b/Calculator Development

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Unirse Started by u/nullweist • September 09, 2016, 02:47:01 AM

Flappy Bird on HP Prime

Hello, as the title announces, this is Flappy Bird for the HP Prime. It is currently functional, but I might be releasing some aesthetic updates to it in the future. I have written it as an HP App so that I can take advantage of storing images as pngs. ...
14 Replies
Unirse Started by u/PAL6456 • February 26, 2024, 03:17:02 AM

Can someone please do a tutorial to flash the TI-nspire CX CAS?

Can someone please do a tutorial to flash the TI-nspire CX CAS? I upgraded to OS 4.5.5 before realizing it wasn't supported by Ndless. So now I want to remove the os protection or flash it to downgrade the os and install Ndless. I'm willing to buy the USB/TTL interface. Thank you!
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 13, 2024, 01:02:36 AM

Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter revival

Back in 2001 and 2002 I released 11 calculator RPGs and 1 point-and-click game for the TI-83 Plus monochrome series. The series was revived in 2009 with one final game: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter.Unfortunately, I lost interest in the project about 90% into development and only a few minor updates were released in early 2010 to fix some bugs in the version that was made public back then. In recent years, however, I began reviving several calculato...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Lionel Debroux • October 25, 2015, 04:30:17 PM

TILP: beta-testing...

Since the previous public build, there have been, guess what... improvements and bugfixes Excerpt of the changelog: internal: added per-handle pre / post receive and pre / post send hooks functionality. It's the foundation for more interesting stuff which shall be implemented later. added DUSB packet dissection to libticalcs and CLI front-end to it. It makes it possible to input packets straight of, say, Wireshark, and have them analyzed in a human-readable way: [...
57 Replies
Unirse Started by u/JWinslow23 • September 09, 2023, 03:41:38 PM

Othello (83+/84+/CSE/CE, TI-BASIC)

Hey, everyone! Can't believe it's been over 4 years since I last posted on here My brother's starting high school, so I lent him my calculator so we could save money over getting a new one for him. But of course, I got another one for myself I made this game on my new calculator (a CE with OS, mainly for my brother's benefit. Not sure yet if it works on the monochrome calcs, but it should.Controls: 2ND/ENTER to place disk, ENTER to get past some messages, CLEAR to exit. https://i...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • July 15, 2021, 02:47:58 PM

HASHLIB - Cryptography Library for the CE

For the past few months, I've been working with beckadamtheinventor and others on HASHLIB, a library that provides d*mn-near industry standard encryption for the TI-84+ CE. It is a Libload Library, meaning it works the same way as the other libraries distributed with the toolchain (GRAPHX, FILEIOC, etc). Simply send HASHLIB.8xv to your calculator, move the .lib and .h file to your $CEDEV/lib/libload and $CEDEV/include directories respectively, then `#include <hashlib.h>` in your C project...
8 Replies
Unirse Started by u/JamesV • December 21, 2015, 01:37:37 PM

Alien Breed 5 Episode III: Impact

Since 3.5 years ago when I decided to do Alien Breed 5, I've had a rough plan in my head for it to be a 3-part game, ie. the first main release, followed by two additional campaigns with new features to be added later. I've recently started working on the 3rd and (most likely) final part. It's still very early days, but I've already gotten a few cool things done.As usual, there will be a new campaign, although it will be different in structure to Episodes I & II. There will also be new gameplay ...
147 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • November 19, 2017, 10:26:12 PM

TI-Trek Multiplayer (CE Edition) nears first demo release

I've been talking about it for a while. Asking questions about how to do this or that. But without any real progress. Scroll down for a question I have about ship/terrain assets. Well as of the past week or so, that has changed. I sat down, turned off my Minecraft (with great internal suffering) and got to work. Over the past week, I succeeded in creating the shields, the major non-combat systems, damage reception, power control, and more. At this point in time, there is no networking imple...
41 Replies
Unirse Started by u/ACagliano • August 05, 2021, 04:40:58 PM

Vapor (and BOS) Package Manager and Vapor Proxy Service for the TI-84+ CE

I posted about this a while ago on Cemetech and forgot to put it here as well, so here it is.In addition to my other two big projects (TI-Trek and HASHLIB), I've also been working on another project. It started off as a Steam-style client for connecting to online games such as TI-Trek, but I soon decided it could serve a more targeted purpose. Thus, the project has been rebranded Vapor Package Manager , or VPM, for short.BOS Package Manager (BPM) is beckadamtheinventor's project, so I will...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/chalex • May 23, 2021, 09:31:29 PM

New updates for Minecraft 2D!

Main topic - I am releasing the v2 version Chalex's MC2D Mod! Textures look bad due to being taken with an emulator!! They look crisp on hardware! A showcase of all the new blocks! Strongholds now have a 1 in 10 chance of generating in place of dungeons! [img width=250...
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Unirse Started by u/Zemmargorp • November 03, 2020, 10:53:59 PM

BOOM game remake

Hello everyone!I've been working from time to time these past months on the remake of a game for TI CE calculators: BOOM.BOOM was a one-or-two-player Macintosh game made by Factor Software in 1997 (and still edited until ~2016). They described it as "Bomberman meets Doom"; to quote their website: "As a space trooper your mission is to penetrate 8 alien infested areas, each one divided in 10 sub-zones, eliminate all enemies using your bombs and finally kick the Big Alien Boss back to where he cam...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/LD Studios • January 02, 2015, 02:15:33 PM

Portal NSpire

I've been working on a version of portal for nspire for about two weeks now, and here's what I have so far: Title Screen                                                                                      Main Menu Gameplay- (showcasing turrets)Here's my current Complete/To Do List: Game Story: Better name:Basic story with Level Set:
143 Replies
Unirse Started by u/nspiredev500 • February 27, 2020, 09:54:34 PM

proof-of-concept kernel for the TI nspire CX

TLDR: I am currently trying to create an operating system for the ti nspire and just hit a (small) milestone, searching for testers in the futureIn my current project, called simply OSExt for now (because it should extend the normal ti OS sometime in the future), I deviated from simply writing a program that I wanted to integrate with the OS to wanting to write a whole paralell OS kernel.The whole kernel-idea started because I hated it when I tried to test a program and the calculator crashed, l...
17 Replies
Unirse Started by u/p4nix • June 15, 2015, 06:38:57 PM

Pokemon [fx9860]

Pokemon for fx9860 So, I started with Pokemon a while ago. I'm now willing to do some further work to get it finally done and to make CW a more useful place (for me :3 ). Plot Just like in any pokemon, you will start in a small town and get your first pokemon. It will be designed for an endless gameplay, that means trainers can attack you again and some other things will be changed as well. That means that I'll not be required to write a sequel... Engine Tiles ...
51 Replies
Unirse Started by u/nspiredev500 • April 01, 2020, 05:33:55 PM

better battery percentage accuracy for TI calculators

I wasn't satisfied with the 25% accuracy of the battery reading of my TI nspire CX CAS, so I want to make a program that shows you a more accurate percentage.But to do this, I need much data from differed reported battery voltages with the corresponding reported percentage from the os.I made a program that displays a dialog with 3 voltages when run.I would like to have as many people as possible report back their calculator model (classic or CX), the voltage levels from the program and the repor...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/nspiredev500 • November 09, 2019, 09:24:25 PM

dynamic linking PoC for the TI nspire

I managed to get a system working (in firebird, not yet tested on hardware) that lets programms request function tables from libraries (sort-of dynamic linking from what I understand, maybe I'll do a proper dynamic linker with resolving missing symbols in the files, but I currently don't know enough about that).When handled by header files to define function pointers with the right names and parameters, a programm doesn't have to include the functions, thus reducing the size of the binary and th...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/nspiredev500 • October 26, 2019, 06:52:58 PM

OSExt, extending the TI-Nspire OS (currently alpha)

This is a small project I started mainly for myself, but I thought other people could use, too.At this stage it's just a miniclock (NClock's miniclock doesn't seem to work on OS 4.5) on the top right corner and a way to disable usb transfers (so other people can't mess with your files).Planned are a desktop, a shell, and a login manager (so people can't just edit the files directly on calc).You can leave Suggestions as a github issue (or here) if you want.Currently only for OS 4.5 CAS and non-CA...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/kaseyjoes • October 06, 2019, 04:39:18 AM

Ti 82 keyboard matrix

Hey, I'm trying to put a raspberry pi zero into a ti 82, and want to use the original keyboard, but I'm having difficulty figuring out it's keyboard matrix. Any advice?
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/squishy • August 01, 2019, 03:09:55 AM

PineappleCAS - A generic CAS targeted for the TI-84+ CE

Hello!You might know me from the Symbolic Derivative Project . I thought I could do better so I am working on a CAS (computer algebra system) for the TI 84+ CE. It is nearly done and I want to tease a little bit about the progress and work I still have to do before it is released. It is called PineappleCAS and you can check it out here: can already simplify algebra identities a...
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/mazhat • May 06, 2017, 12:15:11 AM

Spaghetti Dungeon (Formerly Raiders)

Yes! Inexplicitly named MOS Raiders.For the last two months I haven't presented anything to show you.                                                                      That ends now! Featured here:-Tilemap -Collisions to walls -Stabbing and stabbing downtime -Diagonal movement-Player colorblindnessMOS Raiders will be a Zelda-like game. I decided that Zelda is a pretty simple concept, somehow Zelda AI is simultaneouslysimpl
31 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Jean-Baptiste Boric • February 03, 2019, 12:47:10 PM

Python games on the NumWorks calculator

I've unearthed one of my old pull requests and now we can (finally!) have proper Python games on the NumWorks calculator. The missing bits were keypad readout and some basic graphics primitives (zardam's time module was already merged some time ago). I've scrambled together a Pong game to showcase this: ;image_id=10222 Drawing performance is honestly quite terrible because the framebuffer isn't memory-mapped, but it's enough for...
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/TheLastMillennial • February 02, 2019, 03:41:25 AM

TI-84 Plus CE Teardown!

Thought you guys might like this little teardown guide I made a few days ago! I've posted it on iFixit.com Here's what the CE look like once you've disassembled it. (I didn't remove the motherboard because it's heat-melted to the shell and I didn't want to break the holds)
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Unirse Started by u/GuyInFreezer • January 31, 2019, 09:14:31 PM

RTEXT - RPG Textbox Tool for TI-BASIC

I forgot how to tag. This is my very first assembly program that I worked on. Huge props on Zeda and Runer for helping me out in times of need (which is, I proudly say, a lot). What does this program do? This program generates the textbox that can be easily seen in RPG games. What is this program capable of? This program can make a textbox with location and size you provide, as long as you meet the criteria (96 x 64 pixels. That's how big your calcul...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Alvajoy123 • December 22, 2018, 05:09:07 PM

Xenon Release

Xenon has been released go and download it on Cemetech !!!  : )
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Unirse Started by u/shak0579 • January 18, 2018, 11:13:31 PM

Super Walrus Fight

This project is going to be held on Scratch.mit.edu
16 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Alvajoy123 • December 20, 2018, 03:27:47 PM

Xenon Development thread | ICE Shell

Hello Codewalrus !!!For the past few month I have been working on a " ICE " shell name Xenon due to lack of interest in other project... I wanted to make some similar to cesium. Any way here is what Xenon Can do : Features : Runing Asm & Basic Programs Terminal Password Lock / Customizable UserName Developer Options Deleting Programs and Making Programs Battery indicator and clock Customizable co...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/TruDev • December 06, 2018, 11:47:44 PM

NumGuess v2: The advanced guessing game

The advanced guessing game Don't forget to press menu! Features: Multiple simultaneous numbers/games Currency/Coins/GuessCoins Shop Powerups Screenshots: ...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Jean-Baptiste Boric • October 28, 2018, 09:41:33 AM

Turtle + RPN on NumWorks

I'm baaack ('cause social network login was broken here for a while).I'm working on an integrated turtle Python module for the NumWorks calculator ( ). It's coming along rather nicely: from turtle import *for i in range(255):  gray=255-i  color(gray,int(gray*0.75),int(gray*0.25))  forward(i*0.1)  left(10) <img src=" ; alt="image"/>I've also done ...
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Unirse Started by u/TheStaticTurtle • January 20, 2018, 01:44:33 PM

TI Nspire uart

So for around 2month now I'm developping an bluetooth interface (via UART) to the TI-Nspire. For that I use ndless and nspire-io (a bit modified to not lock the calc while waiting for message and echo remove). But for the past day I'm encoutering a little problem:  when i send a message to the calc (with or without bluetooth) I only get 32chars for exemple if I send: %%|NUMS|10|TestA|TestB|TestC|TestD|TestE|TestF|TestG|TestH|TestI|TestJ I will only get %%|NUMS|10|TestA|TestB|T...
24 Replies
Unirse Started by u/DarkestEx • March 08, 2018, 12:01:19 AM

Pi84--, BUILD your OWN Linux-powered TI-84+ calculator!

I have been very busy lately, developing a complete replacement main board that will fit into the empty shell of a TI-84+. This will enable you to build your completely own, Linux powered, TI-84+You almost can't differenciate the original from a modded one.It features an ATmega328P-AU Arduino Uno compatible keyboard processor and power management controller and real time clock (to keep the time running, while the Pi is tu...
9 Replies
Unirse Started by u/_iPhoenix_ • July 19, 2018, 06:02:12 PM

Attack of the Snails!

x-post from Cemetech, horizontal lines indicate different posts Earlier this year, I created a small TI-BASIC game that I creatively titled "Dodge". It's not a good enough game for me to release it into the archives, but it's relatively simple and fun. There are 6 rows of "dots" on the screen, and you can switch around rows. You get points for how many dots are on your row, but you lose if a dot makes it to the end of the row that you are on. (You have to switch rows to dodge[...
13 Replies
Unirse Started by u/123outerme • January 22, 2015, 11:28:21 PM

[83+ Family] Source Seekers Redacted

I've decided to revisit that old 10k bytes of a "gem" I made 6 months ago, Source Seekers. To jump straight to my plans: *Fix the size*Fix bugs/issues*Improve graphics generally*Rewrite story*Add HP*Revamp enemies*Revisit previous levels*Add in Village system (don't worry, there's a reason. If it doesn't really work, I'll remove it)*Ideas:**CSE-exclusive engine/program? Add your own ideas if you have any!
11 Replies
Unirse Started by u/DarkestEx • January 29, 2015, 12:48:00 PM

[Beta] TwoStep - The challenging puzzle game! [Axe] [TI-8x+]

About the game: The game is a challenging and addictive making puzzle game.The goal of the game is it, to reach a platform, but you only have two steps, so choose wise, in which direction you go!You will even be able to make your own textures and levels for it and have highscore tables. Project status: We're in beta now , the game mechanics are pretty much fully implemented, BUT right now highscores, texturepacks...
131 Replies
Unirse Started by u/PT_ • January 03, 2017, 08:22:00 PM

[ti-84+ce]Age of CEmpires I

Say hello to my newest game! Currently not much done, but that comes with the time It is written in C, as that goes the fastest, looking at the fact this will be a really large program..I already have an idea about an AI, and hopefully when this program sees the finish line, that USB is somewhat documented, that I can add multiplayer. To-Do list: Make images of all the buildings/...
182 Replies
Unirse Started by u/_iPhoenix_ • July 09, 2018, 12:16:43 AM

_iPhoenix_ tries to do Assembly things.

Alright, so I've taken up learning Assembly, now that I am more comfortable with middle-to-lower level languages like C and C++, and I've progressed to the stage that I can start to write crappy programs now.Here's my first actual assembly program. It's pretty bad. You can move a pixel around with the arrow keys. Mateo and PT_ helped me a bit with this one (Mateo helped me realize that the stack exists, and PT_ helped inspire the drawing code). .nolist#include "ti84pce.inc".list  .org UserM...
3 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Zeda • July 04, 2018, 02:28:02 AM

Heapsort, VATSort, and ListSort

Hey all, I implemented the heapsort algorithm with some features inspired by Sean McLaughlin's implementation. Heapsort operates in O(n*log(n)) time, so it is fast even as array sizes increase. The cool perk to Sean's implementation that I wanted to include in mine is the ability to have a callback function that performs comparisons. This is fantastic if your array contains pointers to, say, an array of strings. The ...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Zeda • June 28, 2018, 12:39:25 AM

LZD Image Compression/Decompression

Hey all, I have been playing with compression. I made a Python program that compresses data, such as a TI Image, as well as a calculator program that can decompress such data to the graph screen.While the Python program is general-purpose, the Z80 program assumes that the input is a compressed image, so you can mess things up! The neat thing is that in my example, the calc program (LZD) and the compressed data, along with their file headers, all came out to less than the size of the original ima...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Zeda • June 26, 2018, 04:25:27 AM

Fire Animation

A fascination with fire is nothing new for humans, or even programmers. With that in mind, I wanted to give some insight into how to create your very own fire animations, like this: In that program, I basically started from the top of the screen, working downward. I'd copy from the pixel below, with a 12.5% chance of the copy "burning up" and thus failing. To cause a perpetual burn, I then OR the original image back to the buffer and run...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Zeda • June 26, 2018, 12:26:08 AM

Mandelbrot Set, Floatlib

A while ago I made Floatlib, an app that contained a bunch of Z80 single-precision floating point routines (as well as a few other helpful routines). My intent was for my own on-calc programming, so it includes in-app documentation. Anyways, I got bored and decided to make a program that draws the Mandelbrot Set as kind of an example. The program requires Floatlib to be on your calc, but the source is: #include "header.z80"cx  = varscy  = vars+4delta= vars+8zx  = vars+12zy  = vars+16zx2...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Hooloowalrus • August 31, 2017, 03:21:09 AM

Prime Linux

Linux is coming to the Prime.It should have been there a long time; the chip it runs on, the S3C2416, has been supported for a long time. Recently gaining access to tools for jtag, I decided I would go and connect things up, not realizing that the newer revision of Prime didn't even have jatag pins broken out on the front of the board. I bought a prime, and started working.Tonight, I got up and running with a shell. There's nothing else here but the shell, actually, and many things don't work. B...
15 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Jean-Baptiste Boric • June 04, 2018, 09:57:53 PM

HP Prime port of NumWorks firmware

I created the ultimate Frankenstein monster... BWAHAHAHAHA! ;p=232286
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Timmiez • June 04, 2018, 02:56:58 AM

Potential Energy Calculation

Program originally written on TI-83 Plus: Apparently I found out I'm quite lazy when it comes to solving equations in my science classroom, so I kinda decided to make a program that solves the answer based on the input. Though being simple for a program I made with simple knowledge. ClrHomeDisp "INPUT TYPE:","","VARS: (P,M,H)"Prompt  0 If 0=P:ThenClrHomeDisp "POTE CALC","","INPUT: (J)"Prompt M,HM(9.8)H→ADisp AElseEndIf 0=M:ThenClrHomeDisp "POTE MASS CALC:","","INPUT: (KG...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/gameblabla • January 09, 2017, 03:01:29 AM

Simple Image Viewer

Here's a simple image viewer for the TI Nspire CX & (maybe) Monochrome nspires. It supports PNG, BMP, and JPEG files. (Baseline & Progressive)It's pretty fast, fairly small and has a codebase that is easier to read than mViewerCX, which is absolutely monstrous...However it struggles with big images files and there are some corruptions for BMP files.So if you want to load huge image files on your nspire, stick wi...
12 Replies
Unirse Started by u/JWinslow23 • May 03, 2018, 07:50:57 PM

Puzzler's Crossword

As a sort of spiritual successor to Puzzler's Sudoku , I'm going to try and bring to the monochrome calculators another staple of newspaper puzzle pages: the crossword! This is only a demo at this point. The included crossword puzzle is based on the puzzle featured in the New York Times on April 25 2018, with a very interesting theme. Use the arrow keys to move around, and the letter ...
2 Replies
Unirse Started by u/E37 • May 01, 2018, 07:30:36 PM

Driller kNight (Again) (Monthly Updates)

Hey, I'm still working on this game for some reason.It has been a while and I haven't had much time to work on Driller kNight since I have been away at college but here is an update anyway.I am planning to release updates to the game on the first of every month to help boost the site and to give myself a deadline to work toward. Since I have a limited time to test, there is a chance I missed some bug. I would be very suprised if the game crashes but you shouldn't leave important things in RAM an...
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/SM84CE • April 13, 2018, 06:44:01 PM

SM84CE's TI-BASIC programs

Here's what BASIC programs I have so far, what it does, and what calculators these work on:Note: I won't be uploading these programs to CW, it's just more work on cross-uploading updates, and the "Downloads" section here has a confusing layout for me.  I'm just more used to Cemetech's layout.  ALSO: The content in this post is just copied over from Cemetech, BTWI'll try and simultaneously update both threads if I can, but in case I don't, here's the link: [url= ...
1 Replies
Unirse Started by u/necrononce • April 22, 2018, 06:01:07 PM

CASIO fx-cg50 - anyone got?

Hi i recently bought a CASIO fx-cg50 and notice there isn't much online help in the way of tutorials etc and the provided documentation for it isnt that useful for learning code stuff.Does anyone else have one??Anyone??#MATEO HAS TEN THOUSAND
0 Replies
Unirse Started by u/xMarminq_ • May 06, 2017, 03:00:20 PM

Super Marm World (An Oiram Pack Collection)

Hello  Here is the thread for my Oiram Packs.Feel free to give comments and feedback, and if you are a guest reading this, sign up so I can hear yours!The first pack is now released as soon as this post is posted and in fact attached here.Here are the planned worlds to be released:•Wooden Plateau        ----Pack may be edited when the new Oiram Update comes out---- (And it did! See newer posts regarding W1)•Wet Shores•Wispy Clouds•Frozen Tundra (or The Land of Snow Return  )•Green Land•Retro Wo...
84 Replies
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