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MOS: A game that has been in development for 3 years.

b/PC, Mac & Vintage Computers Started by mazhat, March 15, 2017, 02:50:12 PM

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u/c4ooo May 02, 2017, 01:38:14 AM
"And" is the bitwise function, you want to use the shorts circuit '?' Instead:
x>(z*8 )+8?x+8<(z*8 )?y>z?y<3
However, your real problem seems to be that you don't understand Order of operations ;)
Axe does everything left to right, so x>(z*8 )+8 checks to see if x is bigger then z*8, and then adds 8 to that true/false value. You want to rewrite it as z+1*8<x or something. (z+1*8 'should' be more optimized then z*8+8 )
u/Dream of Omnimaga May 02, 2017, 05:20:40 PM
Ideally it's a good idea to make separate topics for programming help, for maximum visibility. I can't help, though, since I haven't touched Axe in years and was never successful in doing map-based collision detection with it. I wish you good luck, though. But yeah, as c4ooo said, order of operation is different in Axe compared to BASIC and ICE. In addition to that, you need to be careful with signed/unsigned integers (I think for example that -1 becomes 65535)
u/mazhat May 03, 2017, 08:38:30 PM
Thanks for the advice, c4ooo

Unfortunetly I know about the arithmetic and it doesn't work one way or another :^(
I even mass used parenthesis to bypass order of operations.

Now I've scrapped the old collision to work on an old school western rpg (wasteland) . It's tilebased movement (like uvutu).

Sorry for the hassel guys, I just can't persevere when I can barely indentify the problem.
u/mazhat May 05, 2017, 01:47:16 AM
Update: The problem has seemed to sorted itself out, I guess it was my fault after all. I'm sorry Axe, I never meant to hurt you.

Anyway, I now need a good way to store and compress maps!
Also there's no dynamic memory in Axe right? (std::vector equivalent)
u/Dream of Omnimaga May 05, 2017, 04:33:31 PM
By dynamic memory, do you mean like with pointers? Because Axe supports pointers.
u/mazhat May 05, 2017, 08:50:42 PM
Not quite, DJ.
In C++ we have a template called std::vector*
It's an array that can grow or shrink! To give you a more hands on example:
Vectors help to spawn and de-spawn enemies and items,
otherwise I have to hard code the enemies into the game.**

Trivial info:
1) *Despite the confusing name, it is not a physics vector. Strange nomenclature!
2) **Unless a sexy smarty pants figured out a way to do this without vectors.
3) Sometimes I write too much stuff, so I made this optional-to-read "Trivial Info" section! I hope you like it, it's in beta!
u/c4ooo May 05, 2017, 11:05:47 PM
Quote from: mazhat on May 05, 2017, 01:47:16 AM
Also there's no dynamic memory in Axe right?
There is no abstraction in axe for dynamic variables. You have plenty of free ram areas though, and if you ever run out, you can use GetCalc("prgmTEMP",size) to allocate your self some more free ram.
u/mazhat June 26, 2017, 09:00:33 PM

Here is the updated sprites! It's made in Paint Tool Sai instead of MS Paint.
so what do you think? Do you like the legacy sprites or the updated ones?
I'd love some feedback.

For reference, here is the old sprites:

Updates (Downgrades) on MOS:
-Removed multi-floored gameplay. (Now there is only one plane of combat)
-Removed Squads-Vector (You're one character instead of a squad)
-Enemy AI FOV will be an angular (degree) based FOV. Instead of arithmetic/math based.
-New/Updated Sprites.

Next up:
-Update the engine(?)
-Items on the ground

P.S. Also, don't worry. I'm still working on the Liberal Crime Squad port for TI-83+!
u/mazhat July 05, 2017, 03:17:13 AM
Long awaited tile update (not overhaul)

It's very convenient to keep the tiles in the style they're in now.

Tile descriptions (In order of appearance):
-Wall Destruction
-Farmland -> Wheat, Dirt, Fence
-A blue road

I need these tiles before I create the procedural map generator.
The MOS level editor is okay, but I'd rather play some mystery maps.
First generated level theme: Cross Of Iron.

When I finish the level generator, I'll make a video.
Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 03:19:56 AM by mazhat
u/p4nix July 05, 2017, 09:17:39 PM
Wow, those tiles look pretty nice. I am looking forward to seeing all of them together in action  :thumbsup:
But aren't you still missing a connector for the wooden fences?
u/kotu July 05, 2017, 09:23:06 PM
Quote from: mazhat on May 05, 2017, 08:50:42 PM
Not quite, DJ.
In C++ we have a template called std::vector*
It's an array that can grow or shrink! To give you a more hands on example:
Vectors help to spawn and de-spawn enemies and items,
otherwise I have to hard code the enemies into the game.**

Trivial info:
1) *Despite the confusing name, it is not a physics vector. Strange nomenclature!
2) **Unless a sexy smarty pants figured out a way to do this without vectors.
3) Sometimes I write too much stuff, so I made this optional-to-read "Trivial Info" section! I hope you like it, it's in beta!

The game looks great, however, you might want to use std::list instead std::vector in some instances, because...
  - list is optimised for object insertion/deletion, whereas
  - vector is optimised for indexed access - inserts/deletes can only be made on the end.

Hope this info is of use  :)

sorry, didn't realise this was an axe game. i guess that list won't be so much use after all, lol
Last Edit: July 05, 2017, 09:31:28 PM by kotu
u/mazhat July 05, 2017, 10:45:12 PM
@p4nix  Thanks, they're very fast to make and I need them for my procedural level generator!
I hate my level editor because I have some biases when I make maps, and also it's not fun for me
to play maps that I've made.

I'm a lazy boy, my friends laugh at my lazy philosophy.
e.g. There's only one side to the fence and they absolutely hate that, haha.
I'll get around to it either eventually or never, lol.
Don't stop with the criticism though, I need to keep myself in check   :blah:

Even though I was talking about AXE, I made a generalisation.
Your recommendation is helpful, and I'll study and consider using std::list :),
(Also I might have made a mistake, vectors may not actually be part of std. It's been a while)
So far vectors work fine, but I'll be glad to get rid of them altogether.

General update for everyone:
I've started on the basics of the level generator.
It uses "partial" maps that I create and then jumble them together randomly into one big map.
Later I sprinkle things like explosion craters, items and stuff.
More sprites like tables and floor tiles are being made as I'm writing this!
Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 02:03:54 AM by mazhat
u/kotu July 05, 2017, 10:56:01 PM
I voted 'something else' in your poll. I think you should make those decisions and make the game to your liking. Also, you could mix styles up (some parts could be you controlling a guy, and other parts your could control a squad). By making these decisions yourself the game will be more fun to make. :)

Btw. yes vectors still are a part of the STL. There's no need to stop using them, most often when you use a container template you will probably want to use a vector. But the other template classes work differently, that's all.
u/mazhat July 08, 2017, 05:19:01 PM
I like both, I could care just a tiny little bit less about it.

They'll both have squads, it's just that in the Fallout-style, you get your friends by exploring,
and not immediately.

Also yeah! They're a template, thanks, yo.
u/mazhat July 09, 2017, 02:49:11 AM
Getting pretty excited, my map generator works.
The only problem is that I only have three "map sectors" to work with.
So far the three are "fence with escape points", "Fenced in FOREVER!" and "Barn House".

If you guys would like to feature your map "sector" I'll be glad to add it! The generator is super easy to implement new ones.
Otherwise let me handle the game, and we'll be good.
>Pretending to "let" people add sectors instead of begging and telling them I'm desperate.

In the picture you can see one "sector".
I haven't programmed some LOS stuff for the other sectors.
Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 02:51:23 AM by mazhat
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