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Topics - Dream of Omnimaga

Media Talk / Funny/awesome Youtube videos
January 30, 2015, 04:44:28 AM
Let's start with a Sonic-related video:

What the...? O.O

I wonder if that ever became a meme? Because that seems on-par with Angry German Kid. Anyway, try to survive this video for as long as you can. For more challenge, max your volume out. :P
This video makes me wish that Japanese students were into graphing calculators like in North America and Europe. Imagine if they started making JRPGs in ASM or BASIC :P

In Japan they hold calculator championships it seems, but it involves using basic calculators XD. And even at the work place, look at how fast they type on those things! O.O Even during my Illusiat/ROL days I still didn't even type close to that speed on my 83+ when writing code.

To be honest, seeing how advanced technologically Japan is, I am surprised that they still use calculators today.
Gaming / Online Color Test
January 29, 2015, 04:28:29 AM
Not sure where I ran into this (it was on Omnimaga or Cemetech shoutbox I'm sureEDIT It was juju via Telegram) This was a fun game:

Not sure if it would be fun for color-blind people, though, but you should try to take the test when you have some time to see how well you can do at sorting colors by hue.

It kinda hurts my eyes after a while due to staring at all those squares, though. I scored 8, by the way.
With our growing non-English native userbase, we have decided to add multiple languages to the forum software: Dutch, French and Japanese. Although support for those languages is partial (custom navigation and menu options are still in English and Japanese translation is incomplete), hopefully this should make it easier for our visitors or members who have troubles using the website in English.

You can change your language settings at the top of every page to the right of CodeWalrus logo, via a drop-down, or via your account settings.

Also effective immediately: Due to some requests it is now possible to start discussions in French in the off-topic section, which is possible with 4 of the 5 CodeWalrus staff speaking it as native language, but you must prefix your topic title with [FR] to distinguish it from other English topics.

French follows:
Suite à quelques demandes, il est désormais possible de lancer des discussions en Français sur le forum de CodeWalrus dans la section off-topic, chose étant rendue possible du au fait que c'est la langue maternelle de 4 des 5 membres de l'équipe du site. Par contre, pour ce faire, il faut que vous ajoutez un préfixe [FR] au début du titre de votre topic pour le distinguer des sujets en anglais.
Other / L'OL
January 24, 2015, 04:49:35 AM
Do you like l'OL? I know that some people are annoyed by it, but I think that l'OL can be entertaining and I wish it was more popular. l'OL has been around since the 1950's and is known through many parts of the Internet by now.

Also, contrary to popular belief, it's in France that l'OL is the most popular.
I thought I would clarify what are the requirements to get a project sub-forum visible on the board index at .

-Eye-candy: The project must have screenshots, camera pictures or videos to show how it looks like, as well as a reasonable description. We can't feature something if we have no clue about what we are featuring.
-Activity: If the project author showcases his project, but nobody uses the topic to post or cross-post updates afterward, then it reduces the project chances to be considered. If, after being featured, it is clear that the project is dead or that CodeWalrus is not going to be used anymore for updates, then the sub-forum will be moved to the inactive featured projects section.
-Quality: The project must stand out from the rest. For example, we will not feature simple snake clones or redundant BASIC math/science packages.
-Presentability: Its progress must have reached a reasonable level. For example, if all you did is the title screen or that there's nothing functional yet, then it will have to wait.
-If it's not a calculator software (eg Android, PC, console homebrew/ROM hack, HTML5, RPG Maker, etc), then it must be a game or major game-related development tool. If it's a calculator project, then it can be anything allowed by forum rules (no math exam cheating tools) including quality educational softwares.
-Usually, only long projects (RPGs, platformers with several levels or other type of elaborate programs) will get a sub-forum, since other type of programs will usually be completed in less than a few weeks.
-It's also possible to share the same sub-forum between multiple authors in certain circumstances. For example, if multiple Illusiat remakes are in the works then the entire Illusiat series might get its own sub-forum.

Projects might be granted their own sub-forums at the discretion of a CodeWalrus staff. If you feel that your project is worthy of getting its own sub-forum, then feel free to PM one of them or send an e-mail to   a d m i n @ c o d e w a l r . u s   . It will then be brought up in the staff section.
Other / Product names/marketing fails [NSFW]
January 19, 2015, 11:28:43 PM
We have all seen weird product names before, as well as questionable marketing.  9_9 However, some really stand out more than the others IMHO. Do you know any that does as well?

-Buick LaCrosse: That car had to be renamed to Buick Allure in Canada because in Quebec slang, "se crosser" refers to self-love (if you get what I mean. Otherwise it's not safe for work/minors/school). For some reasons, it was renamed back to LaCrosse a few years later, though.

-Microsoft Zune: Caused massive lulz in Quebec because in Quebec French slang, the word zoune is a synonym of the male genitals.

-ASUS: In Quebec slang, we often use À instead of Elle for third-person verbs used with female gender, and the verb sucer (to suck) is sometimes used for 18+ stuff. So ASUS sounds like "À suce".

-Gerber: Baby food product. In France, they have a word "gerber" which refers to throwing up.

- O.O

-More can be found here although some are Chinese so maybe they don't count lol
After TI in America announced the TI-84 Plus CE color calculator, TI France now announces the TI-83 Premium CE!

As you will notice in the link above, the calculator design is very similar to the TI-84 Plus CE. However, the keyboard layout is different, with some features from the TI-Collège Plus being available. In addition to that, the APPS key was moved elsewhere on the French model. Also, good news for people who worried that the calculator would be locked down: According to Critor and TI's application page, it looks like it will support applications as well as the Asm() command.

One important feature, however, for math users, is the availability of CAS-like features, such as exact mode. It is unknown if that feature is specific to the French model or available on the 84+CE too. In addition to that, the French model keeps the exam mode from its North-American counterpart, an indication that France school system is soon going to start using teacher mode like in US schools.

Also, a video of the TI-83PCE in action in a classroom is available on Youtube:

As good as the math features showcased in this video are, I would like to direct your attention to something in particular:  Go to 1:34 in the video, where the student enters an equation in the Y= editor then graph the equation, and notice how fast the screen appears to refresh. Although it doesn't look instant, it still seems much faster than the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition from 2013, which would definitively confirm rumors that the TI-84+CE and TI-83PCE are definitively faster. If that is the case, then this should hopefully address the issues that students had when entering math problems on the home screen in MathPrint mode, Y= equations or when using the program editor. We will have to confirm when someone has the chance to test those parts of the calculator in person, though.

TI-Connect CE was also revealed, and it now features a program editor, a feature that was also available in TI-Connect 1.5 but removed in 1.6. The interface also changed and is now slightly reminiscent of the HP Prime Connectivity kit.

Source: and

UPDATE (January 17th 2015): Critor has managed to get his hands on a prototype yesterday and has published a full review, with tests, on TI-Planet. It turns out that Texas Instruments has finally listened to the people who complained about the slow typing and screen refresh speed witnessed at school on the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Instead of a 15 MHz Z80, the TI-84 Plus CE has an ez80 processor! If you check the video posted by critor, you can see that the calculator is between 1.7 and 3 times faster depending of the operation.

Also, something new on this calculator is that language localization apps no longer appear in the APPS menu. Now you change the language in the MODE screen. Also, when navigating the MEM manager, if you move the cursor on a Flash APP, the version and copyright of that APP will appear in the status bar at the top of the screen.

Source of updated info:[/b]
So on this particularly quiet day (and to a lesser extent week),  I was wondering what were your plans for 2015 when it comes to projects, life and other duties? I know that many people disappeared after holidays due to school or mostly became lurkers in the community, but maybe some have projects to showcase soon, plan to learn ASM, C, etc.

Here I go:
-Super Walrii Land
-Possible small 84+ RPG
-(UPDATED Feb 13th) Mana Force Color Remake
-Resume work on Supersonic Ball Prime

-Happy hardcorr music album
-If SMF 2.1 reaches RC state, work on SMF 2.1 theme for CW
-Revive ROL0 remake (RM2K3)
-Get new Codewalrus staff and elite coders

-I'll be busy this weekend as my landlord is gonna do renovations at my home, meaning lots of stuff to move around then cleanup afterward.

What about you? (Hoping nobody is done with CodeWalrus *.*)

Responsive forum skin is a feature that is coming in SMF 2.1 by default, but currently we have SMF 2.0 and probably until a while after SMF 2.1 goes gold. Some people have troubles using SMF 2.0 default theme on mobile computers and the one we are using right now is heavily based on SMF default.

I don't want users to have to switch between two themes if they want to have a mobile one, and I would prefer that the site colors and style looks identical on mobile devices, as in  not use some stock iOS-like theme from somewhere, so it looks like we will have to use CSS mediaqueries. We already use some, such as how the search moves out of the navigation when in low resolution, but that's not enough, and the site navigation is a major issue, and a suggestion I got is that signatures should be hidden on mobile and mini-profile moved elsewhere under a certain resolution.

So this will be the topic where the staff will discuss the changes and people can give feedback as they happen. Ideally not much work will have to be put into such theme update because we will have to redo everything from scratch when SMF 2.0 gets terminated anyway.
Ok, so I was wondering something:

Let's say that several years ago, I decided to upload my own music on a certain website, back when I offered every song for free. Then a few years later, I decide to start charging money for my work then upload most of it on Bandcamp, but forgot to get it copyrighted with official agencies for whatever reason. For a while, they were on iTunes, which could provide some proof, but unfortunately it isn't the case anymore as I could no longer afford to keep them there.

Then one day, I decide to ask the webmaster of the site where I originally uploaded my songs to remove my files or at the very least replace the original MP3 files with links to my store. But several weeks later, they still haven't done it.

Since I failed to copyright my work beforehand, does it mean that I do not have a case and that they can keep my work online or do anything with it for however long they want? And if it's not a lost cause, then what actions, including legal, could I take if the website in question fails to comply with my request?

(Note: I don't mind if people share my music, even via Torrent, but I would prefer that if they share it that they also share the official link on Bandcamp or at least my Youtube channel, plus maybe some controls about where I want or don't want freely downloadable MP3 copies)
Other / MOVED: OS WAR!
January 10, 2015, 07:12:50 AM
I created a new topic for this rather than using the previous POTY discussion thread, because it wouldn't have let me publish this post on the front page otherwise. But tonight, the POTY 2014 results have been published!


I would like to say congratulations to all the participants who contributed such notable programs for 2014, but especially the winners of each Program of the Year 2014 category: Sorunome, KermMartian, Vogtinator and SirCmpwn!

For the TI-83+/84+ series, the winning program was the ASM remake of my 2005 hybrid BASIC RPG called Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror, the first ASM RPG release in almost a decade. Ironically, like in 2005 with the original Reuben series, the two 2014 remakes were competing against each others. For the TI-84+CSE, after a tight contest with Solitaire, it is finally JezzBall that won. For the TI-Nspire category, another Minecraft clone, this time in 3D and by Vogtinator, has won. Finally, for the new multiplatform category, KnightOS Kernel won.

We hope to see more awesome programs from TI community members this year. Don't forget, as always, that when you release something big, to let staff know in case they don't see it, and of course make sure to upload it in their archives. :D
Simplemachines comes with an help section located at and wiki that you can use to learn how to use this forum properly, but since we use many mods and custom settings, there are things that might be missing, not to mention there are some oddities you might have missed since you joined. Here I go:

-When the site was first discussed one year ago, one idea I had in mind to save on hosting and have less work to do was to simply squat a dead TI forum then attempt reviving it, rather than just starting a new board from scratch. HRP was among the boards considered, since I am global moderator there, and the old CalcHaven board would have been another alternative if it wasn't for the obnoxious Webring script on the page. MaxCoderz was obviously another idea, because tr1p1ea is still sometimes around and he could have easily re-enabled registrations on that site, plus it's MaxCoderz. Of course that would have led to issues if we needed to change sub-forums or moderate, though (except maybe in the case of MaxCoderz since tr1p1ea is still around), so a brand new site was my priority over that idea if I got hosting.

-It's possible to disable the word filter in Profile->Look and Layout by checking the box that says "Leave words uncensored". Swearing is allowed here at certain conditions, so the word filter is only in place by default in order to reduce risks of seeing the site blocked by various parental and school filters.

-There is a way to disable OmnomIRC entirely, as in it won't even appear at all anymore, which can be useful if you use a very old phone or computer but cannot use Tapatalk. To do so, go to your profile, then click "Group Memberships". In there, you will see the "Regular Members (shoutbox disabled)" group. Join this group to hide the entire OmnomIRC block. You can join or leave this member group as you see fit.

-To vote a post up, click the "Like" icon that has a green circle with a thumbs up in it. To vote the post down, click the red sign that has text reading "Flag as abusive".

-The way staff is setup on this forum is unusual in the way that people in charge of managing board categories and editing the layout are not the ones who have banning and full moderator privileges. Instead, it's the moderators that are in charge of that.

-Both and syntaxes are supported when you want to link to a specific post.

-You need 20 posts to vote in polls and rate messages, 5 to get your attachments approved automatically and send PMs, and 1 to change your personal info, signature, avatar and upload attachments.

-There are many, many ways to use this website:
* : Standard site
* Tapatalk
* : For people with very old phones. I don't think the IMG tag is even supported.
* Same, but with different look
* If your phone is even older
*;type=rss : RSS feed (more info on how to use it at )
* : Wut? (although ssi_examples could be handy if we ever decided to create a custom page)

-If you like our Facebook or follow our Twitter pages, you will receive notifications about new topics.

-Yes, there are easter eggs. However, the Book of Unknown and Destroy ones from SMF 1.1 are no longer available in SMF 2.0. One notable CW easter egg is if you type /walrii in the WalrusIRC shoutbox, then many walruses start bouncing through the shoutbox and in some occasions, a walrus will run or fly through certain website pages.

-The pixelated walrus you see besides the site logo and almost everywhere else is Walrii, the site mascot. :walrii: Basically, all three major english TI forums (in terms of activity) have sea animals as mascots. TI fans must like water a lot. :P

-The current site membergroups that are entirely based on post counts go as follow:
*New User       0 posts -Can post
*New User       1 posts -Can use sig/avatar/change extra profile info. Also can use the shoutbox directly on the site as opposed to just in full-screen mode. Can also upload attachments, but they require admin approval.
*New User       5 posts - Can send PMs. Attachments no longer require admin approval.
*Full User       20 posts -Can rate posts and vote in polls.
*Full User       100 posts -Can access safe-haven sub-forum even without being part of the required member group.
*Super User       500    posts

Let me know if you feel something should be added here. Maybe when the site has been around for a while, if the users grow some CW inside jokes by themselves they could eventually make it here.
Randomness / Another spam thread (testing purpose)
January 04, 2015, 05:13:37 PM
Not anymore. Prince gotta be the youngest :P
So when CodeWalrus opened on Jan 1st 12 AM GMT, what truly happened behind the scene is this:

Streetwalrus was partying pretty hard.
Over two months after being founded and 7 weeks after its forum started operating in private mode, CodeWalrus finally opens its doors to public!

It all started early in June 2014, when the idea of creating this new forum came to birth in a discussion between me and pimathbrainiac. On October 24th, it finally started for real, with us two, along with aeTIos, juju and Streetwalrus as founders. Many reasons were behind the starting of this site, first of all bringing more diversity to the TI community, so you might notice that some things operate a bit differently around here sometimes, but we would like to welcome you to CodeWalrus forums, a community for fans of mobile, calculator (mostly TI-84 Plus, TI-Nspire and HP Prime) and computer programming, as well as hardware, retro gaming and art! :)

We encourage you to introduce yourself so that people know more about your hobbies or yourself. :) More features will be unlocked in your forum profile as you post more messages (such as the ability to setup an avatar, signature or to send private messages).

If you need help using the forum software, we have an help section available for you. We also have an about page with more information about CodeWalrus itself and you can review the rules at any time here. Should you need help on something missing from there or want to give feedback, feel free to post in the site discussion board. 

Once you are set, head to the forum index or the Latest Activity section. We also have a few games available for download, all of which are made by our users, as well as a music store. An IRC chat room called #CodeWalrus is also available, where our members hang out, and can be reached from EFnet, Omninet, Freenode, using an IRC client of your choice or the website client called OmnomIRC.

You are also free to share the website with your friends using the codes at the bottom of each page and don't forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

2015: A new beginning, a new fantasy
Remember the day the walrus started to fly...
Site Discussion & Bug Reports / HCWP site launch?
December 31, 2014, 07:42:14 PM
Ok, so I have a video presenting the website and Manycam on my computer. What I was wondering is if Google Hangouts kicks you out for inactivity after 2.5 hours like IRCCloud does? Because if it doesn't do so as long as you're streaming, I was thinking of setting up a CodeWalrus launch event on HCWP this evening.

Basically, at 4:30 PM GMT-5 (9:30 PM site time and 10:30 PM for our French/Dutch members), I would launch a modified version of the video that has 2 hours 27 minutes of no audio nor any picture (just white), followed by the video itself, which would play on HCWP, hopefully in sync with the site countdown timer.

Of course I cannot guarantee it, though, because at 7 PM I will not be at home to launch the site. If somehow power gets cut, if video gets out of sync, computer crashes or if I get disconnected from Google Hangouts, then the video obviously won't play.

Does anybody here will be able to get on Have Calc Will Program by then?

Quote from: Streetwalrus on December 29, 2014, 08:29:59 PM
That too, but only as long as it stands out from 3rd gen :P (since your game is competing head-on against gpSP-Nspire and gbc4nspire.)
Since this is supposed to be a programming team for the time being, my initial goal was to at least make news about our own material and site updates, but nowadays, the only site to have smaller news like Nspire downgrades is TI-Planet (they are the only ones to have newsed about OS 3.9.1 downgrade, for example). So far, our only community news plans were to be Project Periodical.

I don't really want to take on the job of news editor again because it's too tedious, but with our "ADD TO ARTICLES" feature, we can promote topics to front page in two clicks now. Do you think we should have some major news or should we just stick to Project Periodical? (Which mostly covers projects)
See original post on TI-Planet:

Looks like this one downgrade didn't took as long to come out. I suspect there wasn't much changes in the OS or TI didn't try much harder to find a new way to block downgrades. :D

However, no CAS nor Clickpad/Touchpad support yet: Just regular TI-Nspire CX. But yeah, basically if you were stuck on OS 3.9.1 (which isn't even available on TI servers yet, but is starting to appear on new calcs), then you can now go back to 3.6 and use Ndless! :)

You can download the utility here: DowngradeFix 3.9

And read the tutorial here:
Site Discussion & Bug Reports / walriiBot
December 27, 2014, 04:59:22 PM
what happened to walriibot? O.O

Also not sure why but apparently my ZNC parted the chan by itself the other night and now it no longer automatically get opped in the EFnet chan.
Use it. :P

Something I notice on forums is that when somebody reads a topic but is too busy to reply immediately, he just leaves then eventually forgets the topic, potentially missing out on very important stuff. I know I myself do it on Cemetech because it lacks a Mark Unread option. But it seems like very few people actually use such option around the community.

If you notice the options to the right above and below the topic view, you have REPLY, ADD POLL, NOTIFY then MARK UNREAD buttons. :) Basically, if you read a topic it is marked as read by default, but if you click MARK UNREAD it will save it for later by marking it as unread, so you won't forget to check again and reply later. :P

It will also make other people happy as they won't wonder if you are ignoring them or something.

I hope this helps you foruming. :P
I am pleased to announce that CodeWalrus and Planète-Casio has established a link exchange together. Basically, at the bottom of every CW forum page, you will see a 88x31 button leading to Planète-Casio (right next to BroniesQC button). On Planète-Casio, you will see the 88x31 banner leading to CodeWalrus. This is not a partnership in the same way as some partnerships that occured in the TI community in recent years, so basically both websites will keep their independence, while still promoting each others via this banner exchange.

Open since 2004, Planète-Casio is now by far the largest francophone Casio forum and program archives in the calculator community. It also hosts regular contests for their members, many of which resulted in notable game releases. One of our most active members, Eiyeron, is also moderator there.
Ok, so after some tests, it seems like on the HP Prime, if you decide to make a game utilizing tilemaps, then if you want a fast speed but need to update the entire screen every frame for whatever reason (eg a parallax background), you will need to pre-render the entire level map into a massive GROB, then only draw the 320x240 chunk you need on top of the background. That's unless, of course, you don't need to redraw the entire map every frame (in which case it should be much faster).

Otherwise, from this code, which fills the screen with one tile every frame:


FOR mapTileX FROM 0 TO 320 STEP 16 DO
FOR mapTileY FROM 0 TO 240 STEP 16 DO
BLIT_P(G9,mapTileX-A, mapTileY, mapTileX+16-A, mapTileY+16, G1,112,0,128,16,#666666);
A := A+1;
A := 0;


This is how fast things will get:

The massive GROB pre-rendering method might cause some issues if you run into that one nasty HP Prime bug that causes some large GROB to not work properly, though, so I'll have to experiment. That said, it would be a more ideal situation since I wouldn't need to render the level every frame.

Another thing that could be done is checking if without a FOR loop it's faster (eg by using one BLIT command for each tile (336 of them). If it is, then it means this calc has the same problem as the 83+ had with TI-BASIC, where inverting the entire screen using 5985 Pxl-Change() commands instead of For(A,0,95:For(B,0,63:Pxl-Change(A,B:End:End was over twice faster.

For simple games this might not be a serious issue, though, but for more complex games that requires complex and pixel-accurate physics that could cause issues.

You could always use frame-skipping, though.

Anyway I am slowly implementing map rendering into the game now.
Other / About the Christmas forum theme
December 23, 2014, 08:10:43 PM
So yeah, as you all know, since CW opened in November we started using a Christmas theme first instead of our regular theme. Below you can see a preview of how the site will look like once Christmas is over. That's unless, for some reasons, anyone objects:

Ok seriously we know you miss Geocities :P
Since my Bandcamp store is now the official CodeWalrus store (at least until we get merch and a custom store), the music promotion called "My Little Activity: Posting is Music" that has been running since June 2013 will be moving over here starting next month! Basically, this means that the price of my music will be entirely based on how many posts that have been made on CW forums the month before.

The regular price for my full length albums is $6 USD, while the price for my singles is $3. Although it is unlikely that activity will reach ultra-high levels anytime soon, the promotion will work the same way as it did before, except with CodeWalrus forums instead:

1000-2499 posts: 17% off
2500-4999: 33% off
5000-7499: 50% off
7500-9999: 67% off
10000-12499: 83% off
Over 12500: Free music for everyone!

This promotion doesn't apply on individual song purchases nor "Name-Your-Price" (where you choose to pay higher like with with Humble Bundle). If coupon codes are ever offered, then the MLA:PIM promotion will apply after the coupon code is applied. This promotion is subject to end without further notice and isn't valid on spam. You can access the official CodeWalrus store, hosted on Bandcamp, via the top site navigation or here.
(Cross-posted from and )

Now that December 19th has passed, here is a little update about the site current status, for people who did not have the chance to learn about the plan or people who just signed up and might have been wondering why their forum account is not being approved yet:

-Basically, to sum things up, it is possible to create new forum accounts since December 10th, now that the social login plugin is setup correctly, but since closed-beta is done and that the site opens on January 1st, your account was not approved yet. Don't worry, you were not forgotten nor rejected. An e-mail will be sent upon account approval, assuming you aren't using a fake e-mail address, and activation will not be required.

-The IRC channel (#CodeWalrus), which is merely an hangout for the site users, is already reachable since early December and it was recently made -s on Omninet (so that it shows up in /list), although the Freenode and EFnet channels are still +s.

-The current staff members (who founded the site) are assigned to various sub-membergroups, but every staff member in the member list shows up as "CodeWalrus Staff" by default. Their sub-groups are listed in their profile or in topic view:
* Moderators: aeTIos, Juju, Pimathbrainiac and Streetwalrus
* Forum maintenance: DJ Omnimaga, Juju, Pimathbrainiac and Streetwalrus
* Server maintenance: Juju, Pimathbrainiac and Streetwalrus (I am currently in this group until January 1st)

Server maintenance is self-explanatory, forum maintenance involves managing categories, the theme, modifications and in-board SMF upgrades. Forum maintenance staff also has some limited moderator powers (whatever doesn't involve deletion/banning) and moderators has every moderator privilege. All staff participates in huge administrative or moderator decisions (they only have 24 hours to do so, though, unless stated otherwise), but depending of their positions, they might not necessarily be able to apply the decision.

-The entire site is funded by me (and my music sales) and the URL is obviously the one in my signature (or if you can't see signatures, )
Site Discussion & Bug Reports / TI-Story page
December 17, 2014, 07:30:13 AM
I made a TI-Story page about CW and updated my author page earlier today, now that I am able to edit stuff again there:

I also edited the Omnimaga page because the staff list was outdated.

I don't know if anything is missing, but if you can edit stuff there and want to add more or fix stuff, then feel free to do so.

Of course, for programs and group contributions, we gotta release stuff first, though. ;)
Walrii can now speak! Never before will you have seen a walrus speak like that :D

(even baby walruses can't speak this high :P)

If you can figure out a longer audio that doesn't sound artiticially stretched I might redo the video with it, though.

This is the intro that will replace the old one at the beginning of my Youtube videos. If we have some projects progress with screenshots soon, I might make a longer, standalone video featuring some site content, though (probably using a non-metal song by Twilight Force)
Drawing & Animation / Super Walrii Land Level idea
December 16, 2014, 03:12:58 AM
So to create levels, I decided to import some sample tiles that will be in the game into RPG Maker 2003 then create maps there. Once I am done, I will just replace the RM2k3 tileset with one that has single color tiles, take a screenshot then resize the maps down to 16x smaller.

I did that because I like RPG Maker for map editing and it does the job somewhat well that way. Anyway, here is a map idea for level 1 (although some tiles, such as the finish and the background, are missing, and I might eventually add extra elements like small trees so that maps don't look too bland. Click to resize:

The first level is intended to be easy, but have some secrets. I need to add a way to access the first one and also make temporary tiles to distinguish each ! block from each others for easier map editing.

That's of course, assuming that I decide to do a full action platformer out of this game. If I decide to make a puzzle game then it would probably just lack enemies.
It depends for me. In some cases I prefer the translated version of a song. For example, I prefer the French version of Bruises by Train (which features Marilou) and the French intro to season 1 of Pokémon. Same for Robotech and for anime I prefer the French themes of Albator, MCOG and Judo Boy to the original Japanese themes.

I think in my case it has to do with the fact that back in the 60-80's, most Japanese anime themes used music that sounds like beach music from the 60's, american disco or even something you would normally hear at a marriage banquet.

I mean, seriously, compare this:

To this:

I much prefer the French version in this case. For stuff made after 1988 or so, on the other hand, that's often a different story...
Now that the next step to reveal ourselves is underway, we are happy to announce that we now have a Facebook page!

We also have a Twitter account:

Starting on January 1st 2015, you will be able to get notifications about new forum topics there, as well as some site updates, so make sure to follow us. :walrii:
Other / How the hell we did so far (evil)
December 12, 2014, 08:21:04 AM
Just thought I would let you know how well we did so far for the first month (November 12th to December 11th):

1666 posts.

Of course the total is less if you exclude deleted posts, but that's some satanic posting we had there! O.O :P
Site Discussion & Bug Reports / Rizon
December 11, 2014, 06:41:33 AM
I was wondering if it would be worth it (and safe) to have a #CodeWalrus channel on Rizon network, assuming they allow bots like OmnomIRC? I was wondering because back then, a lot of calculator users originated from there, including Juju IIRC. However I heard stories about trolling there. This would mean that #CodeWalrus is reachable via 4 networks.
Gaming / StarCraft II
December 11, 2014, 05:44:04 AM
See topic title :P

I was wondering if anyone else play Starcraft II? I used to play almost every night back when I laddered (I only got to gold, though). Now I mostly play custom team games such as unranked, Big Game Hunters mode and Nexus Wars. I haven't connected in a while since I was busy with this site, but now that most of my urgent site duties are done, maybe I'll have more time to play again and code calc games.

I know that most of you live in Europe, but since the last year or so it is now possible to play on any server regardless of where you live (the game used to be region-locked).

What about Starcraft: Brood War? (yes, that's still a thing. There are 9000 connected users on the old SCBW as I write this)
Other / MOVED: 8/16/32 or 64 bit?
December 11, 2014, 12:03:29 AM
Registrations have been enabled again, requiring manual administrator approval of the accounts. We checked to ensure that it is also the case for social network-based registrations as well and if that's not the case, then social login will be disabled until the first. People can now sign up fine, but we will not approve any new account until January 1st. An e-mail will be automatically sent when they are approved.
Ok so if you haven't checked yet, the 2014 Program of the Year award has begun! Obviously, the first poll is for the TI-83+/84+ category, and assuming POTY works the same way as previous years, the survey will probably run for 1 week. Then the TI-84+CSE category will follow, then the TI-Nspire.

Anyway, here are the TI-83+/84+ programs participating this year:

Axio Man!
Flappy Bird
Flappy Bird Sideways
JezzBall v1.0
Pokemon Battle Factory
Pong Ultimate Multiplayer
Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening
Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror

You need a account to vote and you don't have much time to do so, so make sure to vote for your favorite program ASAP! :)

inb4 ticalc comments asking how to vote
Due to some issues with OneAll Social Login that resulted into people being able to circumvent the admin approval mode when registering (and thus, getting forum access instantly), we have currently disabled registrations until we have confirmed that admin approval can still be used without any way it can be circumvented. That said, closed-beta is pretty much closed to registrations by now anyway so it probably doesn't matter at this point.

Whoever created an account that can be identified will not be put back into validating mode, though, and to make it fair to everyone, the person that signed up normally and awaits approval will be approved. So everyone except the unidentified account can still login and post as they see fit.

Domain name ownership was also transfered to Scipi, because of pimath's hiatus and potential issues with his parents.
Ok I wonder what they used as background remix of Sandstorm because I like how it's more melodical. But anyway, this is what a remix of Sandstorm combined with Never Gonna Give you Up sounds like and it's awesome :D

Cemetech's mascot is a fish called Blub. >(<')
Omnimaga mascot is a lobster (blue)
And Codewalrus mascot is... well... a walrus (named Walrii)

Although ours isn't seafood, but rather a mammal that is still a sea creature, do you notice a pattern? O.O
UPDATED on February 24th 2019

The most active part of CodeWalrus is our Discord server at . Some of its rooms, such as #CodeWalrus (#general) can also be accessed via IRC on EFnet network (the same place as #Cemetech, #Omnimaga and's channel #TI), and a list of available servers is available at . You should be able to join with no problem using your favorite IRC client, IRCCloud or Mibbit. If a server doesn't work for you, try another from the list. You can also chat from the WalrusIRC shoutbox directly above the forums, but it requires a forum account and only the #general room can be used from there.

Regardless of where you chat from, your messages will be automatically relayed between Discord and if applicable, the IRC channel and the site shoutbox.

#CodeWalrus and its sister rooms shall be a place to hang out for CodeWalrus forum members. We recommend that people who need calculator, programming or other kind of technical help use the forum, though, in case their query gets missed. More people will benefit that way, since it won't get lost in the logs.

A voice chat is also available on Discord.

Discord room equivalents

IRC (EFnet)DiscordWalrusIRC
#codewalrus #general #codewalrus
#nsfw-adult (18+)
Sometimes, italo-disco and hi-NRG are music genre that has stereotypes associated to them (especially You Spin me Right Round. If you talk about italo-disco people usually put the LGBT flag on you), but IMHO there are songs that are just too good to be ignored, unless you don't like electronic dance music. Italo-disco was derivated from american disco but elvolved into an electronic dance genre varying in tempo and intensity, to the point where it finally elvolved into the eurobeat we now see in Stepmania and DDR. It's definitively a weird genre and in many cases more minimalistic than eurodance, house, trance and such stuff and with horribly-translated English lyrics, but I personally enjoy it, unlike American disco. I tend to get bored faster from electronic music nowadays, though, and often fall back to my metalhead self, but I don't mind a bit of electronic music every few day. :)

Here is a song I found just now that is more hi-NRG (the faster branch of italo-disco from which japanese eurobeat originated). What I like about it is the melody and fantasy style:

this one was around when italo-disco popularity started shifting from Europe to Japan. You can definitively feel the DDR vibe (especially the GO! GO! screams at the start of the song) even though it dates back in 1990. This artist also went under the Initial D tagname and made the song Running in the 90's.

This one is pretty recent (yes, indie artists still do that stuff, including myself). Most 80's italo disco is around this BPM.

A cover song from me (although if I did it today the snare would be THAT powerful >.<)

Another fast song with heavy japanese influence. I think it's from the late 80's and there's even a Japanese version.

Those above are less known, though. Among the popular artists, there is Radiorama, Alphaville, Bad Boy Blue, Grant Miller and many others. I am not as much into the pre-1986 stuff, though, because it sounds too close to standard disco for my comfort. Anyway, I just thought I would share this different style of electronic music with you. :P

I also made italo disco myself

Cross-post from Omnimaga. Original post by Tim Wessman:

Quote from: timwessman on December 02, 2014, 10:45:04 PM
For your emulator, calculator and connkit. Easiest way to get them is to use the check for update mechanism in the emulator or connkit. Don't have a Prime and just want to try it out? (  for the windows virtual calculator installer.

What Has Changed?

Wireless now supports up to two antennas per PC (30 calculators per antenna).
Wireless performance has been improved.
Various quality and user experience enhancements have been made.

Primary focus of this release was greatly enhancing wireless robustness and communication in general.

Actual release notes hidden below.

[spoiler=Release Notes]
QuoteHP Prime – Release Notes

Date Released: 2014/11/24

Internal Versions
          Firmware Version:     2014 11 24 (6940)
Virtual Calculator Version:     2014 11 24 (6940)
          Connectivity Kit:     2014 11 24 (6940)

This release of the Prime Calculator firmware and associated PC software delivers significant new features and fixes outstanding issues. This document is not a complete list of all changes, but highlights specific items. All users of the HP Prime calculator are encouraged to upgrade for the best possible experience.

Primary focus in this release was enhancements to communication and wireless.

New Functionality (Connectivity Kit)
User interface refined and improved.
Much more reliable and capable communication.
Multiple antennas supported for wireless communication.
Progress bars are now shown for individual units during transfer data transfer.
Much nicer "firmware update" window - adds support for detection of multiple units and more ways to receive prompts for updating units.
Now possible to send a single item from one unit to everyone in the class in a single step.
Improvements to screen monitoring.

New Functionality (Calculator Software)
Added lower/upper optional inputs in cumulative probability functions. Binomial arguments now consistently ordered.
Add ability to mix and edit CAS functions inline as part of larger programs - #cas to start a block, and #end to end it.
New variables Notes and Programs created to allow programatic access.
Geometry variables Instruction and DelInstruction provide programatic access to geometry constructions.
Much faster scrolling in large notes, programs and equations.
There is now an "Info" menu key in the memory manager. It reports free ram and available storage.
VARS menu now has a "system" group which contains general system variables.
TOff variable introduced. It is a millisecond value with minimum of 5s.
TIME was renamed to TEVAL to avoid confusion with Time variable. Also now shows up in the catalog.
SERIAL and VERSION commands introduced.
Added an implicit_diff command to simplify implicit differentiation steps.
Improved help throughout system and connected it in more places.

New Functionality (Virtual Calculator)
Japanese user interface turned on for menus.
There is now an "Info" menu key in the memory manager. It reports used ram and available storage.

Resolved issues and changes excluding CAS
1. Resolved potential issue pasting formatted text into notes.
2. Improved cursor positioning when working with very large notes or programs.
3. Resolved issues with style selection in note editor.
4. Resolved issue using large font in inference table view.
5. Resolved issue storing into some inference variables from the command line.
6. Improved spreadsheet to allow loading old format without issue.
7. Resolved issue where plotfunc in command line could blink while help was open.
8. Resolved issue with vector use involving MAKELIST and list2mat.
9. Resolved issues with printing some messages from the CAS.
10. Resolved issue where connectivity kit did not allow an empty password for exam mode.
11. e^t^2 not printing with parens making it appear wrong. As part of fix, removed superscript 2 character from [x^2] key. Now does ^2 instead.
12. Resolved some issues with various FILLPOLY inputs.
13. Resolved issue with Send button not showing up on the emulator when selected to communicate with a calculator.
14. Resolve issue in connectivity kit where menu cut/copy/paste were not always working in some places.
15. Improved poll response to prompt for verification on single send, or with missing responses.
16. Resolved issue with digit grouping making equations appear strangely in a few locations.
17. Resolved an issue where [a b/c] could hide a negative sign.
18. Resolved issue with using matrix store notation M1(5,1) on a vector.
19. Resolved many issues in INPUT command. Also, chooser indexes in INPUT command were 0 based instead of 1.
20. Introduced "Fit" variable in 2var statistics to programmatically control fit line removal.
21. Resolved issue involving SetFreq.
22. Resolved issue using built in function variables in makelist. ex: MAKELIST(F1,X,1,5,1)
23. Brought back OS version on help about screen.
24. Improved color choosers through system so initial color selection matches the current selection.
25. Improved first boot screen.
26. Resolved issue with REGRS command and trig fit.
27. Some "NIST" group went and changed the definition of Faraday.
28. Resolved issues with alphabetical app sorting.
29. Switched to have fsolve in CAS->solve menu instead of less capable nSolve command.
30. Improved the exam mode password/time screen to show remaining time better.
31. Improved sleep to avoid the calculator from sleeping while streamer is connected and active.
32. Resolved issue where terminal scrolling could hang system. Also added a titlebar on the terminal.
33. Resolved issue with E+5/ interpreted as (E+5)/ instead of E+5/
34. Removed ` from catalog. (auto eval quote)
35. Resolved issue with program dialog box and digit grouping.
36. Resolved memory issue in parser when using ICON keyword.
37. Resolved issue where a matrix stored by M2:=M1 in home edited both M1 and M2.
38. Resolved issue with digit grouping in solve application preventing solving with numbers >1000.
39. Resolved issue with kinetic scrolling and editors.
40. Enlarged size of advanced graphing memory so more scrolling can happen before redraw is needed.
41. Resolved issue where define F1=..., F2=d F1(X) / X=X in symb, PLOT view, and then exit could cause undesirable effects.
42. Resolved display issue where DMS value -1<x<0 was not showing negative sign.
43. Improves Function app/Plot/Fcn/Root reports for some functions that jump over zeros.
44. Resolved issue where STRING function was not working well with 4 or more parameters.
45. Resolved issue where DRAWMENU was not able to use pictures as sources

Resolved issues and changes in CAS
1. Improved simplify handling of surd/nthroot
2. concat now accepts more than 2 arguments
3. Fix for int(1/x^2,x,0,inf)
4. Fix for fisher_cdf(5,6,2.1,∞)
5. Changes for arcLen - support for curves having more than one arc and for points instead of parameter values for boundaries
6. Additional checks for low accuracy integrals by gaussian quadratures to avoid Romberg method, example int(1/sqrt(1-x^6),x,0,1.)
7. Improves multiple integrals like int(int(int(sqrt(x^2+z^2),z,-sqrt(y-x^2),sqrt(y-x^2)),y,x^2,4),x,-2,2)
8. Fix for desolve(y''=1/x^2)
9. Fix for sign, for example sign(sin(6283185307179586/1000000000000000))
10. Fix for int((1-x)^(2/3)*x^(1/3),x,0,1)
11. Fix for expand(x*2.9e-13+6.3e-13)
12. Enables new syntax for substitution in expression like f:=x^2+1; f(x=1)
13. int(1/sqrt(1+x^3),x,0.0,∞) now returns an approximate answer
14. Fix for (f)solve(((3.068E-3/(0.118+1.001E-5*X))-(((1+2.126E-5*X)/(1+8.506E-5*X))-(0.3+2.55E-5*X)))=0,X);
15. Setting default arg to 0 in piecewise to make limit work
16. Added support for complex numbers in pmin
17. Fix for limit((-9x^69+x^47+10)/(-7x^69+x^46+10),x=inf)
18. Remove autosimplification after 'reorder'
19. Fix for limit(surd(3^x+5^x,x),x,inf)
20. Fix for solve(6e-34*f=g,f)
21. Sort proot output
22. If taylor or series have polynom as optional last arg, the order_size term is removed (shortcut for convert(series(...),polynom) to series(...,polynom))
23. Improve warning for some ode that can not be solve explicitly
24. Fix for int(x²/(9+x^6),x,-inf,inf), int(1/(x^2 + 6*x + 12),x,-inf,inf)
25. Fix for trigtan(sin(x)/cos(x)) and for cSolve(x^4-1=3)
26. SVD warnings for exact/symbolic matrices
27. Fix for GD:=line(y=(4859/2500*ln(20)+631/125+(-4859/100000*ln(20)-631/5000)*x)):;GG:=plotfunc(1.301*ln(x)+3.406,x,-50,50):;single_inter(D,G);
28. Changed ihermite to return a list
29. Simplification of conj(conj()), conj(re()) and conj(im())
30. median({1,2,3,4}) returns 2.5
31. rsolve now handles homographic recurrences if the fixed point has multiplicity 2
32. Computation of Beta(x,y) if x>0, y>0 and x+y is integer, recognition of integrals solvable by Beta, e.g. int(x^(1/3)*(1-x)^(2/3),x,0,1)
33. If partfrac optional 2nd argument is a sqrt, does partial fraction expansion with factorization over this field extension
34. Fixes for rootof (root selection and i with rootof)
35. Improves arg and evalc for pow of complex numbers
36. Fixes solve with piecewise containing a sqrt
37. Fix for solve(x^5=-1)
38. laplace now switches to exact mode
39. Fix for piecewise in regroup and solve
40. Fix order for regroup (fraction/monomials)
41. Fix for SVD
42. Fix for string(matrix), sum(sin(n*x)/n^2,n,1,inf), fsolve in degree mode without interval/guess
43. Fix for Groebner basis and fix for comparing 2 symbolic complexes having the same imaginary part
44. Improves some simplifications like abs(exp(i*x)+1) and some integrals of periodic function over a period
45. Avoid rootofs for some factorizations
46. Change for product/sum, e.g. for product(n,n,1/2,3,1/2)
47. Calls exact on limit arguments
48. Change piecewise printing to CASE
49. Fix for int(exp(-x)/(1+x^2),x,0,inf)
50. Fix complexroot(x^3+8,1e-5,0,2+2*i)
51. Fix for solve(sin(x)=sin(2x))
52. Accept = instead of - in zeros and czeros
53. Call normal on inverse of matrix
54. Fix for int(abs(sin(x)-cos(x-1)),x,0,3)
55. fsolve now returns itself if the equation has more than 1 var, making commands like fsolve(int(fsolve(x^5+x=y,x,1e-14),y,0,t)=1/3,t=1.0) possible
56. Improve detection of polynomial equation by fsolve. If fsolve has only one solution in a polynomial equation, returns the solution instead of a list of one solution
57. Fix printing of ()^.5 (was incorrectly printed as sqrt())
58. Fix for int(1/surd(x-1,5),x,1,33)
59. Fix for desolve(y''+1/(x+1)=0,x,y)
60. Make resultant with 0 return 0
61. Fix for ifactor(373196531)
62. Fix for SVD of matrices having more columns than rows
63. Make sorta/sortd work with complex numbers (sorting by real parts)
64. Changed number of Pollard-rho tries for ifactor(2^101+5), removed some optimizations that seems to fail in some rare occurrences
65. Integration - small improvement recognizing f(u)*u' pattern
66. pmin now accepts sqrt and other algebraic extension of Q
67. round([a,b],c) fixed
68. Make limit(exp(-1/x^2)/x,x=0) work
69. Fixed iquorem to behave like iquo+irem with negative integers
70. Fix for int(frac(x),x,-1,2), int(frac(x),x,0,6.4) 
71. Fix for int(sqrt((t-5*cos(t))^2 + (6*cos(1+sin(t)))^2),t,0,3)
72. Fix for factor(3*a*cos(sqrt(3)*ln(-x)/2)-b*sin(sqrt(3)*ln(-x)/2)-sqrt(3)*a*sin(sqrt(3)*ln(-x)/2)+sqrt(3)*b*cos(sqrt(3)*ln(-x)/2))
73. Fix for sum_riemann(1/sqrt(n^2+k^2),[n,k])[/q][/q][/q][/spoiler]

Unfortunately I ran into some issues with the update, but the new features look promising. Among the bugs I found are the following (tried hardware A):

Quote-The first time I tried to update the calc firmware, I got stuck on some weird Welcome screen in every language. I had to press ON+Symb to get out.
-Pressing the Memory menu crashes the calculator and makes it reboot, so it is no longer accessible. I tried reinstalling the firmware, to no avail.
-The emulator updater fails (it either errors out at the end of it gets stuck during update). I had to download a copy from the FTP.
-When I finally got to update the emulator successfully, it got stuck on the Wilkomen/Welcome/Bienvenue screen with a lock on it. The only way to get past it was to restart the emulator.

EDIT: It seems the Mem menu works fine once I delete Trailblazer and BRICKS (both which don't work in this firmware).
As some of you here know, besides calculator programming I also did electronic music. I'd say my electronic music is more on the extreme side, although there have been more and more exceptions in recent years as I explore new horizons. Almost everything made from 2002 to 2017 and since Summer 2022 began was made entirely using a Playstation 1 emulator with Music 2000/MTV Music Generator software. I mostly produce UK hardcore, happy hardcore, eurodance (90's style), power metal-inspired music, video game soundtrack and to a lesser extent ambient stuff. Since 2022 I've been producing plenty of italo-disco and synth-pop too.

EDIT Updated discography!

🔵Rave 🔴Metal 🟣Multi

(2003) 🔵 Kevin Ouellet's Omnidance
(2003) 🔵 Kevin Ouellet's Omnidance 2

Full-length albums:
(2007) 🔵 Epic Journey through the Galaxy
(2007) 🔵 Journey through the Moon Dark Side
(2007) 🔵 Enter the Dream World
(2007) 🔵 Angel in the Stars
(2008) 🔵 It's the End of Time
(2009) 🟣 Destiny Knight
(2011) 🔴 Tales of the Knight of the Moon
(2014) 🔴 Ancient Kingdom of Omnimaga (Special Edition)
(2017) 🔵 In UK Hardcore and Dance we Trust
(2017) 🟣 Illegal Music Chemistry
(2017) 🟣 Hardcore Spectrum Disorder
(2019) 🟣 Maze of Life
(2019) 🟣 Hardcore Bloodbath
(2021) 🟣 Illegal Music Chemistry II
(2022) 🟣 Hatansion
(2022) 🟣 32-Bit Rekt Part 1
(2022) 🟣 32-Bit Rekt Part 2
(2022) 🟣 32-Bit Rekt Overcharged
(2023) 🟣 The Bit Merge
(2023) 🔴 Dream of Omnimaga
(2024) 🔵 Hardcore for the 21st
(2024) 🔴 Metal is Like a Fantasy

(2014) 🔴 Unfinished
(2020) 🔵 Ride the 90's
(2021) 🟣 Jingle Bells Before Halloween (Updated 2023)
(2022) 🟣 The Trifecta that Never Was
(2024) 🔵 Old MacDonald had an Hardcore Farm

(2021) 🟣 Unclouded Future

(2007) 🔵 Hardcore Armageddon (DJ Mix)
(2012) 🔵 A Decade of Magic Hardcore (2002-2012)
(2012) 🔵 A Decade of Omnidance (2002-12)
(2021) 🔴 Ancient Kingdom of the Knight of the Moon
(2021) 🟣 Free Traxez (Updated 2024)
(2022) 🔵 Another Decade of Magic Hardcore (2013-2022)
(2022) 🔵 Hardcore Trifecta: 20 Years of Magic Hardcore
(2022) 🟣 32-Bit Rekt Trilogy
(2024) 🔴 Ancient Kingdom of the Knight of the Moon II - The Reunion

Original Soundtrack:
(2019) 🟣 Superstar Hero - The Original Soundtrack (Over 100 sales!)

My landing page has some of my music links such as Spotify and Youtube Music and the merch page. Other links above lead to Bandcamp except for albums that have their own landing pages (leading to multiple services).
Games / [TI-83+/84+]Supersonic Ball (2013)
December 01, 2014, 08:05:48 AM
Supersonic Ball is a simple side-scrolling platformer/tunnel hybrid where you control a bouncing ball, guiding it to the end of each level. Challenge lies in getting through narrow areas or climbing stuff without bouncing back, and it gets progressively harder to do so as the game progresses. Despite running at 6 MHz, the game features physics, randomized levels, animated graphics (or sometimes grayscale), smooth scrolling and parallax backgrounds. Try to get as far as possible as fast as you can without running out of time to get the highest score! Written in Axe Parser language.

This is version 1.00 of the Illusiat package. Originally written in 2004, some updates were made in 2013. It includes all the Illusiat RPG series (except Illusiat 4, which was completely lost in 2002, with no way to restart from scratch). Even the TI-81 remake (and its cross-Z80 ports), the Illusiat 2004 remakes and the unfinished Illusiat 13 from 2009 are included! The only thing that is not included in the copy of the package is the PC version of Illusiat 5 (which is 1.5 MB large). Late in 2004, The Reign of Legends series made success at as well as The Legend of Zelda: Dark Link Quest. However, you might not know it, but The Reign of Legends series is not the first one from Omnimaga. With this package, you can now experience the series that introduced the world of Omnimaga: Illusiat! Every game in the series except Illusiat 5 features 1 on 1 turn-based RPG battles, long dungeons to explore, side quests, many secrets, and more. Of course the first games of the series are simpler, but past Illusiat 6 it just gets better. Of course, remember that most of those games were made over a decade ago, while Illusiat 13 tries to stick to Illusiat 12 style, so the graphics are ASCII art for the most part.

Mirror link (excludes the PC version of Illusiat 5)
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