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b/Website News publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga November 13, 2018, 04:44:17 PM
In order to reduce costs, CodeWalrus website will shut down its DigitalOcean webspace on January 1st 2019 and everything located there will move to our second hosting provider, which already hosts both CW and WTFCity's Minecraft servers.

The website will also ditch Simplemachines forum software in the near future in favor of PhpBB3 or Discourse, depending of which is the most up to today's web standards by the time it happens.
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u/gameblabla November 13, 2018, 06:27:18 PM
I thought you could not switch from SimpleMachines because there was still a lot of work to do ?Between phpbb3 and Discourse though, i much prefer phpbb3. At least you can use it without javascript... Hopefully you end up using that. (or another alternative that's just as good)Good luck
u/Dream of Omnimaga November 13, 2018, 06:44:10 PM
The problem is that not much work was done after I got PTSD and juju got a job (on top of multiple moves)
u/Yuki November 13, 2018, 11:16:20 PM
Yeah, sometime last year, motivation went rock bottom for both of us, that and it's kinda hard to choose the right software for our needs. On that case, we definitely need a restructuration by the start of 2019. Not a hard limit but it would be pretty cool to be done by then, as in moving everything to that new server and it's starting to get pretty expensive. We're open to any suggestion that would be better than anything we said :)

Also, the server in question we want to move to currently hosts 3 Minecraft servers and a Mastodon instance on (which I encourage you to sign up on cause why not), it's a nice server with 32 GB RAM, enough disk space to breathe and it's only 10€, but it's the kind of company their tech support is pretty much their vice-president and it went down for 3 days cause we had a bug with it, the VM became a zombie and we had to migrate the VM to another host, so yeah. Hope it won't happen again and I do more offsite backups, they said they're gonna upgrade their installation of OpenVZ soon and it's gonna be very welcome. I mean, it's still on Linux 2.6.32 and Debian starts complaining about it.
u/Yuki January 07, 2019, 08:11:09 AM

- While the new server on Dyjix have more RAM and storage than the current one for the same price, the old one on DigitalOcean is still more stable, so I prefer not moving out until the upgrade Dyjix is planning is done. The Minecraft server don't need much stability so far as we're on ask-an-admin-if-crashed basis for that, but it does need the RAM, so we're paying for both for the time being.

- I realized needs way more storage than I thought it would for media attachments (it's about 80 GB so far! The fediverse is pretty big), so I'm moving these media to Wasabi. It's compatible with Amazon S3 and DigitalOcean Spaces and it's way cheaper than those. We also use DO Spaces for CW backups and it's likely to move to Wasabi as well in the future, it's pretty much the same price for the first 250 GB, as in $5/month. Except we can go up to 1 TB with that $5 on Wasabi. Note that I'm talking about object storage, not the same as a VPS so you still need one to run stuff on. Anyway, is likely to crash a lot until the move is complete, so hold on your horses if you're using it.

- I still can afford for all that for the forseeable future with my job and my mom's, no worries so far, but if you want to throw some money at my Patreon account, that would be pretty helpful. That would make the servers and storage a bit more affordable and also fund development of Zarmina, I planned some big stuff with that... (Printed copies for sale? Maybe??? Who knows?)

So this is my little roundup on what's going on so far, have a great post-holidays :)
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