CodeWalrus General Music Talk
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Eximperituserqethhzebibši ptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum By: xlibman Date: October 23, 2017, 04:08:13 AM
I found an interesting death metal band. Their latest album W2246​-​0526 and their second latest album "Apałohija Samaźniščęńnia Ŭ Daktrynie Wyzwalieńnia Philippa Mainländęra, Jak Dumka Jakaja Biaskonca Pahłybliajecca Ad Z'jawy Da Sutnaści, Jość Adzina Dakładnaje Mierkawańnie Ab Wyšęjšaj Marali Indywiduaĺnaj Woli Supraćstajačaj Nieświadomamu, A Tak Ža Sutnaść Baraćby Za Nieisnawańnie​.​.​." are definitively... interesting:

Re: Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum By: Juju Date: October 23, 2017, 04:17:20 AM
You know the less readable the logo is, the more death metal it is? Not only I can't read the logo but I can't read the name when it's written normally either.

Nice. Also, is that Polish?
Re: Eximperituserqethhzebibšiptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum By: _iPhoenix_ Date: October 23, 2017, 10:43:03 AM
Reminds me about my joke with the German language.

English speakers: "What a lovely phrase you have there"
GermanPolish speakers (translated): "GRAB THE DUCKTAPE BOYS ITS ONE WORD NOW!!!!"
Re: Eximperituserqethhzebibši ptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum By: xlibman Date: October 23, 2017, 12:51:26 PM
Quote from: Juju on October 23, 2017, 04:17:20 AM
You know the less readable the logo is, the more death metal it is? Not only I can't read the logo but I can't read the name when it's written normally either.

Nice. Also, is that Polish?
I dunno what language it is, but the band appears to be fron Belarus. And yes, what you say about metal logos is right.
Re: Eximperituserqethhzebibši ptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum By: c4ooo Date: October 25, 2017, 12:38:29 AM
Quote from: xlibman on October 23, 2017, 12:51:26 PM
Quote from: Juju on October 23, 2017, 04:17:20 AM
You know the less readable the logo is, the more death metal it is?
And yes, what you say about metal logos is right.
Get on my level:

Re: Eximperituserqethhzebibši ptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum By: xlibman Date: October 25, 2017, 11:59:34 AM
Inb4 all this logo says is THE GAME.
Re: Eximperituserqethhzebibši ptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum By: Juju Date: October 28, 2017, 06:14:27 AM
Ah yeah, Acidic Vaginal Liquid Explosion Generated By Mass Amounts Of Filthy Fecal Fisting And Sadistic Septic Syphilic Sodomy Inside The Infected Maggot Infested Womb Of A Molested Nun Dying Under The Roof Of A Burning Church While A Priest Watches And Ejaculates In Immense Perverse Pleasure Over His First Fresh Fetus. Or XavlegbmaofffassssitimiwoamndutroabcwapwaeiippohfffX for short. Nice one.

I shit you not, that's an actual band. And their album have an even crazier name. "Gore". Yeah.
Re: Eximperituserqethhzebibši ptugakkathšulweliarzaxułum By: p2 Date: November 06, 2017, 10:01:27 AM
Even hardcore fans probably can't spell that name nor draw the logo... probably the best way to avoid getting famous  :thumbsup:

Edit: Post #2300, wew
Pages: 1