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Star Wars Battlefront II DLC's

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b/Gaming publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga November 16, 2017, 02:57:37 AM

I was wondering: If I win the jack pot at the lottery this weekend, will I have enough money to buy all Star Wars Battlefront II unlockable content and DLC's?
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u/tr1p1ea November 16, 2017, 12:58:26 PM

I'm pretty certain you can only buy in-game currency to purchase star cards which are abilities+boosts and you can't actually pay to unlock characters/weapons etc.

You still need to play to get points to earn credits that you need to unlock hero's and stuff, and the only way to unlock weapons is to complete challenges such as killing 500 enemies in a certain class to unlock a new blaster ... just having better cards can make you marginally better in game than people 'right at the beginning'.

After a month or so everyone will have all the cards unlocked/upgraded anyways.
Last Edit: November 16, 2017, 01:00:57 PM by tr1p1ea
u/Dream of Omnimaga November 16, 2017, 01:05:10 PM
From what I heard, you can choose between playing a lot to earn in-game currency to unlock stuff, or you can use real money to either do so instantly or to buy in-game credits. Not sure if the latter is possible, though, but IIRC at one point it costed £1600 or approximately CAD$2150 to unlock everything without waiting and some stuff can take 24 hours of gameplay to unlock without real money.

I might get the game using my trade-in credits at a Quebec City store, but I probably won't get all DLC's.
u/Yuki November 17, 2017, 02:17:34 AM
They say it takes about 6 months to unlock everything.

EDIT: They also removed microtransactions until they fix the problem, apparently.
Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 04:38:04 AM by Juju
u/Dream of Omnimaga November 19, 2017, 01:57:10 PM
By 6 months, they mean playing 24 hours non-stop everyday, though. Also yeah they are reviewing the microtransactions system apparently. Due to how it works, it was considered gambling by some countries and provinces, since buying extra content with real money gave an advantage over players who didn't
u/tr1p1ea November 22, 2017, 11:17:19 AM
I don't think you can buy weapons or heroes though, and you can only buy crystals which can't be converted into credits (they can only be used to buy loot crates that contain boost or ability)
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