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b/Music Showcase publicado por u/racingstripeAV December 23, 2017, 01:04:08 AM
I realise some/most may not remember me, but those who do will be glad to know I've still been making music in the years you may have missed me, finishing my first two albums:

The Messenger Trilogy, Part II: Decet Hostium (2015)

01. run /INTROD~1.BAT 2:22
02. Overture for the Upgraded 1:21
03. Pareidolia 5:38
04. To Arms, Brothers; We Are At War! (pt I: Fate Denied) 3:53
05. To Arms, Brothers; We Are At War! (pt II: The Rebellion) 5:43
06. Cure? 5:37
07. Man Becoming Cold (The Surrender) 2:15
08. Frozen, Unconscious... Immortal 7:24
09. Rogue Terminal 5:25
10. Machine Becoming Warm (The Uprising) 2:09
11. VICHAMA The Destroyer 4:16
12. Release Candidate 8:14
13. The Ghost Inside 9:05
The Messenger Trilogy, Part III:
The New World and The World Beyond

01. S.O.S. (intro) 2:14
02. The New World 8:34
-- I. Welcome to the End
-- II. The Silver Lining
-- III. Atonement
-- IV. Welcome to the End (reprise)

03. What If..? (The Drake Equation) 5:46
04. Fermi Paradox 8:43
-- I. This Black Universe
-- II. Faster-Than-Light
-- III. Transmission
-- IV. Re:Transmission
-- V. A World Out There

05. Exodus One 5:30
06. T Minus I: Come So Far 3:01
07. T Minus II: Blastoff (Another Dark Sphere) 3:54
08. New Horizons 10:52
-- I. Intermission – The Uncharted Symphony
-- II. Black Hole
-- III. In Chaos
-- IV. The Other Side

09. Follow The Signal 4:00
10. Anomaly 5:27
11. Godspeed (The Absconding) 4:54
12. The World Beyond 10:09
-- I. Destination
-- II. Revelation
-- III. Conclusion

And in case you're wondering "where is 'The Messenger Trilogy, Part I'", it's going to be the third album. Don't know when it's gonna be finished though, I'm aiming late-2019, mid-2020 at the latest.
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u/Dream of Omnimaga December 23, 2017, 06:23:38 PM
Heya @racingstripeAV and nice to seeyou again (especially now that some remains of TIMGUL (about 400 songs out of 1200 and most forum posts) are back online). I remember you were on Omnimaga but that was when I wasn't checking the forums that much. I still make music too and I'm glad you're still doing so as well so I'm gonna have a listen later (maybe with juju since we live in the same place now)

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