b/Calculator Talk

Saw a cool TI, HP or Casio program out there? Need help programming or installing a software? This place is for you.
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Unirse Started by u/pimathbrainiac • March 09, 2015, 06:16:41 PM

"Calculate Your Color" with TI (And Maybe Even Win a TI 84 Plus CE)

As a promotion for the upcoming TI 84 Plus CE, TI has started a contest called "Calculate Your Color," in which you take a personality quiz to determine "which new TI 84 Plus CE hue suits you" and get entered in a drawing to win a TI 84 Plus CE.TI posted about the contest on their Facebook page earlier today, and their website front page has been updated to promote the contest. Go check it out and maybe even win a CE!Contest Link: https://calculateyo...
15 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Hayleia • February 10, 2016, 02:48:21 PM

(porting suggestion) Super Smash Bros & Pokémon for the CE

BTW, are you ever going to finish SSBO? If you win TI-C 2016, you could finish it for the CE series. Lol, suddenly off-topic Well I didn't enter the TI-Concours. First because of its placement (I basically only had one week to do anything between two periods of work, so instead of entering, I chose to have some rest, but if the TI-Concours had been announced earlier (but way earlier, even the unofficial announcemen...
62 Replies
Unirse Started by u/_iPhoenix_ • May 15, 2017, 08:25:56 PM

3D rendering of simple objects in TI-BASIC

*This is for the CE* (At least, I programmed it for and on the CE)I've been working on this little sub-project (It's part of a larger thing), but have hit a roadblock. I need to be able to fill in the sides with a single color, and I need it to be somewhat fast. It should also cover up the edges that should be on the back. I'm thinking to use flood fill, but that is not exactly a fast way of doing it. I split the code into several programs for ease-of-development.Sets the current object being dr...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/utz • November 02, 2015, 09:45:54 PM

8*p files checksum calculation

Fiddeling with a new TI-Z80 program packer because I'm not happy with any of the existing ones. Now I noticed something strange regarding checksum calculation for 82p files. It seems the 82 actually doesn't care about the checksum at all. I've compared outputs of a few different utilities (original CrASH packer, bin8x, and my own oysterpac.pl), and they all give different checksum values, however all the files run just fine in CrASH. The "holy" Link Guide states that the checksum is "the lowe...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • March 12, 2015, 11:11:16 PM

84+CE to be locked down against 3rd-party Flash APP development or tools?

People on Cemetech have analyzed TI-84 Plus CE Flash applications that Texas Instruments released a few days before. It appears that they contains a 2048-bits signature . The signature key is required to sign APPs and make them valid for use on the new ez80 calculator, and there is no sign that Texas Instruments have any plans to release a SDK to develop such software.Since factoring an key this large is impossible with today's techno...
48 Replies
Unirse Started by u/TheChosen’s World • February 10, 2019, 01:32:54 AM

84p apps on the 84pce?

How would i run a 84 program on my ti-84 plus ce without a syntax error, I really want to run fruit-ninja and SuperSmashBros:open on my calc 
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 14, 2017, 03:04:54 PM

A new Casio PRIZM calculator: The fx-CG50

Casio has recently announced that a new Casio PRIZM calculator, under the fx-CG50 model number, will be released this Spring. Amidst speculation from community members that this calculator will ditch support for third-party ASM and C development (which was unnoficial to begin with on the fx-CG10/20, but Casio left the door open on those calculators, while locking it down on the fx-CP400) and that the BASIC language will not see any significant speed improvements, here are some of the announced i...
67 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 17, 2017, 04:13:22 AM

A new RPG for the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition

For the last few years, 123outerme has developed various pure and hybrid TI-BASIC calculator games for the TI-83 Plus and later the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Among those, there were many games with various role-playing game elements. Source Seekers, Solius and Dragonsglid were some of his most prominent titles around that genre. While simple in general, they still managed to provide a lot of entertainment while they lasted. Today, the author has released another RPG, this ...
10 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Adriweb • July 04, 2015, 11:42:05 PM

A wrapper for TI's JavaScript-based z80/eZ80 emulators

I've just published on GitHub a wrapper for TI-SmartView's js emulators , which makes the emu much more usable for screen-recording purposes, for instance Indeed, when you run the emulator inside a recent browser, it's running much, much faster than from within SmartView (because Java's Webview yield poor JS performance, apparently...) Screenshot : The ...
35 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • July 04, 2016, 06:32:59 AM

About Fifteen Years Ago, Part #1

It almost ended all in late April and at another point in the past, but I finally managed to have stuck around for 15 years. July 4th 2001 was the day I got my first graphing calculator: a TI-83 Plus. I always dreamed of making games at the time and that dream was finally about to come true. When I started programming that beast, I was just 4 days away from turning 15, which is around when most people start calculator programming, and it's hard to believe I spent half of my life in the TI commun...
20 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 01, 2016, 07:32:42 PM

About fifteen years ago, part #2

This is a follow up to my topic posted on July 4th about how it was my 15th calculator programming anniversary. Today, it's now Omnimaga's turn to reach its 15th anniversary. While I and some others of us are no longer active there due to previously explained circumstances, the fact remains that Omnimaga has been around for 15 years now. Also I am still the one who created Omnimaga in the first place, back on September 1st 2001, and it slowly grew into a large discussion forum and IRC channel. P...
5 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 22, 2016, 04:59:22 AM

About Fifteen Years Ago, Part #3: Illusiat 15th anniversary

On July 4th 2016 , it has been 15 years since I started TI calculator programming, starting with the TI-83+ then eventually moving up to color Z80/ez80 and HP models, using BASIC language through my entire programming career except in 2010 and for a brief period of time in 2013. Shortly after starting programming, I began working on a bare-bones RPG with graphical dungeons but menu-based battles. Shortly after the creation of Omnimaga (which c...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • November 17, 2016, 03:55:55 AM

Advice for BASIC

Should someone like me who is making his first BASIC program separate it into bits that run as one or just one big program?
36 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • December 26, 2014, 04:29:32 AM

Affiliation with Planète-Casio

I am pleased to announce that CodeWalrus and Planète-Casio has established a link exchange together. Basically, at the bottom of every CW forum page, you will see a 88x31 button leading to Planète-Casio (right next to BroniesQC button). On Planète-Casio, you will see the 88x31 banner leading to CodeWalrus. This is not a partnership in the same way as some partnerships that occured in the TI community in recent years, so basically both websites will keep their independence, while still promoting ...
16 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Strontium • May 05, 2015, 12:29:09 AM

Again, regarding help on a game I am working on.

I've been trying this issue I have been having for the past few hours, and I am extremely frustrated by it right now.In the game I am working on, a port of the CLI game 'greed' for Linux. If the player tries to move right when their player is on the very right side of the screen (or if they try to move left when the player is on the very left side of the screen), the game crashes, with this error: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) This happens in on.charIn, where the player mov...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • June 22, 2015, 06:48:58 AM

Android on a TI-Nspire CX?

I am unsure if this is legit or not, but if it is, then it's kinda cool :O !/1170/?topicseen bet it must run extremely slow, though, seeing how slow my Samsung i5510 was. Unless of course this runs a really ancient version of Android, but then it won't be very practical since most people develop for recent versions of Android only. Update: It is confirmed to be legit and Android 1.6 a...
41 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • November 12, 2014, 11:21:45 PM

Animated eye candy of how fast HP PPL can be

This is my sprite generation routine in action. You see the static tiles too in that set, which I didn't share publicly yet. But as you will notice, I can generate a wall tileset 20 times per second
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/SiphonicSugar • August 11, 2015, 10:17:09 PM

Another Illusiat?

Hey, I guess this post is mostly a question for DJ Omnimaga.  I was wondering if you are ever going to make another RPG again... I can tell that you put a lot of effort into the others that you made and I was wondering if you might think about making one for the TI-84 + CE... Sorry if this is annoying to anyone, I would understand.I guess I am pretty new to this forum, so PLEASE, don't get mad at me for asking a question. I've been part of Omnimaga forums since January though, I think.
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • October 02, 2016, 07:34:07 PM

Any 3D Ti-84 plus CE games? & 2 player games

Any that there are available or works in progress that are 3D?  Also, i think with the micro USB to micro USB cable that came with my CE, I wonder that there are any 2 player games too. The screens don't have to be simultaneously simulated, but have your score and your screen but only have your partners score. This could be used for a battleship game or a small 2D shooter like Vertix.io (Could be used for an inspiration).Thanks for any responses! 
18 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • September 30, 2016, 01:12:50 AM

Any word on a GBA Emulator for Ti-84 Plus CE?

Any word on a program that can do such magic? 
15 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Kacheekfreak09 • February 17, 2019, 05:55:26 AM

Anybody considered making a Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator for the 84+CE?

I mean, think about it! Both the SMS and 84+ CE have similar CPUs, and if the 84 is powerful enough to emulate the GB, it really shouldn't be much of a problem. I honestly would LOVE to just be able to play STH and Alex Kidd on my calc, even if it's the inferior verisons.
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • January 10, 2017, 12:16:58 AM

AppVar From Another Source Read-Only? [xlibc]

I've noticed while working with Sorcery of Uvutu, that AppVars not created on-calc are read-only to the calculator. I've figured this out with a save file I use to test easily. Under no circumstances can I save to that AppVar. Is this true? Could it just be my emulator? Is there a way to circumvent this possibly?Thanks to DJ Omnimaga for the idea to post.
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • April 01, 2015, 09:27:58 PM

Artificial Intelligence help

This topic is mainly for my project JarvAXE 5.0 because I need help with my AI response system but this topic is open to anything to do with interactions that have some intelligence behind them like a chess CPU.(I quote myself) The way he responds is when I press a key it records that key code in a buffer then when I press enter it adds those codes up into a buffer until it hits a space then it goes into the next spot and so on, after that    I use a for loop checking for values in the bu...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • June 21, 2016, 05:23:22 AM

Attack of the 3D engines for TI calculators

In recent years, there have been more and more attempts at getting full 3D on TI calculators, especially on color models. Here are four 3D engines that have been in the works for a while, by CodeWalrus members, that we hope to see come to fruition and in use in full games in the next few years! Crafti (TI-Nspire CX) ( Animated screenshot )Released around 2014, Crafti, by Vogtinator , ...
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Unirse Started by u/p2 • August 17, 2016, 09:12:49 AM

Axe Interrupts stop working

I had the following code: .TRY03AXE1->X1->YfnInt(I,0)Repeat getKey(15)X+1->XOutput(1,1,X>DecOutput(1,2,Y>DecEndGoto ELbl IY+1->YReturnYLbl ELnReg^r It ended with B being set to 3 but X still counting... (Interrupt stopped working)Then I modified it like this: .TRY03AXE1->X1->YRepeat getKey(15)X+1->XOutput(1,1,X>DecOutput(1,2,Y>DecfnInt(I,0)EndGoto ELbl IY+1->YReturnYLbl ELnReg^r I Put the call for teh Interru
27 Replies
Unirse Started by u/JWinslow23 • October 25, 2015, 08:21:38 PM

Axe question: How to read archived appvar?

I'm starting work on an old project that is LONG overdue for some work (don't expect it finished ANYTIME soon, however), and I've run into a bit of a problem.I plan for this one (pretty huge, and it's gonna be huger) appvar to reside in the archive. It contains all the graphical information of the game inside of it. I need to know what code to do to initialize and refer to this appvar throughout the game. I've tried GetCalc("appvAPPVName",Y0) with {Y0+N} and GetCalc("appvAP...
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Snektron • January 09, 2015, 05:41:10 PM

Axiom LUT Troubles

So im trying to do a fast square in an Axiom.im using a LUT i generated but it keeps outputting the wrong values. .dw ShdDraw_ .db AXM_ALL .dw $00F3 .db AXM_SUB .db AXM_1ARG .org 0 ld l, 0 call squareL bcall(_DispHL) bcall(_getKey) ret; square l, return in hlsquareL: ld hl, (SqLUT) ret SqLUT: .dw $0000, $0001, $0004, $0009, $0010, $0019... ShdDraw_: This is the code for the Command, and obviously the LUT is way bigger so i stripped it a bit down.For debugging purposes i print the firs...
7 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • August 31, 2015, 02:53:06 AM

Back-to-school calculator program releases

As school approaches, people are getting their calculator out of the drawer or are buying one. Then comes the increase in game download stats that is normally seen in August. Although Summer is usually very quiet in the TI community, there are still some notable releases every month. In August, as reported previously, CodeWalrus saw the release of First Fantasy for the TI-84 Plus CE, a Final...
13 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 08, 2017, 11:17:36 PM

C.Basic - A much faster Casio fx-9860gII BASIC interpreter

One of the many complains that Casio calculator programmers always had was that its BASIC language was slow. TI programmers had similar complains about TI-BASIC, but the slow speed of TI-BASIC is nothing compared to Casio calculators, especially the ClassPad series. Thankfully, the fx-9860G series has a BASIC language that runs at speeds roughly comparable with the TI-84 Plus, but only because of the much faster processor (between 29 and 58 MHz depending of the fx-9860G hardware revision, compar...
17 Replies
Unirse Started by u/c4ooo • October 01, 2015, 07:52:28 PM

c4ooo's Useless but cool programs. [ti-basic][axe]

Over the years I have made a selection of cool but useless programs. Rather then letting them rot, I decided to share the code. Some of them have evolved over time, some where lost iin ram clears before i even got a cable ect ect.. Tron (ti-basic) This was my "hello world" program for ti-basic. I have made some improvments to it over time. Note: this is a striped down version and does not contain score keeping. ClrDrawHorizontal yMinHorizontal yMaxVertical xMinVertical xMax5->X5->Y26...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • March 10, 2015, 09:27:29 PM

Calc game popularity oddities

The topic on Planète-Casio about the new exam restrictions coming to France in 2018 and the discussion about the declining popularity of calculator gaming that ensued kinda made me realize that there are some oddities in the calculator community, when it comes to popularity of calculator games.If you take the French community, you will notice that on Casio websites, discussion will be mostly centered around calculator game development. On TI websites, on the other hand, almost only educational d...
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • June 07, 2016, 05:41:55 PM

calc.news - The revival of TI-News and CalcNews

Introducing calc.news, which is a website that does one job, and does it well: it's a simple feed aggregator, or as some would call it, a planet (nothing to do with TI-Planet, though). It have all your favourite calculator-related websites' news all in one place and many more! It follows on the steps of ancient TI aggregators such as TI-News, which was open until 2007, spanning multiple incarnations. Have suggestions? Tell us here! ....
53 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • August 18, 2016, 04:54:52 PM

Calculator benchmark for BASIC and math by Critor

For the QCC2016 articles series (Quelle clignotrice choisir, which stands for Which "flashyculator" to choose, in reference to the blinking exam LED soon to be required at exams, hence the made-up calculator word), Critor posted a benchmark of how much time certain rudimentary math and algorithmic functions or programs take to execute on various calculator models allowed at the France final exam (BAC) ;t=18866Basically, for those who don't speak French...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Ephraim Becker • March 24, 2015, 01:11:54 AM

Calculator forum confusion

I'm very confused of the many calculator forums and why a lot of users have accounts on multiple forums. It gives me a headache and confusion of why all those calculator forums (Cemetech, Omnimaga, Codewalrus, TI-Planet, Ect.) can't be merged into one. Can someone please clear this confusion up for me?
14 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 27, 2016, 04:12:40 AM

Can anyone send me this TI-86 game in working (read: not a .tig file) form?

really want to play this game, but unfortunately I have three problems:-It's a .tig file. I am surprised ticalc.org still accepts those because a while ago I swear that Travis and Nikky rejected them.-I don't have enough batteries right now (my only set is in my 84+, which is used to test Reuben 3) and no emulator supports .tig files-When I extract all with TI-Connect options for the .tig file, the resulting files becomes corrupted wh...
11 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • April 11, 2017, 07:30:41 PM

Casio add-ins compatibility issues between the fx-CG10/20 and fx-CG50/Graph 90+E

In the near future, Casio will release the Casio fx-CG50, the fx-CG10/20 successor. In France, the calculator will be named the Graph 90+E.To our surprise, those two new calculators still have backdoors that allow third-party ASM and C add-ins to run on the platform, a big contrast with the locked-down Casio ClassPad II (fx-CP400), soon to be replaced with the fx-CP500. However, just like with the differences between the Casio fx-9860g/II SH3 vs SH4, TI-83 vs TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus vs TI-84 Plus...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 30, 2017, 06:40:50 PM

Casio Graph 90+E calculator announced

A few weeks ago, Casio unveiled their upcoming successor to the fx-CG10/20 calculators: The fx-CG50. Now they have just unveiled its French counterpart: the Graph 90+E: Casio has thus reverted back to their old ways of renaming their calculators for the France market, with only the Classpad series and the original PRIZM models not being renamed (although the fx-CG10 was released as the fx-CG20 in all of Europe, with extra image capabilities):fx-7400G: Gr...
18 Replies
Unirse Started by u/kotu • November 09, 2016, 01:17:33 AM


Has anyone used one of these? (it's an ultra-sonic motion detector for data logging / distance, velocity and acceleration)
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • August 09, 2016, 11:50:12 PM

CE Development Environment

As someone starting to transition from normal 83+/84+ assembly development to 84+ CE development, I am curious what software you guys who develop for the CE use to assemble and link programs for the 84+ CE. Thanks in advance.
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/kotu • September 05, 2016, 05:45:42 PM

CE hi res timer? [TI-84+CE]

HiCan anyone help with thisI need a hi res timer which gives a time in milliseconds at least, to time the time between framesThanks
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Adriweb • July 03, 2017, 09:32:29 PM

CE OS 5.3 Changelog

TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE - Version 5.3 Changelog (Cross-posted from TI-Planet ) Thanks to TI, we've been able to try OS 5.3 in advance and so we've made this unofficial changelog for you, although you've probably seen some of those things in our recent news 1) Homescreen: Improved program launching: archived programs ...
18 Replies
Unirse Started by u/jonbush • March 04, 2016, 05:38:43 PM

Cemetech Contest 16: Chatty Cyborgs

In January, we concluded Cemetech Contest #15: Crypto Golfing . This contest required participants to determine how a secret message was encoded, and to create a program to perform the decoding. This contest takes that a little farther and provides many more categories to earn points in. Cemetech Contest #16, created by KingInfinity and jonbush, is about IRC bots. To win this contest, you will need to create and test an IRC bot with ...
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • November 13, 2016, 12:36:26 AM

Change The WalrusIRC

DJ, could you make notifs when people edit posts on their thread?Ex. Edited Walrified topic by xMarminq_ on Change The WalrusIRC think this could help me and probably other people too.If there are multiple edit in a row, the most recent will cancel out the others, but not the original post tag.  Plus sometimes I cannot click people's (Are you guys people?  ) profiles tags when they chat.
31 Replies
Unirse Started by u/E37 • April 24, 2017, 07:25:02 PM

Choices for a new calc

Ok, I'm heading off to college soon and am thinking of buying a new calc. I will probably get some version of the nSpire or ti89. I am looking for a good balance between math functions and programming abilities. It would be nice to know if some professors ban a certain calc. Speed doesn't play a big role but any programming restrictions would be nice. (I won't consider a calc that has only basic)Does anyone have any comments on what I should choose?
12 Replies
Unirse Started by u/pimathbrainiac • June 01, 2015, 12:46:43 PM

Code Golf - The Reboot #1

Hello ladies and gents, welcome to Code Golf! As you probably noticed, I am not JWinslow23 because my name is pimathbrainiac. For those of you who don't know what Code Golf is, I'll tell you. You must write a program in any programming language and make the source as few bytes as possible. There are some rules that you must follow each week.All programs and source files must be submitted to me via PM by midnight Sunday. Winners will be announced Sunday afternoon, and new challenges appear...
32 Replies
Unirse Started by u/JWinslow23 • July 27, 2015, 07:39:29 AM

Code Golf - The Reboot #9

I can't believe I've gone about a month without posting another challenge. Time to set things right Hello Omnimaga/CodeWalrus/Cemetech/friends/Romans/countrymen/lend/me/your/ears, and welcome to the ninth installment of... Code Golf: The Reboot As you can see, I am JWinslow23 , the guy who started this idea in the first place. You may recall my weird fifth challenge...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/SiphonicSugar • November 21, 2015, 04:33:06 PM

Code Optimization for Math Program

Could anyone help me optimize this TI-Basic code for my math program?  It is really slow.  For an example, if I press on the keyboard, it takes FOREVER to display the number 1 on the screen.  PLEASE HAAAALP! ClrHomeClrDrawAxesOff0->Xmin94->Xmax0->Ymin62->Ymax0->Z""->Str0While 1 Text(0,1,Str0) getKey->K If K=92:Then "1"->Str1 If Z=1:Str0+Str1->Str0 If Z=0:Then:Str1->Str0:1->Z:End End If K=93:Then "2"->Str1 If Z=1:Str0+Str1->Str0 If Z=0:Then:Str1->Str0:1->Z:End End If K=94:Then "3"->...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Strontium • April 27, 2015, 05:32:12 AM

Code runs fine on TI Nspire emulator, but wont work on real hardware

I am working on a roguelike for my TI Nspire CX. So far, everything works fine in the emulator, but on the calculator, I cannot use the arrow keys to move. Here is the code: -- character infoplayerx = 5playery = 5playerhp = 100-- MONSTER CLASS THINGY-- monster constructorMonsterGen = {}function MonsterGen:new(x, y, icon)  o = {x = x, y = y, icon = icon}  setmetatable(o, self)  self.__index = self  return oend-- move monsterfunction MonsterGen:move()  -- temporary movement  -- I will soon ma...
2 Replies
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