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b/Website News publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga May 09, 2018, 02:41:48 PM
The CodeWalrus website portal where you can see the latest headlines has been updated this morning. Now, instead of showing the latest 5 news articles or topics approved by the staff to make the headlines, you will just see 1, followed by the last 20 forum topics started by our members. Some exceptions apply, such as the safe-haven and randomness sections, and only the first few hundreds of characters of BBCode are used, but basically, I figured that with the low amount of website news in the last two years we should give more visibility for user contributions.

A link to past news articles still remains under the latest headline on the front page.
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u/_iPhoenix_ May 09, 2018, 07:25:48 PM
Awesome! Perhaps you could hide topics with NSFW in the topic name, so that new visitors don't get the wrong impression :P
u/123outerme May 09, 2018, 07:42:13 PM
I really like this change! Gives users something new to look at every single post. I, for one, will appreciate when my topic shows up :ninja:
u/Yuki May 10, 2018, 06:46:23 AM
That's a pretty nice idea, actually.
u/Dream of Omnimaga May 10, 2018, 06:06:18 PM
Quote from: _iPhoenix_ on May 09, 2018, 07:25:48 PM
Awesome! Perhaps you could hide topics with NSFW in the topic name, so that new visitors don't get the wrong impression :P
NSFW topics are not allowed outside the randomness section
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