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iPhone Overheating

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b/General Help publicado por u/SiphonicSugar January 18, 2017, 12:23:16 PM
Hey everyone, I have a major problem here. I have an iPhone 6s, and lately, the battery has not been charging up farther than 86%, even after 6 hours of charging, the phone will randomly shut off saying it does not have any battery, though it has 75% or what not. It heats up A LOT when I use it. Keeping it plugged in heats it up so much that it gives me a temperature message saying it needs to sit for a while.   >:(

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u/p2 January 18, 2017, 12:32:20 PM
that's a major battery failure. If you are still inside the 2 years granted by apple, you should get a free replacement for the battery.
Just go to the Genius bar in the same apple store you bought the device. (book it online using your apple-id).
If not, you should replace the battery yourself. should be a great help then :) (I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING IT YOURSELF)

Edit: since it's a 6S which was announced end of 2015 you obviously still are inside the period.
Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 12:33:51 PM by p2
u/Snektron January 18, 2017, 12:36:16 PM
You can probably also get a 3rd party service to repair your phone, but i recommend not waiting too long. We don't want a samsung to happen here ;)
u/Dream of Omnimaga January 18, 2017, 05:03:16 PM
It's because it's an iPhone. Apple holds the honorable distinction of having invented explosive phones long before Samsung released the Galaxy Note 7, although this mostly happened with iPhone 3 and 4's IIRC. :P

More seriously, though, this is definitively a sign of a failing battery and you definitively should get the phone repaired as soon as possible (or replaced if the warranty is still valid) and keep its use to a minimum until then.

Also, something to keep in mind: Phone batteries should never be left discharged at 0% for extended periods of time. This will damage the battery over time.
u/SiphonicSugar January 18, 2017, 11:31:12 PM
Quote from: Snektron on January 18, 2017, 12:36:16 PM
You can probably also get a 3rd party service to repair your phone, but i recommend not waiting too long. We don't want a samsung to happen here ;)

Man, I just realized that that could happen.
u/Sorunome January 18, 2017, 11:33:06 PM
Well, the Note 7 exploded quite often because samsung didn't leave enough space for the battery to expand, battery swelling is a normal thing as long as it is not too much.

So, the question your battery inflating? o.O

If some sheets within the battery get into contact (e.g. due to pressure because of too much battery swelling) the battery will catch fire.
u/kotu January 18, 2017, 11:38:10 PM
Quote from: Sorunome on January 18, 2017, 11:33:06 PM
If some sheets within the battery get into contact (e.g. due to pressure because of too much battery swelling) the battery will catch fire.

oh nooo!
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