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Unirse Started by u/123outerme • July 07, 2024, 10:15:09 PM

Shards of Uvutu

Shards of Uvutu is a FREE and OPEN-SOURCE indie turn-based RPG for PC, developed by me, in the Godot game engine, with plenty of help from some very talented individuals in the music and SFX department.It's is a creature-collector RPG about a mysterious cave filled with magic crystals, and the ensuing struggle for power. Explore the landscape, fight through turn-based battles, and spend Shards in order to summon minions and gain an upper hand! [...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ordelore • January 19, 2016, 03:49:58 AM

Stoichiometry Solver

My latest project This is a stoichiometry solver I made for chemistry class and is the result of this whole three day weekend's workPlease leave any bug reports if any are found What is stoichiometry? Screenie:
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/semiprocoder • November 15, 2016, 12:11:02 AM

Neural Network Evolution Simulator in Processing in Eclipse

So I recently watched carkh's videos on his evolution simulator, and they really interested me. Thus I have started making an evolution simulator of my own based on neural networks.I have it partially completed, and I decided to have it simulate the prisoner's dilemma. If you don't know, the prisoner's dilemma goes like this: There are two parterns in crime, but they don't really know each other, and they individually told: "If you both don't confess about each other, you will both go to jail fo...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Strontium • May 05, 2016, 02:45:03 AM

Epsilon - Horror themed Roguelike I've been working on

I'm working on my own game! It's a roguelike, and I am trying to incorporate horror and story elements in it as well.It mostly exists as a bunch of ideas and notes and a few tests for various parts of it.The following are basically my notes of ideas for the game condensed into something  slightly more coherent. They don't form a story yet.Because of the fact they are still pretty incoherent I'm gonna just spoiler them: WORLD:Small town and a massive tower on a circular plot of land float...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • June 03, 2016, 11:53:23 AM

Open CV with Java | For FRC Vision

So I have been tasked with making vision work well and very smoothly in the off-season. I will be using the Open CV library and coding in Java, has anyone had experience with using Open CV?
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/novenary • February 18, 2016, 04:03:53 PM

Shogun - A dead simple build system based on Ninja

I grew tired of writing makefiles and I couldn't find a single build system that aimed to be minimalist and had decent scripting support. Ninja does the former but doesn't implement the latter on its own by design so I wrote the complementary part.Github: hacked this together in a few hours so it's not perfect but I can already build a project of mine with it and it works great.
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Unirse Started by u/Luxen • May 11, 2016, 11:23:52 PM

Issues with .zip file extraction

I was working on a tool for a game I've been (overly) engrossed in recently, and ran into an issue.The software I was developing failed to unzip a .zip file; the utility used to unzip the files is from an external source, so I don't have control over it, merely I tell it what to unzip and where to unzip stuff over the command line. Im able to get the software to work on my computer, but it didn't work on others. My guess is that security on my computer is lowered a tad, allowing the utility to u...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/c4ooo • October 17, 2016, 01:20:02 AM

[java][pc] TileMapper + Pixel art

For the past couple of days i have been working on a tilemapper as well as pixel art that will likely be used in walriimon aka walrusRPG Done:     Mult-layer tilemapper    Tilemapp editor    Some tiles auto-snap (eg fences snap together, dirt and grass tiles "mix" when side by side.Todo:   Collision detection  Loading/saving  Some sort of debugging consoleFor more info on the tilemapp editor see: (download link on that post is no longer relevent) http://imgur....
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/c4ooo • August 27, 2016, 06:44:32 PM

Ludum Dare 36

Well Ludum Dare is underway, here is my game so far. Its meant to be satire. You play games on your calculator, and when you beet a game, your caluclator gets upgraded and you get to play a better game.Requires java and a modern GPU, but it should run on all OSs.
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • October 30, 2016, 03:37:08 AM

Tool-Assisted Speedrunning Mac Applications

Eh, I'm not sure anyone here have Macs but guess it'd be useful to put this here.I've recently started playing with AppleScript, which is a pretty powerful thing that lets you script pretty much anything on your system, akin to bash shell scripts, except you can also script supported (and unsupported?) GUI applications to do things like clicking on a particular button or opening a particular menu. So of course, you can use it to TAS the whole system, why not?Here's one script that I wrote for Un...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/p4nix • November 20, 2016, 05:44:34 PM

p4nix' SDL Learning Progress

I am currently try to learn some SDL to get into PC/Android GameDev...See this as a trash bin to record my progress for myself.Here is what I have done so far: Egg-Destroyer Hit space to destroy the egg and get points for it. The game ends when score reaches it's integer nature limits... And then behaves strange. Haven't tested this though ^^ (1.2 MB gif, be careful mobile users)
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Unirse Started by u/Scipi • April 27, 2016, 05:17:04 AM

Hotline Trump Tower: A Ludum Dare 35 entry

Hey guys. So recently, I participated in Ludum Dare 35. And well, I made a game! The theme was "shapeshift." So the premise of my game is you are a shapeshifting reptilian alien whose goal is to fight through Trump Tower to find and impersonate Donald Trump in order to run for presidency. (Don't ask me how drunk/high I was) The gameplay was styled off of Hotline Miami, so it plays just like it. Additionally, there's a b...
5 Replies
Unirse Started by u/gameblabla • October 06, 2017, 09:30:12 PM

Useless c i wrote

Post here your crappy code that either useless or very poor in quality.Here's one, that calculates the time that takes for that mom to gain 70000000 kilos in milliseconds. #include <stdio.h>#include <stdint.h>#include <math.h>#include <time.h>int main(void){    double yourmom = 0.0;    double timetohold ;    double final_result = 0.0;    struct timespec ts;        timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC);    timetohold = ts.tv_nsec;        while (yourmom < 70000000)    {    yourmom += 1.0;
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Unirse Started by u/gameblabla • July 03, 2018, 11:37:01 AM

Trying to have a GPLv2+ licensed Genesis Plus GX based code

So ekeeke in 2011 or so made his emulator based on Charles's Mcdonalds's one non-free.Why fork that emulator when we have MAME, Blastem or Mednafen as GPL alternative ?Well... it's the only GPLv2 Megadrive emulator that can run Virtual Racing ! EDIT : Just realised notaz made his SVP code non-free... However, he does seem to be open to free his code ? i'll contact himI also ported it to the...
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Unirse Started by u/Hayleia • June 22, 2016, 04:17:20 PM

Know what C functions aren't called from a certain function?

No idea if that's the right place to post, especially since I'm mostly asking for 3DS dev but since it might apply to C in general, I posted here...So, is there a way to detect what functions are never called from a certain starting function, recursively?Example, if you didn't get what I said. int a() {    return 1;}int b() {    return 2;}int c() {    return a()+1;}int main() {  return c()+2;} Well, then.- what functions aren't called from a? b, c, main.- what functions aren't called ...
5 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Hayleia • May 02, 2016, 01:08:39 PM

"Declare" a type in C ?

Well, that title doesn't make any sense, so I'll explain obviously.Basically, in C, you can have a function. int min(int a, int b){    return a<b ? a : b;} Great, but that's in the .c, in the .h you only have this: int min(int a, int b); Which means "that function exists, you can use it, and since it is probably documented you don't need to have its code to know what it does so just use it and don't look at the code".Now, I'd like to do the same with a type. Say I have a ty...
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/gameblabla • January 30, 2017, 05:11:13 AM

Optimise Ubuntu and make it run a little faster

One of the nice things about Gentoo Linux is the fact that you can build optimized packages for your own machine,potentially increasing performance.However, Gentoo is kind of a pain in the ass to set up so i wondered how i could improve the perfs on my Ubuntu machine.Here are the benchmark results with hardinfo : Linux 4.10 rc2Stock glibcBlowfish2.49CryptoHash567.87Fibonacci2.24N-Queens0.53FPU FFT1.36Raytracing13.86 I wondered if compiling and optimising glibc for my own PC would not ...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/c4ooo • May 31, 2017, 08:44:21 PM

Java code to spellcheck via google. (Without google api)

This spell spellchecks a quarry by using the "showing results for" and "did you mean" parts of a google result. (Not well tested with the "//try using "Did you mean" breach)     String spellcheck(String querry) {        String html = "";        try {            String url = " ;;            String charset = "UTF-8";            String query = String.format("%s", URLEncoder.encode(querry, charset));            URLConnection con
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/gameblabla • November 03, 2016, 06:29:56 AM

Ubuntu without systemd

As of you may know, Debian already switched to systemd a long time ago.Since Ubuntu is based on it, they had no say on the matter and they were forced to accept the changes.Most people think it is impossible to run Ubuntu without systemd.There's actually a way to remove most of the systemd on Ubuntu. (except for libsystemd0)Here's how to do it (basically) :Install Upstart-sysv sudo apt-get install upstart-sysv Lightdm will not work without systemd, despite it claiming to not depend on...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • July 03, 2017, 08:03:57 PM

7-segment alarm clock

Wanted one of those on my computer besides my bed (because I don't feel like configuring a real one lol), so figured I could make my own. Features and downloads coming soon. Code and instructions: :
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/mazhat • December 16, 2017, 05:25:40 PM

A* and Dijkstra's algorithm - Pathfinding toy

Something I made for school, but I think you guys would like this.The interface is not very well programmed, but it works (just barely). Change algorithms (From A* to Dijkstra and back)C- Clear the boardLClick- Block TileRClick- UnBlock TileEnter/Return- Start the algorithmNiches of these algorithms:-Movement value is mathematically depressing: Going diagonally costs 1.4 units and not sqrt(2).-You can always move diagonally to an open neighbo...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 10, 2018, 08:49:22 PM

Northwest Microfilms MCI-90

I saw this at the local Sears store: I never saw those before but this looks old. On the left there were plenty of transparent things that this computer or device can apparently read.
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • June 12, 2018, 08:00:46 AM

Calc software for MacOS

Anyone on MacOS? If it's useful, I started a Homebrew tap for calc software cause it severely lacks calc software. If you don't know what this is, it's some sort of package manager for MacOS, just go on and install it if you want. Then type these commands into Terminal.app: brew tap juju2143/ticalcsbrew install <package> where <package> is one of tilp2 or tilem. If you have any suggestions for any other interesting packages, then feel free to suggest here or on [...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/gameblabla • September 01, 2018, 12:01:46 AM

PS Vita/TV hacking scene : What's new

Oi guys, so a bit of backstory.Basically, it all kickstarted when Henkaku got released for firmware 3.60. This CFW allows more for possibilities including :-  Editing the whitelist for PSTV devices- Run homebrew games- Run games with DRMs stripped (backups in other words)- Software modification for games (like overclocking, theming etc...)So yeah, after this happened, a new exploit got released for firmware 3.65 and firmware 3.68.Unlike the previous one, which was only temporary though still not...
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • October 12, 2017, 02:53:56 AM

Tiewrap, a game engine for PC

Introducing a new project of mine: Tiewrap is a game engine not unlike LÖVE designed to be small and efficient, but with Duktape as a scripting language. Of course, it's similar to Legimet's Duktape-nspire project and heavily inspired from it, but this one uses SDL and should work on a variety of platforms, be it Windows, Mac, Linux, Nspire, or whatever SDL has been ported on. Planned features include a module based on the HTML5 Canvas API.Right now it doesn't do a lot, but you can check it out ...
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Unirse Started by u/ordelore • June 30, 2017, 10:03:58 PM

[PC] [Python] Pypad

I wanted a Launchpad, but I don't like spending money, so I made my own instead.It works really nicely on touchscreens, but it also works with a mouse too. Just click&drag/swipe your way to victory.Also supports external midi devices, so you can control those too. EXE Download Github: www.github.com/ordelore/pypad
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/JWinslow23 • December 07, 2017, 08:33:48 AM

Text to speech...in my own voice [Python]

After discovering Text to Trump , I thought to myself: how cool would it be to make a text-to-speech voice that resembles my own? And then I thought: how hard would it be?The answer to both questions is "very". Slightly modified from this Github repository , I created a Python program which would take entries in a modified version of the CMU Pronouncing D...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/gameblabla • October 22, 2016, 04:36:02 PM

SF2D (3DS homebrew) Wrapper library

So after i saw countless 3DS homebrew titles and wondering how i could play them without the use of a 3DS emulator,this is the result of it.Most 3DS homebrew games use sf2d so i decided to basically emulate the sf2d's functions and sent them to their SDL2 equivalent.After 2 days of work, Memory3DS, a simple 3DS homebrew game, was working properly with my library. To the original source code, i only had to fix a bug and comment out some unemulat...
5 Replies
Unirse Started by u/rowan_futurerave • November 16, 2018, 08:46:55 AM

Custom Bitmap Format

Hi all. Am thinking of creating a custom bitmap format due to awkwardness I am experiencing with a lib (glaux.lib) which has been deprecated.What would anyone else add to a custom bitmap format?Not RLE. Possibly encryption. What else?? *edit - one idea - strangely ordered scanlines
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/kotu • August 10, 2017, 06:27:42 AM

CAL calendar Printing Tool

JWinslow23 been talking about calendars lately so I thought I would upload this tool which I made in 2014 for printing calendars. Saves me quite a bit of money! Good for stinges.  screenshot...... below
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Unirse Started by u/kotu • November 01, 2016, 07:45:22 AM

Simple key stuff in java [java] [tutorial]

This topic was suggested by p2 and focusses on getting keypress events in java.It also features some tile rendering code which I made previously.It features a little walrii, who you can walk around a map.Also pressing space will change the terrain.Here is the code.... hopefully it will explain itself.... if not then just ask what you want explaining!Many thanksHere is the source code....... the first file contains all the keypress stuff, the second two files are the tile re...
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • July 22, 2018, 06:13:09 AM

Doing something interesting with a Windows RT tablet

Well, one time a few years ago, I bought a Windows RT tablet to my grandma so she can do her stuff with Microsoft Word and go on Internet and stuff. Don't need the Pro version, I thought.Well, guess, what, I was wrong. I have almost nothing installed on it and, with time and updates, Windows ate all of the measly 32 GB of storage installed on it. It went highly unstable, with nothing you can uninstall or delete to fix it. So my grandma sent it back to me in hopes I could fix it and do something ...
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Unirse Started by u/c4ooo • July 19, 2017, 09:44:41 PM

Open World Engine for RPGs (OWERPG?)

I got bored so i started programming an engine for open world RPGs. (In c++ with openGL 2). The world is split into "cells"/"chunks" which are loaded/removed as you move around. Alpha-mapping is used to shade different ground textures onto the ground mesh. (the ground is a mesh, not a hightmap, to allow for more freedom.) I am also programming some sort of "construction set", which currently allows you to edit some values of the cell, adding/removing/manipulating prefabricated objects in the cel...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/kotu • April 29, 2017, 05:06:40 AM

Juice - Image Viewer [pc]

I created Juice image viewer as a custom image viewer with exactly the functions I need.... have a look at the page here....
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Keoni29 • May 12, 2018, 11:06:30 PM

Detokenizer for TI84+ AXE, BASIC, GRAMMER with git integration

When work on a large calculator project I often forget to revert changes when testing code. Bugs can easily be created this way. To mitigate this I wanted to use version control. I made a detokenizer based on the token xml files bundled with TokenIDE. With this python package you can detokenize 8xp program files for ti8x calculators. Instructions for git integration are included in the Readme of the package.  Custom token sets can be added using xml files.You can download the attached zip or fin...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/gameblabla • May 01, 2018, 06:27:57 AM

Running Xorg without any root rights

While i was using Devuan, i ran startx as a normal user (instead of using sudo).Surprisingly, i was able to get a screen. However, neither the keyboard or mouse would work so i had to reboot.Fast forward to now, i was very annoyed to see people claiming that you need to have systemd in order to run Xorg without any root rights.I later discovered it was in fact false, as people were able to do just that before systemd even existed. (back in 2009)You do need a driver that supports KVM, which nouve...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/rowan_futurerave • September 18, 2018, 02:32:19 PM

C++/CLI Wrapper

HiI want to convert an old C++Builder project to using Visual Studio 2017, and have come across the following problem - because I want the project to be in C# - C# does not support certain library-specific routines - for example for DirectX, and others. So I want to do this.....Make C++/CLI wrappers for that stuff, which can be accessed from within C#. Does anyone here have any experience of that? Juju I recall you have some experience with C# - anything like this??Ok thanks 
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Snektron • July 01, 2016, 12:21:12 PM

[LibGDX][OpenCL] Non-euclidean voxel engine

That's right, i'm at it again. This time the engine works in full 3D instead of only in the horizontal plane like my last non-euclidean project .I've recorded a video here: (about 2.5 MB)It works by making every voxel an object, with pointers/references to it's neighbors on each face. (You can imagine it as a 3D linked list).  The rendering algoritm uses the DDA algorithm used in early ray casters (and my last proj...
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/E37 • September 25, 2017, 08:55:38 PM

Driller kNight [pc]

So... I have been working on porting Driller kNight to the pc. It is going pretty well so far. I even have a screen shot of it running.The graphics are not final. They will probably change a bunch.
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Unirse Started by u/DarkestEx • July 06, 2016, 11:10:41 AM

Claw poll

Heya,This is the poll regarding what platforms to port Claw to / make it compatible from the beginning. Feel free to post suggestions for other platforms too.And of course please vote (for multiple platforms)!Info to admins/mods:Something went wrong posting this I guess.I just clicked add poll.Please don't delete it anyways. It should be deleted after the poll is over. Also it took me an eternity to write this on my phone.
11 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Woodrow • January 21, 2019, 04:53:45 PM

Project LotG

So, I'm making a text adventure game for a competition. i want the game ( which you just lost ) to- take player choices as input and store them- depending on player choices, move throughout the story- have unique responses to certain inputs for comic effect, including a catch-all for unrecognized inputs ("what does even mean?")heres a basic example using my (incomplete)!game path so far. (etc means thats the farthest ive programmed in that path)start > look > look > look > death for...
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Unirse Started by u/kotu • July 25, 2017, 10:17:48 AM

Mateo Quiz

Ok probably can't be bothered to make this into a game now as the questions are completed and I am busy with Mateo Face Drop.I'm just gonna shove ya all the questions and answers so you can read them. Enjoy!!!!!BOOM(  /    this is a tick )-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MATEO QUIZthe mateoconlechuga tribute quiz gamebased on mateo's past lives-In one of his past lives, was/hmm MateoC...
5 Replies
Unirse Started by u/kotu • July 31, 2017, 08:12:42 PM

Kotu Tribute Game (NSFW) [SWEARING]

in this game you will have the oppurtunity to throw things at me and shoot me with a machine gun while i insult you : note :  THIS GAME IS NSFW AND FEATURES SWEARING
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • December 06, 2018, 01:23:24 AM

Golfed code snippets

.map(c=>{p="  etianmsurwdkgohvfüläpjbxcyzqö 54\x063é  2&è+  à 16=/ ç\2( 7  ñ8 90    \4      ?_    \"  .    @  '  -        ;! )    ,    :".search(c)for(s="00";p>1;p=p/2|0)s=(p%2?"1110":"10")+sm+=p>0?s:s+s},m=i="");(w=new(require('wemo-client'))()).discover((e,d)=>{setInterval(_=>w.client(d).setBinaryState(+m ),500)}) Probably the weirdest constant to ever appear in a program, guess what it does. Get [url=
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Ephraim Becker • February 09, 2016, 07:52:07 PM

Best external memory to start my Linux distro on

I had a 64GB 2.0 USB flash drive and I tried reformatting the flash drive to the ext4 file system to put Arch Linux which i'm going to build my distro on. Unfortunately, the flash drive went through a lot of reads\writes due to a lot of errors during partitioning and it's no longer detected by any computer. Is there any other external storage to put Arch Linux on to start work on my Linux distro that doesn't wear out as much as my 64GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive? Which external storage should I go with...
12 Replies
Unirse Started by u/rowan_futurerave • September 12, 2018, 05:33:29 AM

How to add unlock functionality to a program

HiDoes anyone have experience with adding unlock functionality to a program, so that it can be unlocked (after payment) via a serial key?If so can you give any advice/tips or provide any useful links?Ok thanks
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • October 15, 2018, 09:07:40 PM

Warper - Sci-Fi Beat-em-Up

I noticed a few flaws in the groundwork I used to make Sorcery of Uvutu PC and Gateway to Legend . I noticed my rendering system was basically me just asking SDL to render an image rotated around its physical center. There's no changing the center, grouping images, applying filters, do real-time or pre-rendered animations, or anything like that.That pushed me to write [url=https://gi...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Max Leiter • January 17, 2016, 10:17:13 PM

Improved Commandblock GUI, a WIP MC mod

I've decided to try getting back into MC modding, and my current idea is an improved command block editor. Basically, it will be a completely clientside mod that will replace the current (terrible) commandblock GUI with an improved, more "IDE" like one (multiple lines, auto-close parenthesis, etc).I plan to make the mod using MinecraftForge and will use the GuiOpenEvent for launching my GUI. Alternatively, I may use reflection to simply modify the current t...
11 Replies
Unirse Started by u/_iPhoenix_ • July 25, 2018, 04:03:14 PM


SnailFont is a free and open-source perfectly imperfect font suitable for pixel-based games and applications.It features somewhat whimsical and tilted letters with very few straight lines or circles.You can download it and try it out here !These are the characters I have currently: (there are some tweaks that need to be made, the dots on the colon and the period are too big, the exclamation point is too short, the 'g' looks weird, the 'T'...
6 Replies
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