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Mana Force vs FF:MF comparison thread

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Click the picture to enlarge the screenshots:

To clarify on the screenshot showing battle damage, basically in the original game the damage numbers were animated to do a jump animation like in FF. This was scrapped in the remake to increase battle speed.

Among other differences, in the original game, once you beat the final boss, the game ends abruptly, saying the end. There is a New Game + feature like Chrono Trigger, though, which isn't in the remake. In the remake, the game continues for a bit with an extended ending. Also, in the original game, once you equipped a job, you could no longer switch back to the default class (which had no name)

And one other big difference are the magic spells, which also changes between the 2002 French and 2013 English versions:

2002 Original

   Feu LV1 MP3 up to 495 fire damage
   Glace LV1 MP4 up to 695 non-elemental damage
   Foudre LV1 MP5 up to 891 non-elemental damage
   Cure LV1 MP6 heals up to 1089 HP
-Super Mage
   Feu LV2 MP6 up to 1495 fire damage
   Glace LV2 MP7 up to 1881 non-elemental damage
   Foudre LV2 MP8 up to 2277 non-elemental damage
   Cure LV2 MP9 heals up to 9801 HP
-Dark Paladin
   Holy LV1 MP9 up to 2970 non-elemental damage
   Dark LV1 MP12 up to 3564 non-elemental damage
   Dark LV2 MP15 up to 4158 non-elemental damage
   Holy LV2 MP18 up to 4752 non-elemental damage
   Flash LV1 MP3 up to 795 non-elemental damage
   Flash LV2 MP9 up to 2385 non-elemental damage
   Mini MP10 Damage is entirely based on how much HP/MP you have left
   XFlare MP35 up to 9999 flare damage
-Combattant: 2X damage by regular attacks
-Bargainier: Reduces item cost by half
2013 English version

   Fire MP3 up to 495 fire damage
   Ice MP4 up to 695 non-elemental damage
   Bolt MP5 up to 891 non-elemental damage
   Heal MP6 heals up to 1089 HP
-Super Mage
   Flare MP6 up to 1495 fire damage
   Blizzard MP7 up to 1881 non-elemental damage
   Blitz MP8 up to 2277 non-elemental damage
   Cure MP9 heals up to 9801 HP
-Dark Paladin
   Holy MP9 up to 2970 non-elemental damage
   Dark MP12 up to 3564 non-elemental damage
   Evil MP15 up to 4158 non-elemental damage
   Angel LV2 MP18 up to 4752 non-elemental damage
   Aura LV1 MP3 up to 795 non-elemental damage
   Flash LV2 MP9 up to 2385 non-elemental damage
   Mini MP10 Damage is entirely based on how much HP/MP you have left
   X-Flare MP35 up to 9999 flare damage
-Warrior: 2X damage by regular attacks
-Bargainer: Reduces item cost by half
First Fantasy

-Fighter: Regular attacks never miss
       Fire      MP7 Fire element  damage
       Ice       MP8 Ice element damage
       Bolt      MP9 Bolt element damage
       Heal      MP14 heals some HP
       Flare     MP15 2X Fire element damage
       Blizzard  MP17 2X Ice element damage
       Poison     MP19 Causes poison on enemy and non-elemental damage
       Cure      MP35 Heals even more HP
-Dark Paladin:
        Holy      MP23 Holy element damage
        Dark      MP26 Dark element damage
        Psy       MP29 Absorbs HP via dark element damage
        Angel     MP32 2X Holy element damage
        Aura      MP10 Ice Bolt Dark Holy damage based on how many HP and MP you have left.
        Blitz     MP39 2x Bolt element damage
        Mini      MP45 Always do 1337 damage (non-elemental)
        Omega     MP99 Ultimate, non-elemental spell
-Warrior: 2X damage by regular attacks
-Thief: Gains 2X gold every battle
-????: Can use any magic spell in the game as long as you have the original jobs required for them

-Herbe: Restore 500 HP
-Noix: Restore 100 MP
-Potion: Restore 5000 HP
-Ether: Restore 999 MP

-Herb: Restore 500 HP
-Nut: Restore 100 MP
-Potion: Restore 5000 HP
-Ether: Restore 999 MP

-Herb: Cure poison and heals 500 HP
-Walnut: Restore 100 MP
-Potion: Restore 7000 HP
-Ether: Restore 999 MP
Last Edit: April 09, 2015, 04:33:13 PM by DJ Omnimaga
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u/Duke "Tape" Eiyeron April 09, 2015, 03:55:39 PM
That's a pretty epic conversion, I must say, you spent your time quite carefully and with good choice. (-_(//));
u/Dream of Omnimaga April 09, 2015, 04:12:28 PM
Hehe thanks. My original goal was to get this game more known by porting it into a new series with color and stuff, but then I decided to add more and more features as I realized the many flaws in the original, most notably how crappy the final spell looked like and how almost every spell was non-elemental. And of course the crappy ending and total lack of a story past the intro.

It still has its dungeon-crawling nature, though.
u/Duke "Tape" Eiyeron April 10, 2015, 03:12:31 PM
YOu did then a good work. (-_(//)); IMO a port should be not only a copycat but something that improves the actual result to something better or closer than the first result you would have liked to have.
u/Dream of Omnimaga April 10, 2015, 04:03:36 PM
I agree, but of course it depends of how good the original was. If it's already maxing out the language possibilities, then sometimea just a straight port will be fine. What sucks, tho, is when a remake is worse than the original.

But yeah in FFMF it's almost a brand new game because of all the changes.

Thanks by the way :D
u/Dream of Omnimaga May 03, 2015, 10:40:12 PM
Not really a comparison, but here is a walkthrough for Mana Force that I wrote back in early 2002:

It states something about an enemy in every dungeon (starting in the 2nd dungeon) that can one-hit kill you, although it was only if you weren't at good enough LV. It is still a bit true in FF:MF if you really are underleveled, but not as bad. But yeah that stuff is quite ancient. :P
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 20, 2015, 05:24:34 AM

I am soon gonna try to update the above with screenshots of the CE version, but since my TI-SmartView trial has expired yesterday, some might be missing or be mockups.

Regarding jobs and magic spells, the only change in FF:MF CE is the secret job name but the job remains the same. The Walrii monster was also removed and some magic animations got replaced (most notably Aura)
u/Unicorn August 25, 2015, 03:55:27 AM
Awe... Walrii removed :(

And when I get smartveiw myself, I can take screenshots for you.
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 25, 2015, 07:18:12 AM
I had no choice to remove him because there's no BASIC lib to draw sprites on the CE (yet).
u/Snektron August 25, 2015, 01:50:07 PM
And i guess it's not possible to make screenshots on your calc? Wasn't there a thing for it in TI-Connect?
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 25, 2015, 07:28:36 PM
Yes it's possible, as long as you use the Pause command.
u/Unicorn August 26, 2015, 02:39:33 AM
Oh, so a loop won't work? Good to know...
u/Dream of Omnimaga August 26, 2015, 04:19:30 AM
Nah, the calc must not be in busy mode. That reminds me, I could probably set a few pause commands in my calc copy of the game to make screenshots to compare all three versions.
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 28, 2016, 04:49:01 AM

2002 original 2013 English version 2015 First Fantasy
1: TunnelTunnelCave of the Unknown
2: Labyrinthe (Maze)MazeForest Maze
3: Tour Magique (Magic Tower)Magic TowerTower of Magic
4: Embuche (Ambush)Death TrapDeadly Valley
5: Donjon de Feu (Fire Dungeon)Fire DungeonFire Temple
6: LabyprogLabyprogLabyprog
7: Ruines Noires (Black Ruins)Dark RuinsRuins of Darkness
8: Donjon Final (Final Dungeon)Death KingdomKingdom of Death

Those are the dungeon names evolution across all three versions of the game. Dungeon 4 is the one that changed the most. The dungeon layout remained virtually identical, except in the original version there was a bug that caused one room exit to lead in the middle of a wall, causing you to be stuck. I'm contemplating making Labyprog a recurrent dungeon in future FF games, as optional dungeon, since the Labyprog name is in reference to the 8xp launcher for Illusiat 1 from before that game was called Illusiat.
Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 04:51:29 AM by DJ Omnimaga
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b/[Completed] First Fantasy Series (TI-84+CSE/84+CE/83PCE)

Dream of Omnimaga's TI-83 Plus BASIC RPG from 2002 called Mana Force has made it to the TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition ,TI-84 Plus CE and TI-83 Premium CE and a sequel titled First Fantasy II: Pokéwalrus was released in 2023!

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