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Messages - p2

Gaming / Re: BosaikCraft Minecraft Server
May 18, 2017, 11:15:34 AM
RAAAIIISE, deadest of all topics!
What the c guys, seriously  :ninja:
I now spent 2 days on the server, and it's really great.
But what in god's name is that place with all the skulls and bones and c? x.x
And another WTF on that undercity  :ninja:
This is AWESOME yet so insane, omg guys!
Just how much time did u guys spend on building this stuff?  O.O

Btw @CVSoft found ur more or less hidden house

Edit: wish I wasn't the only guy on the server tho
Hardware / Re: Building an arcade cabinet
May 18, 2017, 09:11:27 AM
Can you maybe give us photos of the current progress? :)
Quote from: WholeWheatBagels on May 17, 2017, 08:01:18 PM
Luckily there are ways to mitigate that, with client-optimization mods and such. Even so, if you have a
then you're basically screwed, lol
pff whoever built this computer, it's his own fault it's super slow.
Only connecting one 10th of the pins of the RAM module means one 10th of the speed, everyone knows that <_<
having epic sax guy as a main character in a game must be really awesome, nice one!  :thumbsup:
not very realistic cuz of the amount of blocks that have to be rendered for a decent game experience.
in a simplified building like in nDOOM like 20 surfaces are shown in average (guessed, idk for sure) but for minecraft... x.x

I think an nDOOM like map combined with a minecraft-style character would be best suited...

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong @TheMachine02 ^^
Hardware / Re: Building an arcade cabinet
May 17, 2017, 05:31:33 AM
yay that's great.
btw will u only use premade games or also add a selfmade walrii game?
This could be the first arcade machine coming with walrii games tho O.O
Randomness / Re: So, Kotuism - what is it?
May 16, 2017, 10:07:43 AM
good thing we have a randomness section.. <_<
Do you guys still remember the ravenfield topic?
I guess such a simplified character model (rather similar to minecraft) would be enough for testing the speed in a first demo :)
Even tho it wouldn't really show the true beauty of the light stuff :/
so you want a pure NSFW subforum full of anime tiddies, furries, pr0n, ...?
To be honest I doubt that'd be woth the effort as the combination of 4chan and a private messenger like Telegram already gives you all that:
anime tiddies and a secure way to share them.

Quote from: gameblabla on May 15, 2017, 10:24:58 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on May 10, 2017, 07:13:52 PM
An unrelated question about the forums would also be: What do you plan to have on that forums that  CW lacks and what would be your motivie to have a forum on a personal site in addition to CW?  :P
It's quite simple why : everything not allowed by CW will go here.
if by "not allowed" you mean "banned" then I doubt I'd want to go on that site  :ninja:
We rarely ever ban someone, and when we do it's only to protect the rest of the community and the peaceful atmosphere.
We allow a loooot of shady stuff (talks about pr0n, how to brew chemical drugs, selfmade explosives, ...) but sometimes we simply have to step in, cuz we have at least SOME rules afterall.
We do try to avoid giving warnings and bans, and often look away on purpose cuz we know that if we were too strict it would be no fun.
But those that get banned usually really overdid it. More than once.
And a community full of those people, that'd be nothing different that /b/
true, but why is it so similar to the silver walrii in ur sig, @_iPhoenix_  :ninja:
pleeeease avoid doing 2 or even 3 posts in a row in a single topic.
There's a modify button above your last post. Use it!
It's 100% free to use and I'd be really really grateful if you did x.x
yeah the /ponies script is only set to follow the cursor, but they don't apply any colission among each other which means they can cover each other like that... :/
We definitely have to work on that script at some point ^^
Hardware / Re: Building an arcade cabinet
May 15, 2017, 09:14:00 PM
uuuh I love this project, xan't wait for updates ^.^

will u try to put all the hardware in a hibe wooden thingy like the real arcade machines? :)
glad ur doing a project together with ur bro, didnt have the impression u were such a great team until now ^^
wasnt the axe version of Cubesfield called CubeRunner...? how comes the name is different? :)
the two capacitors look like they're connecte in parallel.
what's the difference between using one or two except saving a tiny amount of money in manufacturing...?
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