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CodeWalrus'es Post Notifiers

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b/Website News publicado por u/DarkestEx August 19, 2016, 06:14:13 PM
Hello, walrusses! :walrii:
This is my first news post, now being a news editor, so let's get rolling:

A while back this and last year, Cumred_Snektron and I were creating official real-time post notifiers.
Unfortunately many new users and even some of the die-hard walruses that have been with us since the beginning of are still not aware of them.
So I would like to present you the two post notifiers today: Post Notifier (works on Windows, Linux and Mac)

The PC notifier works well on Windows, Linux and Mac.
On Windows, it requires .NET framework and GTK-Sharp.
Linux and Mac need a full installation of Mono and the respective GTK packages.

The notifier allows configuration of audio notifications, visual pop-ups, the design of the UI and allows ignoring posts based on parameters such as title and content.
Other useful features include a customizable update interval and gzip compression to save you bandwidth.
The Source code is available under the terms of the MIT License on GitHub.
A discussion topic can be found here.

You can download the ZIP archive with all the libraries from here:

On Linux you can run the following command-line in your terminal to install the notifier:
wget && chmod +x && ./ && rm

Walrifier (works on Android)

The Walrifier works on Android only (sorry iOS people! :P) and displays notifications through the Android UI.
Cumred_Snektron kindly released the source code on GitHub.
It's features include bandwidth saving and a configurable interval between checks.
The original topic can be found here.

Download the APK directly to your phone from here:
Last Edit: April 10, 2020, 09:53:10 PM by DarkestEx
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u/Dream of Omnimaga August 19, 2016, 08:19:03 PM
Thanks for the well-detailed post and news. I mostly used Cumred's notifier due to hardware issues on my PC a few months ago but I recently started using your notifier again. I'm glad it's being updated again now.

I'm still looking at how to make the notifiers more visible but maybe I could just link to this topic above the Recent Posts section and front page. The shorter text would allow me to increase it size without being intrusive too.
u/p2 August 21, 2016, 12:00:16 PM
you should probably update the screenshot and use another one since a text about a naked dead man on the front page of CodeWalrus is really not the best idea <.<
u/DarkestEx August 21, 2016, 12:10:37 PM
Quote from: p2 on August 21, 2016, 12:00:16 PM
you should probably update the screenshot and use another one since a text about a naked dead man on the front page of CodeWalrus is really not the best idea <.<
I will do that soon. Probably that evening. But I am away right now and can't change it.
At least you got front-paged ;)

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 19, 2016, 08:19:03 PM
Thanks for the well-detailed post and news. I mostly used Cumred's notifier due to hardware issues on my PC a few months ago but I recently started using your notifier again. I'm glad it's being updated again now.

I'm still looking at how to make the notifiers more visible but maybe I could just link to this topic above the Recent Posts section and front page. The shorter text would allow me to increase it size without being intrusive too.
I will soon look into updating the notifier and fixing some issues and finishing some features. I might also do an update to the server-side software.

Yes, a front-page link would certainly help spreading the notifiers.
u/p2 August 21, 2016, 12:13:43 PM
Okey :)
I'm even double frontpaged since both posts were from me :D  :love: such an honor  O.O
u/DarkestEx April 16, 2019, 09:30:42 PM
I have just updated the notifier API to work with the new 2.1 version of SMF.
This will disable the feature to block users by ID and user names are no longer displayed in the notifier.
Apart from that, everything should work as usual. The client does not have to be updated.

Have fun ;)
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