This is more meant as a joke topic, but since on the Internet many people use Google translate due to being unable to read English, this is why it is best to do an effort to spell properly and if possible, use good grammar or try to avoid omitting words. It doesn't have to be perfect, and we all know the mistakes that Google Translate itself can do, but here are some examples of what poor spelling can lead to:
QuoteGood English spelling: Anybody who use good grammar gets higher respect from everybody and nobody will look upon somebody for this.
French Google translate: Quiconque utilise une bonne grammaire devient plus grand respect de tout le monde et personne ne va regarder quelqu'un pour cela.
Wrong English spelling: Anypony who use good grammar gets higher respect from everypony and nopony will look upon somepony for this.
French Google translate: Anypony qui utilisent la grammaire devient plus grand respect de everypony et nopony se penchera sur somepony pour cela.
Almost sounds like adult MLP fanfic material
QuoteGood English spelling:The quick brown lion jumps over the lazy dog
French Google translate: Le lion brun rapide saute sur le chien paresseux.
Wrong English spelling: The qwick brown lion jumps ovah the lazy dog
French Google translate: Le lion brun Qwick saute OVAH le chien paresseux
For strange reasons, Google Translate doesn't want to translate The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, which is why I replaced fox with lion. But yes, don't wonder why I labeled this topic as NSFW
. If manually translated back to English, this implies that the lion did... ahem... special things with the dog.
QuoteGood English spelling: I have spent three hours over the Pacific.
French Google translate: Je ai passé trois heures sur le Pacifique.
Wrong English spelling: I have spent three hours over the pacifier
French Google translate: Je ai passé trois heures sur la sucette
In this case, sucette can either be interpreted as lollipop, pacifier or (more likely) blow job.
QuoteGood English spelling: Look at my broken clock. It spins like mad.
French Google translate: Regardez mon horloge brisée. Il tourne comme un fou.
Wrong English spelling: Look my broken c. Spin like made man.
French Google translate: Regardez ma bite cassé. Spin comme l'homme fait.
Manually translates back to something bordering on material from that one shock site that shall not be named.