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Messages - matrefeytontias

No and enough with the off-topic >_< you have PM for those questions (and SMS for instance).
Yeah, just the time to finish cleaning my guitar and transfer and shoot and stuff.
No problem, anytime :P
That's enough off-topic please.

Back on the subject, I successfully implemented the "ground physics" engine I had in mind, so that means non-horizontal ground is handled seemlessly. The algorithm has a constant complexity, so 5 lines or 1000 will make no difference performance-wise :)
Also, I figured out a way of handling those collisions regardless of where the character is, so that means that virtually, no overflow can happen. In practice, that means that any level can be infinitely long, as long as the right-side coordinates fit in 16-bits variables :P

Did I mention that all of this was less than 2 kB ? ;)

I'll post a screenshot as soon as possible.
I kind of said it wrong ; the CX has a slow-to-access screen, as in every write takes ages, but the grayscales Nspire has a slow-to-react screen, as in the write itself is fast, but the pixel takes a full second to completely turn on and then completely turn off.
Haha, trust me if I do do Metal Slug on the Nspire, there will be screen lag. I mean, just with nKaruga which is really lightweight the screen is so slow that it divided the FPS count by 3. It was stuck under 40 for a while, and when I started displaying only 1 frame out of 4 it exploded and went over 140 FPS (it still is to this day).

It's not as much a problem on the CX which has a blur-less color screen as on the grayscale Nspires, which probably have the slowest screen I've ever seen (in terms of CPU speed/screen speed ratio). On the TI-83+, the LCD is actually not that blurry if the room you're in is warm enough.
Sprite scaling wouldn't help. The problem is that the sprites are too big BUT scaling them down would screw too much detail up (I tried, it's horrible). It's kind of a no-go unless I somehow manage to draw sprites that kinda sorta look like Metal Slug characters.
After having tried to adapt some sprites, I really feel like doing it on the Nspire now :P plus it'll be better because more power means more sprites and wider levels, and I might consider doing actual Metal Slug gameplay. I'll try some more with Axe, and if I really don't feel like it I'll do it on the Nspire.
I want to use sprites that are big enough to be recognizable as coming from Metal Slug, but I don't know how much that will affect performance, so I'll have to do some tests.

And I guess I could do it Zombie Gun's style, a single but large enough level and you survive to waves.
Hey there,

Since I apparently can't get enough of Axe, I started a new not-so-small-but-hopefully-not-so-big project: a game taking place in the Metal Slug universe.

I still don't know if it's going to be like Super Crate Box, when you're stuck on a limited stage killing everybody (and like the fights against Allen in Metal Slug), or a 'normal' Metal Slug type game with actual levels and scrolling.

It started from me wanting to recreate Metal Slug's weapons, so at least there's going to be that.

Stay tuned.
^ my thoughts exactly. I've been following this project through its ticalc updates for a while now, it just made me want to play it more and more.

Also, I think there are some TI-89 emulators out there.
This one would *be. You guys really need French people to correct your English.
You can't fight the power of hand-written hex ~_~

Okay really, nice try :P but never assume that the OS has a logical behavior.
Yeah two, but don't worry I edited the message with an opcode to execute directly.
Quote from: Hayleia on February 19, 2015, 02:40:02 PM
I am pretty sure matref knows the answer to my problem after doing AxeSh :P

* matrefeytontias comes to save the day

You have to use that certain BCALL called ExecutePrgm, but before that, you must save what is in asm_prgm_size ($89EC) somewhere, and you must restore it afterwards.

Cumred: you didn't take care of that asm_prgm_size part :P

EDIT : by the way, you probably wonder how to use it. So I did a nice opcode for you, just put a pointer to the name of the program in HL before calling it :
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