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My own custom firmware for the RS-97

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b/Consoles publicado por u/gameblabla July 14, 2018, 05:47:19 PM
Hello guys,Last month, two people have donated to me 2 RS-97, a chinese knockoff console with an Ingenic JZ460 SoC clocked at 600Mhz with a horrible screen of 320x480. (but with an aspect ratio of 4:3, kind of like the much infamous CR4 Ti-nspire...)
Anyway, after working almost a week on it, i have released a custom firmware for it using buildroot & steward's work.
It uses musl-libc rather than uclibc, a standard compliant libc library with backward & upward compatibility. (which uclibc does not, binaries will crash unless you recompile them)I have released two videos that shows how games & emulators run on that thing :

If you happen to own such a console then grab a build here :

Here's the relevant source code :

And more on my github repo. (i need to sync them on my gitlab account again)
Do let me know what you think of the RS-97 console : A lot of people are talking trash about it.
Well, some of the criticism is deserved i suppose. (such as the device being under-powered, having a weird screen...)
Last Edit: July 14, 2018, 05:53:19 PM by gameblabla
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u/Caleb Hansberry July 16, 2018, 12:16:38 AM
Well I don't know anything about these, but thank you for your service. As long as the device is cheap anything is forgivable.
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