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How to set WalrusIRC bots/users on /ignore [tutorial] By: DJ Omnimaga Date: September 16, 2015, 04:39:45 AM
Although WalrusIRC lacks an ignore feature like OmnomIRC had, it is still possible to ignore users in it  by using extra tools, thanks to a CSS update by Streetwalrus earlier. While it is not the most ideal solution, it can still do the job until Juju implements a real ignore feature in the shoutbox.

In order to do it, you need to install the browser extension called Stylish. Once done, create a new style in it with the following settings, but change "arandomuser" to an actual IRC user nick:

For example, if you want to ignore "The Game", your syntax should be the following:

Code Select
.message.user-the-game { display:none; }

For Firefox users, you need to add the following at the beginning of the stylesheet for it to apply only on wirc :
Code Select
@-moz-document url-prefix("")
And wrap the line DJ posted in { and }.

While I do not recommend ignoring people permanently (since you might forget), this can be handy in temporary scenarios if at one point you ever had issues with a specific user or wanted to hide messages from specific bots.

Thanks to @Streetwalrus for providing this info and for doing the CSS edits allowing this to work.
Re: How to set WalrusIRC bots/users on /ignore By: Streetwalrus Date: September 16, 2015, 06:49:18 AM
For Firefox users, you need to add the following at the beginning of the stylesheet for it to apply only on wirc :
Code Select
@-moz-document url-prefix("")
And wrap the line DJ posted in { and }.
Re: How to set WalrusIRC bots/users on /ignore By: DJ Omnimaga Date: September 16, 2015, 07:09:50 AM
Oh, I didn't know that. I'll add this to my post.
Re: How to set WalrusIRC bots/users on /ignore By: DJ Omnimaga Date: June 09, 2016, 06:27:15 AM

I updated this tutorial, because for some reasons, @Streetwalrus or @Juju changed the class names for nicknames in WalrusIRC so that instead of .message.NickName they are .message.user-nickname . As a result, this ignore list trick stopped working. Now you need to make the nickname lowercase and append user- before it.
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