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Two (obscure) games I like

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b/Gaming publicado por u/TruDev December 07, 2018, 03:56:28 AM
So, I have a different taste in games than most people, apparently, although more people may like these games if they had only heard of them...

A game about an 8-year old cat kid, transported to another world. The world is dying, and they must save it.


  • Good music
  • Good art
  • Good story
  • Amazing characters
  • Extensive 4th wall breaks (for those who liked DDLC)
  • Lore
  • Windows and Mac support, Linux soon (you can compile it)


  • Kind of a slow paced puzzle game, can get kind of boring?
  • Not much to theorize on
  • 4th wall breaks might be too much (for some people, not to me)

Link to game

Shoutouts to @Scipi for having the protagonist as his avatar

Copy Kitty:
Another game about a cat, except this one is magic!
This game is ultra obscure, not many people have heard of it...


  • Good music
  • Good art
  • Good story
  • Amazing characters
  • Good gameplay
  • Absolutely tons of lore
  • More lore outside the game
  • Can run on basically nothing (512MB RAM, 1.6GHz dual core)


  • Windows only (XNA Studio)
  • You will never find another fan (unless you look, but that doesn't count)

Link to game

Juju's Zarmina reminds me of Copy Kitty, actually...
Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 03:59:47 AM by TruDev
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u/Scipi December 07, 2018, 02:43:03 PM
Quote from: TruDev on December 07, 2018, 03:56:28 AM
Shoutouts to @Scipi for having the protagonist as his avatar

Can confirm, OneShot is a great game :3
u/TruDev December 07, 2018, 06:41:26 PM
Copy Kitty is also a pretty cool one, but yeah OneShot is pretty cool too.

Both were actually published by the same publisher, Degica Games.
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