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Topics - Dream of Omnimaga

In 2002, I released my first song ever, called Ultra Beat, using mostly pre-made riffs from MTV Music Generator.

In 2017, here comes the 15th anniversary remix:

EDIT: Now it's Ultimate End's turn to be remixed: (EDIT 2: New version)
Other / MOVED: announcing massive cenobites victory
April 06, 2017, 09:36:29 PM

Another busy calculator and non-calculator projects development month has ended and it's now time for the March 2017 Monthly CW Project Award poll! Out of the 28 active projects this month, 26 are eligible to participate again and are listed in the poll above or below:

(83+/84+) BigDecimal84
(83+/84+) Connect4
(83+/84+) Driller Knight
(83+/84+) Lazer 2
(83+/84+/CSE) Sorcery of Uvutu
(84+CSE/CE) Linux TI-BASIC Clone
(84+CSE/CE) Orbit84
(84+CSE/CE) Pure TI-BASIC Raycaster
(84+CE) ICE Compiler
(84+CE) Pirate Space Kitties
(84+CE) StopwatchCE
(84+CE) TI-Planet CE C Project Builder
(84+CE) Walrus Cheese Run
(89/89T) Jumpman 68K
(Nspire CX) gpSP-Nspire for HW-W
(Nspire CX) Kern Method
(Nspire CX) Puzzle15
(Casio) The P7 Project
(Multiplatform) Clouttery Battery Monitor
(PICO-8) Streamp8
(PC) Color Speedrun
(PC) MOS: Apocalypse
(PC) PalmOS Emulator
(PC) Superstar Hero
(PC) Walrus Kingdom
(Hardware) RPN-Calculator

As always, all entries are competing against each others, regardless of the platform. Have you spotted projects this month that you think are more notable in particular or that you liked in particular? Select six (6) options in the poll attached to this topic (requires 20 posts) then click Submit! And don't forget to visit each topic again to give authors encouragements and suggestions!

You have You have until April 12th to vote, so hurry up!
There used to be a time when web design did not suck and allowed websites to have character, not just text with an oversized, plain-color header, without complains from 13-15 years olds about how unprofessional it is

Check this out:

Not that I hate simple website designs, but it gets boring when all websites look the same. This is 2017, not 1995. Does anyone else agree?
Other / MOVED: Latest CW trends.
March 30, 2017, 07:12:21 PM
This topic has been moved to Randomness. Thegame
WaterMelon has been working on a Sega Genesis/Mega Drive beat-em-up game dubbed Project Y for a while and now it's coming to fruition. There's a countdown timer on the game website in hexadecimal:

There isn't much info about the game yet, but the screenshots look amazing as well as the soundtrack so far O.O.

Here is an official video of the release:

Also they say it's the largest Sega Genesis cartridge ever created, in terms of ROM size. I might try to pre-order a copy if my budget allows it. You can pre-order a real Sega Genesis cartridge complete with the box and manual for $70 at
Gaming / Zelda: Breath of the Wild
March 20, 2017, 03:10:00 AM
So anyone here has played the new Zelda game for the Wii U and Switch? I personally like it and love the graphics and how polished it is, but I personally wouldn't give it 98-100%, more like 95%, because I feel that the difficulty has been ramped up way too much, thanks to the weapons breaking too often.

Not that it increases the difficulty that much, but when combined with the frequent one-hit kills by enemies, it kinda breaks the flow of the game. I think if they did like some Xbox and Playstation games and added a difficulty setting menu at the beginning, then the game would be pretty much perfect. Easy mode would be more for those who are still looking for a typical Zelda experience but wants to focus more on the story, while an unlockable hard mode could actually make the game even harder. I also feel that they could add more hints about how to do certain things, for those who are new to open world games of that scale.

The open world aspect is really nice, though, because sometimes I like to goof around and do what I want. Plus it makes the game more realistic. (although I don't think having to replace your sword everytime you kill one enemy is realistic :P). As for graphics, I like them and the lag is not even bad. Besides, have you ever seen a PS4 and Xbox One game that doesn't lag (Star Ocean 5 is particularly bad for that)?
So it has been a long while since we last made any updates to the featured projects section, and I feel that some newer projects might deserve a spot there. However, to avoid cluttering the place, I was considering movinng some of the inactive or finished projects in the calc projects sub-forum, along with Herocore, in a new section there.

Do you think, however, that notable finished projects should remain where they are, though? For example, First Fantasy was supposed to have sequels, but they're dormant for now, although the first game was completed. Also, I know that the home of certain projects is primarily Cemetech or TI-Planet, so most updates will continue getting posted there, but my goal here is giving very notable projects the visibility they deserve, so would people like @MateoConLechuga , @Adriweb or other users primarily from other sites mind if their projects also got sub-forums (for example, a C libs/SDK/toolchain sub-forum or a multi-project sub-forum that also includes CEmu and the TI-Planet project builder)?

Also this would mean that both KnightOS and Mineprime would get moved to the same section where Herocore is and marked as inactive, unless @Snektron @aeTIos or @Streetwalrus is aware of any upcoming development on KOS.
For the second time in a row and the fourth overall, the latest Monthly CW Project Award survey ended with two winners, so here is a new poll to determine which of the two will win the February 2017 award:

(84+CE) gLib 3D Library
(Hardware) RPN-Calculator

This poll will expire in three days (or if it's still tied afterwards, it will continue running until the tie is broken and a staff notices), so make sure to vote as soon as possible!

The February 2017 poll for the Monthly CW Project Award has now started. As said in the previous topic, all 2016 projects that did not win the yearly award were reset and can participate again in 2017. Out of the 24 active projects this month, 23 are eligible (since Age of CEmpires I won the January 2017 award):

(83+/84+) Digger
(83+/84+) Lazer 2
(83+/84+/CSE) Sorcery of Uvutu
(84+CE) C SDK & Libraries for CE
(84+CE) gLib 3D Library
(84+CE) Golvellius: Valley of Doom
(84+CE) Kill CMND
(84+CE) Pirate Space Kitties
(84+CE) TI-Planet CE C Project Builder
(84+CE) Walrus Cheese Run
(Nspire CX) Puzzle15
(HP Prime) Minecraft 2D
(HP Prime) PrimePaint
(PC) Color Speedrun
(PC) Game of Lyfe
(PC) Superstar Hero
(PC) Walrus Kingdom
(Multiplatform) Clouttery Battery Monitor
(Multiplatform) Evil Australians
(Web) Finding Missing Ends in TI-BASIC
(Hardware) RPN-Calculator
(Hardware) Keyberry Pi

As always, all entries are competing against each others, regardless of the platform. Have you spotted projects this month that you think are more notable in particular or that you liked in particular? Select five (5) options in the poll attached to this topic (requires 20 posts) then click Submit! And don't forget to visit each topic again to give authors encouragements and suggestions!

You have You have until March 12th to vote, so hurry up!
Other / MOVED: PC Case Windows Mod
March 05, 2017, 04:59:09 AM
This is a thing:

And when unwrapped/opened:

This was the free sample that Kunaki gives for new sellers by the way. Quality is similar to Audiolife, with the difference being that the front cover is only two sides rather than four and there's no image under the disc itself (since they use that black CD holder thing)

Based on what I'm seeing and hearing, this means that in the near future, you will be able to buy most of my albums in physical format. The only drawback is that if one album doesn't get a sale for over 180 days, then Kunaki automatically takes it down so I have to re-upload it again. That and the other drawback is the same as every single online CD seller (or even retail stores): Your CD jewel case might arrive with some cracks, but I guess that's life (the worst gotta be Amazon). <_<

Superstar Hero is an sci-fi action-RPG set in a dystopian Quebec City of the far future. The game is heavily inspired from the early Ys series games and Mega Man, but it doesn't take itself seriously, with an usually over-the-top depiction of the 92th century and how Quebec has (d)evolved, where the goal of the game is to... as you guessed... save the world! It also contains some weird glitches that were left in and it is your job to take advantage of them to counter the game's sometimes-very-high difficulty.

You can lower its difficulty by farming for gold and buying attack/defense/speed upgrades, but at one point you might prefer trying to master the abuse of some of the game's (and RPG Maker 2003 engine's) quirks, such as cornering enemies while attacking them or character positioning and attack timing for maximum damage.

The game is not complete yet, but it's coming along nicely (despite some breaks over time).


The game is set in the dystopian future of 9108, in Quebec City area. Because of overpopulation, people started building new skyscrapers right out of the ground, digging down while building the structures around the remaining rocks and dirt, rather than building upwards into the sky. The thinner Earth crust that resulted afterwards, despite being reinforced heavily by metal to support 900+ floor high skyscrapers, resulted into Quebec City temperature never going under 10°C even in the middle of January nights (except during snowstorms in upper parts of the city). Sainte-Foy District is now the hi-tech hub of the city, while St-Roch is the shopping one. As a result of various geopolitical events in the 21th century (such as Internet becoming illegal due to widespread terrorism and Harlaka residents being banned from the rest of the city and eventually most of the world, and then disappearing entirely on Christmas 2093), the district of Harlaka, built after the 2029 nuclear attack on Lévis in order to house the remaining survivors, has suffered from crime and depopulation during almost its entire existence and today, it is overrun by the Tibestian alien race and their robots, and you now need special governor permission to get in.

As you learn by talking to NPC's in the game, if you thought that finding new staff in the retail job world in 2018 was hard... well... imagine Walmart being closed for over one week due to being unable to find enough staff to run the store. That's life in Quebec City, in 9108 AD. Oh, and many people hate you or are scared of you because you were built by the enemy race. But for whatever reason, they are neither scared nor attacked by monsters who dare roaming the city streets (people retaliated so often that monsters just gave up attacking locals). And for whatever reasons, half of the women in Quebec City now walk down the street in bikinis. (yeah, the game is more for a mature audience, btw xd). And just like in the 2010's, Quebec City is home of at least three :walrii: .

[spoiler="Original Post"]So I thought I would resume work on this old project, which has been dormant since about January 2009: Superstar Hero, which is an action-JRPG set in the Quebec City future of 9108, after a nearby city got destroyed. You are an hero of the Tibestian enemy race that lost his destructive memories and somehow ended up on the good side, now willing to stop his own master from destroying the world.

Your only weapon (once you buy at least one attack upgrade) is that electrical attack that damages all enemies surrounding you, along with area of effect items you can buy at shops. You can also buy defense and speed upgrades to reduce the amount of damage you take and increase the speed at which you can attack.

Changelog since v0.1 demo:
-Replaced all music not made by me
-Added new music, including some from the unfinished ROL0 remake. Most songs are still unused, though.
-Removed weird frame (resolution is now close to SNES-like, except the save/load screens)
-New enemies inside the Quebec City tunnels
-Altered some sound effects and volume
-Quebec City graphics slowed down and altered a little bit to make it a little less flashy (it's still flashy, though)
-Changed HP bar to a gradient and changed the color of defense.
-Updated project from RPG Maker 2003 v1.09 to the newly-released 1.11 (Steam version)
-Fixed some bugs introduced by updating to RPG Maker 2003 v1.11, mainly with font settings having changed.
-Added more Quebec City maps including the link between both ends
-New enemies
-Test boss

-Fix balance issues (mainly with how expensive upgrades can get)
-A lot of new maps/NPC convos
-New bosses/enemies (most bosses will most likely be Ys style, being either a standard enemy/stationary object in a room filled with projectiles you must avoid)[/spoiler]
I thought I would make a separate topic for my music that was originally or currently intended to be video game soundtrack for past or future projects. The following is a new song for Superstar Hero JRPG, if it was to be revived (if I do so I am planning to only use my own music including the unused soundtrack from ROL0 remake). The following song combines the style of ROL0 Remake and Superstar Hero:

Many of my other game songs are available below (most are on Illegal Music Chemistry or Destiny Knight)
First of all, we are pleased to announce that our staff member @p2 has been promoted from Topic Manager to Moderator. While he could perform minor forum moderation tasks under his old position, his new one will give him more freedom. :)

In addition to that, two RPG Maker 2003 games have been added to the CodeWalrus Arcade section: The Mysterious Cities of Gold II: The Curse of Amirax (a non-canon RPG sequel to the 1982 anime), and Super Star Hero v0.1 (a sci-fi action-RPG demo set in a distant Quebec future). Thanks to Juju and the team that made EasyRPG for making this possible. While you might experience lag and some glitches due to EasyRPG limitations, you can now play both games without having to download them and they are now multi-platform (although mobile touchscreen controls don't appear to be available).

And finally, I am pleased to announce that after several years of wait, my 2007-2009 music albums are finally available for sale on Bandcamp, alongside my two recent releases. This also includes the non-stop DJ mix called Hardcore Armageddon from 2007. The next step will be CD releases, but there is currently no time table for that.

CodeWalrus Arcade
DJ Omnimaga music page
There are many Axe Parser projects that have died because the programmer have hit the executable code limit and thought there was no way around it:
8 KB by default for 8xp executables
16 KB for apps
24 KB with Fullrene (can be problematic if your code uses the same RAM space as Fullrene)
40 KB with that one trick that DrDnar posted once, but I forgot the post ID on Omnimaga
even more with RunPrgm or Pageswap axiom (but most likely has problems similar to Fullrene regarding safe RAM usage conflicts)

However, TI-BASIC has no executable code limit. With the help of simple ASM utilities to copy archived 8xp files to the RAM and delete the RAM copies, you can theoretically "increase Axe Parser executable code limit" to the following, sort-of:
164 KB on TI-83+
480 KB on TI-84+
1540 KB on TI-84+SE

Which isn't increasing the limit per-SE, but simply getting around it by splitting your Axe executable into multiple ones (eg one program for the menu, one program for Cutscenes 1 and 2, one program for Cutscenes 3 and 4, one program for the game ending sequence, one for enemy battles, one for the title screen and one for the overworld). You also need to use an appvar for data that needs to be shared across each executable. Then finally, you make a TI-BASIC launcher which, with the help of your favorite archive/unarchive ASM utility (XCOPY is the smallest and can be downloaded at ), temporarily copies needed archived Axe executables to RAM, then you launch the resulting XTEMP00x.8xp file and delete it afterwards.

The only downside is that this requires splitting your game into several sub-programs, cluttering the PRGM menu, so you might want to prefix the sub-program names with the theta symbol. Also, grayscale games will look crappy during the switching between programs, so you might need to add a "LOADING" text somewhere so that the user won't think his calculator froze.

Of course, I doubt people will need this much code and I recommend using as much data as possible as code replacement to avoid having to do this, but I think this trick could extend the life of several projects further.
I am pleased to announce the release of my two newest music albums: In UK Hardcore and Dance we Trust and Illegal Music Chemistry!

Although I haven't done many songs since 2014 ended, my last full-lenght album release was in December 2013 with Ancient Kingdom of Omnimaga and the last one to feature electronic dance music was in early 2009, with Destiny Knight. As a result, many of the electronic dance, chiptune and experimental songs I made after 2009 were never made available on any of my releases, except the A Decade of Magic Hardcore and A Decade of Omnidance compilations, both of which came out in 2012.

Just like every album I released from 2007 to 2008, both IUKHADWT and IMC go the same route as Stratovarius' Intermission: Newer songs with a bunch of older tracks. In fact, In UK Hardcore and Dance we Trust is essentially a reboot of my previously canceled 2009 album Magic Hardcore, which died due to my 2 years hiatus from dance music making. However, like Destiny Knight, this album doesn't feature any track from my old tapes, and this is where Illegal Music Chemistry comes into play. IMC is basically a collection of previously unreleased songs (other than on Youtube, Soundcloud or my two massive hardcore/dance compilations), the more recent ones ranging from synthpop and hi-NRG to chiptune music, while all the 2003 songs are digitally-remastered cassette rips that never made it on any of my older albums.

You can now download the two albums on Bandcamp below, but before you do so, there's more to come: After many years of wait and increasing demand, there will now be physical CD releases of my albums! As of 2017, there are only four physical copies of my music releases in existence, all of which are Ancient Kingdom of Omnimaga Special Edition. For now, Illegal Music Chemistry is setup for imminent physical album release as I wait for a sample copy to arrive to make sure the quality is up to my standards. Once this album is made available physically to the public via Kunaki shop, IUKHADWT and my two metal albums will soon receive the same treatment. While  ADOMH and ADOO compilations will never see a physical release, my back-catalogue from 2007-09 will finally get one, meaning that you'll eventually be able to hold a copy of Epic Journey Through the Galaxy, Journey Through the Moon Dark Side, Enter the Dream World, Angel in the Stars, It's the End of Time and Destiny Knight in your hands!

So without further ado, here are the links to In UK Hardcore and Dance we Trust and Illegal Music Chemistry, my first albums in 3 years:
So it looks like for the third time since the Monthly CW Project Award was instated, we have another tie, this time with Sorcery of Uvutu and Age of CEmpire I:

(83+/84+/CSE) Sorcery of Uvutu
(84+CE) Age of CEmpires I

To determine the winner for January 2017, we are running a second poll, as those two entries got 8 votes. This poll will run until February 17th 2017, 3 AM GMT-5 (9 AM in France), so hurry and vote now. :3=
Other / MOVED: Spider-Dude!
February 13, 2017, 10:22:38 PM
Site Discussion & Bug Reports / RSS feed broken
February 11, 2017, 03:53:56 AM
@Juju or @Streetwalrus I believe this might be due to changes applied to our RSS stuff for or maybe related to the https switch and edits but I could be wrong. Basically, the RSS link at the bottom of CW site now says the following message:

Quote from:;type=rssTypeError: Failed to construct 'URL': Invalid URL
In 1996, a PC game called SQRXZ came out. Released by Maze and Hojo, it was later ported to the TI-85, TI-86 and TI-92 by Jimmy Mårdell and later to the TI-83 and TI-83+/84+ series by Solignac Julien and became a classic on In 2015, it was ported to the TI-Nspire CX by gameblabla, along with SQRXZ 3 and 4.

But now, the TI-Z80 ASM version has finally made its way to the TI-83 Premium CE and TI-84 Plus CE!

This game is inspired from Mario series, but with generally much more challenging levels, although custom levels from the TI-83+/84+ version are supported and a CE level editor is supposed to be released in the near future. The gameplay is very smooth, with a frame rate approaching 60 FPS.

Now that 2017 is underway, it's time for another run of Monthly CW Project Awards! Now you can vote for your favorite January 2017 CodeWalrus projects.

Since this is a new year, all 2016 projects that did not win the yearly award are now reset and thus, can participate again. Only the TI-83+/84+ Reuben Quest 3 can no longer participate to any future poll. For January 2017, there were many projects, which are listed below (or in the poll):

(83+/84+) Digger
(83+/84+) Short Circuit
(83+/84+/CSE) Sorcery of Uvutu
(84+CSE) TI-BASIC DYI Library
(84+CE) Age of CEmpires I
(84+CE) C SDK & Libraries for CE
(84+CE) CEmu
(84+CE) Cookie Clicker CE
(84+CE) gLib 3D Library
(84+CE) ICE Compiler
(84+CE) Kill CMND
(84+CE) Oiram CE
(84+CE) Super Meowio World
(Nspire) Simple Image Viewer
(PC) Isometric Tile Creator
(PC) Veni Vidi still struggling to Vici
(PC) Walrus Kingdom
(PC) Z80-Based PICO-8 Clone
(3DS) Windows SmileBASIC clone
(Dreamcast) Crafti for Sega Dreamcast
(Multiplatform) Clouttery Battery Monitor
(Multiplatform) Lost Souls
(Multiplatform) XBuilder X3D Level Editor
(Web) WalrusIRC
(Hardware) Juju's Christmas Tree
(Hardware) SID + MIDI on Arduino & YM2149 emu

As always, all entries are competing against each others, regardless of the platform. Have you spotted projects this month that you think are more notable in particular or that you liked in particular? Select six (6) options in the poll attached to this topic (requires 20 posts) then click Submit! And don't forget to visit each topic again to give authors encouragements and suggestions!

You have You have until February 13th to vote, so hurry up! :3=

Edit by p2: fixed "AgeOfCEmpires I" title
Sometimes, it's fun (or scary) to look back into our old artwork and creations. The following is some of the artwork that was used in the PC version of Illusiat 5. Those treasure chests were huge for no reason lol

I'm glad I got better <_< (actually I didn't get that much better at drawing hi-res art, but I at least improved in sprites and other areas). I also got much better at using the right resolutions for my graphics, eg keeping aspect ratio and stuff lol

Gaming / Mega Man 2.5D released
February 01, 2017, 03:02:44 AM
A Mega Man PC fan game called Mega Man 2.5D has just been released, after 7 years of development!

As you'll notice in the video, it features old-school graphics like the NES games, but with a twist: The game is in 3D, with rotating camera, for a new take on the classics. In addition to that, the game features co-op and versus modes. An amazing effort by the development team!

Official website and download links:
A few weeks ago, Casio unveiled their upcoming successor to the fx-CG10/20 calculators: The fx-CG50. Now they have just unveiled its French counterpart: the Graph 90+E:

Casio has thus reverted back to their old ways of renaming their calculators for the France market, with only the Classpad series and the original PRIZM models not being renamed (although the fx-CG10 was released as the fx-CG20 in all of Europe, with extra image capabilities):

fx-7400G: Graph 20
fx-9750G: Graph 30
fx-9750G PLUS: Graph 35+ (French model has more RAM)
fx-9750gII: Graph 35+ USB
CFX-9850G: Graph 60
CFX-9950G: Graph 65
fx-9860g: Graph 85
fx-9860g SD: Graph 85 SD
fx-9860gII: Graph 75
fx-9860gII SD: Graph 95
Algebra FX 2.0: Graph 100

It is widely speculated from the name that this new calculator will have an exam mode or restrictions allowing its use in French exams after the 2018 rule changes, unlike the fx-CG20, which lacked one despite OS updates.

Regarding the technical specifications of both the Casio fx-CG50 and Graph 90+E, it appears that they will feature the following:

61 KB of user RAM
16 MB of Flash
Add-in support (that can be installed by the user, but it's unclear if extra protections against third-party add-ins have been added)
4xAAA batteries required
USB and 3-pin cable support

Exact CPU specs are unknown, but the info page states something about high-speed calculations. It is unknown if any improvements were done in terms of LCD speed and especially BASIC drawing commands, which are notorious for being incredibly slow on the fx-CG10/20. The MSRP is 130 euros, approximately $30 higher than its American counterpart.

Source: (via )
@Sorunome wanted me to post this topic a few hours ago, so here is it. Basically if you feed a walrus, the following could happen:

1) They might play saxophone, sort of


3) You will go bankrupt because a walrus eats A LOT!


5) And if their birthday is nearby

Consoles / Play Minecraft on your Sega Dreamcast
January 20, 2017, 07:03:19 AM
A few years ago, @Vogtinator released crafti, a 3D Minecraft clone for the TI-Nspire CX featuring many elements from the original game. Then last year, it was ported to the GCW0 by @gameblabla . However, after the GCW0, he has now ported it to the Sega Dreamcast console, which has quite a following among homebrew developers. His DC port of the game has recently received a lot of following and made the headline on various Sega Dreamcast news websites and communities:

As you can see in the video above, despite this game console featuring only 16 MB of RAM, crafti Dreamcast edition runs fairly smoothly. Good job to gameblabla for the port and of course Vogtinator for the original version of crafti!

Download link:
For the last few years, @123outerme has developed various pure and hybrid TI-BASIC calculator games for the TI-83 Plus and later the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition. Among those, there were many games with various role-playing game elements. Source Seekers, Solius and Dragonsglid were some of his most prominent titles around that genre. While simple in general, they still managed to provide a lot of entertainment while they lasted. Today, the author has released another RPG, this time using xLIBC, called Sorcery of Uvutu, for the TI-84+CSE!

Initially developed as a direct sequel or remake of Dragonsglid, Sorcery of Uvutu later evolved into a full game of its own (although still tied to the Dragonsglid and Source Seekers universe), using nice-looking graphics, sprites, tilemaps and featuring even more elements from Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and proving once more that such game is feasible within the limitations of the 21.7 KB of user RAM on this calculator. While the story is simple and the game relatively short (about two hours of gameplay), the world to explore is still quite large per calculator RPG standards and the game should be simple to get into. In addition to that, calculator RPG projects usually tend to never get close to finished, so props to the author for making this game one of the exceptions.

A welcome addition to this calculator RPG library!

Download link:
Discussion sub-forum:
Casio has recently announced that a new Casio PRIZM calculator, under the fx-CG50 model number, will be released this Spring. Amidst speculation from community members that this calculator will ditch support for third-party ASM and C development (which was unnoficial to begin with on the fx-CG10/20, but Casio left the door open on those calculators, while locking it down on the fx-CP400) and that the BASIC language will not see any significant speed improvements, here are some of the announced improvements:

-New case design, more rectangular than round
-3D graphing with many features, including zooming and rotating
-Improved catalog so that users can use commands more easily

It is unknown if the CPU will be the same as the PRIZM or if it will be upgraded to the one used in the ClassPad II, which is twice faster.  The memory capacities and whether the 2.5mm jack remains or not are also still unknown. The MSRP will be around $100 USD and many features from those calculators, such as picture plotting (graphing lines over a real life photo) will return in the new calculator. Let's hope that the door will still be open for third-party add-in development and that the BASIC language speed during drawing will be improved (for example, the 58 MHz fx-CG10/20 took 300 milliseconds to draw a pixel or horizontal line, while the 15 MHz TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition took about 10).

Source: Casio (via TI-Planet)
Well, it looks like Alexa decided to follow the same route as Imageshack and become greedy: They ditched their free website rank tools and became a paid service only. You used to be able to check a website rank (even though the rank itself was reportedly innacurate) and a few other SEO-related info (such as keywords) for free and be able to unlock extra features with a premium paid account, but now you are not only forced to login, but you are offered to choose a plan, and if you decide to not choose any plan, then the only option is to logout.

It sucks another site decided to go this route. Hopefully Youtube and the link don't do the same in the not-so-distant future.

Now that each winner for the 2016 Monthly CW Project Awards have been declared, the final round of voting begins, which will determine the winner of the 2016 Yearly CW Project Award. Those awards were introduced in June, so there are 7 projects for this poll:

June: (84+CE) ICE Compiler v1.1
July: (fx-CG10/20) Internet on Casio PRIZM
August: (84+CE) CEmu
September: (84+CE) C SDK and Libraries
October: (83+/84+) Reuben Quest 3
November: (84+CE) gLib 3D Library
December: (84+CE) Oiram CE

The author of the winning project will win a digital gift card prize for a store that offers such thing. If during prize delivery the Canadian dollar is worth $0.67 US dollar or higher, the prize will be $50 USD, otherwise it will be $75 USD. This is a skills contest, not a lottery contest, as all those projects required a tremendous amount of work in order to be achieved. You have until January 16th 2017 to vote!
Another one of CodeWalrus oddities:

For years, the TI-84 Plus series had access to Super Mario 1.2 and 2.0 by Sam Heald, a long-time classic for older calculator models. Unfortunately, TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition users were left in the cold due to the calculator's short lifespan (it was discontinued after only two years), its extremely poor performances and arguably the lack of viable C programming and libraries for it, all of which made developers skeptical about whether that platform could support a side-scrolling platformer. Fortunately for TI-83 Premium CE, TI-84 Plus CE and TI-84 Plus CE-T owners, this is not the case, thanks to the platform's superior power and the dedication of @MateoConLechuga , a Super Mario clone is now available for those color screen calculators!

While the game plays similar to Super Mario Bros 3, it has a few differences, mainly related to physics, animations and the behavior of some enemies and objects. In addition to that, the game graphics can reportedly be replaced if Nintendo ever decides to extend its war against fan games towards the Texas Instruments calculator scene. Dubbed Oiram, this TI-84 Plus CE side-scrolling platformer features a Windows-compatible level editor, allowing you to make your own Mario levels, but in addition to that, you can even make your own worlds, a feature that the Wii U and 3DS game Super Mario Maker lacks. The game, from a Mario perspective, also features significant improvements over the monochrome clone for an even better experience and greater freedom.

Make sure to download this game and the level editor as soon as possible, because they're worth it, and they have just been updated with bug fixes! :3=

Oiram CE: Download
Oiram Level Editor: Download
Discussion topic (Use this one to showcase your levels in progress)
One of the many complains that Casio calculator programmers always had was that its BASIC language was slow. TI programmers had similar complains about TI-BASIC, but the slow speed of TI-BASIC is nothing compared to Casio calculators, especially the ClassPad series. Thankfully, the fx-9860G series has a BASIC language that runs at speeds roughly comparable with the TI-84 Plus, but only because of the much faster processor (between 29 and 58 MHz depending of the fx-9860G hardware revision, compared to 15 MHz on the TI-84 Plus).

As a result, over the last 15 years, various Casio community hobbyists attempted to create third-party languages that ran much faster than BASIC, but much easier to learn than existing alternatives. We had MLC and later PRGM2, but neither came to fruition, although some major MLC games came out in 2005. Today, a Japanese community member has decided to take things even further, with a new BASIC interpreter rather than a new language, so that people can make their games run much faster without having to learn a new language. And thus, C.Basic was born:

As you can notice in the video above, the execution speed is a far cry from third-party TI-84 Plus and CE languages such as Axe Parser. Grammer, BBC Basic and ICE Compiler, but there is still a significant increase over the original built-in Casio BASIC interpreter. In addition to that, this add-in can run your BASIC programs from storage memory, according to the documentation. Although it is not fully completed yet and that most of the documentation is in Japanese, it is in the process of being translated for international audiences and the author recommends downloading the latest version.

Download links:
English documentation:
Supported commands:

Calculator News, Coding, Help & Talk / Oiram levels
January 06, 2017, 01:37:11 AM
List of levels as of Feb 22nd 2017:
Rainbow Road (DJ Omnimaga);topic=1815.0;attach=1243
My Level (PT_);topic=1815.0;attach=1206
xAirship (xMarminq_);topic=1815.0;attach=1246
Super Mario Bros World 1 (Pieman7373)
Super Mario Bros 3 World 1 (STV's version)
Super Mario Bros 3 World 1 (xMarminq's version);topic=1815.0;attach=1250
New Super Mario Bros Level 1 to 3 (Raiseit)
Rush and Jump (Flamoute)
Illusions (TI64CLi++)

[spoiler=original post]Like with the Mario Maker thread, share your Oriam creations here :) (ideally when they are finished, you should maybe upload to (TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Game Levels) and link to the file page in this thread. Anyway, so far I am still learning how to use the editor but I decided to go with a somewhat unconventional Mario 3 level: Rainbow Road :P

There is only 1 level in my package sadly, but that level isn't very easy so it might last you a while. :P (the above screenshot only shows about half of the level but the second half isn't as hard)

UPDATE (see later posts): There are now 4 levels and the new download link is;topic=1815.0;attach=1243 and here's a video of the updated level pack:[/spoiler]

Those 4 rar files contains all the calculator projects I had in the works in the last few years, excluding of course some much older files that I have lost a long time ago or ones already available for download elsewhere.

TI-84 Plus:
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition:
TI-84 Plus CE:
HP Prime:

I did upload some of those in the past but I re-uploaded those a few weeks ago in case one day I was forced out of the TI community by any mean or stopped being physically or psychologically functional enough to share them. It doesn't mean that 100% of those projects are permanently discontinued, but as I am one of the old guard that stayed away from code repositories, I felt that I should at least upload what I have to make sure that it is not lost forever on an hard drive like many projects in the past. I am sharing them on the forums now because recent health complications rang a red alarm for me, as I know that 6-7 years ago, I neglected my health considerably, meaning that while being 30 years old might be considered as young by many, I no longer feel like 18 and I am not taking any chances.

In the event where somebody decided to continue one of those projects, just give me some credits if you're gonna re-use this content.

As for my status as CodeWalrus staff, I am remaining staff and sticking around but my activity might be diminished.
Now here is the poll for the December 2016 Monthly CW Project Award, which will determine the last winner before the Yearly CW Project Award poll starts.

So far, ICE Compiler, Internet for the PRIZM, CEmu, C SDK/Libraries, Reuben Quest 3 and gLib all won past iterations of the 2016 monthly awards. Of the 29 projects that were active on CodeWalrus forums in December 2016, 24 are thus eligible for this month's survey!

(83+/84+) Cave Game
(83+/84+) Classroom Co-Op Pack
(83+/84+) Hoobagees 4
(83+/84+) Illusiat 7 Easytype
(84+CE) Aspirin CE
(84+CE) Cookie Clicker CE
(84+CE) I Don't Even Game CE
(84+CE) Kill CMND
(84+CE) Oiram CE
(84+CE) This is the Only Level CE
(Nspire) Firebird Emulator
(Nspire) Virtual Jaguar Emulator
(Pebble) Forbidden Love (NSFW)
(PC) DellardOS
(PC) Walrus Kingdom
(Multiplatform) Checkers
(Multiplatform) Clouttery Battery Monitor
(Multiplatform) Opossum Massage Simulator
(Multiplatform) Platformer V2
(Multiplatform) X3D Engine for TI and PC
(Hardware) Juju's Christmas Tree
(Hardware) Keyberry Pi
(Hardware) Pi84 Raspberry Pi-powered TI-84+

As always, all entries are competing against each others, regardless of the platform. Have you spotted projects this month that you think are more notable in particular or that you liked in particular? Select five (5) options in the poll attached to this topic (requires 20 posts) then click Submit! And don't forget to visit each topic again to give authors encouragements and suggestions!

You have You have until January 8th 2017 to vote, so hurry up!  :3=

Once the December winner is declared, another poll will be run with the 7 monthly winners to determine the 2016 Yearly CW Project Award winner. The 2016 winner will receive a digital gift card of his choice (assuming the store allows cross-region digital gift purchases). If in 2 weeks the Canadian dollar is worth $0.67 USD or more, the contest prize will be $50 USD. Otherwise, it will be $75 CAD.
This topic has been moved to Web.
Media Talk / Rogue One
December 30, 2016, 08:19:24 AM
Anyone saw Rogue One? What were your impressions about it?
The POTY results for 2016 are in! This year, in the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition category, Checkers 84+, Connect 4, Graph3DC and Pong with Sound competed against each others, while in the TI-84 Plus CE category,  Catylizm CE, ChessCE, Crystann or the Diamond Dungeon, GalagACE, Game of Life, ICE Compiler, Minesweeper, Snail Maze, SPLASHCE, StackerCE, SwipeCE and Zombie Chase CE did. In the TI-84 Plus category, This is the Only Level was the only entry, while in the TI-Nspire category, the contestants were Another World, Jens' Script Editor, PicoDrive, Squirrel and ZeldaSouls. People had to vote for their favorite entry for each category in the last few weeks and here are the winners:

TI-84+: This is the Only Level
TI-84+CSE: Graph3DC
TI-84+CE: ICE Compiler
TI-Nspire: Jens' Script Editor

Congratulations to all winners and good job to everyone who got featured!

Media Talk / Mortal Kombat in real life (sort-of)
December 26, 2016, 06:36:57 AM
Warning: gruesome but looks more realistic than the movies :P

This is a troll game I released in February 2006 (now reposted on CW for posterity) that was intended to poke fun at the lack of originality on way back in 2002-06, especially in the TI-83 Plus BASIC Games section. This is basically yet another guessing game, but pushed to the extreme (uses grayscale graphics and requires over 22 KB of memory due to requiring xLIB).

A grayscale quadratic solver, also using xLIB and notorious for being exactly the 100th quadratic solver upload on and being exempt from the quadratic solver ban that was active at the time, was made shortly afterwards in response to this game, and a satire TI forum called the Quadratic Solver Liberation Front was made alongside it.
Games / [PC] Avions (SEIZURE WARNING!)
December 25, 2016, 05:59:54 AM
I made this game in June 2002 and it sucks, but I'm posting it for posterity, in case the only other file archives on which it was hosted ever goes offline. Shoot down the planes by clicking them. The game speed is entirely dependent on your computer speed. This game was made on a Windows 98 300 MHz PC with Visual Basic 6 so it should probably be played on such hardware.

WARNING: This game can cause seizures because of all the flashing, especially the title screen!
Games / Illusiat 7 Easy Type (TI-83+/84+)
December 21, 2016, 03:43:27 AM
Those who played through the entire Illusiat JRPG series for the TI-83 Plus/84 Plus probably noticed that the difficulty in Illusiat 7 was particularly insane (although nowhere as bad as the Normal mode in Illusiat 6). Because each of the 7 character stats had to be leveled up separately, while the rate at which you gained experience in early stages was not bad, having to level up seven different parameters one by one turned the game into a major grind fest. HP had up to 30 different levels, MP 95+ and the rest 50, for a total of approximately 375 level up iterations. In addition to that, the difficulty in early game was brutal, with many enemies being able to kill you in two hits by the time you reach the 2nd forest.

14 years after the game release, it's now time to include a difficulty setting in it. Now, when you start the game, in addition of being asked to choose between four characters (which makes no difference in the game by the way, other than their startup stats), you will now be asked to choose between EASY mode and the original HARD mode. Here are the differences in EASY mode:
-Regular enemies now gives twice as much experience
-Bosses now gives 40 times more experience
-Both enemies and bosses now gives twice as much gold
-All characters start with twice as much HP, MP, attack power, defense, magic power, spirit and agility. The required next level experience, however, remains unnafected by those changes

Besides the addition of easy mode, the following minor updates were applied to the game
-VIT stat has been changed to AGI. This was a translation error that might have confused some players into thinking that VIT stood for vitality, when in fact it stood for vitesse (speed in French)
-Old Illusiat 7 saves are compatible with this version. When loading them, HARD mode is set as their difficulty mode by default.

This is not intended to be a major game update, so no optimization nor color porting has happened. As a result, this game still has its programming flaws and some clunky controls. This is simply an update to address severe difficulty problems present in the game since eons, as I did in late 2002 with Illusiat 6 (which faced the same problem, but much worse).

Note that despite the addition of an Easy mode and the fact it's much easier than its Hard counterpart, it's still difficult. However, it's much more reasonable now. One trick I recommend is: Once you are comfortable enough with your current stats, try to max out your HP as fast as possible, because there's a dungeon in Chapter 2 where you'll need it. Also buy lots of herbs during the first two dungeons and stock up on ethers later on.

Another tip: BUY THE EGG AS LATE AS POSSIBLE in chapter 2!!!!! While its cost is equal to your max HP * 10 (by the time you reach the Hell dungeon it should be maxed out to 999 or close), when you buy it it resets your next level exp requirement back to 50, which is very handy right before a boss fight.

For the time being, only the English version of the game has been updated. I'll see if there's enough demand for a French version update but for now, you can download the English update below (all archive files go to flash and RAM files to RAM)

On December 11th 2004, I released an hybrid TI-BASIC JRPG called Reuben Quest: Ev Awakening for the TI-84 Plus. It made the headlines for being the first grayscale game ever written in BASIC with the help of ASM libraries. Using Omnicalc sprite command rapidly generated nearly-flickerless grayscale almost comparable to the only other TI-84 Plus grayscale game available at the time, called Desolate by @tr1p1ea . It was also notorious for being the first ever grayscale JRPG release for a TI-Z80 calculator other than the TI-86. The game involved finding items and clues to help you progressing, while fighting monsters in turn-based battles along your way.

Then on January 15th 2005, a sequel titled Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror came out, also making headlines. This game used the same engine as the first game, but was longer and had more advanced puzzle-solving elements, as well as more items. However, this marked the beginning of a years-long TI community trend where people started loathing calculator games with a large file size (ironically at a time when TI-Z80 calculators with 1.5 MB of Flash became widespread) despite their usually higher amount of content, and as a result, this was my final RPG release until the release of First Fantasy: Mana Force last year.

Then one decade after the release of Reuben Quest, @Sorunome remade the original game in Axe Parser language then the sequel in Z80 assembly. Both also got featured, competing in the same POTY, just like the original games did in 2005, and the sequel remake won the 2014 Program of the Year award. The two remakes featured much faster speed, an extra shade of grayscale and updated graphics.

Soon after, Soru decided to reboot the series and make a second sequel: Reuben Quest: Lost Between Times. Two years after its development started, it is finally out (quite fittingly, just a few days after the series' 12th anniversary and on the day the original game was featured on front page) and it takes Reuben Quest series to a whole new level!

The game remains true to the first two games and brings back several puzzle elements from them. The game is even longer, new graphics have been added to the classic sprites and there are many more possibilities, such as the bomb and hookshoot items. While the battles remain turn-based, they are now in active mode, meaning that enemies will attack you while you select commands and at different speeds depending of their stats. This game should give you a Zelda feel even more than the first sequel did, while also keeping some classic JRPG elements with the random enemy encounters.

Download link:
Official sub-forum:
CodeWalrus topic:
Reuben Quest Wiki:
This topic has been moved to Other.
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