b/Calculator Development

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Unirse Started by u/123outerme • May 24, 2015, 04:03:16 PM

[CSE Hybrid Basic] Photon - CSE Hybrid Basic

Photon is a turn-based strategy sci-fi game for the TI-84+CSE only. This game uses Doors CSE to run, and can't run on the 84+CE or any other name referring to that calculator. So far you can fight an enemy, upgrade and repair your ship, and travel to different worlds! *Visible battle damage*End goal/substance to game v0.3b: (v0.2b doesn't exist for reasons)v0.1b: [/...
27 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • March 22, 2015, 04:28:28 PM

[CSE Basic] D-Fend

So lately, I have been working on a certain new project in math, which I talked about in my latest post in my topic for Flatforme. Written in pure CSE Basic, this project is a "defender" game where you defend your side of the screen against evil people or whatever. (Does this even need a story?)Anyway, it's a shoot-em-up with unique controls: to fire a laser blast, you have to rapidly tap the XTON button, charging it up. Pressing 2nd will fire the laser when it's charged, and pressing Alpha will...
46 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • January 22, 2015, 11:28:21 PM

[83+ Family] Source Seekers Redacted

I've decided to revisit that old 10k bytes of a "gem" I made 6 months ago, Source Seekers. To jump straight to my plans: *Fix the size*Fix bugs/issues*Improve graphics generally*Rewrite story*Add HP*Revamp enemies*Revisit previous levels*Add in Village system (don't worry, there's a reason. If it doesn't really work, I'll remove it)*Ideas:**CSE-exclusive engine/program? Add your own ideas if you have any!
11 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • April 10, 2016, 01:45:28 AM

[TI-84+CSE] [Hybrid BASIC] xLIBC Experimental Games

I've decided to recreate Super Smash Bros (Melee, hopefully) on the TI-84+CSE (and CE assuming all goes well with xLIBCE). Super Smash Bros CCM, CCM standing for Color Calc Melee. I decided that if I posted this, it'd get done quicker. I'm doing this on the side, when I'm waiting for my testers to bring me back bugs and other things, and I get the urge to code, I'll be doing this. Here's a screenshot for no reason other than because I like you. The blank b...
35 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • January 16, 2017, 12:29:41 AM

[Hybrid-Basic][Library] TI-Basic DIY Library

I'm going to rework the code I had for the "TI-Basic Library" into a DIY-Library maker! Got some code that repeats over-and-over, and you want to save space? Easy! You can create your own customly-named AppVar, holding all the information, from the name of the function, to the subroutines they execute!Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks so far: *Can only handle one input after the (. You can technically have more than one input, you just have to make sure it isn't destroyed by any variable u...
25 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • January 09, 2015, 11:52:46 PM

[CSE Basic] Flatforme

Flatforme is a 2D, single-screen based platformer in development for the TI-84+CSE. Platform your way to the Goal Coin and collect it! Fend off enemies who will happily stop your progress. *Level design*More enemy AI (?)*More puzzles than just "grab the thing" (?)*More abilities (?) Edit January 31st: Attached a new beta with the level editor!
56 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • August 03, 2015, 12:55:53 AM

[TI-84+CSE] Tourn [Hybrid BASIC]

Tourn pronounced "torn" is a fighting game made in hybrid TI-Basic for the TI-84+CSE ONLY.When you're bored in class, fighting is your best entertainer. But, instead of fighting your classmates, how about fighting this CPU who has no feelings! Beat up a CPU on 3 different levels: 1, or boring, 2, or okay, 3, or EXTREME!! Use the left and right arrow keys to move, DEL to block, 2nd to perform a melee attack, and ALPHA to perform a laser beam attack!Blocking negates knockback, red...
14 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • March 30, 2015, 10:04:00 PM

[CSE Hybrid Basic] CSE Hybrid Basic - Solius

I've begun work on a roguelike for the CSE using XLibC and Celtic 2 CSE, with a color scheme similar to (read: the same as) the DOS Command Prompt. Therefore, it requires Doors CSE 8.0 or greater to run! It includes a turn-based battle system, open world with randomly generated features (towns, treasure chests, etc.) and much more. If you want to see the complete Todo (there's a lot), visit the GitHub repo .Download is attached.[spoiler=Some of the ...
48 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • March 03, 2016, 12:43:12 AM

Smash Bros xLIBC ideas

Could you link to that pseudo 3D thing? I forgot what it was. And I see about the CE, I hope you reconsider at one point but I could understand if you don't get one.As for a Nintendo fighter, do you mean a beat-em-up or something like Punch Out? I actually didn't make the pseudo-3d screenshot until now. I called it pseudo-3d because I imagined using it for such a game, where...
18 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • August 10, 2015, 01:13:50 AM

[CSE Hybrid Basic] Aqua Wars

Have you ever been staring out your classroom window, wanting to go on an epic adventure on the 7 Seas? No? Yeah, me neither. I had no better ideas, so you should take what you can get.Anyways, I'm starting a new whale of a project. Yeah, I'll go now.Aqu-Wars is for the TI-84+CSE ONLY . It is an action adventure game with a hint of RPG in it, if that suits your fancy.You could sail the high seas, take up either Navy, mercenary, or pirate jobs, pirate and take other ships' car...
55 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • August 28, 2016, 08:31:33 PM

Tourn II

Coming soon to an online download near you... (I think)For those who don't remember what Tourn was (and I'm glad for that), it was a TI-84+CSE fighting game using ASCII characters and the Celtic II text-color-altering commands. I'm glad to be remaking it with proper sprites. Instead of bland characters represented by the shape of their head (an O, Q, G, 0, A, or θ), I plan to use characters from my old games. Of course, most of my old games used ASC...
28 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • April 01, 2015, 04:41:59 PM

[TI-Basic] Unnamed Homescreen RPG [APRIL FOOL'S DAY]

I'm making a Homescreen RPG on the side, when I'm bored of programming Solius. I don't really have a name for it yet, but I assure you, it's coming! To play, run the tech demo prgmANRPG. It's compatible with both monochrome and color calcs (and doesn't require any shells), but I will make it fit to the CSE's screen eventually. For now, it looks a little squished. Enjoy! Download is attached. In the screenshot, you can see a few glitches. I've already fixed...
19 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • March 29, 2015, 04:56:17 PM

[CSE Hybrid Basic] TI-Thrash Color

TI-Thrash Color is a homescreen arcade-style fighting game. It includes multiple characters, who beat up on a CPU. This is a color remake of TI-Thrash ( Omnimaga or Cemetech ). As it adds color to the game, it is only compatible with the TI-84+CSE (unless the CE has gotten Celtic 2 and xLibC/DoorsCSE with those two libraries por...
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • January 29, 2016, 01:05:15 AM

Yahtzee 1.0 RC 1 Testers Needed

I have completed a TI-Basic version of the game Yahtzee and uploaded the first release candidate here. Please know that this is an unofficial release. If you find any bugs, please post them in this thread. Thanks.
10 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • January 26, 2018, 04:23:42 PM

TI Slender for the CE

Concurrently to Star Trek for the CE, I've been putting together a Slender port. I decided to update this project while pushing forward on Star Trek because the rendering system is essentially identical. However, when I built the project, I started getting a weird glitch. I've enclosed a screenshot of it, as well as a link to my source. Anyone who has made a pseudo-3d engine (2d map to 3d graphics) is welcome to take a look and see where I'm going wrong.The issues: 1. Moving causes sprite double...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • January 20, 2016, 01:46:01 AM

Calculator Strange Behavior

For a while, I have been working on a Yatzee game for the calculator. Testing it in the emulator produced some weird results, namely graphics issues, and crashes. Upon most careful observation, I noticed that at some point, the value of HL was not changing. Even an instruction like ld hl,Address would leave HL unchanged and pointing to $0000. This was causing a great deal of other issues, including executing from that address and writing to it. At one point, this even caused the program t...
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • September 30, 2015, 08:32:22 PM

A Slender series for the 83+/84+

Coming soon to a calculator near you, and based on the hit horror series, I have decided to create a three-part original Slender series. Most elements of gameplay will emulate that of other PC Slender games, but the storyline and mechanics will slightly differ. I don't want to give too much away. As of now, a lot of the game is programmed, with the exception of raycasting, frame-drawing, and creating a map. I also want to improve the AI.I do have a private repository dedicated to the project for...
31 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • August 05, 2021, 04:40:58 PM

Vapor (and BOS) Package Manager and Vapor Proxy Service for the TI-84+ CE

I posted about this a while ago on Cemetech and forgot to put it here as well, so here it is.In addition to my other two big projects (TI-Trek and HASHLIB), I've also been working on another project. It started off as a Steam-style client for connecting to online games such as TI-Trek, but I soon decided it could serve a more targeted purpose. Thus, the project has been rebranded Vapor Package Manager , or VPM, for short.BOS Package Manager (BPM) is beckadamtheinventor's project, so I will...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • January 29, 2016, 03:02:27 PM

Slender Opened and Fan Film

Though my Slender game remains almost finished, between work, a few other projects, and RL things, I'm worried that it will be quite some time before the game is completed. For this reason, I am providing below the credentials needed to access the GIT account on my server where slender's source is hosted. Anyone who wants to contribute need simply modify the code, add their name in a comment, and push the changes. *At some point today I will be checking out the repo to make sure that it has the ...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • November 19, 2017, 10:26:12 PM

TI-Trek Multiplayer (CE Edition) nears first demo release

I've been talking about it for a while. Asking questions about how to do this or that. But without any real progress. Scroll down for a question I have about ship/terrain assets. Well as of the past week or so, that has changed. I sat down, turned off my Minecraft (with great internal suffering) and got to work. Over the past week, I succeeded in creating the shields, the major non-combat systems, damage reception, power control, and more. At this point in time, there is no networking imple...
41 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • July 15, 2021, 02:47:58 PM

HASHLIB - Cryptography Library for the CE

For the past few months, I've been working with beckadamtheinventor and others on HASHLIB, a library that provides d*mn-near industry standard encryption for the TI-84+ CE. It is a Libload Library, meaning it works the same way as the other libraries distributed with the toolchain (GRAPHX, FILEIOC, etc). Simply send HASHLIB.8xv to your calculator, move the .lib and .h file to your $CEDEV/lib/libload and $CEDEV/include directories respectively, then `#include <hashlib.h>` in your C project...
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Adriweb • October 08, 2017, 04:03:33 PM

nio_ce - an Nspire-IO port for the CE

Just to let people know I've ported this to the CE - it turns out it was quite easy actually, I feared it was going to be annoying, but I was pleasantly surprised Anyway, it's easy to port "CLI" stuff now. For instance, here's a simple RPN calc I found on GitHub that took basically 2 minutes to get running (fprintf -> nio_printf): Source (has a "single" version with just one .h and one .c for easy project ...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Adriweb • September 30, 2015, 10:19:03 PM

Online C compiler for the TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE

Lately, I've been working a bit on integrating Mateo's original techniques for getting C to compile for the CE devices. After cleaning things up from ZDS (most notably the makefile ), and integrating all kinds of nice things together, I have a working online C "IDE" Features include: State saving when you build (via local storage mainly), Proper C syntax highlighting Code folding, Naive autocompletion, Auto indenting and ...
72 Replies
Unirse Started by u/aetios • November 16, 2014, 01:46:15 PM


I've been working on our Tetris clone a bit today. Struggling with C, but trying to learn :|
68 Replies
Unirse Started by u/aetios • November 13, 2014, 04:44:09 AM

Illusiat XI Eyecandy

Basically, eyecandy will go in this post. Rest of thread is for shouting how beautiful it is.
33 Replies
Unirse Started by u/aetios • November 12, 2014, 03:17:23 PM

Illusiat XI: Reborn

Today I set up a git repo for Illusiat XI: Reborn. It's located here: We decided to license using MIT license, meaning that everyone can use the code for what he wants but has to license under the same terms. I also wrote a small description of the project: Illusiat XI: Reborn is a remake, or as we like to call it, reinterpretation, of DJ Omnimaga's 2002 BASIC ASCII RPG Illusiat Eleven. This reinterpretation, written using the Axe Parser la...
27 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • April 17, 2015, 06:36:41 PM

HP Prime Projects

This is a place where you can post your small hp prime projects! Here is Air Hockey my first game!
88 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • March 17, 2015, 09:45:11 PM

Jarvis Artificial Intelligence

This is a AI system made in Ti-Basic . I am working on an Axe version of this but it is not along enough to post. Anyways here is what the Axe version should do (except it will run faster and have gazillions of features (hopefully)). Also how do you show screenshots / gifs because I don't know how THX  .
141 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • May 17, 2015, 05:33:22 AM

S.I.F.S. Super Intelligent Friend System [HP Prime][HP PPL]

Hey look another project that won't get done . As you might know MinePrime development is paused until I find a way to display the world quickly or the "bug"/ constraint that appeared in the new firmware update is fixed/ removed. Because I don't have a major project now besides JarvAxe 5.0 (which will be complete someday) I decided to make a cousin to JarvAxe 5.0 coined S.I.F.S. or Super Intelligent Friend System (possible changes to the name in the future). S.I.F.S. (pronounced Sifs) will be a ...
212 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • November 12, 2015, 03:24:30 AM

SynText - A Program, Note, and App editor for the HP Prime [HP Prime][HP PPL]

SynText is a IDE for your HP Prime (I think) it is the first for the Prime Features: - None (started on the project less than an hour ago)Planned features: - Sick IDE with Syntax highlighting, color scheme, and touch responsive!!! -  Awesome note editor - Also it will be able to edit all of the current app's vars and functions inside the editorMajor progress tomorrow (hyped to get my Prime back ^.^)
28 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • June 20, 2015, 11:33:47 PM

UtilPack/ UtilComp [hp prime][lib]

This is UtilPack and UtilComp (I will post a download tomorrow). UtilPack is a lib for the HP Prime! Right now it has three functions: GETTIME(); returns the time in a list: {H,M,S}GETDATE(); returns the date in a list: {Y,M,D}RUNPROG(Prog); runs Prog (but has the same limitation as SIFS right now (it cannot run programs with arguments in the main function )) UtilComp will be a UtilPack compiler so when you release the program/ game to the public the user won't have to...
77 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • July 22, 2015, 03:56:28 PM

Nagoji 20x15 [HP Prime][HP PPL]

One morning you woke up in a world of pixelation, you got out of bed and looked out the window and saw large gray blocks whizzing by your house so you went outside to see. As soon as you set foot out of your door there was a huge ruch of wind pushing you out of your house into the giant gray objects, your only choice was to jump...The first one was easy you simply jumped over it but the second you had to dive under ever while the wind was fighting against you, then the third looming gray obstica...
52 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • November 10, 2015, 09:17:41 PM

Programming Games in Ti-Basic

When I first started programming it was on a Ti-84+ in Basic. I have come a long way since but I was always looking for a (sudo) complete/understandable tutorial, if this sounds like you this is for you! 1. Go to the home screen and press PRGM2. Go to NEW and enter a name3. You are now in the Ti-84+ IDE 4. From now on the key strokes are in the screen shot ...
16 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • December 19, 2015, 05:27:53 PM

Codewalr.us post notifier for the HP Prime[HP Prime][HP PPL][Post notifier]

So I have had this idea for a while and I know it will work but I, as of now am not as equipped as I need to be to start and I need your help . First of all what language should I learn to be able to communicate to the calc, and where would I get a wireless receiver for my prime? and also how would I tell when a new post has been posted.Later I think I can connect it to IRC!I will be using the messaging system for communication between computer and calc.I have seen similar things done with the m...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • May 10, 2016, 11:34:15 AM

HP Prime and HP-PPL Statistics and useful tips and tricks

So this is the place to share any tests or tricks you have learned while programming/ using the HP Prime!So DJ was wondering about if the new firmware made any speed differences with the speed of displaying GROBs, I have updated to the firmware 107701 (if that is the right number xD) and here is the speeds (in milliseconds):G1 is set to 320x240G1 no zoom, no alpha blending: 3-12 (consistent mostly on 3 with some spikes)G1 2x zoom, no alpha blending: 29-41 (we see a significant speed drop here bu...
34 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Alvajoy123 • March 28, 2017, 12:32:10 AM


Please Vote And we Will Find some time to make Themplease email team if you what them to be made
16 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Alvajoy123 • March 28, 2017, 01:24:32 AM


is this a good loading page Ti-84+CEUsing CEmu For program one problem how do you insert images on CEmu  Will be needing Linux Commands  if any post Reply and tell me what it does Edit by p2: merged doublepost
67 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Alvajoy123 • June 28, 2017, 12:38:42 PM

How do you create Sprites

Hello everyone and guest (if you a guest sign up)What software do you use to make you Sprite mapsAnd why ? .
12 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Alvajoy123 • December 22, 2018, 05:09:07 PM

Xenon Release

Xenon has been released go and download it on Cemetech !!!  : )
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Alvajoy123 • September 04, 2017, 02:02:11 AM


hello everyone long time no see sorry for everything that happen but i have to start off new and fresh so to start off i want to say my program name is linux as you can see and i will be using the code that kotu gave to to me /* CPU control. * (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Rusty Russell * * This code is licenced under the GPL. */#include <linux/proc_fs.h>#include <linux/smp.h>#include <linux/init.h>#include <linux/notifier.h>#include <linux/sched/signal.h>#include <linux/sched/hotplug.h>#incl...
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Alvajoy123 • December 20, 2018, 03:27:47 PM

Xenon Development thread | ICE Shell

Hello Codewalrus !!!For the past few month I have been working on a " ICE " shell name Xenon due to lack of interest in other project... I wanted to make some similar to cesium. Any way here is what Xenon Can do : Features : Runing Asm & Basic Programs Terminal Password Lock / Customizable UserName Developer Options Deleting Programs and Making Programs Battery indicator and clock Customizable co...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/annoyingcalc • October 08, 2015, 09:33:39 PM

Super Mario 84

For the last month after toying around in Axe for a bit of the summer, I started a Super Mario game. I think it's gotten to the point where I can finally post about it.  I aim for this project to beat Sam Heald's Super Mario 2.0, because it's been 16 years since its release and there should have been a better Mario game released since then. *cough*Project M*cough* .I am using screenshots from Project M to decide what features I should add.Here are the features I have/plan to haveD...
73 Replies
Unirse Started by u/APoloG13 • March 30, 2017, 09:54:08 PM

Kern method program - TI Nspire CX CAS

Hi everyoneI open this topic because i want to share with you my Kern program for heat exchanger design, is very intuitive to use so I hope you can get a good use of it.Also i want to ask if someone can help me to make it better, i want it to look like te FormulaPro and have similar functionality.As I don't know how to do for post the code or the progam in use, I uploaded some screenshoots with all the code, my first time so, i hope i get better with this xD :Request "T_in hot ",b2:Requ...
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/APoloG13 • April 06, 2017, 10:32:11 PM

Engineering Tools Pack - TI Nspire

Hello everyone,After a few days thinking and encouraged by p2, I'm opening this topic to start a pack or collection of programs to help any student or worker (you don't know who will use this programs).So, the idea is, i have a lot of excels made for calculate (with accurated methods) some of the most used in the engineering world like:Kern methodPinch methodBinary distillation (McCabe-Thiele method)Multicomponent DistillationEtcAt the end of the day, the real use of the ti nspire and the other ...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Araidia • October 19, 2015, 06:40:06 PM

What TI-BASIC Editor Do You Use?

I saw this and I want to know the best TI BASIC editor to use on the computer. I don't want to program on the calculator because that will take too much time, and I don't have that kind of time to waste.FYI: My computer runs on Windows 10
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/AssemblyBandit • June 08, 2015, 11:07:48 PM

Code Zombie +CSE

With the arrival of the CE I have been motivated to finish off some old projects that I had started for the +CSE. Code Zombie is a game that I have been pushing off for quite some time but now its getting around to its final stages. The game had originally started off as a port of Sean's Nazi Zombies but I ended up changing it to take better advantage of the +CSE's hardware. When finished the game will have two modes: survival and wars ...
22 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ben_g • December 24, 2016, 09:45:03 PM

Classroom Co-Op Pack

About 3 years ago, My friend and me started programming multiplayer games for our 84+ calculators (mostly during classes, hence the name of this project  ). This project has been worked on until this summer, then school became a lot harder so we decided to just release it since we won't be having enough time to work on this again.The result of all that programming is the following: A very fancy menu screen.But wait, there's more. From th...
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/brentmaas • January 23, 2015, 03:42:37 PM

ZPATH - Imaginary Recursive Path Plotter

Whilst bored at math, I made a small TIBasic program to plot a recursive path for imaginary numbers. I had no actual plans with it, but Cumred_Snektron told me I should post it here, so here you go. ZPATH Imaginary Recursive Path Plotter Copy of the readme: Made by Brent MaasZPATH is a program designed for plotting recursive paths of imaginary numbers.It has been developed and successfully tested on a TI 8...
14 Replies
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