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Messages - Midnightas

General Help / Re: What causes "RAM leaks"?
February 07, 2019, 06:07:42 AM
It turned out to be me setting IY without saving the old value.
General Help / What causes "RAM leaks"?
February 05, 2019, 04:54:16 PM
I am writing a simple game in ez80 assembly, and every single time I run the program, my calculator's free RAM goes down a lot.
I can run the game maybe 4-5 times before it runs out and a memory error occurs.

Is my program simply not deallocated from memory, if so, how do I get it to?
Slight additional question, if I may, but if I wanted to add the ability to draw transparent sprites, I'm assuming I'll have to lose the ldir instruction?
One way I see going about this is to use ldi in a loop instead (which checks if it's equal to some "transparent" value).
Wow, I blame the tools. Thank you so much for using your free time on this issue!
Here's a repo I just setup:

Thanks for your help!
I added double buffering into my program, as before you could see it rendering visually and flickering.
But now with double buffering, half of the screen flickers (not exactly half, I can't find a pattern, but it's mostly pixels at the bottom), and it now takes around half a second to render, before the buffers are swapped again.
I'm assuming this is because we wait for the interrupt, but it still seems to be very long.

call SJQ_setgraphics
; Simple buffer cleaning, sets everything to 0.
ld HL, (SJQ_curbuf)
ld (HL), 0
ld DE, (SJQ_curbuf)
inc DE
ld BC, 320 * 240 - 1

; do some more drawing here.

call SJQ_bufswap

; Sets the palette.
ld DE, $E30200
; Enables 8bpp.
ld A, $27
ld ($E30018), A
; Sets up double buffering.
ld HL, vRam
ld (mpLcdBase), HL
ld hl, vRam + 320 * 240
ld (SJQ_curbuf), HL
ld HL, mpLcdImsc
ld (HL), 4

ld HL, (SJQ_curbuf)
ld DE, (mpLcdBase)
ld (SJQ_curbuf), DE
ld (mpLcdBase), HL
ld HL, mpLcdIcr
set 2, (HL)
ld HL, mpLcdRis
bit 2, (HL)
jr Z, -_

SJQ_bufwap, the third third of SJQ_setgraphics are all that work on the double buffering, of course I found little docs on the internet (searching stuff like 'double buffering ti', or using exact matching, etc).
Other / Re: New member introductions: Say hello here!
February 16, 2018, 05:22:27 PM
Hey all, Midnightas here, hobby developer for a long time.
I found this site on Project Wonderful, was really interested in it.
Unfortunately not a calculator coder, but it seems.. interesting  ;)
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