AATLKY | Gravity is not imposed on enemies and powerups |
AATLOG | Powerups don't come out of blocks |
AAZUZT | Mario can always shoot fireballs, regardless of his powerup |
AEGISS | Hold LEFT against any solid object to enter a subworld (where you go depends on where you are in the level) |
AEGLKG | Powerups don't move |
AETAIG | Most things that give you points give you 1-Ups |
AILALL | 2-player mode is disabled |
AIPVEZ | Each Toad looks like Peach |
AITELG | Press B at a Toad to go back to the title screen and unlock "hard mode", effectively beating the game |
ANYAAZ | A rather...umm...interesting way of starting on World 2 |
ANNEPIEY | Mario has the palette of Luigi |
ASALPA+TGYOPO | Walk around in the intro of 1-2 (can't escape) |
ASPOUL | Almost every hole in the ground is filled |
AYAPKL | Hidden 1-Up blocks are always active (as opposed to only being active after collecting a certain number of coins) |
AYOETGEY+YZVAEEZY+YZVASALI | Mario is always referred to as Luigi in-game |
AYPVEZ | You rescue Toad at the end of the game |
AYTELG | You continue on to 9-1 at the end of the game (seems to break Coin Heaven; game crashes at World A-1 if you fall down) |
AYZEPG | Peach will tell you the princess is in another castle at the end of the game |
AYZIPY | As Fire Mario, press B to kill all enemies on-screen |
AYZSVA | Instead of becoming Fire Mario when collecting a Fire Flower, you go to the next world after a few seconds |
AZPIOE | Mushrooms behave like 1-Up Mushrooms |
EIAGOP+YYAGEO | All enemies are Bowser |
ENAISA | Enemies are powerups and powerups are enemies |
ENZUUK | Mushrooms don't move |
ESIINK | Hitting a block gives you 200 points and may kill some enemies |
GAGLIT | Mario can't shoot fireballs underwater (because physics) |
GIZSVA | Instead of becoming Fire Mario when collecting a Fire Flower, you turn into Small Mario, but he can't hit blocks |
GTAOZP | The Starman music plays instead of the regular music |
GTLPXZ | Every brick is loaded as a cloud |
GVAPZG | The ground is rendered as clouds |
GVPLAP | You don't die by falling down pits, but you come down in a sublevel (for example, falling down the pits in 1-1 put you in the underground section) |
GVPOZG | Only one row of the ground is rendered |
LAAIKE | Powerups, in addition to their power, also give 1-Ups |
LALISP | Mario never dies when getting hit |
LYZSVA | Instead of becoming Fire Mario when collecting a Fire Flower, the sky changes to night |
LZZENK | Hidden 1-UP blocks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small exclamation point |
NGZEUK | Hidden coin blocks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small letter C in a circle |
NNILXI | Every mushroom/flower is replaced with a weird Koopa-shell powerup that acts like a Starman |
OOIING | Become Starman-invincible whenever you hit a block (WARNING: can crash emulators) |
OSIINK | Hitting a block gives you 400 points and may turn some enemies into Koopas |
PEZLEK | Fire Flowers move like Mushrooms |
PZAEUK+PZPENK | Starmen in bricks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small * icon |
PZPPAN | Every screen in the game scrolls (even the intro to undergroud/underwater stages, and the Warp Zones) |
SUYLUY | Anything that falls down the bottom will appear on the top, and vice versa (you can't escape Coin Heaven; buggy behavior with lifts) |
TEYIUT | Press DOWN on any solid surface to go to a subworld (where you go depends on where you are in the level) |
TGGITN | Fireballs can kill all enemies instantly, even "unkillable" ones (except Firebars) |
TITLPZ+VGLIVO | A Fire Flower gives you one extra hit |
TXZYGV | The death noise sounds like a pulse fading out...I dunno how to describe the sound |
TZAENK+TZZAUK | Coins in bricks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small coin icon |
VELLZN | The pipe that leads to the Minus World leads instead to World 8 (not completely tested) |
VGAAUK+VGPANK | Powerups in bricks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small Mushroom icon |
VKPAUK | Powerups in ? Blocks are revealed! The blocks' location is revealed with a small Mushroom icon |
VTAETU | Once you beat the game and can press B to select a world, you may select any world from 1 to 255 (world numbers appear as graphical garbage, and levels are loaded as garbage data; some may crash) |
VTLAPE | Immediately start in an inescapable water world (not the Minus World), but return to the title screen as normal once you die |
XTLGGK | Lakitu's Spiny Eggs do not fall straight down; they veer to the sides based on your position, speed, and random chance (not tested completely) |
XYTEIX | Press B at the title screen to change the world you start in |