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Text to my own voice [Python]

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b/PC, Mac & Vintage Computers publicado por u/JWinslow23 December 07, 2017, 08:33:48 AM
After discovering Text to Trump, I thought to myself: how cool would it be to make a text-to-speech voice that resembles my own? And then I thought: how hard would it be?

The answer to both questions is "very". :P

Slightly modified from this Github repository, I created a Python program which would take entries in a modified version of the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary, convert them into individual sounds, and play them back (as well as output them to a .wav file). The results are a bit Stephen-Hawking-ish right now, but I hope to try and improve it soon ;)

Here is an example of "my own voice" reading the CodeWalrus intro:

Requires Python, PyAudio, and PyDub. You do not need FFmpeg, but the program can freak out without it.

Project download here. Try it!
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u/_iPhoenix_ December 07, 2017, 12:33:26 PM
You had a great opportunity to use machine learning, yet you didn't!
u/Caleb Hansberry December 08, 2017, 04:56:49 AM
Your voice sounds horrible! :P
u/JWinslow23 December 08, 2017, 03:20:53 PM
Nah, it's just the method I chose to go about this is horrible. My voice itself is fine :P
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