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b/Contests publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga August 04, 2016, 12:34:38 AM

Sorry for the delay, but the July Monthly CW Project Award survey is now up! This month, there were a lot of projects that saw progress once again on CodeWalrus forums.

(84+CSE) Sorcery of Uvutu
(84+CSE/CE) Zargul
(84+CSE/CE) Calcuzap
(84+CE) gLib 3D Library
(84+CE) First Fantasy II
(84+CE) TI-Planet's Project Builder/C Compiler
(84+CE) Don't Touch the Spikes
(84+CE) SeaShell
(84+CE) Switch Operator
(Nspire/Other) Ivoah's Train game
(Nspire/68K/Other) X3D engine
(HP Prime) MinePrime (Minecraft clone)
(fx-CG10/20) Internet on Casio PRIZM
(Hardware) PC Case Windows Mod
(Hardware) CVSoft's Automatically Controlled Amateur Radio
(Hardware) Unicorn's Lattepanda cooling system
(Hardware) SID + Midi on Arduino
(Other) PersianTree PalmOS Emulator
(Other) Clouttery
(Other) Claw Development System
(Other) Ponyquotes
(Other) Non-Euclidean Voxel Engine
(Other) BBCode to Wiki Markup
(Other) c4's 3D Game Engine
(Other) TI Forum Posting Stats History Archival

All 25 entries are competing against each others, regardless of the platform. Last month, ICE language won, which is why it's not included in July's poll. Have you spotted projects this month that you think are more notable in particular or that you liked in particular? Select 5 options in the poll attached to this topic then click Submit! And don't forget to visit each topic again to give authors encouragement and suggestions!

You only have until August 10th to vote and you need at least 20 posts to do so, so hurry up! :3=
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u/DarkestEx August 04, 2016, 06:14:29 PM
I voted. There is one big problem about this way of judging which is that the voting is based on popularity, NOT code quality, complexity and overall usefulness.
I would not call this a fair rating.  :-\
u/PT_ August 04, 2016, 08:37:55 PM
Quote from: DJ OmnimagaLast month, ICE language won, which is why it's not included in July's poll.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 04, 2016, 09:33:59 PM
Quote from: PT_ on August 04, 2016, 08:37:55 PM
Quote from: DJ OmnimagaLast month, ICE language won, which is why it's not included in July's poll.
But on the other hand this means your program will participate to the Yearly CW Project Award in January  (along with the winner for July, August, September, October, November and December 2016) :3=

Also nice to see you again @PT_
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 06, 2016, 06:31:55 AM
Remember that you only have until Wednesday, 8:34 PM GMT-5 EDT to vote, which means Thursday 2:34 AM for most European users.
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