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Messages - gameblabla

Games / Re: SDL/n2DLib ports for TI Nspire
September 16, 2015, 12:50:03 AM
After seeing critor's news about one of my old game Helicopt3rs and remembering how bad the TI Nspire port was,
i decided to improve it a bit.

Helicopt3rs was a Swing Copters clone i originally did for 3DO.
TAB to turn and ESC to quit the game. (and save your highscore)

Here are the results :
Everything is contained in one single file, it's much smaller, it's works with Ndless Exam Mode-compatible
and mostly importantly, it runs faster too.

You can download it in the attachments below.

About Ndless Exam Mode:
I do not intend to publish it here until it's ready.
The reason why is because it still relies on hardcoded paths and when in PTT-mode,
it does not start applications in the startup folder. (Could be done with a workaround i guess)
Games / Re: SDL/n2DLib ports for TI Nspire
September 13, 2015, 02:07:01 AM
So yeah, DJ's TI Nspire has really weird issues with his TI Nspire .
If you want to use PicoDrive,
i still suggest using No-Intro dumps or your own clean dumps , using a device like Retrode.
Like i said, old dumps can provoke weird crashes. (perhaps due to bad cheksums ?)

Anyways, so after Picodrive, i decided to work on Hugo, a NEC-PC Engine game.
So yay, it works on my calc.
Too bad, i won't be able to include CD emulation though because the cd code is unfortunely non-portable
and linux-specific.... yeah

So the games work great but the colors are wrong and the speed is not that great. (still somewhat playable though)
I doubt i will be able to switch to n2DLib for that emulator though, hugo is a huge mess.

EDIT: Side note but i forgot to mention that PocketSNES has now proper support for Ndless 3.6/3.9 Exam Mode compatible,
which i also did.
Critor told me that it can't be used for cheating anyways so they accepted it but cw decided not to allow it so...
Oh well.
Golly, i must have missed something...
I really don't understand what really happended because you are such a nice person to talk to.
I hate to say this but if your friends are telling you to shoot yourself, will you do it ?
I hope not.

Anyways, i guess i will see on the forums then.
It looks sharp and clean for a chess game but what are the controls ?
I can't quite figure it out.
Games / Re: SDL/n2DLib ports for TI Nspire
September 10, 2015, 12:55:25 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 10, 2015, 12:39:20 AM
Sorry, I still get "Failed to load ROM" on every single ROM file I try. Are you sure you pushed the changes, though? Because it still says PicoDrive SDL v1.35 on the screen, like the last two builds I tried. In the zip file, it says the file is more recent but it behaves identically.
lol, i removed every ROM check, it should not say that.
You must be accidently using an old version.
I attached it with a different name so you don't get confused.

And yes, i forgot to change the PicoDrive 1.35 SDL thingy name, i need to change it.
(it no longer use SDL)
Gaming / Re: What if F-Zero came out on the Sega Genesis?
September 09, 2015, 10:22:01 PM
Quote from: tr1p1ea on September 09, 2015, 10:20:12 PM
The PCE version doesnt quite look right, more like the graphical effect seen in old games like Pole position (Atari) etc.

Is it actually mode7 style?
No, the Megadrive version has a real mode7 implemented in software.
Not the case for the PCE version which tries to simulate it, because it does not have the cpu raw power of the Megadrive.
The technique used for the PCE version is actually the same for every racing game on the platform.
It's done pretty damn well here though, notably the vehicule crash.
Games / Re: SDL/n2DLib ports for TI Nspire
September 09, 2015, 09:00:43 PM
So like i said, the new version is more stable and it does not do funny crashes on old dumps.
I did a video of Picodrive running on my Ti Nspire CX :

As you can see, it runs pretty cool.
Gaming / Re: What if F-Zero came out on the Sega Genesis?
September 09, 2015, 07:20:59 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 09, 2015, 07:10:57 PM
The PC Engine was so expensive back then, tho. It was like double the price of the Megadrive and SNES in 1993 over here despite having worse graphics than the Genesis and it was without the CD add on included. It's a shame because there were so many classics, like Ys series and Keith Courage.
The NEC PC-Engine was really advanced for its time when it was released in 1987, including its cd addons
with the first commercially available games in 1988.(well before Manhole in 1989)
The PC-Engine has a gpu superior to the megadrive in some ways with 16 palettes of 16 colors available.
Each palette can pick 16 colors out of 512 colours.
The Megadrive has only 4 palettes of 16 colors, SNES is same as PC-Engine except with 4096 colors available.
Megadrive had two background layers though, unlike the PCE.
It had a 8-bits cpu but the SNES's cpu was not really 16bits either, more like 8/16bits.

NEC's marketing was bad though but it's not really their fault because devs were under a nintendo contract
at the time and they couldn't publish their games there.

I need to port HuGo for TI Nspire now that i think about it...
Gaming / Re: What if F-Zero came out on the Sega Genesis?
September 09, 2015, 05:53:05 PM

Download link is here (Chirs Covel rocks) :
Games / Re: SDL/n2DLib ports for TI Nspire
September 09, 2015, 01:38:08 PM
Ok, so i didn't removed all the checks, something i did Today.
DJ, could you please try again ?

I'm so sorry this happened.
But when something works on your calc and emulators and you expect the same thing for other calculators
when this is not the case, you can't do really anything...

EDIT: Pushed another update and it not longer randomly crash with yours roms, DJ.
It seems more stable, now. Thankfully
Re-download it again DJ and try again.
It was really another issue ala PocketSNES (except not directory related)
Games / Re: SDL/n2DLib ports for TI Nspire
September 09, 2015, 06:08:49 AM
I have invesgated a bit and turns that :
- Old dumps will probably don't work
- In the very first build of Picodrive-nspire, it was trying to open in the root directory.

For the second reason, you should try the latest version.
The No-Intro dumps generally have the .md extension and they should work out-of-the-box.

Other than that, i can't say.
SpiroH got it to work on his emulator but then again Vogt got the broken build of PocketSNES to work too on Firebird emu...
Don't know

EDIT: Took a further look and i think i found the issue.
Will test the new version and then i will push it to my github.
I will let you know when this happens.

I will push my changes.

EDIT3: Done, please redownload it again !
Games / Re: SDL/n2DLib ports for TI Nspire
September 09, 2015, 05:30:40 AM
If it's an issue similar to PocketSNES then i don't even know where it could be...
Maybe you suffered a memory leak from PocketSNES, try to reset your calc ? (the small button behind)
I had weird issues with PicoDrive, especially when memory leaked. (it can do crazy things like yours and showing a black screen with nothing you can do)
Tell me if the reset worked for you

EDIT: Your roms are bad and don't work because they are coming from an old set. (GoodRoms instead of No-Intro)
I have the same games and they all work on my emulator.
You should re-dump/download them.
Didn't try that 2048 homebrew though...
Games / Re: SDL/n2DLib ports for TI Nspire
September 09, 2015, 05:15:25 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 09, 2015, 12:39:42 AM
EDIT: Problemo: No ROM loads on my calc. All of them gives me a "Failed to load ROM" error D:
DAMMNNIIIIIT, i hope it's not another issue ala PocketSNES...
I have no idea, your roms may actually not work. Have you tried them ?
Maybe your roms are old and are coming from an oldset ? (GoodRoms instead of No-Intro ?)

Also, try with the latest version here.

EDIT: Would it be possible to pm me one of your roms so i can test them on my calc ?
Games / Re: SDL/n2DLib ports for TI Nspire
September 08, 2015, 09:39:02 PM
Quote from: matrefeytontias on September 08, 2015, 09:07:30 PM
Oh actually the issue I posted was about realloc. I remember talking about malloc being borked though, but I can't say where or if it has been written somewhere. You're better off just creating a new issue on the repo.
Reported the issue.
Hopefully it gets fixed because lots of emulators/games are relying on it...
(I know one user that actually suffered from a memory leak.)
Games / Re: SDL/n2DLib ports for TI Nspire
September 08, 2015, 09:02:19 PM
Quote from: matrefeytontias on September 08, 2015, 08:59:57 PM
I made an issue about malloc a long time ago, I didn't know it wasn't fixed yet. I assume you already have the latest Ndless SDK from GitHub.
Didn't know it was a known issue. I'm lazy, could you please link me to that issue ?
And yes, i have the latest Ndless SDK and i have manually upgraded to GCC 5.2.

EDIT: You did not reported about Malloc matrefeytontias, only about realloc.
Might be a good idea to make an issue about it.
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