
Website developement and scripting
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Unirse Started by u/123outerme • May 09, 2018, 08:39:57 PM

123outerme's Minor Firebase Projects

Recently I have started to learn how to user Firebase, thanks to exposure from _iPhoenix_ . I created a test website, which I have been developing on here . I've added a login/out button, file upload and download, and database read/write (demonstrated by the "load files" button). I intend to add more features to the test website before I call it complete, but know that some pretty cool websites will most likely begin dev...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • October 29, 2015, 09:46:46 PM

The Big Bad Duplex of Website Issues

Issue 1 - Weird Select Tag Behavior Issue: Click on "Post a Bug". In the widget that pops up, the drop down menu is properly formed but I also get the selected option echoed back out in front of the object. Why? Code for the entire page is here: Issue 2 - Weird Slender page glitch Issue: Clicking on a link at the bottom of the page crea...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alberthrocks • March 18, 2016, 04:13:25 PM

withgusto downsizing + migration (main server + ZNC)

First and foremost, I apologize for not posting this earlier! I completely forgot about this site when posting about this, so I really, really apologize for that! If you need more time to fill out the forms, just let me know!If you are a former or current withgusto user (either with the shell services or ZNC), please read! We are moving and downsizing due to various circumstances.If you happen to use ZNC, expect downtime starting at 9 PM EDT tonight! (RDNS downtime starting at 5 PM EDT as...
25 Replies
Unirse Started by u/alexgt • February 09, 2016, 07:44:03 PM


My sister showed me this site , FreeCodeCamp and it looks really cool so I started on it.I wanted to see if anyone else used it, if not you might want to start on it
53 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Alvajoy123 • April 11, 2017, 03:53:44 PM

HTML Website

Making an HTML website will keep u to date and no it not HTML5 Properly going to be about  Ti cals
16 Replies
Unirse Started by u/c4ooo • October 20, 2015, 02:19:46 AM


Hey guys! As some of you have probably noticed on RIC, i have been developing an IRC bot in java. Although it is not yet versatile enough to be hosted, and is not in any of the channels unless i am working on it, it does have two useful commands: @sp <text to correct> Which uses google to correct most spelling error in the input, and @trans <Text to translate> Which will translate the text from input to output language. It uses yandex as a translato...
16 Replies
Unirse Started by u/c4ooo • May 06, 2018, 05:33:11 PM

Chat Application

I have been working on a chat application with a HTML5 frontend and a java backend.So far, its really basic and buggy, but you can register, login, and send messages between two accounts. The backend is an http server written in java and uses an SQL database.The user interface is really bad, but here are some images so far:
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/c4ooo • October 26, 2015, 02:33:15 AM

[ti-83+/84+]Finding missing ends in tibasic [web][ti-basic] [javascript]

On par with 123outerme 's request, i wrote a small program in JS to count up the ends in and indent ti-basic source code, and say something if there are too many, or an extra one is needed. You can try/use it at (Changed to latest version)All the code is here: <!DOCTYPE html><head>    <script>        function test() {            var text = document.getElementById('text').value;            var i = 0;            var line = 0;        ...
20 Replies
Unirse Started by u/CKH4 • August 29, 2015, 08:21:40 PM

Well I'm learning JS and stuff

For my first real attempt at writing JS I've decided to generate a nav based on html h(1,2,3) elements. The code that isn't mine is from various stackoverflow questions but I think that there's only two functions that aren't mine. If you know any JS (jquery) and would like to propose suggestions that would be cool.
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/CKH4 • February 21, 2015, 05:49:14 AM

Cool HTML and CSS

So I thought I'd share some of my code snippets because I'm starting to be proud of some of them. Feel free to share your own pieces that you're proud of. Buttons and such: Material Checkboxes: Similar to my Radio Buttons but made before. It has simulated border-radius because it isn't able to be styled on the input tag. This doesn't use the check box hack. Material Radio Butt...
43 Replies
Unirse Started by u/DarkestEx • March 04, 2018, 06:05:14 PM

Get your own dynamic animated scrollt text banner!

Good evening,back in late 2015, I have developed code to automatically generate a dynamic, animated gif, scroll text for my signature.You can see it in action down below.It is capable of displaying live content as can be seen by the date changing.I could easily add support for displaying my latest posts or some kind of live ticker.The script is caching the .gif so it is not always regenerated, but this delay can be set to preference.There is a ton of configuration options that can be found in th...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/DarkestEx • December 20, 2015, 10:14:58 PM

Dynamically generated GIF scrolltext

Heya!I was recovering the dynamic GIF generator for scrolling images that I wrote a few months back to generate my signature image on the fly.Today I reworked the PHP script some more, made it even messier, but added a lot of new features. I will clean the code up one day.I also changed my avatar to a dynamically generated version. If anybody wants to have a custom bar inside their signature or an animated avatar, I would love to help.Those who want an avatar can give me a font and a background ...
21 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 21, 2018, 01:50:12 PM

Almost every website in 2018

This is what almost every website look like in 2018. Thanks to the rest of the CW team for not going that route.
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • June 10, 2024, 06:21:55 PM

My new webwebsite (music landing page)

I ditched those landing page services such as Linktree, Toneden/Fanlink, Hyperfollow and HypeEdit and instead made my own at , where customization options are not hidden behind a paywall. The difference is that instead of having one landing page per album and compilation I put everything on the same page. However the navigation should get you to any release you want quickly and all the available store and streaming services are linked below each release.
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • April 02, 2017, 03:46:11 PM

Remembering back when web design standards did not suck

There used to be a time when web design did not suck and allowed websites to have character, not just text with an oversized, plain-color header, without complains from 13-15 years olds about how unprofessional it isCheck this out: Not that I hate simple website designs, but it gets boring when all websites look the same. This is 2017, not 1995. Does anyone else agree?
24 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • August 19, 2015, 02:02:14 AM

How to test website on iOS legally without owning an Apple device?

Some of you are probably aware that most iPad and iPhone browsers are absolute garbage when it comes to displaying websites properly and most of the time, even third-party alternatives such as Opera Mini won't do the job either. However, as developers who own an Android device, getting a website to show up properly on iOS devices can be a major nightmare if we don't own an iPhone, iPad or Mac computer we might not be willing to shell $300-700 for one just to make sure that c4ooo[/mem...
27 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 01, 2015, 05:00:03 AM

A new calculator site, 6 years in the making

When Geocities closed in 2009, a large part of the TI community, where major breakthroughs in web design were made during 14 years, was lost. Since then, everyone missed that era. However rejoice, a new site has risen from the ashes of Geocities TI sites: this trip back in the 90's!
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • July 15, 2019, 04:50:40 PM

Ticalc.org web design turning 20 years old soon

Did you know that the current webpage design dates all the way back to August 12th 1999? While some new sections were added and others removed over the last two decades, the layout has essentially remained the same. Here is a cached front page from 2000:
5 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • April 13, 2020, 11:56:08 PM

Best free CMS for portfolio-style website

I have wanted to build a personal website for a while, but I was unsure about which CMS would fit better for a portfolio-type website. When I check Google, I find a lot of results such as "Top 10 CMS for personal websites", only to find out that as the top #1, they're advertising their very own paid CMS.I will not consider any CMS that costs money or that is mostly hidden behind a paywall. I also prefer a self-hosted solution (I have web space already) where editing the template/CSS doesn't take...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • April 19, 2020, 06:14:34 PM

djomnima.ga personal website

I wanted to get a personal website to showcase my various releases and works for a while, but I wasn't too sure what I would use as CMS. I finally went with Wordpress, which seems to get the job done for what I need.The website will list all my music releases (with links to the various stores including Bandcamp), my PC releases (except Avions, for epilepsy reasons) and of course my TI and HP calculator games. Music will continue to be hosted on Bandcamp and elsewhere, except bootlegs.Right now s...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dudeman313 • March 29, 2016, 10:08:51 PM

Hosting an Interactive Google Doodle on a Site

I was wondering how to do this. Each doodle is an HTML file, but how would I put it on my site?Here's my site block code: <divz id="p473I"><!--NEW ID-->        <div class="item portfolio" id="portfolio2">        <div class="container">        <div class="row margin-bottom-40">        <div class="col-md-12">        <p class="lead text-center editContent">    See some of our work below<br> 
7 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dudeman313 • March 28, 2016, 03:39:48 PM

Contact Form Not Working

I'm creating a website with a Page Builder made for the Greater Southern Tier Districts.I tried to create a contact form, but I can't figure out how to make the form send the message to my email.Contact Form: <divz id="p473I"><!--NEW ID-->    <script> $(document).ready(function(){        $('#send_message').click(function(e){                        //Stop form submission & check the validation            e.preventDefault();                        // V
18 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Ephraim Becker • November 11, 2015, 02:03:56 PM

Virtual friend

I'm working on programming a Virtual friend in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The purpose is to help me with my conversations. You can download and see my progress on my Virtual friend at
43 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Ephraim Becker • November 13, 2015, 08:01:23 PM

Best programming language for server-side web programming

I already know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I'm trying to get my Virtual friend to talk about the latest stuff getting the data from the internet. Which programming language is the best for this and i'm already using JavaScript for my Virtual friend so I think JavaScript will have to connect to the server-side programming language to work.
32 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Ephraim Becker • November 18, 2015, 01:57:07 PM

Creating a custom domain with github pages

I finally got my website up and running but the URL is complicated. I want a custom domain to switch it to virtualfriend.emb.com. I added the CMAKE file already in gh-pages but now it's saying something that I need a DNS manager pointing to the github IP address. Is there any free DNS managers available?
25 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Ephraim Becker • November 16, 2015, 01:51:55 AM

Problem with XMLHttpRequest with AJAX

I'm having a problem with this code. I've been debugging it for hours already. Why isn't the XML parsing and displaying?Code: //Get the latest technology news from the internet//Fetch the RSS feedvar request = new XMLHttpRequest();var xmlDoc;request.open("GET", " ;, true);request.send();if(request.readyState == 4){xmlDoc = request.responseXML;}personOneTalk.innerHTML = xmlDoc;
14 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Ephraim Becker • January 07, 2016, 01:04:27 AM

My Windows 10 Redstone concept

I'm working hard on creating a concept of what I want Windows 10 to look like at Build 2016. It's still a work in progress. You can see my concept here:
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Ephraim Becker • January 15, 2016, 01:47:25 PM

A faster solution for opening up all my files for Web Development

Right now, I have to manually open up my HTML, 3 CSS, 2 JS files, the Google Chrome web browser, and my Windows GitHub program one by one (which is very annoying!). Is there a much easier way of doing this with one click? Please don't tell me to use a IDE. I like using Windows Notepad instead.
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Jokeriske • February 01, 2016, 06:45:59 PM

phpBB vs SMF

Hey guys, i was wondering what you would choose if youd had to choose between phpBB or SMF?
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Jokeriske • March 27, 2016, 07:07:10 PM

php error

hey, im getting this error when i try to list all files in a dir and make them clickable and redirect it to the file wich is clicked.this is the error : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ''>'' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING), expecting ',' or ';' in /var/www/html/admin/uploads/index.php on line 17 this is the code im using : $files=glob("*.{png,jpg,gif,mp3,mp4}",GLOB_BRACE);$fileCount = count($files);for ($i = ($fileCount-1); $i >= 0; $i--) {      echo '<center><a href='.$files'>'.$files'...
11 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Jokeriske • February 06, 2016, 08:21:27 PM

SMF mods

Does anyone have some suggestions on some simple machines forum mods? i was wondering if there are some usefull ones out there.
7 Replies
Unirse Started by u/JWinslow23 • March 21, 2018, 04:14:28 PM

@OnAccidentBot, the Twitter bot that corrects you on purpose

Recently, as a little exercise, I made a Twitter bot called On Accident Bot , which detects tweets that use the improper phrase "on accident" and corrects them with "by accident".If anyone wants explanation, clarification, or source code, please don't hesitate to ask!
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Unirse Started by u/JWinslow23 • December 16, 2018, 03:26:10 AM

Dr. Josiah Ryan Winslow - the talking psychology bot

From the maker of 8K Adventure and CHELSEA for the TI-84+ CE calculator comes an actual functioning website that accomplishes everything that CHELSEA couldn't!Introducing: Dr. Josiah Ryan Winslow (No, that's not his name. It stands for J avascript O perator S pecializing I n [...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/noelnadal • July 03, 2017, 02:15:10 PM

Worldwide Combos

Hi!So yeah, basically, I made a game that I called "Worldwide Combos". I chose that name because it sounds similar to "4-wide combos".  Actually, this is very similar to games such as Tetris Battle®. Yet, I would like this plate-form to provide some competitive aspects that most existing similar games do not have.The game is to be played with your browser. It should work at least on Safari, Firefox and Google Chrome (haven't checked all existing browsers). It was mainly made with jQuery client ...
14 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ordelore • May 27, 2016, 08:07:49 PM

Div rules not applying to finished web site

I have the complete website's code available at But here are my two main bits of conflicting codeThe h1 text shows up as regular, black, serif text. <div id="top">    <h1>Copy of Untitled Story (1)</h1></div> #top {    font-family: Sans-Serif;    background-color:#000000;    color:white;    text-align:center;    padding:5px;    text-align: center;}
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Unirse Started by u/p2 • December 01, 2016, 04:06:58 PM

tomcat and ubuntu

I tried to setup a Java Servlet on a Tomcat-8 on Ubuntu server and ran in thousands of problems. Maybe you can learn from them Even if not... I stilll got +1 post (quantity, yaay) ^^ I am referring to tomcat8 that was NOT installed using the official repository. If oyu used it (recommended) many things (like paths) will be different. How to solve stupid problems with servlets on tomcat:to see if your tomcat is working, jost go on yourdomain.com :80...
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Unirse Started by u/PT_ • April 15, 2017, 05:00:57 PM

Listen to MP3 files but not download them

Situation: my dad wants to host a paid service, where people can pay for his own music to listen online. However, they should not have the possibility to download them, because the service is paid. I tried several tricks to hide them, or making it really hard to find. I tried htaccess, but if I then block the MP3, <audio> doesn't work anymore, so that doesn't help. Another idea was to copy the MP3 to a temp folder, load it in the <audio> tag, and then immediately remove the folder, but I can't g...
30 Replies
Unirse Started by u/rowan_futurerave • September 12, 2018, 05:35:14 AM

Going 'https'

HiCan anyone explain to me (maybe Juju ??) how to go 'https' on my website pls?A brief explanation is fineThanks.
10 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Snektron • January 15, 2015, 02:51:35 PM


I made this little script: javascript:var url=' ';for (var x=0; x<document.images.length; x++){i=document.images ;i.src = url;}void(0); paste this into your browser and don't forget to type 'javascript:' before it ifyou are using Chrome!
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Snektron • January 23, 2015, 03:09:16 PM


Last year we were assigned to make a maze game in HTML.The original project (the one described in out book) was made entirely in HTML, with the exception of some basic Javascriptto handle button input. It was a broken beta version and it was to us to fix the game and present it's final form.Ofcourse, i didn't want some half broken maze game, so i (we actually had to work in groups of 4, but i did allthe programming (also TheCoder was in my team too )) made it in 3D using THREE.js.I was working o...
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Unicorn • May 04, 2016, 04:48:13 AM

Codewalrus USerstyle

Hey Everyone! I had been converting all of the websites I used to a sort of galaxy themeing, and I decided ot make a Codewalrus one!Here's the link to it, though the forums look kinda bad, if you check it out. If anyone wants a different background or just something different, let me know, I may make one ...
21 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Unicorn • March 24, 2018, 09:21:25 AM

Holiday Vault

So I made this thing for a cemetech contest.Its a website where people can submit their holiday ideas and how to do them. They will use markdown to describe everything, or post links to existing guides or lists of ideas. The backend is in NodeJS and using Express and the Handlebars templating engine. I guess suggestions would be cool!
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/unknownloner • December 02, 2014, 02:01:40 AM

HTML5 osu!mania (and later osu! standard)

This is a thing I'm actually really excited about.I'm implementing osu!mania to run in a web browesr, including loading actual osu!mania maps. If you don't know what osu!mania is, think guitar hero but it goes up to 8 keys.Anyways, enough chit chat, here's links: Please use chrome to view it right now because stuff seems to get out of sync for me in firefox. I'll be fixing that soon NEW VERSION:...
54 Replies
Unirse Started by u/WholeWheatBagels • November 12, 2016, 01:17:31 AM

Troubleshooting a (probably stupid) javascript error

So I've been messing around with Javascript lately.I wrote this to mess with some page code: javascript:var divs = document.getElementsByClassName("corrupted-repair-button");for (var x = 0; x < divs.length; x++) {    var elem=divs ;    elem.removeAttribute('hidden')} What I'm trying to do is remove a "hidden" attribute from an element with that class name.Thing is, it works in the Inspect console,but when I stick it in a bookmark or the onmibar it never works and I have no idea why....
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • December 30, 2016, 08:34:23 PM

HTML Trolling

This is hilarious. I use Chrome, but that's all I know that works.How to do: •Right click thing(s) you want to edit (May require many double clicks)•Edit for comedic effect (You could do a image or text change)Here's an example (I did only a picture, I promise ) :
7 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • October 23, 2015, 06:24:34 AM

Cards Against Humanity (online Quebec French version)

A little project I'm working on for a group of friends who developed their own version of Cards Against Humanity for themselves, I translated the interface of this website in French and put a few French Canadian decks in there because I guess it's funnier when the cards are about your own culture, right? http://cartescontrelhumanité.cf/
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • November 18, 2017, 05:44:45 AM

asciiworld [ucc3]

You are an ASCII character, in a grayscale 2D world, made up of other ASCII characters. You don't know what's up, but you can do things. There's no goal either. But it might be considered as a game.You already can move a letter o around with the arrow keys (block by block in a top down view, of course) and move the camera. Planned features - interact with other ASCII characters that may o...
15 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • October 15, 2018, 02:34:59 AM


Yet another thing I started working on that have been on my mind since a while. (I do a lot of stuff lately please stop me)Basically, it's an operating system that runs in your browser. It consists of a kernel written from scratch in JavaScript that sets up an interface (currently a VT100-like terminal, can later be a canvas to draw on and do OpenGL stuff on kinda like X) and defines a bunch of syscalls (mostly interfaces between the DOM and threads). It then creates a WebWorker (which also defi...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • February 18, 2019, 07:02:16 AM

Sook Media

Hey guys... Wonder what I'm doing these days, other than Zarmina? It's a little project I'm involved with some friends that I'm working on since a little more than a year, basically it's a matching service for podcasters and Youtubers to find entrepreneurs who would want to put some ads on your content and make some money with that We wanted it to be very organic: you decide of what kind of ad space you want to give out, like a mention at the beginning of your video and many Youtubers are alrea...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • June 30, 2016, 07:02:50 AM

Minty Root's Interactive Pony Outline Color Cheatsheet 2.0

A while ago, I wrote some utility that suggests an outline color based on fill color, very useful for artists that works on this style. It's based on an algorithm devised by Minty Root, well known Flash animator in the pony community and one of my friends, based on an analysis of the colors in successful kids show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'm currently rewriting the tool based on the feedback I got in the community while testing new stuff.Find it here: ...
3 Replies
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