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b/[Completed] Walrii Games (TI/HP/PC/2600) publicado por u/p2 September 21, 2016, 09:23:42 AM
As you all know I'm always bored. So I copied DJ Omnimaga's "PokeWalrus" idea and created one for Windows.
In the end the games will be different, but still I just copied his idea (sorry for that), so most of the credit is actually DJ's.

I already had prety much done when I realized the game was too slow, like REALLY slow... <_< So I decided to rewrite everything in Java. (great desicion, I know) ^^

So far I got the following:
The game got a 100x100 map of which a part is rendered (variable screen size, no modifications needed) but multiple maps can be loaded (city, forest, ...)
The map data is created using E37's Map compression so it supports a front layer and a background layer nativeley.
The player is rendered in a third layer inbetween.
The character is controled using the keyboard (arrow keys).
there's no flickering visible thanks to 10ms breaks each loop.

add triggers for interactive objects (signs, chests, ...)
work on the map (add a huge house and some smaller ones, plant a number of trees, flowers, ...)

Known bugs:
Error when trying to leave the map - It tries to get the block id of what's up ahead (nothing) - fixed for top and left edges..

- first stable build

- minor bugfixes (rendering)
- rewrote map compresion (2 layers)
- included new tiles

- minor bugfixes (rendering)

- added more map data

- included new tiles (Manison)
- minor bug fixes (map data)

- various bug fixes

- optimized rendering
- implemented key inputs
- implemented movement animation
- minor bug fixes (map data)

- added more map data
- minor bug fixes (map data)
- implemented solid blocks (houses, trees)
- implemented non-scrolling regions

- major graphics rework
- optimized movement animation

- added game menu
- included new tiles (second type of tree)
- added more map data
- major bug fixes (map data)

So far I got the following:
The game got a 120x80 map, using 24x24 tiles (PNG quality). The displayed screen is 16x12 tiles.
It supports 2-layer blocks (so Walrii can be partially hidden behind objects) as well as an animated :Walrii:
It's controlled by keyboard (arrow keys).
Improved speed by only displaying updated tiles (but resulting in unstable framerate when running at 100%)
Display flickering avoided by caching entire screen before displaying instead of displaying each updated tile

Since it's written in AutoIt3 it's still pretty slow and unstable but I'm working on that :)
(As AutoIt was never ment for such stuff in the first place... Probably should have given Java a try...)
If anyone wants my source, just ask me :) (but it's commented in German...)

Some screenshots:
[spoiler=screenshots]I'm sorry but I have no software for capturing my screen here... :/ Maybe can provide a good GIF later ^^
[spoiler=Version 1][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Version 2][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Version 3][/spoiler]

Boring Changelog:
Edit0: A new game was born...
Edit1: Walrii's back is transparent now and the bad jpeg quality is gone :3
Edit2: Added about 40 sprites and created a little map ^^
Edit3: Thanks to some random windows10 bug (I cING HATE YOU!!) I just lost al progress made in the last 4 hours, yaaaay <_<
Edit4: Redrew all tiles in great quality (PNG now) and added some new ones
Edit5: Removed the stupid control buttons (weren't implemented yet anyways) and then doubled the screen size (now 16x12 tiles)
Edit6: Added multi-layer blocks so Walrii can now hide behind trees, statues, grass, ...
Edit7: Now have 95 Pictures used in the game.
Edit8: Got half of the city done ^^
Edit9: First concept of story written (maybe gonna change something about it)
Edit10: Added friendly hologram that introduces you and tells you about the story :)

I either need to make it a multi-layer map or use smaller tiles... Else I'm gonna need multiple hundred tiles...
Make a cool map
Working on that
Create an easy map editor
Maybe a smooth scrolling?
Teleportation to separated maps (when entering the forest?)
Add dialogues (signs, statue, ...)
Add Menu and Bag
Add a little friend for Walrii

Known bugs:
The Walrii is always animated, not only while walking
Theres no way to close the game - have to kill the task >.<
The game ALWAYS reacts on keyboard input, even if its in background

All tiles were drawn by myself. But I should mention that for the houses and the tree I got my inspiration from existing tiles from Pokemon (so I stole their idea, not their tiles since I still drew them myself)[/spoiler]
Last Edit: December 07, 2016, 01:50:30 PM by p2
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u/Dream of Omnimaga September 22, 2016, 05:23:39 AM
THose tiles are really cool. :D Also I'm glad to see more Walrii games :3=

What kind of story are you planning, by the way?
u/p4nix September 22, 2016, 06:40:46 AM
Looks very cool, as always. However, I have some recommendations (which you don't have to follow obviously).
1) You might consider to move the walrii up 1/2 tile, so it looks like he's walking in the middle of a way, not on the edge.
2) The Walrii looks a bit too big. However changing that now requires very much work. Maybe little bit bigger doors or something?
3) Maybe make the paths go to the house. We don't know if the houses have entrances on their sides, but it looks a little bit strange
4) If you will be able to go inside the houses, you might want to make the door on a single tile, and not split them up in 2 parts.
u/DarkestEx September 22, 2016, 06:56:20 AM
The tiles look really awesome ;D
@p2 How about a cross platform version. I'd surely be in :)
u/p2 September 22, 2016, 07:28:10 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 22, 2016, 05:23:39 AMTHose tiles are really cool. :D Also I'm glad to see more Walrii games :3=
Thanks a lot ^^

Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 22, 2016, 05:23:39 AMWhat kind of story are you planning, by the way?
Actually I got no idea... ??? At least my loading screen (which is just fake since it doesnt load anything while displaying it) says "Pocket Walrus and the legend of the green fish"... But I might change that as soon as I come up with a story xD

Quote from: p4nix on September 22, 2016, 06:40:46 AM
Looks very cool, as always. However, I have some recommendations (which you don't have to follow obviously).
1) You might consider to move the walrii up 1/2 tile, so it looks like he's walking in the middle of a way, not on the edge.
2) The Walrii looks a bit too big. However changing that now requires very much work. Maybe little bit bigger doors or something?
3) Maybe make the paths go to the house. We don't know if the houses have entrances on their sides, but it looks a little bit strange
4) If you will be able to go inside the houses, you might want to make the door on a single tile, and not split them up in 2 parts.
actually the problem is that Walrii is too big... Walking on big roads looks absolutely find. But for small roads, Walrii's bigger than the entire road >.>
So I'm actually already planning on implementing a 16x16 Walrus (and maybe a few boosters that change it's size or add some sort of mount ^^ Depends on how well it turns out after draing ^^
For the roads: I was just too lazy to draw roads hidden behind trees, oped noone would notice :3
For the houses: you can't enter xD But I'll add larger houses (that will use the exiting house tiles as left&right side so they got an additional tile with a huge door in the center) :) MAYBE walrii can then later enter these houses, I dont know xD

Quote from: DarkestEx on September 22, 2016, 06:56:20 AM
The tiles look really awesome ;D
@p2 How about a cross platform version. I'd surely be in :)
Nice ;D You can use any tiles you want :) :) What language will you write it in? :) And will you copy idea&tiles but dd your own story, too? :D
u/kotu September 22, 2016, 03:23:41 PM
Quote from: p2 on September 22, 2016, 07:28:10 AM
Actually I got no idea... ??? At least my loading screen (which is just fake since it doesnt load anything while displaying it) says "Pocket Walrus and the legend of the green fish"... But I might change that as soon as I come up with a story xD

i like  legend of the green fish

but you all know i am insane so...

seriously, do not let me influence your game.. lol
Last Edit: September 22, 2016, 03:27:21 PM by kotu
u/p2 September 24, 2016, 07:12:21 PM
kotu... You couldn't make it any worse ;)

I got large parts of teh story done now: I want the first part of the game like a basic RPG with a fixed story line. But the second part will be up to the user to pick one of multiple possible endings :) (So it's up to the user if it's a happy ending or not ^^)
*about the happy ending: still working on that... only wrote a cool story about how the player caused everyone's death and whole planet's devastation... >.>

But for the time being I'll only focus on the first half since it's still gonna take a lot of time to make it all work ^^

At least I now got the entire intro sequence done (but not interactive, u just sit back and watch ^^ also theres no way to skip it ^^)
u/kotu September 25, 2016, 01:43:20 AM
i want to see it lol
u/kotu September 25, 2016, 04:17:39 AM
Quote from: p2 on September 24, 2016, 07:12:21 PM
kotu... You couldn't make it any worse ;)

I got large parts of teh story done now: I want the first part of the game like a basic RPG with a fixed story line. But the second part will be up to the user to pick one of multiple possible endings :) (So it's up to the user if it's a happy ending or not ^^)
*about the happy ending: still working on that... only wrote a cool story about how the player caused everyone's death and whole planet's devastation... >.>

But for the time being I'll only focus on the first half since it's still gonna take a lot of time to make it all work ^^

At least I now got the entire intro sequence done (but not interactive, u just sit back and watch ^^ also theres no way to skip it ^^)

you could have an ending where the walrus ends up with a nice lady walrus who is very beautiful but a little bit older. that would be cool lol

i can think of at least 3 endings involving eating large numbers of badgers

number 1) trying to rescue badgers from drowning in the sea... the wave surge makes you swallow all of the badgers
number 2) you get stuck in a road
number 3) you just want to eat lots of badgers

Quote from: p2 on September 24, 2016, 07:12:21 PM
kotu... You couldn't make it any worse ;)
Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 04:30:38 AM by kotu
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 25, 2016, 05:58:17 PM
So I assume this game will be less centered around capturing 150 walruses, right?  In such case, the title would probably need to reflect that, such as PocketWalrus: Walrii Quest or something like that. Kinda like they did with Pokémon spinoffs. That said, something else I was wondering is if we start doing Walrii RPG games then maybe we should try to keep the names consistent or something if the initial release is popular, to start some sort of RPG "franchise" :P (It's fine for now, though, since no Walrii RPG was finished)
u/p2 September 25, 2016, 06:05:33 PM
Yess I thought about that, too. I will name the java version differently :)

For those that don't know yet:
Curently I got to rewrite the whole project (due to AutoIt not being fast enough to keep it up after I implemented smooth map scrolling effects) but this time I'm gonna do it in Java ^^
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 25, 2016, 06:32:54 PM
What is Autoit anyway? I am surprised that a PC language can't achieve smooth scrolling at decent speed and I never heard ofAutoit until you started this project
u/p2 September 25, 2016, 06:39:12 PM
It's a copy (/windows version) of Apple's "Automator" - it's originally just ment for automating some basic stuff like moving the mouse and doing some little calculations... BUt it was more and more extended (including various windows stuff like gui functionality and a lot of DLLs and stuff) and now you can do almost everything with autoit, even mess in the windows registry xD But sadly it's super slow since it was NEVER intended for something like that in the first place ^^ And also there's absolutely no support for multicore usage in autoit ^^
But Imho it's one of the easiest to learn languages for pc and also great to use ^^
u/Dream of Omnimaga September 25, 2016, 07:51:31 PM
Oh I see, so it's kinda like Game Maker with a BASIC flavour? Can you get rid of the weird Windows-like gray stuff and use custom text boxes at least? Personally I would probably have gone for a BASIC-like language, but ideally something running at decent speed and not requiring dependencies.
u/p2 September 25, 2016, 08:18:01 PM
you dont need complicated dependencie stuff as long as you stick to basit things ^^
But you can also do a lot advanced stuff (even totally custom stuff iif you just adress the right DLLs) ^^

In general the language is super easy and you can make it do almost everything ^^ Just don't try 3D stuff xD
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b/[Completed] Walrii Games (TI/HP/PC/2600)

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