b/Calculator Talk

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Unirse Started by u/Agothro • January 04, 2015, 06:02:17 PM

[theoretical][debate][TI-84+CE]About porting Axe Parser to color calculators

Axe Parser, for the uninitiated (probably the small minority on this site) is a development tool (compiler kit) and programming language for the TI-8{3|4}+(SE) (henceforth the TI-84). Many games have been written with it. Now, those games are not easily ported to any other calculator (they have to be rewritten.)I'm particularly interested in making a port that can run decently on an TI84+CSE. I wouldn't make it myself, since I'm not an ASM programmer (yet), but maybe one day...Upon compil...
94 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • March 29, 2016, 04:31:02 PM

Pre-made engines now available for TI-84 Plus CE C coders via Project Builder

If you were a fan of RPG Maker or Game Maker, or prefered more freedom while still not having to do an entire game engine from scratch, then it is now possible with TI-83 Premium CE and TI-84 Plus CE C programming to start new game projects using pre-made engines! There are times where certain programmers might prefer to spend more time writing game content and graphics than spending weeks or months just to make a tilemapper fr...
5 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 19, 2016, 12:14:18 AM

TI-83+/84+CSE/89/92+/v200 guidebooks & CSE/89 OS now gone from TI website?

I saw a quite scary post earlier today on TI-Planet: ;t=17823If you own a TI-83 Plus, TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition, TI-89 (non-titanium) or TI-92+ and need to download the guidebook, then bad news for you: Those are now gone from TI website. For example, for the TI-92+/v200, all you will find in the guidebook section is the language localization app files. Not only that, but TI-84+CSE OS 4.2 and TI-89 OS 2.09 are now gone as well (earlier, OS 2.55MP and...
12 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dudeman313 • February 01, 2016, 03:39:58 PM

Music on TI-84+ CE?

I'm not sure if this should be in Music Talk, but is there, as of now, any way to play music from the TI-84+ CE?
12 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • March 07, 2016, 10:34:50 PM

HP Prime 3D Racer and Snake games

Mark Power has released Racer for the HP Prime, which once again shows the power of HP PPL language and this calculator hardware. Now at version 28, it features pseudo 3D graphics in the style of Outrun, multiple layers of parallax scrolling in the background, day and night mode and smooth gameplay. is currently only one course in the game, but if you can figure out how it was made, then you can probably make your own track in the ResetLoad() sub-r...
10 Replies
Unirse Started by u/c4ooo • March 19, 2016, 10:24:46 PM

I'm so excited!

I bet its drugs. Ooooh wats that? OMG its a CE!PS: GG i now have 4 of those mini-usb cables >_>
14 Replies
Unirse Started by u/critor • February 24, 2016, 08:57:44 PM

TI-Nspire CX CR4 (hardware revision W+) infos

Some little topic on the new TI-Nspire CX CR4 hardware. (hardware revision W+ manufactured since November 2015) New screen, with a new buffer geometry.The new buffer is 90° rotated making it 240x320 instead of 320x240, and mirrored.To give you an idea, if you run on a CR4 some code which does not support the new screen it looks like this : Therefore, TI just completely broke the compatibility with all existing Ndless programs - diabolically br...
32 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • March 15, 2016, 07:55:58 AM

Scrolling Mountains, Street Fighter, G&W Helmet, Wal-Rush 2600 & Unreal World

Scrolling Mountains (TI-84+ series) This is a TI-BASIC marvel, speed-wise, by grosged. Although this game is not finished, it showcases how fast TI-BASIC can get when you know your way around its extreme limitations. In order to achieve smooth scrolling, the author uses checkerboard landscape graphics and use a few line commands to update slopes rather than redrawing the entire screen every frame.Download: ...
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/jonbush • March 04, 2016, 05:38:43 PM

Cemetech Contest 16: Chatty Cyborgs

In January, we concluded Cemetech Contest #15: Crypto Golfing . This contest required participants to determine how a secret message was encoded, and to create a program to perform the decoding. This contest takes that a little farther and provides many more categories to earn points in. Cemetech Contest #16, created by KingInfinity and jonbush, is about IRC bots. To win this contest, you will need to create and test an IRC bot with ...
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dudeman313 • February 14, 2016, 10:31:23 PM

New TI-84+CE Games

There are now new games for the CE! They appeared in Cemetech's archive section, and are all non-basic.Ultimate Pong 2.5- an in-dev awesome and challenging pong game by PT_. The GIF's a bit glitchy.Download here: ;id=1425 1010! CE- a pretty cool game ported from iOS. It is similar to Tetris, but with a twist. Made by King...
47 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 30, 2015, 02:57:49 AM

The calculator of your dreams (or your fears)

I saw a topic on TI-Planet ;t=17473 and I thought it would be interesting to see what people here would like as a new graphing calculator, what they expect the next TI/Casio/HP calculator to be, in terms of technical specs (eg processor name, speed, RAM, flash, etc). Make sure to be somewhat realistic, though, perhaps basing yourself on past TI calculator releases or smartphone attempts at dabbling into calculators (eg Lexibook).
63 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • March 04, 2016, 05:38:06 PM

Try TI-Nspire™ CX Teacher Software – FREE – for one full year

Nice giveaway, TI. Get it while it's hot (if you're a teacher from Canada/US except Quebec that is?), supplies are limited!
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • February 28, 2016, 04:46:22 AM

TI-84+CE BASIC new Wait command & extra Pause arguments

So it looks like TI-84 Plus CE BASIC is about to inherit an HP Prime feature for its BASIC language: a Wait command, which takes 0 to 100 as argument for seconds. It is supposed to come in OS 5.2 but it is unclear if the seconds are actually seconds based on the internal clock or just like For(VAR,0,DELAY:End. Nonetheless, this should save space in programs that requires a lot of slowdowns, and if it takes accurate seconds as argument, then if TI ever releases a faster ez80 calculator, then it w...
16 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Lionel Debroux • February 22, 2016, 07:46:11 AM

New 84+CE/83PCE and Nspire USB capabilities...

We'd like CW people to be informed of a set of exciting recent developments for TI's current higher-end models, and what they could mean for us hobbyists as well as educational users A quick recap of recent events: a month ago, TI released OS 5.1.5 for the 84+CE and 83PCE. This version features several bugfixes, but more to the point of this article,  new TI-Basic USB I/O commands (Get, GetStr, Send), as well as the ability to receive input from an USB HID keyboard out of the box, provid...
13 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Adriweb • February 26, 2016, 01:21:54 AM

TI's new peripheral for the CE and Nspire CX

As of today (the 25th), the "public" T^3 international conference hasn't started yet (that's on the 26th), but some sessions have already taken place for the T3 instructors . So, I'm not allowed to attend then, but I've been exceptionally invited by TI to one, which was about things that we have been noticing the past [url= ...
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • July 13, 2015, 02:25:36 AM

TI forum posting stats now available on TI-Story!

Have you ever wondered how active the TI community was, back in 2002-2004? Have you ever wondered where people posted back in the days? Have you ever thought that a particular website was quiet, but that in fact, it was not the case? Were there global community lulls in the past too?Well, now here are your answers, on TI-Story: The TI forum statistic archival project , which started in 2010 then got expanded in 2015, has now been imported into T...
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/critor • January 02, 2016, 09:22:35 PM

Ndless 4.0.3 released !

Today is released the brand new version of Ndless, now compatible with the latest Nspire OS to date: 4.0.3 ! For those who are not aware, Ndless is the "jailbreak" of the TI-Nspire, which allows you to run programs much more powerful than what TI normally allows (Basic, Lua), as they can be written in C/C++/ASM ("native" programming).You can now enjoy your favorite Ndless programs on your Nspire CX or CX CAS.For instance (in rever...
51 Replies
Unirse Started by u/pimathbrainiac • February 19, 2016, 10:58:37 PM

TI-Nspire CX OS 4.2, Ndless 4.2, mISSion imaginaTIon, and More!

Well some idiot over here by the name of pimath has been slacking at his job, so it's time for a (non-project) community news roundup!First on the list is the TI-Nspire CX / TI-Nspire CX CAS OS 4.2, which is the second major Nspire OS TI has released since they [url=https://educ...
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • January 24, 2016, 03:55:24 AM

HP Prime Programming Help

This is a cross post from HP Museum: I have a question about the LINE_P and TRIANGLE_P commands. Both of them have optional advanced syntax, the help hints that it can be used for 3D functions and the such!! I have a hard time understanding the help on it is could someone could show me and give an example, the help is very appreciated So basicly I think there is already built in 3D functions for LINE_P() and TRIANGLE_P() (3D MinePrime here I come!!!)It would be nice if [member=16...
10 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dudeman313 • February 01, 2016, 10:43:58 AM

Games that should be on CE calcs

There are very few utilities for the CE series. Those who can make basic games should create those that can be run without DCSE.The biggest thing is that wa already have amazing games for other calculators.Not all game should be brand new ideas.I like how AB5 is now in dev. for monochrome and the CEs.If anyone can code this calc, port stuff!
31 Replies
Unirse Started by u/noelnadal • January 11, 2016, 05:49:59 PM

[Contest] TI-Concours 2016 !

Today I am very glad to let the TI-Concours 2016  begin ! ;oe=5717BD6C What is the TI-Concours ? Created in 2011, the TI-Concours is a programming contest on TI calculators. Initially made for high school students who had a z80 calculator, he gradually extended to all categories of age, and other platforms ...
10 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dudeman313 • February 01, 2016, 01:44:37 AM

Font Editor for TI-84+ CE???

Is there one? Or does the TI-OS for this calc have a hidden feature I don't know about?
26 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dudeman313 • February 01, 2016, 01:46:43 AM

TI-84+ CE Games?

Post all the TI-84+ CE games you can find here. I just got one today, and I want to see what I can do with this sleek contraption!
15 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 19, 2016, 07:09:56 PM

OS 5.1.5 released for the TI-84 Plus CE and TI-83 Premium CE

Texas Instruments has released OS 5.1.5 for the TI-84 Plus CE and TI-83 Premium CE. It is unclear what are the changes in this OS, but so far, it still runs ASM programs (after a quick test with CE Textlib in FF:MF) so that's good, and the BackGroundOn/BorderColor screen refresh bugs are still not fixed.The TI community will most likely investigate about possible new additions in the near future.Download links: ...
25 Replies
Unirse Started by u/pimathbrainiac • February 02, 2016, 01:32:11 AM

Highlights of the Month

Well, since I'm in a good mood again, I'm going to start a new news series (across all three English-speaking calc forums) called "Highlights of the Month." Same deal as tifreaks "Projects of the Month," but I'm going to cover all three forums and won't cover everything, just the things I find noteworthy. Cross-posted projects get linked to the forum where the author appears to be most active (although if you are featured and would like a different forum linked, please PM me and I'll change the ...
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • February 01, 2015, 04:07:33 AM

Wait... what now TI: TI-82 Advanced? O.O

Holy motherwalrifying walrianne, TI! ;t=15975&lang=enSo yeah, apparently there will be a TI-82 Advanced in France, featuring an exam LED. Probably due to 2018 France regulations? But anyway, if this calc ends up being a TI-84+, then I don't know what to expect anymore about future French TI calculator name.I think the TI-81 Premium Plus Silver Stats Titanium.Fr is not far ahead now...
55 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 18, 2016, 11:04:22 PM

Hayleia, about the TI-84

Hayleia I know you didn't like when people omitted the plus from the TI-84 Plus calculator names, but guess what? TI has now done it too: I got an e-mail inviting me to join the "Successfully Integrating TI-84 Technology into Your Middle Grades Mathematics Classroom" webinar. Or could this be a sign of things to come, such as TI releasing a lower-end TI-84 Plus? (eg renaming the TI-83 Plus or TI-73 as TI-84 without a plus)
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Ivoah • June 19, 2015, 11:18:40 PM

Post your calculator collection!

How is this not a thread yet? Anyways, here's my collection: The 83+ SE isn't mine, it's my sister's, but I can use it whenever I want practically, I got the 84+ CSE, 85, and one 84+ SE all for free And yes, the 73 Explorer is running the TI-83+ operating system, so I can run 83+ programs on it.
72 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Kid_Quasar_Gaming . • January 03, 2016, 05:45:53 AM

Ti 84 Progress

Hey everyone, just joined and had a quick question:I bought the Ti-84+CE recently and after browsing on here I realized that not many games have been created for it. I bought it with the intention that I could play some version of mario on it, I guess I should have done my research before I got it. I could just ask to trade for my bro's 84 CSE, but I didn't know if anything was being developed for the 84+ce.So to  make a long story short, is there going to be a way to play any mario in the futur...
11 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • December 26, 2015, 06:08:14 AM

Radioactive shade of scoggers rips through twilight space vectors without limit!

Looking back through our news pending queue, a few programs for several platforms have slipped under the radar over here. You might have seen them before, especially if you frequent other calculator websites, but in case you haven't, you might want to check them out!-Scogger CSE (TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition) puzzle game by Iambian is sure to occupy you for a while and it has amazing graphics-Shades (TI-84 Plus CE): ...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • December 04, 2015, 10:51:57 PM

Ticalc.org POTY 2015, vote now! r:3=

As they would say, it's that time of the year again. In December, ticalc.org launches its Program of the Year, where all programs that made front page news on ticalc.org between December 1st  and November 30th are eligible to participate. The POTY is split into multiple categories and this year, the first is the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus survey. We urge all of the CodeWalrus members, as well as members of the rest of the TI community to vote for your favorite program in the side bar of http:/...
22 Replies
Unirse Started by u/semiprocoder • December 24, 2015, 04:35:57 PM

Timer in Nspire Lua

Recently, for cookie clicker and my idea for the contest(which I am still not sure about(it is basically going to be a don't touch the spikes remake if I decide on it)), I have been using something along these lines(this is for the game I am working on currently, and vel, coords, and accel are vectors):edit: nvm, can't release code for contestand similarly for cookie clicker:   self.output*self.amt*(millis()-prevTime)/1000 I have for a while known that my cookie clicker game never giv...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/SiphonicSugar • November 04, 2015, 01:41:48 AM

Favorite Games for the TI-84 Plus

Hey, what are everyone's favorite games to play on the TI-84 Plus?They can be any type of game, from RPGs to arcade style games.
19 Replies
Unirse Started by u/kegwaan • December 17, 2015, 10:27:02 PM

I would like to know how to do tile mapping in Axe

I've looked around on the internet, but I haven't found a good source. There was one good one, but it was in French ( ), which I cannot understand. So could anyone provide me with a quick explanation of how it works or a translated version of the page above?
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • December 17, 2015, 07:16:47 AM

HP Prime simulator now available on iOS!

For several months, it was possible to emulate an HP Prime on Android, and people were wondering if, one day, an iOS version of the application would see the light of the day. Their dream has finally come true: It is now available on iTunes for $25! those who have Android, the HP Prime Virtual Calculator remains available for $20: if you have a Window...
12 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • August 11, 2015, 04:48:07 AM

History of Texas Instruments fails (TI versus community)

To lighten the mood up and laugh, here is a topic compiling some of TI's notable mishaps during their relations with the TI community or even their customers in the past decades:1998: "The TI-Files site used the TI-Files name until late 1998 when they were forced to change it to Ti-Files by Texas Instruments. TI claimed that they were cyber-squatting with their TI-Files name and site URL because people could confuse them with the actual TI website (i.e., ...
45 Replies
Unirse Started by u/SiphonicSugar • December 08, 2015, 12:17:13 AM

RPG Explanation

Well, here is my explanation of an RPG!SiphonicSugar Okay, do you know what RPG stands for? 6:08:17 PMSiphonicSugar Well basically, RPGs have battle engines, which are run when ever a battle needs to be fought, like if there is a boss battle or a random battle when you are traveling in the game. 6:10:25 PMSiphonicSugar You progress through the world with a story line and you are supposed to complete some final objective, or something. 6:11:04 PMSiphonicSugar And of course there are NPCs standing...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 22, 2015, 03:40:59 PM

Is the TI community over?

Average activity on CW is worse than it was in September 2014 on Omni and a massive amount of its core userbase already ditched calcs, traffic is stagnating despite september normally being when people buy new calcs for school, and TI-Planet recently announced that in 2016, France government is gonna instate new school programs that makes even less place for TI calcs (perhaps eliminate them entirely).Has the TI community really come to an end this time, unlike in 2008?
92 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Adriweb • July 04, 2015, 11:42:05 PM

A wrapper for TI's JavaScript-based z80/eZ80 emulators

I've just published on GitHub a wrapper for TI-SmartView's js emulators , which makes the emu much more usable for screen-recording purposes, for instance Indeed, when you run the emulator inside a recent browser, it's running much, much faster than from within SmartView (because Java's Webview yield poor JS performance, apparently...) Screenshot : The ...
35 Replies
Unirse Started by u/SiphonicSugar • December 01, 2015, 05:08:59 AM

Lua Key Check (TI-Nspire)

So, what would be some example of code that would check if I have pressed the tab button, and if I press tab, add 1 to x?
7 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • November 28, 2015, 07:19:30 AM

New TI-Nspire OS with Boot2

Warning: As always, do not install this OS if you want to continue using Ndless, even if one day, Ndless ever comes out for OS 4.0. Texas Instruments will soon make available a new TI-Nspire OS, OS As reported by TI-Planet, this OS offers the following feature: It still fits in the TI-Nspire CX memory. It also comes with Boot2, which is where the biggest changes take places it seems. Boot2 is 1.25 MB large instead of 1 MB and it comes with Boo...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/SiphonicSugar • November 21, 2015, 04:33:06 PM

Code Optimization for Math Program

Could anyone help me optimize this TI-Basic code for my math program?  It is really slow.  For an example, if I press on the keyboard, it takes FOREVER to display the number 1 on the screen.  PLEASE HAAAALP! ClrHomeClrDrawAxesOff0->Xmin94->Xmax0->Ymin62->Ymax0->Z""->Str0While 1 Text(0,1,Str0) getKey->K If K=92:Then "1"->Str1 If Z=1:Str0+Str1->Str0 If Z=0:Then:Str1->Str0:1->Z:End End If K=93:Then "2"->Str1 If Z=1:Str0+Str1->Str0 If Z=0:Then:Str1->Str0:1->Z:End End If K=94:Then "3"->...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Hayleia • November 14, 2015, 02:02:47 PM

PHASM: label jumping feature, with poll

Hello there.Epharius wants to implement a feature like zStart's label menu (if zStart is installed press ON+Vars while editing a program and you'll see a list of all your labels which allows you to select the one you want and jump to it). But he is hesitating on the interface of that feature.You have the choice between these features: press/hold a key (or two or whatever, we'll see what triggers the hook later) while editing... then type the name of the label you want to jump to and PHA...
11 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • November 15, 2015, 03:04:20 AM

MOVED: microcat - The ultimative ARM based handheld game console

This topic has been moved to Microcat (Hardware) .
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • November 03, 2015, 01:24:10 AM

What is the Best Programminglanguage to learn for Game Dev? :-|

I was just wondering because I am learning PHP and trying many languages but I have no real experience as far as computer programming. Thanks . 
23 Replies
Unirse Started by u/utz • November 02, 2015, 09:45:54 PM

8*p files checksum calculation

Fiddeling with a new TI-Z80 program packer because I'm not happy with any of the existing ones. Now I noticed something strange regarding checksum calculation for 82p files. It seems the 82 actually doesn't care about the checksum at all. I've compared outputs of a few different utilities (original CrASH packer, bin8x, and my own oysterpac.pl), and they all give different checksum values, however all the files run just fine in CrASH. The "holy" Link Guide states that the checksum is "the lowe...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/noelnadal • October 29, 2015, 03:44:11 PM

[Survey] Concerning the TI-Concours 2016

Update : the TI-Concours 2016 starts on January 11th ! Get ready ! Hello,the TI-Concours 2016 will probably be held in a few months, and now I am trying to decide which languages will be allowed this year.The TI-Concours is a programming contest in which you use your calculator. Il was held once a year from 2011 to 2014 but it was cancelled in 2015. In order to win this year you will have to make several programs that will mostly be entertaining, so that you may enjoy it.  There is no ...
15 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Ephraim Becker • March 23, 2015, 11:05:14 PM

Is this a good z80 ASM book for me

Due to my mother's computer restrictions, I feel like buying a z80 ASM book from Amazon would be better.Are these books good: ;                                  
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 10, 2015, 04:46:59 AM

PHASM and Cesium: The first TI-84 Plus CE shells have arrived!

ASM shells have finally made their way to the TI-83 Premium CE and TI-84 Plus CE. Since app creation by the TI community is impossible, they are 8xp programs, just like Ion, Venus and SOS on older calculators. However, they should make it much easier for you to launch games and programs. While Doors CSE 9 is currently under development, Epharius has released PHASM, while MateoConLechuga has released Cesium! PHASM features: -Once installed, it can run ASM and C programs like normal BASIC pro...
23 Replies
Unirse Started by u/JWinslow23 • October 25, 2015, 08:21:38 PM

Axe question: How to read archived appvar?

I'm starting work on an old project that is LONG overdue for some work (don't expect it finished ANYTIME soon, however), and I've run into a bit of a problem.I plan for this one (pretty huge, and it's gonna be huger) appvar to reside in the archive. It contains all the graphical information of the game inside of it. I need to know what code to do to initialize and refer to this appvar throughout the game. I've tried GetCalc("appvAPPVName",Y0) with {Y0+N} and GetCalc("appvAP...
9 Replies
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