben Quest 12th anniversary sees 2nd sequel release by @Sorunome

On December 11th 2004, I released an hybrid TI-BASIC JRPG called Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening for the TI-84 Plus. It made the ticalc.org headlines for being the first grayscale game ever written in BASIC with the help of ASM libraries. Using Omnicalc sprite command rapidly generated nearly-flickerless grayscale almost comparable to the only other TI-84 ...
13 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 30, 2017, 10:35:35 PM

MOVED: A Minecraft in-game computer (Sorta)

This topic has been moved to Gaming .
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • August 02, 2016, 06:02:56 PM

TI-Nspire OS 4.3 out (blocks Ndless and downgrades, but not nBoot nor ControlX?)

;t=18874Apparently someone got his hands on OS 4.3 for the TI-Nspire in China and apparently, it features more powerful TI-BASIC linking commands to interact with other devices connected to the TI-Nspire. They were tested with the TI-Innovator and apparently worked.Now the next question, though, is did they patch the exploits used by nBoot and Ndless? UPDATE (08/02/16): Although this OS blocks Ndless, it seems like it doesn't block nBoot+ControlX. C...
17 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Strontium • January 28, 2017, 05:17:38 AM

NspireCX:Do I need to leave BtMg in the ndless folder after installing ControlX?

So I've installed ControlX (wew that was a spooky process), and I'd like to delete BtMg because I don't want to accidentally screw anything up with it. I don't fully understand the purpose of BtMg or how it works though, so I don't know if I need to keep it around. Thanks.
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • January 19, 2017, 11:40:57 PM

Getting a Monochrome Nspire

I'm gonna get an Nspire; a monochrome Nspire with Clickpad. It's monochrome, so it can emulate the 84+, and it comes with the 84+ keyboard as well. Here's where you should dump all of your favorite monochrome Nspire tools, etc. If Ndless is compatible, I'd be all for that, since I'd likely just be getting it just for programming purposes. Since my Nspire will be able to emulate the 84+ as well, drop some of your favorite monochrome Z80 stuff on me too (except stuff that uses undocumented opcodes...
20 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 17, 2017, 04:13:22 AM

A new RPG for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition

For the last few years, 123outerme has developed various pure and hybrid TI-BASIC calculator games for the TI-83 Plus and later the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Among those, there were many games with various role-playing game elements. Source Seekers, Solius and Dragonsglid were some of his most prominent titles around that genre. While simple in general, they still managed to provide a lot of entertainment while they lasted. Today, the author has released another RPG, this ...
10 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • June 30, 2016, 02:23:29 AM

When did you start programming? (poll)

So I thought it would be interesting to make a poll asking people when approximately they started programming for calculators, but you can answer even if you never touched a calculator too. I have set the poll by three years chunk so that each period spans a specific TI community era. For example, 1994-96 was when ZShell arrived and when ticalc.org was about to come to birth and back in the days, it seemed like the TI community was split into specific eras anyway (especially after 2008 where it'...
27 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • January 10, 2017, 12:16:58 AM

AppVar From Another Source Read-Only? [xlibc]

I've noticed while working with Sorcery of Uvutu, that AppVars not created on-calc are read-only to the calculator. I've figured this out with a save file I use to test easily. Under no circumstances can I save to that AppVar. Is this true? Could it just be my emulator? Is there a way to circumvent this possibly?Thanks to DJ Omnimaga for the idea to post.
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 09, 2017, 12:03:16 AM

Super Mario now available on the TI-84 Plus CE with level editing

For years, the TI-84 Plus series had access to Super Mario 1.2 and 2.0 by Sam Heald, a long-time classic for older calculator models. Unfortunately, TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition users were left in the cold due to the calculator's short lifespan (it was discontinued after only two years), its extremely poor performances and arguably the lack of viable C programming and libraries for it, all of which made developers skeptical about whether that platform could support a side-scrolling platformer. Fo...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 03, 2017, 04:02:20 AM

Entire DJ calc projects folder available for download

Those 4 rar files contains all the calculator projects I had in the works in the last few years, excluding of course some much older files that I have lost a long time ago or ones already available for download elsewhere.TI-84 Plus: Plus C Silver Edition: Plus CE: Prime: did upload some of those in the past but I re-uploaded those a few week...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/JWinslow23 • September 11, 2016, 10:13:25 PM

[TI-84+CE] This Is The Only Level +CE

This Is The Only Level now has its own port to the TI-84+CE! Beat the level. There's only one. Download here on ticalc.org! I've decided to take up C for the CE (thank you, Mateo ). My first game will be This Is The Only Level. You know, like this one .I've gotten done with th...
115 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • June 07, 2016, 05:15:01 AM

Ticalc.org CD ISO (2001)

I discovered on Ticalc.org mailing lists that somebody uploaded an ISO image of the 2001 ticalc.org CD that used to ship with the TI-Fun Kit and the Connectivity Value Kit, and I also noticed it has been available on Archive.org for browsing since 2012. !topic/ticalcorg-advanced/7ObqnI7xZZ4 in the days, ticalc.org was affiliated with Texas Instruments and their entire file archives was made available on a CD that ...
12 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • December 27, 2016, 10:24:30 PM

Ticalc.org POTY 2016 results are in!

The Ticalc.org POTY results for 2016 are in! This year, in the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition category, Checkers 84+, Connect 4, Graph3DC and Pong with Sound competed against each others, while in the TI-84 Plus CE category,  Catylizm CE, ChessCE, Crystann or the Diamond Dungeon, GalagACE, Game of Life, ICE Compiler, Minesweeper, Snail Maze, SPLASHCE, StackerCE, SwipeCE and Zombie Chase CE did. In the TI-84 Plus category, This is the ...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • June 07, 2016, 05:41:55 PM

calc.news - The revival of TI-News and CalcNews

Introducing calc.news, which is a website that does one job, and does it well: it's a simple feed aggregator, or as some would call it, a planet (nothing to do with TI-Planet, though). It have all your favourite calculator-related websites' news all in one place and many more! It follows on the steps of ancient TI aggregators such as TI-News, which was open until 2007, spanning multiple incarnations. Have suggestions? Tell us here! ....
53 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • December 06, 2016, 03:51:39 AM

Ticalc.org POTY 2016 (TI-84+CE voting now underway!)

Ticalc.org just launched its first survey for the 2016 Program of the Year award. Since JWinslow23 won the 83+/84+ POTY by default (there was only 1 program for that calc this year), the first poll is for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, with four programs competing:Checkers 84+ CSE 4 ....
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • November 26, 2016, 12:19:24 AM

Mario Run available on TI-84+ calculators

Did you know that 14 years before Nintendo made Super Mario Run, there was already a Mario Run game for the TI-83, TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus? , it's kinda different and involves auto-scrolling levels with free movement rather than Mario walking non-stop by himself, but I have to wonder if Nintendo isn't getting some ideas from calculator fan games, after all... Note: That game wasn't sup...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/E37 • October 01, 2016, 09:59:29 PM

Link cable -> USB stick

I am a firm believer that if it fits, then it should work! (I don't know how to say that without sounding wierd)So, I bought a mini usb to USB converter. (read ti84 to flashdrive)I was dumb and bought the wrong type! (It still fits but won't connect)I was wondering if any hardware geeks could help my poor state. (I'm unwilling to but another $1.50 cord) I essentially have the newer version of the usb. (It has an extra pin or something)I can't see how having too much of something is a bad thing.....
22 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • August 31, 2016, 05:41:04 AM

OS 5.2 released for the TI-84 Plus CE and the TI-83 Premium CE

Texas Instruments have finally released the new TI-84 Plus CE and TI-83 Premium CE OS, version 5.2, on their website. This new OS brings several major improvements to those two color ez80 calculator models, including what might be one of the largest TI-BASIC enhancements ever since 2010: -Sending strings to the TI-Innovator via the Send() and Get() commands-Many more TI-Innovator-related commands-expr(): You can now solve math calculations that are stored in a string.-eval(): Converts a calcul...
27 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • December 04, 2016, 06:30:23 AM

MOVED: Ravenfield

This topic has been moved to Gaming .
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • November 13, 2016, 12:36:26 AM

Change The WalrusIRC

DJ, could you make notifs when people edit posts on their thread?Ex. Edited Walrified topic by xMarminq_ on Change The WalrusIRC think this could help me and probably other people too.If there are multiple edit in a row, the most recent will cancel out the others, but not the original post tag.  Plus sometimes I cannot click people's (Are you guys people?  ) profiles tags when they chat.
31 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • November 11, 2016, 01:51:35 AM

My Basic Program "Hello" Progress and Stuffs

I am working on a project that is a game of choice, like a choose your own adventure.I'm new so let me know how I can edit things for less space or better features.Not gonna release the files though...Not yet...Working on-More plot-Cutscenes (YUP)-Character Development-Color text (IDK how to do and can non-letters (#s,( and !) be colored?)-Title-Choice of name (only one is Egglet, don't judge me on that one. Teach me how to make the ability to have player choose name)Things I foonished  -First c...
16 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • November 20, 2016, 03:52:43 AM


This topic has been moved to Site Discussion & Bug Reports .
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • November 13, 2016, 11:24:38 PM

My BASIC Questions

I am making a part of a game where I need two things running at once, like doing an action in a said time period.Let me know what you would do, and will certainly help in the development. 
18 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Overreactedosbol • November 16, 2016, 01:35:21 PM

Retrieving part of a string (Axe)

Hi there,Recently I've been trying to find a way to select certain parts of a string to be used.I know you can use StrABC + # to skip # letters, but here's what I need:Imagine you have a string like this (This is an example, the real string I have is far longer):"JOHNRODNEYKYLESIDNEYMICHAEL"->Str1NAMEhow would I be able to retrieve a name out of it based on a key press and display it(for example "RODNEY" when I press 2nd)? Or could I in some way make a list of strings and do it that way?PS: My k...
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/kotu • November 14, 2016, 09:59:20 AM

Storing code/functions in a .8xv file as a library

Is it trivial to do this? MateoConLechuga ? lol. or anyonemy game is coming close to the upper size limit, not sure if it will make it at the moment. there's not much space for code lolthanks!
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Epharius • January 14, 2016, 08:41:53 PM


Hello everybody!I was writing a post for TWO bloody hours until I lose it because of a "timeout"! So I'm gonna write something shorter -.- What is PHASMe? "Phasmes" (or stick insects if you prefer) are brown most of the time. But don't worry, we aren't going to talk about insect life, even though it may be very interesting...No, PHASM is a program for your Ti-84+CE (Ti-83 Premium CE), which allows you to run assembly programs, archived or not and to edit archived programs without...
37 Replies
Unirse Started by u/kotu • November 09, 2016, 01:17:33 AM


Has anyone used one of these? (it's an ultra-sonic motion detector for data logging / distance, velocity and acceleration)
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • February 19, 2016, 09:26:40 PM

Ndless 4.2 is out!

It's working! <insert mad scientist laugh here> Remember the big red warning in my last news about Nspire OS 4.2? Well, I guess it lasted only a good 3 days. That was fast.Indeed, Ndless 4.2, working on the OS 4.2 that has been released 3 days ago, which is an answer to Ndless 4.0 released about a month and a half ago, has been released. The cat and mouse game is going st...
11 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • October 29, 2016, 03:37:50 PM

Transferring games from Ti-84 Plus CE to Ti-84 plus (Smash Open from Ti-Wizard)

I have a problem. Well two actually. I have my CE at home where I have access to internet and stuff, and the Ti-84 Plus is at my school. I have a transfer cord (Micro USB to Micro USB). I wanted to transfer this game from Ti-Wizard that is a star-fox smash game, for the Ti-84 Plus. There is a file in the game that ends in .8xk, that doesn't want to be transferred (My guess is that it is grayscale for sprites or whatever). So I downloaded TiCoder to get it to go in, which worked somehow. So when ...
11 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 28, 2016, 06:24:24 AM

CW News catchup, part 4: TI-84+CE, Nspire, Casio, HP, Sega Genesis and GBC games

It's time for a wrap up of some previously unmentioned calculator and console releases that were piling up in our news pending queue in the past few months. Although this list probably misses many releases due to less free time, it still contains some noteworthy games that you might want to give a try. Most are for TI calculators, but there are some for other brands of calculators and retro-gaming consoles as well:- Switch Operator (TI-84 Plus CE) ...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 08, 2016, 07:13:27 AM

HP Prime firmware 10637 (2016.08.29) released

HP has released firmware revision 10637 for the HP Prime. Besides some new feature additions such as being able to use a picture as graphing background and improved on-calc help, this new OS is said to improve stability and possibly fix the problems encountered in the previous firmware. This firmware was leaked by accident a week ago and later removed , but has since been re-instated. However, backup all your data and p...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/p2 • August 24, 2016, 11:41:43 AM

Some super crappy Axe code...

Hey guys,As some of you might already know, I haven't used axe for a couple of years and forgot almost everything about it  So now I'm trying to relearn axe and wanted ot ask you how I could improve the following code I wrote...It's ment to be a player (just a square) kickign arount a Ball (a nice circle) with workign colission and gravty stuff...I'm really sorry but I got no GIF to upload yet, hope you still understand what the code should do...  .TRY07AXEClrDraw[3C7...
91 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Enlightened Ingression • October 18, 2016, 10:59:17 PM

HP Prime Benchmark

I was working on my Benchmark program for the HP Prime, but then I noticed that my calculator started acting up. It looks like this when M is 1000, but like this when M is 100. It should look like the second one, the weird design in the left of the screen. Could you check what's wrong with my code? Thanks. (BTW right click the image icons and click open image in new tab to see the images.)Source...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/rwill • October 15, 2016, 04:19:54 PM

TI-Nspire Computer Link file transfer fails

Hi all,I got a request for assistance via mail and could not help further.The problem the person is having is that the transfer of a file fails with a message from theLink software that "An unsupported file was encountered. Only TI-Nspire (.tns) files may besent to a connected handheld.".The file in question is pak0.pak.tns for quake.Now as it used to work for me with version of the link software and OS 3.6 I wonderif TI added something to later versions which prevent certain files to ...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • October 02, 2016, 07:34:07 PM

Any 3D Ti-84 plus CE games? & 2 player games

Any that there are available or works in progress that are 3D?  Also, i think with the micro USB to micro USB cable that came with my CE, I wonder that there are any 2 player games too. The screens don't have to be simultaneously simulated, but have your score and your screen but only have your partners score. This could be used for a battleship game or a small 2D shooter like Vertix.io (Could be used for an inspiration).Thanks for any responses! 
18 Replies
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