Tonight is time to announce the contenders for September 2016's Monthly CW Project Award and there are many!
For the month of September, 35 programming/hardware projects were worked on by our members, 33 of which haven't won any past 2016 iteration of the Monthly CW Projects Award and thus, are eligible for this new poll!
HoustonTracker 2 (TI-83+/84+)
Oops Axe Library (TI-83+/84+)
Reuben Quest 3 (TI-83+/84+/Hardware)
The WalrusLink Project (TI-84+CSE)
Sorcery of Uvutu (TI-84+CE)
C SDK and Libraries (TI-84+CE)
ChessCE (TI-84+CE)
DoodleJump (TI-84+CE)
gLib 3D Lib (TI-84+CE)
Kill CMND (TI-84+CE)
Mario CE (TI-84+CE)
Pac-Man (TI-84+CE)
Pokéwalrus (TI-84+CE)
This is the Only Level (TI-Nspire CX)
Homing Fever (TI-Nspire CX/GCW0)
nGL & Crafti 3D engine (TI-Nspire CX)
PCSX4All (TI-Nspire CX)
REMiniscene (TI-Nspire CX)
TinyGL (TI-Nspire CX)
X3D Engine (fx-9860gII)
TurboRider (HP Prime)
Flappy Bird (Mobile)
KillMinds (Mobile)
Rubby Bird (Mobile)
Unnamed Pebble Phoenix Clone (Computer)
A Program for Eye Strain (Computer)
PocketWalrus (Computer)
Project Valhalla (Computer)
Z80-based PICO-8 Clone (Hardware)
SID + Midi on Arduino (Hardware)
Your Dream Calculator (Multiplatform)
Claw Development System (Multiplatform)
Clouttery Battery Monitor All 33 entries are competing against each others, regardless of the platform. Have you spotted projects this month that you think are more notable in particular or that you liked in particular? Select
seven (7) options in the poll attached to this topic (requires 20 posts) then click Submit! And don't forget to visit each topic again to give authors encouragement and suggestions!
Due to how large this poll is, we're giving you extra days to vote to give you more time to check out the respective topics and you can choose 7 entries.
You have until October 13th to vote, so hurry up!
Also, remember that despite the above poll being set so that the results only show up once the deadline has arrived, results might still become public by themselves at any moment, due to a Simplemachines glitch (unless it has been fixed in version 2.0.12, which we recently upgraded to).