CodeWalrus Music Showcase
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Royalty-free beat to be used later By: JWinslow23 Date: June 27, 2016, 11:54:54 AM
I made this beat using samples from Soundation. I used in a rap that I shall proceed to embarrass myself with (like that Tau 'n' Pi thingy).

Here's the rap song I made it into, which is a tutorial on how to solve the Rubik's Cube. I certainly hope I got the point across with the song, but I also plan to shoot a video for it...sometime.

If you want the instrumental for the full song, it's here.

If you want my rough lyrics draft, then look here (but please don't, I'm embarrassed already :P ).
[spoiler=Lyrics]If you got a problem, gotta know how to solve it
Lemme take this Rubik's Cube for you and do all of it
If it's perplexing you, gotta perfect the cube
So now, you're gonna get to do the Sexy Move

Turn the right side, turn the up side, then
Turn the right and up side backwards again!
Turn the right side, turn the up side, then
Turn the right and up side backwards again!

If you're being honest now, do you think you got it down?
Then I won't be cruel like my name is Bobby Brown
First, what we gotta do is finish the white cross
And Imma show you how to do it if you're quite lost

Find a white edge, bring it below where it's 'sposed to go
Turn it to the white side, and then it's okie-dokie-o
If it goes up, and the colors don't match,
Turn it down, to the side, bring it up and bring it back

Now, no amount of teaching's gonna really help you crack this
All you need is just a little bit of practice
One last tip though, before you really beat it:
Make sure you don't mess up the ones you've already completed

You got the white edges, so let's do the whole white side
Gonna start to trek through the cube like it's sci-fi
The corners are really all that's left to do
So just don't forget to use the Sexy Move

Put the white on the bottom, and the corner up above
Now what moves we gonna do? You know what I'm thinking of
Just get in groove and do the Sexy Move
And then the white side corners will connect for you

Yeah! There's the white side, now we'll do the next row
All the colors should match up - you should check, though
The middle layer's gonna be our next task
(but how do you get the middle layer?) Glad that you asked

You got four pieces, so it shouldn't be an awful stump
Make it great again like your name is Donald Trump
Just take the middle piece and match it up, this is critical
Pay attention, this'll get difficult


Push it away, taking it out, bringing it back, diggity-down
Push it away, taking it out, bringing it back, diggity-down
Look at that, you conquered it, and put it all in order
And now you gotta worry 'bout the other three corners

Two thirds done already and you're feeling like a champion
But wait, the last layer, "Oh my god," you say, "it can't be done!"
Well, if you got it there, then you can put it back together
Just focus on the next step, keep your act together

The yellow edges face up, they should all align
If none are facing up, or it's a J, or a line
Hold it like this, here's the next thing to crack
Turn the front, do the Sexy Move, then bring it back

Now to put 'em in the right place, just turn the top side
So that one color matches up, and it's got right
'Til all the edges match, and you're satisfied,
Take it out, turn it back, and then bring it back inside

Now you got almost everything done and restored order
All that's left to do is finish the four corners
Find a corner in the right place, show some hustle,
Put it on the top left, and do the three-corner-shuffle

To the left! (Bring it down) To the right! (Bring it down)
To the left! (Back in town) To the right! (Back in town)
To the left! (Bring it down) To the right! (Bring it down)
To the left! (Back in town) To the right! (Back in town)

Three-corner-shuffle, that's the three-corner shuffle
Now take a deep breath, you've almost solved the puzzle!
Twisting the corner is what's left to do
So put the yellow on the bottom, do the Sexy Move

The Sexy Move, The Sexy Move
If it matches, turn the bottom, see what's next for you
The Sexy Move, The Sexy Move
And now you know how to perfect the cube!

Give yourself a pat on the back, you ain't sweating it
You just learned the moves that are helping you in getting it
And if this is what you do to finish that,
Then you'll solve the cube in just two minutes flat![/spoiler]
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: DJ Omnimaga Date: June 27, 2016, 03:30:54 PM
Hm I never heard of Soundnation before. It seems nice and it even has a synthetiser that can produce 8 bit sounds.

And sorry, only @Streetwalrus, @Juju and @aeTIos can embed HTML in posts. You would need to ask them when you need HTML embedded somewhere.

Anyway I am curious about what you'll come up with :3= . Since you're going for a geek theme, you should include square/noise sounds
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: JWinslow23 Date: June 27, 2016, 03:56:43 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 27, 2016, 03:30:54 PM
Hm I never heard of Soundnation before. It seems nice and it even has a synthetiser that can produce 8 bit sounds.

And sorry, only @Streetwalrus, @Juju and @aeTIos can embed HTML in posts. You would need to ask them when you need HTML embedded somewhere.

Anyway I am curious about what you'll come up with :3= . Since you're going for a geek theme, you should include square/noise sounds
Ah, I was wondering how Juju embedded HTML in one of his Mario Maker posts.

I was actually just planning to use something as simple as that beat. It doesn't have to be anything too fast or too complicated. I might experiment with the website, though. I already found a few guitar riffs and synthesizers at 120 BPM that I like.
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: DJ Omnimaga Date: June 27, 2016, 04:06:37 PM
Yeah, sadly SMF has no setting to allow specific usergroups to use HTML. Only root admins can. Of course we would probably not give HTML posting abilities to everyone, though, for security reasons (people could just embed rickrolls or slow-loading scripts), but being able to give the ability to one or two specific groups would have been nice.

As for the beat, IMHO what turns me off from rap is often the lack of any melody in songs. If it's just rapping + percussions I won't like it. But if there are some melodies then I will probably not mind.
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: JWinslow23 Date: June 27, 2016, 08:25:43 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 27, 2016, 04:06:37 PM
Yeah, sadly SMF has no setting to allow specific usergroups to use HTML. Only root admins can. Of course we would probably not give HTML posting abilities to everyone, though, for security reasons (people could just embed rickrolls or slow-loading scripts), but being able to give the ability to one or two specific groups would have been nice.

As for the beat, IMHO what turns me off from rap is often the lack of any melody in songs. If it's just rapping + percussions I won't like it. But if there are some melodies then I will probably not mind.
I'll have a melody for the chorus, don't worry. :P
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: DJ Omnimaga Date: June 27, 2016, 08:44:25 PM
Oh ok lol. I thought you meant you were going for typical rap. :P I can't wait to hear thje final result :)
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: JWinslow23 Date: June 27, 2016, 10:39:42 PM
If you wanna have a listen to see if you're gonna like the whole thing, then here's the "white cross" verse:

I'll be recording some more of this later today.
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: DJ Omnimaga Date: June 28, 2016, 12:18:51 AM
I would say that the voice middle frequencies might be a bit too loud for the music and treble isn't high enough, but it might depend of your mic.
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: JWinslow23 Date: June 28, 2016, 04:07:02 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on June 28, 2016, 12:18:51 AM
I would say that the voice middle frequencies might be a bit too loud for the music and treble isn't high enough, but it might depend of your mic.
As with the Tau song (Tau Day tomorrow, by the way), I used my computer's internal microphone. Now I'm applying a bass/treble correction filter on the lyrics. Still not sure how it should sound, but I think it's better :P
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: DJ Omnimaga Date: June 28, 2016, 06:01:42 AM
Cool. Please post the updated version when ready :)
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: JWinslow23 Date: June 28, 2016, 05:51:59 PM
Here's my song so far:
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: DJ Omnimaga Date: June 28, 2016, 06:18:50 PM
THis is better actually, mixing-wise. The only issue is that sometimes (at the beginning, for example), the voice sound ends up being clipped (which I assume is due to being recorded very loud). Otherwise, I like the idea and song :)

EDIT: You should put the link in the first post
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: JWinslow23 Date: June 28, 2016, 06:28:09 PM
Hold on, lemme edit it a bit more ;)

EDIT: Edited the first post with .
Re: Royalty-free beat to be used later By: DJ Omnimaga Date: June 30, 2016, 04:57:02 PM
I like the mixing better in this one. :3=
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