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b/Website News publicado por u/Yuki December 05, 2018, 01:29:13 AM
And we have nothing that would make us enforce these rules, unlike, *cough*, Tumblr, so yeah. We're not owned by a big Christian company like Verizon and Apple won't ban us from their app store for not complying, so yeah.

But we're still a family website with kids around here so:

- Nothing illegal in Canadian, American or your juridiction
- Please tag your NSFW appropriately and put them in spoilers or external links (we have a room for that on Discord)
- Respect each other and especially your admins

Thanks for flying CW :)
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u/Jean-Baptiste Boric December 05, 2018, 10:12:31 PM
That reminds me of all the smut various stuff that single men draw when bored I've drawn over the years while in class and at pubs. If Tumblr was a religion, I'm pretty sure I would've been framed as a heretic by now. 9_9

Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure everyone I've met so far thinks I'm a heretic anyway. The trick is to get away with it :ninja:
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