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[TI-84+CE] Opossum Massage Simulator [TI-84+CSE][TI-Nspire][PC][Android][HP Prime]

b/Games Started by Dream of Omnimaga, February 18, 2016, 07:59:51 PM

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u/Dudeman313 April 18, 2016, 10:29:14 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 15, 2016, 02:48:21 AM
I rarely add a way to quit my games besides ON :P. The only time I do it is if a game can cause problems and crashes if quit prematurely. I could add that option if you really want it, though.
Why not? I kept looking for an exit key to FFMANA and couldn't find one. Like @JWinslow23 said, it feels bad to not cleanly exit. :P

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 18, 2016, 09:19:40 PM
An updated version of the abridged version of the game has been uploaded to Here are the changes:

-The BruceLee's (sic) relative Chin screen is back, but with Chin himself instead of Trump and Trump's name is not mentioned in the text.

Now if this wasn't for the fact I wanted to put emphasis on opossum massaging, this game would probably be called New York 2017 and copy the fake intro that AVGN made up in his review of HK97. After all, this sequel happens in the United States, not Hong Kong. :P
Cool! And I see the thing with the name. :P
u/Dream of Omnimaga April 18, 2016, 11:43:40 PM
I usually left out custom quit features in my games to save space. I will probably add an option to quit with CLEAR in the future, though.

Another worry I had was how to add a quit feature that doesn't take too much space without leading the user to constantly quit by accident.
u/Dudeman313 April 19, 2016, 12:41:20 PM
What about holding a certain key for 3 seconds?
u/Dream of Omnimaga April 19, 2016, 03:45:01 PM
Then people will e-mail me or post topics asking why the Clear key does nothing when pressing it, because they won't bother reading that they have to hold it for three seconds. :P

On a side note, here are the speeds at which the mood meter goes up and down in the CSE game:

Hyper: -8 +4
Grumpy: -3 +7
Feelin good (sic): -4 +5
Sleepy: -2 +6
Satanic mad: -7 +20
Scared: -5 +5

And both speeds increase by 0.02 everytime you score a point.
u/Dudeman313 April 19, 2016, 08:22:57 PM
Oh. That's good to know. I could only either get the Opossum sleepy or scared. :P
u/Dream of Omnimaga May 12, 2016, 11:32:58 PM
Thanks @critor for featuring this game and  the @gameblabla 's TI-Nspire version on TI-Planet :)
u/Dream of Omnimaga June 08, 2016, 06:42:55 AM
So I was wondering... what is your highscore at the CSE version of this game while the opossum is in satanic mad mood? Mine is 4 points. <_<
u/Dudeman313 June 17, 2016, 04:25:42 AM
Is that just a general question to no one in paricular? Cause 4 is four times better than one more than my score. :P
u/Dream of Omnimaga June 17, 2016, 06:52:53 AM
Yeah, it was just a general question to anyone. I was wondering because Satanic mad is very hard to beat. :P
u/kotu August 24, 2016, 01:08:13 AM
This games looks bl***y amazing DJ! 5 stars!!!

Is the reason it won't run from Cesium because it is written in TI-Basic? Cos I don't use DCE9 at the minute - I am happy with Cesium. And I read there issues with having the both on ur calc at once.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 24, 2016, 01:11:34 AM
Thanks. :) It doesn't run on the CE because Doors CE 9 isn't released yet.

It's possible that I port the game to grosged's Sprites library if DCE9 shows no sign of life after school started, though.
u/kotu August 24, 2016, 01:21:33 AM
I want the full gore / Trump version!!!! Yes!!
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 24, 2016, 01:24:48 AM
Yeah that will most likely the first version that comes out lol. Also the abridged version has the gore in it too (only the Trump pic and name were removed)

also kotu I wonder how Cesium has issues when both Doors CE 9 and Cesium are on the same calc at once if Doors CE 9 isn't even released yet? ??? That's unless Mateo and/or Kerm tried both and had issues, but if that's the case, then based on what happened between Doors CS 7 and ZStart, I think any DCE9 vs Cesium compatibility issues will have to be fixed by Mateo on Cesium side via all sorts of panacea and stuff. >.<
u/kotu August 24, 2016, 01:26:04 AM

apparently they both use some kind of loader program, which is you one you actually run. On cesium its called 'A'. Its called that onn Doors as well apparently
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 24, 2016, 01:34:51 AM
Oh right, the A issue. I guess maybe at some point there could be a multilauncher so that everyone doesn't have to rename one of the A everytime. Ideally since Cesium has been out for over a year, it would be better if DCE9 and other future shell releases used a different launcher name, such as ADCE9, but I doubt that will happen.
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