b/Website News

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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • April 01, 2015, 12:25:38 AM

(APRIL FOOLS) CodeWalrus to become French-only starting next month

UPDATE: Following was an April Fools joke. We are remaining an English website, so don't worry, you won't need to learn French. Fun fact, though: April fools day in French is "Poisson d'Avril" (April Fish), and walruses love fishes and seafood. As you might have noticed, our website logo has changed, now reading "Le Morse de la Prog" instead of "CodeWalrus". Although CodeWalrus is an English-speaking website, the entire staff team speaks French as its native...
49 Replies
Unirse Started by u/novenary • April 01, 2015, 03:14:20 PM

(APRIL FOOLS) CodeWalrus to promote walrus hallucinogens

What follows is an April Fools joke. The psychedelic forum theme remains available as secondary theme, though, since some people wanted it to remain available as an option in their profile settings. (For French people, ceci était un Poisson d'Avril. Walrii aime beaucoup le pwésson ) Faisant partie d'une récente campagne hallucinogne, nous avons décidé de mettre en place une nouvelle espèce à partir de fluides gastriques de morses. Ainsi le site a changé de thè...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 04, 2015, 05:00:01 AM

(Updated) Back-to-school site additions and changes

With school starting comes site updates! First of all, we are sorry to announce that Duke "Tape" Eiyeron will no longer be full time CodeWalrus staff. He will now be part of the "part-time maintenance" group. As he moved on from forums in general, he could no longer fullfill his full staff position, but he will still help when he can, while also trying to find time to work on his projects. He also retains his Elite Coder badge. We hope that he can still pop in every now and t...
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • February 11, 2016, 08:56:17 PM

1000th topic

Figured I'd celebrate this milestone by creating the 1000th topic. Congrats, everyone.
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • July 07, 2017, 08:56:17 AM

A bit of downtime

Due to a problem, CodeWalr.us closed for a few hours this night. We brought it back, but we lost about half a day worth of posts along the way. We are sorry for the inconvenience.Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy your stay here on CodeWalr.us. The staff strives to offer you a drama-free experience and we expect you all to follow our rules so everyone will be happy here as a great family. As such, we may conduct a few major changes in the next few months... stay tuned, we'll keep you updated!
4 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • July 01, 2015, 12:10:19 AM

Alexgt promoted to Elite Coder & Spring CWPN Newsletter out

Two weeks ago, Cumred and DarkestEx were promoted to Elite Coders, but it was only a matter of time before Alexgt becomes part of that group as well. Today, it is now a reality!Like Cumred, Alexgt joined the community in late 2014, although he became active a while later. Despite being new, he already has stunning projects for the HP Prime:- Mineprime: Minecraft for the HP Prime , which is coming along nicely and features very smooth speed-[url=h...
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • March 31, 2017, 08:20:59 AM

Big changes on CodeWalrus

Hey guys, here on CodeWalrus we always strive to give you the best experience we can on the forums. We heard your complains and suggestions, so the staff team decided to transfer the site to a completely new forum software we wrote. We were working on it a bit in secret since a while now, there's still a few issues we should figure out, but things should work. It's a completely novel way to use the forum, I guess you'll have to get used to it a bit, but I'm pretty sure you'll like it. The change...
36 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • September 20, 2018, 09:48:40 PM

calc.news reloaded: This time it's a Mastodon instance

it's dead so I made it better it's kinda like Twitter but Jack Dorsey or any of his cty AI lackeys don't have a say on the fate of your account (not that any of us have any problem with that but yeah, it's open source). Figured it would be far more useful and worth it this way (the old site was broken beyond repair so better doing something else), and I think it would be pretty useful to the community, so yeah. Ultimately, every site would have a feed kinda like on the old...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 20, 2017, 01:45:10 AM

CodeWalr.us Minecraft server uptime update

Contrary to what some people might have thought, the CodeWalrus Minecraft server, located at , is still in operation. It just has terrible uptime. The only catch is that now that Juju has moved, if the server goes offline then it is only re-opened on-demand, meaning that you have to bug Juju about it. Also, it requires a Minecraft version from the early 70's and it's world-edit-based creative ...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 25, 2017, 01:20:42 AM

CodeWalrus 3rd anniversary

Today, CodeWalrus has turned 3 years old! We would like to thank everyone who have made this possible. Not much has been done for this anniversary due to lack of time, but I'm currently live on Twitch and Youtube, playing Sorcery of Uvutu PC and probably other CodeWalrus games later.
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • June 03, 2019, 11:19:21 PM

CodeWalrus account registration issues fixed

We were recently made aware that when attempting to create a new forum account on CodeWalrus, it led to an error page saying that the website is closed for now. After much investigation by Juju and thanks to his efforts, the issue (along with various others) has now been resolved and you can now create a forum account.
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • June 11, 2018, 08:26:37 PM

CodeWalrus ads are shutting off on July 11th

Well, some sad news today: our beloved ad provider Project Wonderful is shutting down on August 1st . They provided us with the ad box above this page (disable AdBlock if you don't see it) for more than a year and a half now, you guys had a good time bidding random stuff on this box and overall, we only have good words for it. But, unfortunately, giants such as Facebook are killing individual blogs and websites in favor of their own platform ...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • August 06, 2018, 05:42:26 PM

CodeWalrus Discord server close to 100 users!

Our Discord server has broken the 100 users milestone yesterday excluding bots, but not if we exclude the few duplicate users in the offline list. Nonetheless, we're about to break the 100 user milestone it seems (I think the real user count is 97 or 98, right now) . Thanks to everyone for joining! Join our Discord server
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • September 11, 2017, 12:18:52 AM

CodeWalrus Fundraising

Just a little reminder that your favourite website (I mean, this one right?) exist thanks to donations from our members, and so far it works quite well. We have a bunch of ways you can contribute, namely the ads below the site logo (click on the "your ad here" to, well, put your ad there) or directly on PayPal by clicking on this link . Or if you're from Québec City, Canada, our record label is also working into releasing DJ Omnimaga's discography to th...
6 Replies
Unirse Started by u/Yuki • November 25, 2017, 05:45:16 AM

CodeWalrus Gaming - Brand new server for Minecraft and others

Well, I hope you guys had a good Black Friday/Thanksgiving/whatever it is this weekend. To celebrate, this is something we've been asked since a while: the Minecraft server is finally back. Not only that, but we upgraded it to an overly generous 32 GB of RAM, 8-core server (and for ridiculously cheap, thanks Black Friday sales) and while we were at it, it now runs on the latest Minecraft 1.12.2. So exit the old crappy netbook with 1 GB RAM and a wonky connection we had before, we shouldn't have ...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 24, 2019, 07:12:13 PM

CodeWalrus is now 5 years old!

Happy Birthday to CodeWalrus!
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 26, 2015, 05:46:20 PM

CodeWalrus now available in 4 languages!

With our growing non-English native userbase, we have decided to add multiple languages to the forum software: Dutch, French and Japanese. Although support for those languages is partial (custom navigation and menu options are still in English and Japanese translation is incomplete), hopefully this should make it easier for our visitors or members who have troubles using the website in English.You can change your language settings at the top of every page to the right of CodeWalrus logo, via a d...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 01, 2015, 02:47:30 PM

CodeWalrus opens its doors to public

Over two months after being founded and 7 weeks after its forum started operating in private mode, CodeWalrus finally opens its doors to public! It all started early in June 2014, when the idea of creating this new forum came to birth in a discussion between me and pimathbrainiac. On October 24th, it finally started for real, with us two, along with aeTIos, juju and Streetwalrus as founders. Many reasons were behind the starting of thi...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 28, 2015, 12:20:11 AM

CodeWalrus restructure

In order to adapt to today's calculator community, we have decided to perform changes to our internal staff policies. The first change was made to our staff activity policies. They forced every full-time staff to post at least once a day on the forums whenever the site averaged under 3000 posts a month. Above 3000, the requirement was three times lower. Now, the requirement will be closer to what Omnimaga had when I ran it: 10 posts a month, with the difference being that the gap between each po...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • April 12, 2019, 08:41:00 PM

CodeWalrus SMF upgrade

As you have noticed, our SMF install was upgraded to 2.1 RC2 and it will be upgraded to 2.1 as soon as it's out. This is because SMF 2.1 RC1 and RC2 came out several years earlier than we expected, eliminating the need to switch forum softwares entirely (for now, at least... we were even offered money to migrate to Tapatalk, but refused). As a result, some features might be missing, as they were provided by third-party plugins. The default theme will be adapted so that the borders are green with...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 20, 2017, 06:59:58 AM

CodeWalrus staff changes (CVSoft, Snektron & xlibman)

This is a status update about the CodeWalrus staff, as changes are now taking place tonight:- CVSoft is now part of the CodeWalrus staff. He will help Juju take care of the server, as well as assist in the migration to PhpBB3 (and hopefully the TIMGUL+CW merger). He, along with the rest of the team, will also take care of taking decisions about future additions to the staff and other things.-Unfortunately, both Snektron and myself will n...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • November 13, 2018, 04:44:17 PM

CodeWalrus to move to a different host and forum software in 2019

In order to reduce costs, CodeWalrus website will shut down its DigitalOcean webspace on January 1st 2019 and everything located there will move to our second hosting provider, which already hosts both CW and WTFCity's Minecraft servers.The website will also ditch Simplemachines forum software in the near future in favor of PhpBB3 or Discourse, depending of which is the most up to today's web standards by the time it happens.
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • March 04, 2015, 03:43:47 AM

CodeWalrus to reopen its doors

Well, that was quick. As we said, we had some staff departures today:- aeTIos lacks the time to do any admining, he therefore resigns;- Streetwalrus don't have any time either, he takes a hiatus and may come back to the position at a later date.So we're now in severe understaffing, as a result, we decided to close the site and made a closing post . However, as we decided the fate of the website, we concluded the best course of action would actually to leave it op...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 24, 2015, 05:26:34 AM

CodeWalrus turns 1 year old

1 year ago, it happened: CodeWalrus became a thing. It was the day the walrus started to fly. While the idea was first brought up on September 6th 2011 then discussed in June 2014, it is on October 24th 2014 that this new website and forum project officially started. At the time, no official name had been chosen yet, although TI-Walrus, CalcWalrus and TI-Legacy were among the first being considered. A few days later, a name that is less calculator-centric was chosen: CodeWalrus. Then the http://...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 24, 2016, 04:32:13 AM

CodeWalrus turns 2 years old!

CodeWalrus is now celebrating its 2nd year anniversary. Founded on October 24th 2014, the website opened its doors on November 11th of that year, although only 12 members, including the staff, were allowed access before the public opening on January 1st 2015. Since our opening, many of our members have released notable softwares, especially games, worked on promising projects and tried to provide a friendly atmosphere both on the forums and IRC. 455952 IRC messages, 46444 posts, 1528 topics, 550...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 24, 2023, 02:14:35 AM

CodeWalrus turns 9 year old in cing style (altho' no major calc game release)

On October 23rd 2014, late in the evening (or night for many of our users), discussions about the creation of a new calculator forum immediately started in private, where CodeWalrus would be eventually chosen as the name. During its first three years the forums and especially IRC/WalrusIRC chat managed to serve their purpose of recreating a former calculator community discussion environment. In mid 2017, all staff either became busy or stepped down and CodeWalrus activity declined considerably d...
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • October 07, 2016, 10:07:35 PM

CodeWalrus: Now with ads!

Well, we got the suggestion a few days ago, we looked at our options and we delivered. Well, I know what you're thinking, ads are usually annoying and full of viruses (eh, Google AdSense?). Well, we hardly make any profit with CW and we don't look for it either, and we're all Internet users like you with AdBlock on, so we looked for the best we can. And this is the best we found.Project Wonderful works unlike other ad providers: advertisers bid on a particular ad space, just like on eBay and suc...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 10, 2015, 10:45:22 PM

Cumred and Ivoah join staff

CodeWalrus have been short on staff for several months now. While three regularly active staff members are generally enough to keep up with our average activity of 50 posts per day, this proves to be quite problematic when it comes to site management during periods where one or more staff are busier with life duties, during busier periods in the community and during political matters. In the end, this results into delays in everything, such as the Summer newsletter, which was supposed to be out ...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • June 11, 2015, 12:51:00 AM

Cumred_Snektron and DarkestEx now Elite Coders

In light of their increasing contributions to the forums and their recent releases, we are pleased to award Elite Coder spots to two CodeWalrus members: Cumred_Snektron and DarkestEx !Although Cumred has only joined the TI community in late 2014, he has released the following programs (some of which are still in the works):- FBO Particles System for Windows-DovahCalc for both the [url= ...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • March 13, 2015, 05:11:25 AM

CW restructure, major updates and upcoming events

With just three staff members left and fear that I would have been forced to take a hiatus in a few months, the only way to continue keeping the website alive was to process into a restructure of our staff system. When I ran Omnimaga (which I founded in 2001), the main staff had some activity requirements to meet in order to ensure that we can maintain the website adequatly and keep its activity steady. That idea was transplanted into CodeWalrus when I co-founded it in October 2014. However, the...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • February 23, 2017, 05:07:37 AM

CW staff, arcade & music updates

First of all, we are pleased to announce that our staff member p2 has been promoted from Topic Manager to Moderator. While he could perform minor forum moderation tasks under his old position, his new one will give him more freedom. In addition to that, two RPG Maker 2003 games have been added to the CodeWalrus Arcade section: The Mysterious Cities of Gold II: The Curse of Amirax (a non-canon RPG sequel to the 1982 anime), and Super Star Hero v0.1 (a sci-fi action-RPG demo ...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 18, 2017, 06:52:59 PM

CW Telegram group replaced with Discord server

Although we had a Discord server for a while, it was only linked to our IRC and WalrusIRC chats recently and our Telegram group is no longer in operation. So we invite those who were in the latter group to join us on IRC, WalrusIRC or Discord instead. The IRC info topic was also updated to reflect the changes: UPDATED on September 18th 2017#CodeWalrus IRC channel is available on the EFnet IRC network. EFnet is where most TI-related IRC channels (most notably, #Cemetech, #Omnimaga and Tical...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • January 02, 2019, 09:30:06 PM

DJ Omnimaga t-shirts

They are now a thing!
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • February 14, 2018, 12:42:33 AM

Editorial: A small PSA about CodeWalrus

Well, you might have noticed the pink notice at the top of the page. Dear visitors and members, with the staff having moved on to other life interests and as a result of changes in people's internet usage habits, the CodeWalrus community have migrated almost entirely to Discord, IRC and WalrusIRC and is now essentially a place where to hang out, chat about gaming, programming, music, anime, and chill. As a result, even though the CW forums will remain open for posting, for faster T...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • September 15, 2016, 05:03:56 PM

Empty topics bug fixed

Those who likes browsing through old forum topics might have noticed that in larger sub-forums, there were a lot of topics with broken icons, no title and empty "last post" information at the bottom of each page except the first and the last. There were also plenty of topics at the top (or sometimes the entire page) that were not ordered properly, rendering certain topic list pages unusable. If you browsed the forum as guest, those topics showed an unclickable title saying "(Awaiting approval)" ...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • May 09, 2018, 02:41:48 PM

Every single topic now appears on main page with website news

The CodeWalrus website portal where you can see the latest headlines has been updated this morning. Now, instead of showing the latest 5 news articles or topics approved by the staff to make the headlines, you will just see 1, followed by the last 20 forum topics started by our members. Some exceptions apply, such as the safe-haven and randomness sections, and only the first few hundreds of characters of BBCode are used, but basically, I figured that with the low amount of website news in the la...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • October 23, 2017, 03:56:57 AM

Explanation about the massive CW forum activity decline of Summer 2017

So I don't think I need to inform anyone that in the last 6 months, the activity on CodeWalrus has dropped drastically, even lower than what Omnimaga had after CW opened. The reason why this time around I did not complain non-stop about it in the last year is because this massive activity decline was inevitable. Everyone who got access to the safe-haven sub-forum are aware of the reasons behind this, but now that September has passed, I can now publicly share some of those reasons.For the past 3...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • July 08, 2015, 05:20:52 AM

Facebook/Twitter/Google login disabled (now re-enabled)

I have decided to disable logging in and registering via social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Google until further notice. Currently, OneAll servers, which handles forum account linking with social networks, are not reachable, which caused every forum page to take over 1 minute to load or give SQL errors.We encourage posting at to suggest the addition of an user-configurable connection timeout feature (like what th...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • March 24, 2024, 10:41:14 PM

Fourmz fixed

Forums have been fixed. Nothing really wrong was going on but it has been forever since we last did a SMF reinstall with all the mods reinstalled. There was also something on the board index that made the page slow to load, which has been fixed.
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • July 07, 2018, 05:15:10 AM

Fredboat added to our Discord server

The popular music playing bot Fredboat has been added to our Discord server. If you hang out in our music channels or would like to do so, then you can now listen to or share your favorite music there.
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • March 31, 2015, 06:23:05 PM

Freenode IRC syncing discontinued

Due to lack of users and the fact that almost everybody who use #CodeWalrus IRC channel are already on EFnet,  Omninet or using one of the two forum shoutboxes, we have come to the decision to discontinue Freenode support and linking for #CodeWalrus. From now on, in order to use the #CodeWalrus IRC channel, you will have to use one of the following method:-Connect to EFnet then join #CodeWalrus-Connect to Omninet then join #CodeWalrus-WalrusIRC (main website IRC shoutbox)-OmnomIRC (alternate one...
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Unirse Started by u/novenary • October 26, 2015, 08:05:19 PM

Goodbye Eiyeron

It's with regret that I have to announce that Eiyeron has decided to take a leave from the community. He just entered university and wants to focus on his studies and start a new life. As such, he is stepping down from his moderator position and is not expected to come back to CW anytime soon.Goodbye Eiyo, it was fun having you around.
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • June 13, 2020, 03:30:32 PM

Guess who's back? The ads!

Remember back in 2016-2018 when we had ads? We made sure they weren't annoying and full of viruses, and as a result, that probably was the most hilarious experiment we've ever done on the site. Our members paid to have their "I lost the game" cposts to show up, and even fellow forums Omnimaga and Cemetech joined in the fun. At one point, it probably paid for almost half of our operating expenses.Unfortunately, all fun have to come to an end, and in 2018 Project Wonderful closed its doors due ...
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • April 01, 2018, 06:18:37 AM

Happy Easter: A few changes on CodeWalrus

Hey guys, hope you guys have a nice Easter day. I am going to take the occasion to announce a few important stuff here.As you might know, the Trump administration is quite unforgiving on things like freedom of speech, net neutrality and LGBTQ+ issues, among others. The server is hosted in New York on a .us domain, so given the community's wishes and to continue the most quality, uncensored content, it became unsustainable to keep the server there. As the administration is Canadian, we are theref...
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Unirse Started by u/Yuki • January 01, 2016, 07:48:02 AM

Happy new year/birthday/POTY 2016!

Well, it's 2016 now, hope you guys had a good 2015! Thinking of that, it's been our first full year, as CodeWalrus officially opened to the public on January 1st, 2015, and quite a lot of stuff happened since then. Good stuff, bad stuff, well this is what shaped our beloved new forum through the year.Speaking of which, the Program of the Year (POTY) results for the year 2015 just came out on ticalc.org , celebrating the be...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • February 14, 2015, 05:03:31 PM

Hayleia and Matrefeytontias joins the Elite Coder group

In a previous announcement , we started doing staff updates and made the new Elite Coder group, designed as a badge for notable programmers that offers some extra forum privileges, an official thing. The announcement stated that the next one would be on February 14th. Today we are pleased to announce the addition of Hayleia and matrefeytontias to the [url= ;sa=members...
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Unirse Started by u/Dream of Omnimaga • June 30, 2016, 05:21:27 AM

How the CW Monthly Project Award will work

So I thought I should clarify some stuff about the CodeWalrus Monthly Project Award that starts tomorrow night. Here is how it will work:1-Basically, once June is over, a poll will be posted on the forums and front page, with a news article listing all active projects this month.2-In the poll, you will check boxes for your 5 favorite projects or projects that you find the most worthy.3-The number of projects you can select in your vote...
7 Replies
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