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New Atari console?

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b/Gaming publicado por u/Dream of Omnimaga June 18, 2017, 05:48:44 AM
Apparently Atari is working on a new console, called the Ataribox, which apparently has a design with wood-like case parts, like the 2600 had. I wonder if it will really be a new console, an Atari 2600/7800 clone or just another Flashback with no cartridge slot?
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u/kotu June 18, 2017, 11:27:27 AM
Can't help feeling this project will be a failure (the wood part sounds dodgy) unless it is based on 8-bit or 16-bit technology. It says it is PC-based

Makes me feel like i wanna cry, a bit like when the Atari Lynx was unsuccessful, despite being technologically superior to the Gameboy and the Game Gear

u/Yuki June 19, 2017, 07:29:02 AM
Sounds like some sort of woodgrain Steam Machine. Which would totally be awesome.

(amirite, Lazy Game Reviews?)
u/aetios June 19, 2017, 07:31:47 AM
I'm not expecting anything but I am excited to see what they're making. If they can come up with something competitively priced I'm sure it can take off.
u/Unicorn June 20, 2017, 02:44:40 AM
Steam machine built and made and designed and then steam designed for emulating retro games madde by atari? I'm no retro games fanatic but that would be pretty cool.
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