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Messages - tr1p1ea

It would be nice to add more levels and such, but I might move back to calc programming for now.

I would like to make one where you are Slenderman instead >:D.
Yeah there arent any graphics or textures from minecraft in the game. I made similar looking ones but at a lower res and such :).
Erm yeah it's minecraft inspired :P.

Here is a video for those interested:

I have a small number of games that come under the 'zCraft' banner. All of which are horror based, minecraft inspired survival game.

The latest edition is based on Slenderman!

Here are some screenies:

You pretty much run around and collect the notes, 8 of which are required for victory. If you see Slenderman, RUN! There is a torch toggle for near/far light as well.

It is on the play store here but you can download it from my website for free as well:
Looks awesome! There should be no 'what if' ... it should be done! :D:D:D:D.

Drawing on the TI-84+ and TI-84+CSE is different considering that one is b&w and the other is colour.

Here is a tutorial for the 83/84+:

It is recommended that you work through the entire tutorial chronologically however.
Simply awesome!

You must make!!

Wonderful work DJ!

Downloading immediately.
It's amazing how much of this stuff you remember :).

Another parser test, this time TIOS getKey vs ASM lib getkey. All code is the same besides the key function:

I believe the TIOS getKey actually isnt slow, rather its the key-repeat.
Ok so I managed to get some parser stuff running and made a small tilemap demo:

The entire map is redrawn each frame and the scrolling is 8-pixels at a time. The code an be optimised for more speed as well.

Very encouraging when compared to the CSE!
The GRAM thing might work a bit different, as there is no LCD interlacing and no windowing. The buffer is still divided into 2 halves when using 8-bit palettes, however instead of being side-by-side like CSE, its top-bottom.

Ill test that when i get home!
Earlier today calc84 found that some IO is mapped to RAM! This means that we can access with LCD for example, without needing and exploits or hax!

This is VERY good news as it will allow us to achieve greater performance and keep data sizes down.

I have also located the parser hook and can confirm that it works stock which could mean that an xLIB on the CE is likely possible.

Here is a vid of a palette test:

Ill post more info later today if i can :).
Work on the OS and the relevant goodies that we need is underway.

The sad thing is that TI has locked us out of direct hardware access (like setting the LCD to 8-bit mode and palettes for graphics speed+free buffering), but we will continue to investigate.

I've only had time to mess with the LCD a little. I'll post some more info as it arises!
Yeah it runs on hardware and its a fullscreen manipulation (not an LCD scroll feature (this LCD doesnt have a scroll feature that im aware of (plus TI locked us out of accessing one even if it did exist))).

Also, yes he does have an Emulator, and hardware :).

I left interrupts running because of the _getCSC syscall, though it could be disabled around the screen update stuff. It's only a test afterall.

That being said, fullscreen graphics are faster than the CSE at least. Not incredibly fast, but it just *might* be fast enough with any luck.
Other / Re: Are you afraid of spiders?
March 18, 2015, 02:32:54 AM
Yeah those huntsman spiders are very fast lol ... also snakes are something that I dont like that much.

But that's to be expected when you live in an area that has 5 of the worlds deadliest in the wild.
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