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Topics - pimathbrainiac

Hello! It's been a while since this news editor has written anything, and it's time to change that! Without further ado, let's jump right in to it!

First up, for the Casio Prizm, we'll be discussing Prizoop, a Gameboy/Gameboy color emulator. Developed by community newcomer tswilliamson, it claims to run approximately 95% of Gameboy games at 60 frames per second, with "safe" software overclocking enabled. Sound support, ROM compression, and auto frameskip are new additions in the latest update. The project is open source and the code is available on GitHub for anyone who wants to contribute or just view the code. Planned features include savestates, as well as performance and file footprint improvements.

Second, the long awaited CE port of the ever popular TI-83+ series gameboy emulator, TI-Boy, has been announced, although no downloads or source code are available at this time. TI-Boy CE, by long time community member calc84maniac, appears to be coming along nicely, with a 60 fps video showing off a working version of the program. Planned features include automatic colorization of supported Gameboy games, real time clock emulation, and a configuation saving feature.

As always on CodeWalrus, we do not recommend nor condone the usage of pirated ROMs. That said, if anyone has any Gameboy or Gameboy Color homebrew that they have written or would like to share, feel free to link it below, so long as the site hosting the homebrew does not host any sort of pirated material.

If you wrote some homebrew for the Gameboy or Gameboy Color, feel free to message me a screenshot or gif of it running on one of the featured emulators, or any emulator running on a calculator. You might be featured on a follow up article!

Thanks for reading! See you in the next article!

Download Prizoop
More information regarding Prizoop
Prizoop on GitHub

More information regarding TI-Boy CE
Cloudflare has been compromised. It appears that someone has been exploiting a bug in Cloudflare to retrieve data in a manner similar to the heartbleed bug. Odds are, most of these sites have been affected, including other forums such as Omnimaga, so:


(Incomplete) list of sites using Cloudflare:


The soundcloud track isn't showing the player, but it you click the link, it goes to a working player.
Hello everyone! Now that school is out, I once again have time to devote to news articles, and today, I present onto you a new occasional news series: the Calculator Community Music News/Showcase. I figured that it's about time the many talented musicians, composers, and producers in the community get recognized. This first article will cover the musicians themselves, and less so the individual tracks. In the future, individual tracks released between now and the next article will be showcased. So without further blabbing, let's get to the features!

GTemples27 has started composing his own music very recently. Here is his first piece. He has some potential to make some really great music in the future, and I wish him the best of luck doing so.

Our friend unknownloner is a cool dude. He also began producing some pretty cool DnB music around February. While he hasn't posted much of it on the forums recently, it is worth mentioning that his Soundcloud has been pretty active. His stuff is worth the listen.

Guitar player and CodeWalrus admin aeTIos has been experimenting in the last few months with a cover of "Sweet Child of Mine" and a Funk-style track. Check out his Soundcloud to hear what he has put together.

Velocity Games
The guys at Velocity Games have been working on the game "Valhalla" for a while. Recently, they composed a theme song for Valhalla that is worth listening to.

Matref has always been a metal man. And dang, he slays at guitar. Just check out his Soundcloud to hear what I'm talking about. He recently got someone else to help with mixing to increase production quality, and I certainly believe this decision is paying out.

JWinslow is a great singer. He also is a great mathematician. Just check out his latest track about how tau is superior to pi.

This guy just loves making music on everything, especially calculators. His tracks are on his Soundcloud, and they're pretty awesome.

@DJ Omnimaga
If I didn't mention DJ, I might as well have not written this article. This CodeWalrus admin has been producing music using MTV Music Generator/Music Generator 2000 for a long time. His BandCamp certainly proves it.

Shameless Self Plug Time!
If you didn't know already, I compose a lot of music myself. My Soundcloud showcases some of my best stuff, as well as some of my older, not-so-best stuff. In some exciting news, one of the pieces I wrote, "Shattered Glass," is currently being considered for publication. Whether or not it will actually be published is yet to be seen, but it is a huge step for me, and I couldn't have gotten as far as I have without the community's support and feedback!

That wraps it up for now! See you in the next (calculator/programming related) article!
Well some idiot over here by the name of pimath has been slacking at his job, so it's time for a (non-project) community news roundup!

First on the list is the TI-Nspire CX/TI-Nspire CX CAS OS 4.2, which is the second major Nspire OS TI has released since they dropped support for monochrome Nspires (the last supported OS for the monochrome Nspires is 3.9). It added some new features, such as inequality graphing, sliders on graphs, and new context menus.

As with every Nspire OS update, 4.2 blocked Ndless, but after an extremely short amount of time, Ndless 4.2 has been released. For those who don't know, Ndless is a TI-Nspire "jailbreak" that allows for the execution of assembly and C programs (which are not supported on the OS), including some awesome games and tools.

Also news from TI: mISSion imaginaTIon, a new series of TI-Nspire activities, made in conjunction with NASA, to inspire students to participate in STEM fields. In addition to the first TI-Nspire activity, Fuel for the Fire, there is an engineering design challenge in which the winners get to talk with a NASA expert and win a set of TI-Nspires!

There has also been lots of activity in the community recently. Long time News Editor for Ryan Boyd has retired from his position. We will miss you, our dear friend Ryan. To take his place, Xavier "critor" Andreani has stepped up. We look forward to more exciting news on the front page in the future!

There have also been two major contests! First up we have Cemetech Contest #15: Crypto Golfing. In this contest, participants were issued a series of cryptography challenges. Scores were determined by expedience and source size. The smaller the program and the faster it was turned in, the more points accumulated. The winners were Hooloovoo, PT_, and lirtosiast. Well done guys!

Over on CodeWalrus, there was CodeWalrus Contest II: A Game About Walruses, in which participants were asked to include the CodeWalrus mascott, Walrii, in their games. Winners were determined by a hybrid judging/community vote. The winners were c4ooo and Unicorn. Congratulations!

As for project releases, there have been quite a few. One of the most notable was CEmu, a TI-84+CE (and equivalent) emulator, made by a team lead by MateoConLechuga. It is open source and anyone can contribute. Take a look if you haven't already! Technically, there is no official "release" yet and is very much in alpha, but it is very much worth mentioning.

Also made by a team lead by Mateo, we have A CE C SDK, LibLoad, and Libraries. These projects allow for easier C programming on the CE series, as well as the use of dynamically linked libraries on the CE.

Finally we have KermMartian's Graph3DC for the TI-84+CSE (and equivalents). Graph3DC is a 3D grapher for the CSE series that has full color support and OS integration.

And with that, there is the major news roundup of the last few months. Thanks for reading!
Calculator Talk / Highlights of the Month
February 02, 2016, 01:32:11 AM
Well, since I'm in a good mood again, I'm going to start a new news series (across all three English-speaking calc forums) called "Highlights of the Month." Same deal as tifreaks "Projects of the Month," but I'm going to cover all three forums and won't cover everything, just the things I find noteworthy. Cross-posted projects get linked to the forum where the author appears to be most active (although if you are featured and would like a different forum linked, please PM me and I'll change the link). Ready? Go!

Monochrome z80
Ballrix z80 Assembly Remake by Xeda112358 - Xeda has remade DJ Omnimaga's Balltrix game for monochrome z80 calcs
Reuben Quest 3 by Sorunome - Sorunome has resumed work on continuing the DJ Omnimaga's Reuben Quest games with his own threequel
KnightOS by SirCmpwn - (8x color support as well) The third party OS for the 8x series has seen some improvements this month, as well as some improvements to the SDK and tools
TwoStep by DarkestEx/Muessigb - (Android support as well) Work has resumed on this puzzle game. The challenge: get from point A to point B under certain constraints. Is it hard? Yes

TI-84+ CE
LibLoad by MateoConLechuga - An appvar that allows for the use of dynamically linked libraries for the CE
Doors CE 9 by KermMartian - A CE version of Doors CS(E), with intentions of having full Hybrid Basic compatibility with Doors CSE
Alien Breed 5 Episode III by JamesV - (8x monochrome support as well) The third and final installment of the Alien Breed 5 port by JamesV, now with CE support (through an implementation of Mono2Color, originally designed by MateoConLechuga)
First Fantasy CE Port by DJ Omnimaga - A port of DJ Omnimaga's RPG of the same name (originally for the CSE)

TI-84+ CSE
Graph 3DC by KermMartian - A CSE 3D grapher with full OS integration

X3D by catastropher - (PC support as well) A 3D engine for the 68k series (and PC) that has made a lot of progress this past month

MinePrime by alexgt - A 2D Minecraft port for the HP Prime. Similar to Jens_K's Nspire Lua version

CEmu by MateoConLechuga - It kind of goes without saying, but this CE emulator is the biggest news of the month from December. Progress has been steady this month, with file transfer, new keyboard layouts, and other features being added
TI-84+ CE C SDK by MateoConLechuga - Once again, probably the biggest news of the month, but of January, not December. A fully-functional C SDK for PC for the CE that allows for easier programming for us non-assembly folk
Website Talk / [suggestion] Soundcloud BBcode Plugin
January 31, 2016, 07:14:29 AM
I was doing some searching and found this plugin. I think it would be really awesome if we added it, since that is where some of us (matref and myself at least) post their music.

Don't know if this deserves its own topic, but I didn't really see a suggestions topic in this board :P
Hello! This semester, one of my classes is a directed study. In other words, I get to do something I want to do, and there are gradable checkpoints every week or two. As the title of this post suggests, I'm making a JRPG. I have a story concept, but I don't have a name atm :P Below I'm going to put what the assignments are and when they are due-ish (since it's okay if they are a day or so late, according to the teacher).

  • Stats Outline – A plan for what stats characters may have, how they affect battles, and how stat growth occurs when leveling up (1/22) complete
  • Character Outline – A plan for a cast of characters, both party members and NPCs, and certain character attributes about them unrelated to state | In addition, create classes and plan how they affect stats (1/29) complete
  • Movement Engine Outline – A plan for the mechanics of the movement engine (2/5) complete
  • Event Engine Outline – A plan for the mechanics of the event engine (2/11)
  • Battle Engine Outline – A plan for the mechanics of the battle engine (2/19)
  • World Map – A map that includes the entire explorable area of the game, as well as the placement of events and NPCs (2/26)
  • Midterm – Present the entire plan for the game (3/4)
  • Story – A written version of what the story will be in the game (3/18)
  • Create movement engine (3/25)
  • Create tile map – A computerized version of the world map, including events and NPCs (4/1)
  • Create event engine (4/15)
  • Create battle engine (4/22)
  • Implement Story through events and dialogue (4/29)
  • Write and implement music "loops" – 60-120 second pieces that repeat and set the mood for various areas (5/13)
  • Final – Present the finished game (5/20)
I'll update this post with the assignments as they happen (later today for the first two). The full story will be view-able, so I'll put it in layered spoilers. I won't give the story concept until then, so when I release the characters, you won't have any background >:D

All things considered, I didn't have time to put art in my schedule so either
A) I'll have to get art off Open Game Art (And make the game open source)
B) If one of you guys is willing to do art I'd be willing to credit you (and give you a share of the profits if I decide to sell the game instead of just open-sourcing it. That is tbd).

[spoiler=movement engine flowchart][/spoiler]
Other / Cooking and Baking
January 29, 2016, 11:56:13 PM
Thought I would create a thread for this over here! Post your culinary concoctions in this thread, and bon appetit!

First off, I made some homemade marshmallows!

And what are marshmallows without hot chocolate? (this is homemade mix, btw)

And tonight I made some pork fried rice because we had some leftover pork chops
Music Showcase / pimath's music topic
July 31, 2015, 06:47:11 PM
So I'm putting all my stuff from now on in one topic.
A more fleshed out version of "An Unquiet Mind," which I posted in its own topic earlier. Still not done.

This is a VST export from finale of a mallet arrangement of "Resonance," the theme from the anime "Soul Eater." Based on this piano arrangement:

I'll record myself playing this later. Sheet music as a PDF available here:
Gaming / An Indie Game Demo I Found - CrossCode
June 04, 2015, 04:57:56 AM
So while looking for some freebie stuff to play on GameJolt, I stumbled upon a little gem of a demo for a game called CrossCode. Holy crap this demo is probably the best demo for any game I've ever seen. Seriously, play it yourself. The premise is very SAO-esque, but it doesn't feel like an SAO ripoff (since you appear to be the only real person trapped in the game). As for the gameplay, think top down Zelda mixed with those disk thingies from Tron. The graphics are also beautiful. The demo has the first little bit, a dungeon/puzzle to play through, and a little bit of open world exploration. I suggest you check out the demo. It is amazing.
The official website is here.
Calculator Talk / Code Golf - The Reboot #1
June 01, 2015, 12:46:43 PM
Hello ladies and gents, welcome to Code Golf! As you probably noticed, I am not JWinslow23 because my name is pimathbrainiac. For those of you who don't know what Code Golf is, I'll tell you. You must write a program in any programming language and make the source as few bytes as possible. There are some rules that you must follow each week.

All programs and source files must be submitted to me via PM by midnight Sunday. Winners will be announced Sunday afternoon, and new challenges appear on Monday.
The program outputs must follow the proper formatting as stated in the week's challenge.
All of your source must be in a single source file. Using certain command-line options to compile code not in your source file is cheating.
Esolangs are okay, but the source must be text.
No drag-and-drop languages, since those can't be counted the same way.

Without further ado: This weeks challenge! (inspired by this challenge, but with a critical twist).

Challenge #1: Counting Code
Write a program that counts the number of occurrences of each unique character in your code and outputs a list of the number of occurrences of each unique character.
No extra white space, with the exception of an optional newline at the end of the program.
The characters listed must be in one of two orders. Either the order of character values in the character encoding used by your language (probably ASCII), or the order the characters appear in your source.
Your program must read its source file.

The hypothetical program {omnimaga}; should produce one of the following outputs:
; 1
a 2
g 1
i 1
m 2
n 1
o 1
{ 1
} 1

{ 1
o 1
m 2
n 1
i 1
a 2
g 1
} 1
; 1

Good luck, and make each character count.

1) Levak- 36 Bytes (Bash)
2) Juju - 44 Bytes (Bash)
3) Adriweb - 53 Bytes (Bash)
4) Cumred_Snektron - 62 Bytes (Python)
4) Ikj - 62 Bytes (Python)
6) Sorunome - 73 Bytes (PHP)
7) Ivoah - 77 Bytes (Python)
8 ) DarkestEx/muessigb - 78 Bytes (PHP)
9) Juju - 84 Bytes (Ruby)
10) Juju - 86 Bytes (Python2)
11) DarkestEx/muessigb - 126 Bytes (html/JavaScript)
12) Scipi - 157 Bytes (C++)

Language Ranking
1) Bash - 36 Bytes
2) Python - 62 Bytes
3) PHP - 73 Bytes
4) Ruby - 84 Bytes
5) html/JS - 126 Bytes
6) C++ - 157 Bytes

Here we go, top three entries and top entry in the top three languages:

history 1|grep -o .|sort|uniq -c|rev

grep -o . a|sort|uniq -c|awk '{print $2,$1}'

sed 's/\(.\)/\1\'$'\n/g' $0|sort|uniq -c|rev|sed '1d'

Tie for Python:
for c in list(set(d)): print c, d.count(c)

for i in sorted(set(f)):print(i,f.count(i))

<?foreach(count_chars(@file(b)[0])as$i=>$n)if($n>0)echo chr($i)." $n\n";

Congrats guys!

Now, we had someone among us who requested not to be listed as a competitor, but his code was the smallest. At 15 Bytes in Pyth, Runer112 had the smallest valid solution, but is not in the competitive group, so the standings above are it.

That's it! I'll post another one later today!
So a guy who sat next to me in AP Computer Science and I made a roguelike for our final project. You are a man in a maze with randomly placed torches. You have to find the golden plunger before the "minotaur" (actually a dancing ditto) catches you.

Source here. Screenies soon.

WARNING: This is a project with SDL as its dependency and also has a windows-specific makefile atm (blame netbeans). If you want to make, I'll figure out how to make it setup-independent.
Calculator Talk / [News] Axe Wiki Opens!
May 18, 2015, 06:03:14 PM
As you may have seen in the channel topic on #omnimaga, the Axe Wiki has opened! Currently, there is a lot of nothing on the wiki, so you can go request and account to contribute! The axe wiki is hosted by Sorunome and the admins are Sorunome and myself at the present, but is not officially affiliated with Omnimaga at the current time.

The Axe Wiki is a place for tutorials and documentation regarding Axe. What are you waiting for? Go and contribute!
So I'm writing a piece as a project for AP Psych, based on the book "An Unquiet Mind" (which is an autobiography about a person with bipolar disorder). I thought I'd share my progress with you guys. Here's the first little chunk (I need to add percussion to the fast section before I move on, but this is a good taste of what is to come).

So I finally put this on soundcloud (This is the final version until I come back to this in the summer):

What do you guys think?
Other / March Madness Brackets and Stuff
March 16, 2015, 11:29:09 PM
Well, it's that time of year when some of us get really into college students playing ye olde ball in the basket. I get a bit carried away at times (as do several people I know IRL) with bracket creation. I have made a total of 8 brackets so far, so yeah...

Anyways if you want to compete against other calculator community members, I made a group for bracket entry here.

So enter those brackets! (If you want to)
Other / MBTI types
March 10, 2015, 07:14:35 PM
So I had to take this test in AP Pysch as an activity, aaaaannnddddd my last two things changed since I took it last time.
Introvert (67%), iNtuitive (25%), Feeling (25%), Judging (1%)

Which puts me in 2% of the total population, according to this site.
Yay minorities..................

Anyways I can't say that this is inaccurate now. My last two flipped, and the third one is less borderline than it was. If you read the summaries it's actually pretty accurate for when I'm not around a bunch of IRL people and act out-of character to fit in.

So anyways, I say we retake this test and stuff, and see how we've changed, or just take it for the first time.
As a promotion for the upcoming TI 84 Plus CE, TI has started a contest called "Calculate Your Color," in which you take a personality quiz to determine "which new TI 84 Plus CE hue suits you" and get entered in a drawing to win a TI 84 Plus CE.

TI posted about the contest on their Facebook page earlier today, and their website front page has been updated to promote the contest. Go check it out and maybe even win a CE!

Contest Link:
Terms and Conditions:
On a side note, I got "Silver Linings" as my color.
So I began working on z80 assembly a while ago, and failed. This time, I'm going to do it right. This is my questions/learning thread (which will be cross-posted to the other sites).

My setup:
Assembler: spasm-ng
Editor: Notepad++
Plans: I'm going to write a small game I call "World of Code." It will probably just end up being an RPG movement engine and end up stalling, knowing myself. If it turns into a thing, I'll post about it.
So here is the edited project periodical. It now includes Cemetech and CW projects. The links go to the first forum I spot the project on. I read the forums in the order Omnimaga, Cemetech, CodeWalrus this time around, and the order will be different next time. This is to save time/space when writing and in the final post.

TI-8x Monochrome
Reuben Quest 3: An unofficial threequel to Reuben Quest, originally by DJ Omnimaga. There is some eyecandy at the moment. By Sorunome (new sprites by Art_of_camelot)
Super Smash Bros. Open: A lo-fi remake of Super Smash Bros. Currently, characters are being worked on, and there is a playable demo for multiplayer action. By Hayleia
Vectorial Math: A vectorial math suite. It currently features token hooks, and many operations necessary for vectorial math. By Sorunome
gLib - Axiom version: An Axiom version of the gLib 3D library, originally written in pure Axe. This library is now much faster, and is in the form of an Axiom (obviously :P ). By TheMachine02
Axagon: A Hexagon (note the lack of Super) port for the 8x calcs. Written in Axe, it is, well, Hexagon. By Matrefeytontias
Cookie Clicker Axe: An Axe port of the popular web game "Cookie Clicker." It now features most of the features of the original game. By JWinslow23
TwoStep: A puzzle game where you have two steps to reach a platform, but you must land on any kind of platform on the second step. By benedikt.muessig
Tornado: A new RPG in the works for the monochrome line. Will feature monster encounters and the like. By NanoWar
Slender: The Eight Pages: A port of the PC game with the same name. Features 4 level interrupt greyscale and static effects. By ACagliano
Re: Alien Breed 5 Episode II: Evolution: A port of Alien Breed 5, originally for the PC. The latest update featured many bugfixes and additions, as well as optimizations. By JamesV
My First Game: An action-platformer written in axe, featuring a class system, stamina bar, and numerous other things. By Omegaxis213
NewUILock: A lock screen and password program that takes advantage of zStart and Axe. By Muessigb
CPU Derived Clock: A clock/timer for interrupts based on CPU cycles. By Emerov
Koch Curve Fractal: Graphs a Koch Curve Fractal using iterations as opposed to recursion. By MasterChief56
Lisp8x: A port of Lisp for the calculator. By Hooloovoo
Wizards: A card game video game for monochrome calcs. This year marks 10 years since project start. By NanoWar
Five Nights at Freddy's: A port of the PC game of the same name. Featuring four-level greyscale and gameplay similar to the original. By Haobo
Dark Hallways: A text-based mystery game written in Basic. By Michael2_3B
Calcopoly: A calculator community-based monopoly game. By tifreak8x
ZPATH: A small TIBasic program to plot a recursive path for imaginary numbers. By brentmaas
Draw: A drawing program for monochrome calcs. Written in Basic. By Cumred_Snektron
BrainVM: A BrainF interpreter written in assembly. By Cumred_Snektron

TI-84 Plus CSE
Zargul: An Eye of the Beholder-like for the CSE. Currently, there is some animated eyecandy and UI progress.
Flatforme: A simple platformer, written in TI-Basic, for the CSE. Currently, there is a demo available and a level editor in progress. By 123outerme
NaCaNiS: A Nyan Cat game for the CSE, originally made for Cemetech Contest #13. Features space, pop tart cats, and junk food. By Iambian
Meme Generator: A meme generator/maker for the CSE. By APotato
World's Hardest Game: A CSE port of the 83+ series port of the PC game with the same name. By MateoConLechuga
Achievement Unlocked: A CSE port of the PC game with the same name. Writen in Basic. By 123outerme
xLIBC: An extended Basic library, included with DoorsCSE. This update, to be included with the next DoorsCSE, includes bugfixes with transparency. By tr1p1ea
LINGO: A Mastermind-like game, written in extended basic. By PT_
emu8x CSE: A port of the z80 emulator made originally to emulate older z80 calcs on the 83+ series. By Hooloovoo
Caticle Chronicles: A prequel and sequel to the Cemetech Contest #13 entry "Cat Nipper." By Unicorn
MOVE3: A simple platformer written in hybrid Basic. No demos currently, but there is some eyecandy to look at. By M. I. Wright
Mono2Color: A converter/conversion method for porting monochrome assembly programs to the CSE. By MateoConLechuga
Portal CSE: A port of the 83+ Portal game by Builderboy. By MateoConLechuga
mobileTunes 3 CSE: A port of MobileTunes, a music player for the monochrome calcs by KermMartian, for the CSE. By MateoConLechuga and KermMartian
Transparent Cursor Routine: A cursor routine for fullscreen assembly programs on the CSE. By MateoConLechuga
Mana Force Color remake: A CSE remake of the monochrome RPG "Mana Force" by DJ Omnimaga. By DJ Omnimaga

Unspecified (e)Z80
(e)Z80 Compression and Decompression: Compression and Decompression algorithm for the z80 and eZ80 processors. By Xeda112358
(De)Compression Routines: Same as above, only with a different author and having the PC component written in Python. By Iambian

nTileWorld: A port of the 8x monochrome game "Chips Challenge," which, in it of itself, is a port of a PC game of the same name. This update features some recompiling and some optimizations. By ajorians
nMastermind: A port of the board game of the same name. It is a code-making/code-breaking game. Features multiple options for difficulty of play. By ajorians
nPDF A PDF reader for the Nspire. This last updates adds features and fixes bugs. By Legimet
Portal Nspire A 2D Portal clone for the Nspire, inspired by Builderboy's "Portal Prelude." Written in Lua, this will run on any Nspire model, so long as the OS is the right version number to support Lua. By LDStudios
Helicopt3rs: A port of Swing Copters for the Nspire. Written in C for Ndless'd calcs. Features high scores and gameplay from the original.
Duktape: A lightweight JS interpreter for the Nspire. By Legimet
Jens' Script Editor: An on-calc Lua editor. The latest update features bug fixes, a status bar, and a few improvements. By Jens_K
n2DLib: A 2D graphics library for Ndless C. The latest update features interpolation of curves. By Matrefeytontias

DOA: An FPS for the 68k series. After a hiatus, this project is back in action. By AaroneusTheGreat
CBLM: A CBL/CBL2/LabPro interfacing program, written in basic for 68k calcs. This update allows calibration of sensors. By CVSoft

Jetpack Joyride: A Casio port of a game of the same name. By Drakalex007

HP Prime
Starvault: A sci-fi roguelike. By iconmaster
Tetris: A Tetris clone. By iconmaster.

FrostByte: A Windows Phone application for bitwise operation calculations. By Spyro543
Carcassonne: A web port of the board game with the same name. By Sorunome
Chess Wars: A Fire Emblem/Advanced Wars-like for the PC. By Scipi
SPASM-ng: A fork of a fork of SPASM, a commonly used z80 assembler. This particular forkception adds ez80 support for the upcomming TI-84 Plus CE. By calc84maniac and alberthrocks
kArmTI: A TI-Nspire emulator with a skin, forked from nspire_emu. The latest update features a USB favorites menu. by SpiroH
TILP Beta: The latest Beta of the unofficial linking program for all OSes for TI calculators features some API changes, some bug fixes, and some bug introductions. By various authors (It's open-source)
Haskell Synthesizer: A synthesizer written in Haskell. By Unknownloner
CBLConsole: A program that allows one to send commands to a CBL device from one's computer. Programmed in Python. By CVSoft
(e)Z80 Disassembler: A Z80/eZ80 disassembler, featuring several output formats. By DrDnar
Stegnography Tool: A tool to hide text and binary data in an image. By Muessigb and AliceIsDead
Upside-Down Cemetech: A little iframe and CSS magic that turns Cemetech upside-down. By Muessigb
xlibc palette filter: An image filter that makes an image look like it were using the xlibc color palette. By Unknownloner
Self-Defined Object Language & Computer System: A computer system/language/environment that takes the "everything is an object" philosophy. By shkaboinka
QEmu-based Prizm Emulator: A Casio Prizm emulator based on QEmu. By AHelper
Z80 Unit Testing and Debugging: A utility to pre-test assembly code without the use of an emulator. By AHelper
spasm + emscripten: An online implementation of SPASM. It now has SPASM-ng support. By Tari
Piworld: An isometric game in the spirit of Legend of Zelda. By 岩倉 澪
IconusCalc: A calculator written in Java, featuring different notations for input. By iconmaster

Nspiroid: A TI-Nspire emulator for Android. Features a skin and emulation of the Nspire series. By SpiroH
TwoStep for Android: An android port of the 83+ series game of the same name and by the same author. By muessig

Armed Combat: A side-scrolling military shooter in the beta stages. By nxtboy III

Calculator Hardware
TI 84 PCSE Calculator Speaker Case: A 3D printed speaker case for the CSE. It features a built in speaker to plug in to your calculator for MobileTunes and the like. By Botboy3000
3D Printed TI-84 Plus Family Slidecase: Monogrammed slidecases for the TI-84 Plus family. Printed with a 3D printer. Featuring a Cemetech logo on one. By KermMartian

General Hardware
IoT Led Marquee: A large LED Marquee got an update with a faster processor and some recoding. By Geekboy1011
Z820: A z80 computer with blinkenlights and serial communication. By Keoni29
FrostAPC328: A computer made with an arduino, an LCD display, and some buttons. By Spyro543
Dysphoria: A Knex ball machine of substantial size. Features plenty of curves. By Sorunome
Visicom Textphone Reverse-engineering: A reverse-engineering project of a textphone for deaf people from the 80s. By Kenoi29
Light Detecting Oscilloscope Like Device: A light detector that graphs its output, similarly to an oscilloscope. By Spyro543
Sound Mixer: A homemade sound mixer, made with a breadboard and featuring a small speaker. By Sorunome
CBS 6000: A small 8-bit computer, now with serial loading and various other small computer features. By Keoni29
Gamebuino Music Player: A music player for the arduino-based portable gaming device called the Gamebuino. By Muessigb
AY-3-8910 synthesizer: A synthesizer program and music player, written in assembly for the AY-3-8910. By olav_nordmann
3D Projector Printer: A homebuilt 3D printer. By Botboy3000
Calculator Talk / TI Connect CE - In-Depth Review
February 25, 2015, 05:16:07 PM
So a while ago, TI Connect CE 5.0 was released by TI as a compliment to the TI 84 Plus CE. Since it has new features, including a program editor, I have decided to do a full review. Sadly, this software only works with z80 USB-port models, but you can have TI-Connect 4.0 installed alongside it, so you are only really missing out on the new features.

First up: Start Up
Immediately after the splash screen splashes, you are greeted with the basic interface in screen capture mode. There are three modes, easily accessible from the sidebar, including Screen Capture, Calculator Explorer, and Program Editor. To the immediate right is the connected calculator list if you are in Screen Capture or Calculator Explorer mode, and the tokens list if you are in Program Editor mode. When it is the connected calculator list, you can switch between connected calculators quickly. Just click the one you want to switch to, and you're ready to go!

The Screen Capture Mode at Startup
Screen Capture
The Screen Capture mode is just an interface change on the one from TI-Connect 4.0. You can only take screenshots from the confines of the TI-OS level. This means you can't take screenshots from flashapps or assembly programs. Kind of a bummer, but nothing new. The interface does feel sleeker and more modern, but I feel TI could have updated the feature for this software.

Calculator Explorer and File Transfer
Since this is connectivity software, this is the most important part of this package. How is the connectivity? In a word: fast. It takes very little time from drag-and-drop of programs to menu, and the actual transfer takes full advantage of the USB capability. You also have the option to send files to all connected calculators, which is very nice, especially if you are working on a multi-player game and want to improve the time it takes to get the files to both calculators. In the Calculator Explorer itself, you see everything on the calculator in the sleek interface, and can switch between calculators easily. You can also double click a non-protected, non-assembly program to edit it within the Program Editor almost instantly, which leads nicely into the next section.

File Transfer Menu
Program Editor
TI has not released a program editor with their standard link software since TI Graph Link. This program editor is a nice addition to the software, once again with a sleek and modern interface. It features a tokens list and reference on the side, and can send the program to a connected calculator with the click of a button. The editor feels a lot like TokenIDE or SourceCoder, but with different syntax for store arrows and superscripts and such. The copy-paste issues from Graph Link have been fixed, though, so the store arrows (→) and the like show up properly when pasted into posts. The only language supported is TI-Basic, as is expected, since this is TI's product and not the community's.

Program Editor

Overall, this is a nice update to TI-Connect, and you will enjoy the new file transfer speed and the TI-Basic program editing, as well as the new interface. Although the screen capture is still lacking, it is still the best TI Connect to date.
So I wrote a song (with lyrics and everything)! My voice sucks, but this counts as my "demo" of sorts. Also potato quality audio because I had to compress the video to upload to youtube.

What do you think?
Calculator Talk / Project Periodical - Edition 2
January 01, 2015, 05:02:28 AM
Hello, and welcome to Project Periodical Edition 2! Instead of being semi-monthly and including z80 or non-z80 programs, this edition and all future editions will be on the 1st of every month and include projects of every platform, on every major, predominately english-speaking forum with a focus on TI. And also on CodeWalrus
What does this mean? Omnimaga, Cemetech, and CodeWalrus projects will all be listed here, in one place, with links to every thread on every site where the projects are hosted. Also this means no screenies in the thread due to the sheer number of projects being posted, sorry D:
Also projects made specifically for contests and joke projects/programs are automatically disqualified from being in Project Periodical for space's sake (read: pimath is lazy and there are a ton of Contest #13 entries).

Now that that is out of the way, to the projects:

HP Prime:

A Quine in HP Prime
A pseudo-quine program for HP Prime
Author: iconmaster

Super Walrii Land
A Super Mario Land knockoff with the CodeWalrus mascott, walrii
Author: DJ Omnimaga


[BETA] Paintball
A VB.NET paintball game
Author: ordelore

Chess Wars
A Ludum Dare 31 entry, based on tactical RPGs like Fire Emblem and Advanced Wars
Author: Scipi

HTML5 osu!mania
That irresistable rhythm game, now in your browser!
Author: uknownloner

spasm + emscripten
An in-progress z80 assembly in-browser compiler/editor
Author: Tari

FunkLibrary & Sublime Text z80 package
A Sublime Text z80 asm plugin and included macro and function library
Author: NanoWar

TI-82 Linking with Python
A Python implementation for linking with TI-82 calcs
Author: CVSoft

Image Compression w/Discrete Cosine Transform (like JPEG)
An image compression program for (eventually) use with the CSE
Author: unknownloner

Tiedye, yet another TI-84 Plus C SE emulator
Yet another TI 84 Plus C SE emulator. Pretty self-explainitory
Author: DrDnar


A ball machine that is so awesome it is uncomfortable
Author: Sorunome


Hero Core
A clone of a game of the same name. Features sound effects and TIMID music
Author: Keoni29

Puzzle Pack
A puzzle game for those bored in math class
Author: ISSOtm

Alien Breed 5 Episode II: Evolution
A clone of Alien Breed that has progressed very well over its long development time
Author: JamesV

Star Trek
MMO on calculator? This project says "yes"
Author: ACagliano

Hinawa Battle Engine
An RPG battle engine for monochrome z80 calcs
Author: Eiyeron

Cookie Clicker Axe
A cookie clicker clone for monocrhome z80 calcs
Author: JWinslow23

Sudoku 8X+
A Sudoku game for monochrome z80 calcs, featuring randomly generated puzzles and varying difficulty
Author: JWinslow23

Yet Another Z80 ASM Tutorial
Want to learn Z80 and can't find a good and complete tutorial? Look no further (once this is done).
Author: Iambian

My First Game
Working towards improvements, this class-based action game has not had a true development update this month, but progress has been made (code questions have been asked/answered this month and there was a "I'm working on these features" update. I'm counting that).
Author: Omegaxis213

SpriteToHex 2.0
A sprite conversion tool made in Axe using graylib
Author: Digital

A clone of Hexagon (no Super Hexagon) by Terry Cavanagh for monochrome z80 calcs. Made in Axe
Author: matrefeytontias

Vectorial Math
A math program for vectors. You can now solve problems with both direction AND MAGNITUDE
Author: Sorunome

Runayway for TI-84+CSE
A hybrid basic game for CSE about dodging trains
Author: Hexatron

Various Adventures with CBL 2 / LabPro Programming
Various projects dealing with the CBL 2, LabPro, and Arduino, and a calculator
Author: CVSoft

A clone of the "Simon" toy/memory game for monochrome z80 calcs
Author: Emerov

Robot War 2: The Bionic Wars
A Robot War 2 clone for monochrome z80 calcs
Author: Dianzi tian

A Wizard Currency Calculator for monochrome z80 calcs
Author: EphraimB

Portal CSE
A 2D Portal clone for the CSE
Author: MateoConLechuga

Super Smash Bros. Open
A low-fi clone of Super Smash Bros. for monochrome z80 calcs
Author: Hayleia

Zombie Apocalypse Part II
A CSE port of the Nspire STEM Behind Hollywood activity of the same name.
Author: KermMartian

Pokemon Amethyst
A Calculator companion to Pokemon Emerald in hybrid basic
Author: gaventemples31415


A program that makes snow fall accross your screen
Author: Vogtinator

A hearts game (as in the card game) for TI-Nspire
Author: ajorians

TI-Nspire USB Serial Breakout Boards
Do you want to use something other than your USB port for your Nspire? Well now you can (supplies are limited, though)!
Author: tangrs

Portal Nspire
A 2D Portal Clone for the Nspire calcs. Made in Lua
Author: LDStudios

Back from the dead, it's nFrotz, a Frotz Z-machine interpreter. Play those old text adventure games now with bugfixes and feature requests to be added in the near future.
Authors: hoffa and catastropher

A port of Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening (originally for monochrome z80 calcs) for the TI-Nspire series. A working screentest is all there is at the moment.
Author: pimathbrainiac

Dodge 68k
A port of the game "Dodge," originally for monochrome z80 calcs
Author: princetonlion.tibd

Technology Hardware of Some Sort or Another:

CBS6000 - an 8-bit 6510 computer
Yet another home-built retro computer from Keoni. It now plays sound!
Author: Keoni29

ColorData - Paper tape reader
"A device that can read paper tape with colored bands on it"
Author: Keoni29

A Mathematica-Driven calculator inside a Casio fx-83 ES
Author: piCaso

A library for having arduinos communicate with z80 calcs.
Author: KermMartian

Mind Controlled Calculator
Using ArTICL, this takes a MindFlex headset and uses it to control a game driven by focusing
Author: MateoConLechuga

Blinkenlights on a TI-83 Plus
Want to know what the address pins output looks like on z80 calcs? Look no further! A retrofitted TI-83 Plus visualizes these pins (but you have to underclock the calc to see them blink)
Author: Hooloovoo

Wireless CALCnet Adapter
This is a thing. It is a cool thing. It is in progress of becoming an object as well
Author: various (Geekboy1011 and KermMartian mainly)

The TI-87
Every z80 calculator. Ever. In the palm of your hand.
Author: KermMartian


Super Hexagon Casio
A Super Hexagon clone for the FX9860&co
Authors: Eiyeron and Adbook

And that is that! Thanks to all the sites and authors for facilitating the creation and creating these awesome programs!
Did I miss something? A link? A project? Comment below!
Want to discuss this? Comment below!
Want to comment? Comment below!
(you get the picture)

P.S. Sorry about the Cemetech links not being consistant in format and sometimes going to the wrong page (as in, not the start page) of the correct topic. I didn't realize that the links were page/post specific until I was almost done.
Hardware / ROBOTS!!!!! 2015 (aka FRC 2015)
December 21, 2014, 09:41:33 AM
It's almost that time of year where high school students start building robots to compete in messed up versions of beloved sporting events.
So FRC peeps, represent!

(This topic is the forum FRC topic, yadayada, let's get this started)
Other / Going to be Gone for a While
December 09, 2014, 04:04:18 AM
Let me tell you this upfront: I can't deal with drama, and I have to deal with a lot of it between home and school. If I stack what is happening online with that, it's too much.

From the beginning: a while ago, DJ and I began discussing the idea of a new site focusing on the unfocused in the community, as well as a broader topic of programming and hardware. The idea spawned out of a multitude of things (and VVVVVV was not one of them :P ).

Fast forward to November: it becomes official. A team of DJ, Street, aeTIos, Juju, and myself is put together to put this site into action. This became known as CodeWalrus. We thought it would be a good thing for the community. Apparently, we were wrong.

The opinions and statements in this post are my own, and do not reflect CodeWalrus or the admins thereof in any way shape or form. Also if I mention your name here and you would like to say something about it, please do so in the comments below. I am going to be very blunt and not care about if what I say ruins an image.

Here goes:
We were supposed to be in a closed beta until Jan 1st, but a plugin misconfiguration caused allowed for members to sign up in other ways. That started the mess that was today. Of the members who signed up was Kerm. He has now publicly based us on our IRC channel for being a blatant ripoff/attack on Omni. This is not the case. That is not part of this site's mission at all. I still do not hate Kerm. I think his skepticism was founded. I would still like an apology for the bashing and for it to stop at the very least.

I have talked to geekboy on the matter of the site. He is skeptical of our motives as well. I, once again, do not blame him. I ran an idea by him that if it went through, would have allowed for some cross-site communication. This email was written before the Kerm thingymabob, although sent after, unmodified.
[spoiler=transcipt of email]
I was hinting at this thing earlier on IRC, and you know the truth
from DJ: there's a new site abrewin', with DJ, Juju, Street, aeTIos,
and myself at the helm. As I said in IRC, this is not an attack
against any sites or people, but DJ explained that, so you should know
that already.

Some facts about the site:
We have a closed-beta member base with 5/8 invited non-admin members
being active
Last month we had 963 posts
At the current time this month we have 484 posts
We have project threads from all 10 active members (including admins)
We have a featured project from a non-admin
We publicly announce the site on December 15th (and I ask for you not
to talk of this site or this email until then with anyone but us)
We open to public January 1st

So why do I say this? I needed to show you that we are for-real. Why?
Because I see an opportunity for an inter-site (meaning the new site,
Omni, and Cemetech) project that would be beneficial for all three
sites and the community as a whole: A Cross-Site Competition.

So you know "Project Periodical," right? My idea is that we post all
the projects from all three sites into the periodical (same format,
time-wise) starting with the January editions (Jan 14/15 and Jan
31/Feb 1). The links to the project threads on every site will be
listed in the periodical. If a project has an active thread on all
three sites, then it gets put in the running for the competition. At
the end of the year/start of the next year, a community poll will take
place (outside of all of the sites, on a Google Doc/Poll thing,
probably) determining the winners for each calculator type. As for
prizes, that can be worked out sometime later.

So the benefits are considerable: for starters, it encourages people
to post about and discuss their projects on all three sites, which
boosts site conversation and visibility. It also means that the sites
themselves would be more closely tied together, which means that the
community as a whole would be more closely tied together. In addition,
it provides a support structure where the entire community can be
supported without rivalry and detest.

So why are TI-Planet, HP Museum, etc. not on the list? This
competition idea is for the English-speaking community that has a
focus on TI (with secondary focus on HP and Casio).

So why is this email to you in particular? Well, you are on staff for
both Omni and Cemetech, and you already knew that the site existed. I
would like a yay/nay on the idea from you because if you back up the
idea, it will be considerably easier to get the other admins to hop on
board with the idea.

Regardless of what how you feel or your approval, I once again ask for
you not to talk of this site or this email until then with anyone but
us (meaning the new site admins) until the 15th (or earlier if we
publicly announce earlier).

So why is speed an issue? If you approve of the idea and would like to
move forward, we need a more thought out plan than an idea to present
to the site admins before the new year, so we need all the time we can

I have talked this over with the new site admins and they approve of
this message.

Your Lobster-ific Walrus,
Geekboy denied the idea due to a similar Omni/Cemetech POTY thing in the works. This is very reasonable.

I also talked to Eeems. He is also skeptical of our motives, but I have a clear understanding of how the Omni and Cemetech admins see the site from that convo. They see it as an attack on Omni. I understand why, and I will address this in a moment.

The concerns date back to things some of the CW admins and others have posted about on Omni complaining and sometimes bashing the Omni admins, and specifically, Eeems (The petition, etc.). I can, however quote DJ directly from a private convo: "i want all sites to thrive | and if possible cooperate" Though I do not have a direct quote from the others, I can assure you that that sentiment is true for them as well.

But all of this is too much for me. I am in the middle of a bunch of drama at home already, and I can't stack what has been happening online on top of this. In addition, I've seen the phrase "dug your grave" from multiple people from multiple sites. This has to stop. We need to coexist, because if we don't, the entire English speaking community tanks over one site and a misunderstanding about the purpose. I am leaving all three sites until there is cooperation and no hatred between the three. Be it January, or be it next December, I am done with the drama, and won't come back until it is resolved.

Needless to say, my contest entry is cancelled and Project Periodical is on hold. Goodbye.
Calculator Development / MOVED: [83p/84p] Hero Core
November 23, 2014, 01:52:32 AM
So I'm VM'ing Arch!

This is the one I set up on my PC at home. As you see, it has mate, and that's about it. I'll take suggestions here for what I should do with it.


I also set one up at school (with the teacher's permission, no less). I'll get pics of that once it is fully operational.
So I am making an album called "Elemental." All three of the current songs are on soundcloud, but only two are available for download at the current moment.

I also have a bandcamp, but I need to not be at school access it. I'll post the link here later.
Website News / The CodeWalrus project
November 16, 2014, 01:29:50 PM
EDIT (by DJ): If you can see this message, this means that you are one of the few members who have been granted access to this website, or you are reading this late and the site already opened before you did so.

CodeWalrus (, which was founded on October 25th 2014 under the TI-Walrus project name, is a group of game programmers for mobile devices such as TI calculators, hosting a discussion forum dedicated to game programming for mobile platforms ranging from TI/Casio/HP calculators to smartphones, but we also cover computer programming, as well as the art topics related to it (drawing, pixel art, music, animation, etc). Once the website will be finished setting up, we will start inviting our TI, Casio and HP community friends who were interested in joining, one by one, then slowly give indication about the existence of this website. While, for the time being, it is meant to remain a programming team, it might attempt to fill empty gaps in the calculator community if the need arises. If things goes well, the official opening shall be on New Year 2015.

The site is ran on a shoestring budget, though, so while we are open to new features additions, server resources are limited compared to other calculator websites, meaning that we try to keep usage of them to a minimum. The only form of donations we currently accept is by purchasing DJ Omnimaga's music at (which will be come the official site store in December).

New Year, new beginning, new adventure, where walruses will fly...

If you find any bugs and issues on the website, feel free to report them in the site feedback section of the forums!
Calculator Development / nVVVVVV
November 13, 2014, 08:25:42 PM
I'm putting this topic in this section because nReuben is my active and this project is now officially on hold. Basically nVVVVVV is an Nspire port of VVVVVV for PC, 3DS, iOS, Linux, OSX, etc.

Repository here:

Calculator Development / nReuben Discussion Topic
November 13, 2014, 01:49:17 AM
nReuben is a port of Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening for the TI-Nspire series of calculators. It is programmed in Ndless C (repo available here).
This is the discussion topic for nReuben, where non-release updates will be posted as well as general discussion about the project. Release updates will be in a separate thread.

Currently I have a screentest, and am working on porting the maps.
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