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Messages - TIfanx1999

The color houses aren't mine. They're from an old NES game called Crystalis.
Thanks. Right now it just concept art, but I'm wanting to actually develop it into something. So, we'll see. :D
Thanks guys. Some of them did turn out Zelda-like. They are actually loosely based on stripped down versions of houses from Crystalis. They started off from another project that was using 16x16 tiles, but they got shrunk down to this and modified to account for the smaller space (8x8). Here's are the 16x16 ones i was originally using: Also, funny enough, both styles of houses are from Crystalis (see second attachment for the original nes game).
Sprites in progress:
Gaming / Re: Mario Maker from Nintendo
June 19, 2015, 05:04:13 PM
It actually hasn't been released yet. I also knew about the other game styles being included for a while. It's actually a really interesting program and I can't wait till it comes out (Sept 11th). In addition to basically being like a multi game rom hacking tool, it adds new interactions between objects and from what I can tell lets you mix and match stuff from different generations.
So yea, this is a pretty cool contest idea. It really tests your creativity. I'm thinking I might enter with a rougelike RPG. :D
Eiyeron makes a good comparison with countries. As to why users have accounts on multiple forums, that's simple. To be able to keep up with all the different projects. Some things have a home on one site, while others are primarily (or soley posted on another). It allows people to keep up with the community as a whole.
Yea, I guess I have had a couple lulls of activity in spring in the past (for whatever reason). Summer is usually when vacations happen. :D
Nah, my work schedule is pretty consistent, but holidays can get pretty hectic/stressful. That's usually when I step away for a bit. That, or if I'm on vacation.
Quote from: CKH4 on March 05, 2015, 01:36:58 AM
Off topic: Art_of_camelot, didn't you leave for a while like a few years ago? ( or am I really confused? )

On topic: I think that Mateo likes cemetech the most.

I don't think so. I do have times when I'm less active, but I don't think I've really left for an extended period recently.
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on March 04, 2015, 07:35:38 PM
I'm sorry you feel this way. I can understand why you feel that way though with what happened yesterday. The issue though is not that it didn't have much users, but rather that most of the ones who joined would leave only a few weeks later, even before yesterday's post. I wish that if people were unhappy about the site that they would let us know why. That's how we can improve and avoid repeating some mistakes.

Have we done something that scared people like Art of Camelot, Mateo, AssemblyBandit, Phyxie and some others away? Was there something missing on the site that made them never come back? Has somebody said negative things about us in our back and people decided to only listen to their side of the story?

We might not get many members (maybe we could just be like Revsoft), but it helps if we know what not to do to avoid scaring people away. So thanks at least for speaking your mind (although I feel that leaving would be a very counter-productive thing to do). There are things we can do to guarantee that this site will remain open.

Nah, nothing has scared me off. I just haven't found that much to comment on here, thus I don't post much. That, and a few of the things are cross-posted elsewhere and I don't see much point in posting the same thing in two places. Even though I'm a member in most of the other calc communities, Omnimaga has always been where I'm most active.

That said, I'm glad this place is staying open. It's nice to have an alternative. I don't think it really matters if this place is super active or not. Look at Revsoft for example; they're basically a close knit group of people that share common intrests, and they've been around for 10 years. They don't have a huge user base, or many new members. It's just about sharing the experience. Isn't that what this place was supposed to be about as well? ;)
Quote from: CKH4 on January 09, 2015, 02:44:01 AM
I'm considering 8lvl grayscale by displaying different buffers for different lengths of time so that you get faster higher quality grayscale. You'd put stuff that you'd want to display the lightest on the main buffer and darker on each buffer used after. Each buffer would be assigned a numerical value so that you know what buffers to combine to make certain shades of gray. Is this even a possibility? I'll try it tomorrow to see if it works.

I'm taking what I know to make a grayscale pong game, I'll post my progress when I'm done. How do you display a variable as the characters instead of the gibberish?
That's pretty much how grayscale works (on calcs). For 4 level, the "dark buffer" is displayed 2/3 of the time and the light buffer is displayed 1/3 of the time. If a pixel is clear on both buffers it will be clear. If a pixel is on on the light buffer, but off in the dark, you get light gray. If a pixel is off on the light buffer and on in the dark buffer you get dark gray. If a pixel is on in both buffers you get black. Hope that makes sense.

*Edit* Also gonna agree with DJ: 6 level is probably the most you could get away with where you can reasonably tell the difference between shades across most models. Other wise, you lightest gray looks white and a few of your dark grays will be near indistinguishable. I'm not saying 8 hasn't been done, because some people have. If you really want to do 8 I might stick with using it for still pics. It'll also take up a lot of time displaying all the different buffers and you won't have a ton of time to work with for game logic.
It's worth mentioning that even in asm, 8lvl gray doesn't look that great on calc. Some of the grays end up looking really similar. The other problem is that the hardware is inconsistent. Even if you get decent gray on your calc, it might look really bad on someone elses. I'd recommend sticking to 3 or 4 level personally.
General Music Talk / Re: Your favorite chiptune music
January 06, 2015, 05:24:52 AM
It's possible. I've noticed that stuff can sound differently depending on how the audio gets encoded. There are also some nes osts that are uploaded in "stereo" and it sounds way off compared to how it should.
General Music Talk / Re: Your favorite chiptune music
January 06, 2015, 01:34:30 AM
Not sure what to tell you but for comparison:

Sunsoft's first Batman game without sampled bass:

Sunsoft's Return of the Joker with sampled bass:

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