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Messages - Adriweb

Games / Re: Oiram CE
August 05, 2017, 12:22:16 AM
Once the proper fix is found though (might be a matter of "just" a few bytes) it should be fixable even for close source stuff - I'm not sure there are that many programs affected anyway, let alone closed-source ones.
But yeah "that sucks". At least it was caught relatively early thanks to user reports, pretty much all in a few days. Hopefully things will be all good for when school starts or so.
Games / Re: Oiram CE
August 04, 2017, 08:31:49 AM
Yeah, at least 3 reports on rev I and not a single one before... yet.
Maybe over the next few days/weeks with back-to-school we'll have more user reports, but in any case, it's a pain to debug/fix :/

Be sure to "subscribe" to that github issue to know about updates when this gets fixed (there's another more technical issue on the toolchain repo too)
Are you sure you uploaded the right file? See the recent posts of
But good job, anyway :)
Calculator Talk / CE OS 5.3 Changelog
July 03, 2017, 09:32:29 PM
TI-84 Plus CE / TI-83 Premium CE - Version 5.3

(Cross-posted from TI-Planet)

Thanks to TI, we've been able to try OS 5.3 in advance and so we've made this unofficial changelog for you, although you've probably seen some of those things in our recent news :)

1) Homescreen:
Improved program launching:
  • archived programs directly
  • assembly programs directly
  • sub-programs (asm and/or archived) OK
More info:

2) Programming and editor:
New :f31: :f15: menu with options:
  • Launch the current program
  • Undo erase
  • Inserert blank line above
  • Cut current line
  • Copy current line
  • Paste line below
  • Insert a "comment" (watch out: " inserted, = a string)
  • Quit
More info:

3) Mathematics:
Textbook-like render of piecewise functions

More info:

New menu with several pre-written conditions to help write these functions.

Ability to input related sequences of different types

More info:

Ability to save the tangent's equation in a Yn variable

More info:

4) Apps:
Application Transfrm (Transformation Graphing) :

  • Reminder of the graphs' precisions (resolution): 3 for animations, 1 otherwise
  • Y1 and Y2 only are available for the app (instead of all)
  • 11 equation templates in the editor:
    • A*X+B
    • A*X²+B
    • A(X-B)²+C
    • A(X-B)(X+C)
    • A*X²+B*X+C
    • A(X-B)3+C
    • A*X3+BX²+C*X+D
    • A*abs(B(X-C))+D
    • A*sin(B(X-C))+D
    • A*cos(B(X-C))+D
    • A*tan(B(X-C))+D
More info:

5) Misc.:
Transfers: "Resend" option in the menu

6) TI-Connect CE 5.3:
Distribution of version 5.3 as a "Bundle" file containing:
  • OS 5.3
  • Default apps (in the apps menu)
  • Language apps (mode menu)
  • Hub app(for the TI-Innovator)
  • Defaulg images
More info:

7) TI-SmartView CE 5.3:
  • Improved emulation speed(but low FPS = jerky graphs)
  • Saving/Loading of emulation state
  • Ability to update the emulator's OS

In conclusion, some very good things :)
It's available very soon, for the 2017-2018 Back-to-school season !
Gaming / Re: Nintendo Switch console
April 30, 2017, 06:40:01 PM
kinda related
That said, I guess I'll commit some compatibility thing for the older paths to still work instead of possibly make people angry about the toolchain updates breaking their stuff.
*However* because things should still be updated, it will print an annoying deprecation warning message until their code gets fixed :P And eventually, I guess this compatibility layer may get removed.

This is the proper way to handle a graceful deprecation/removal for "breaking" changes (even if it's here a matter of removing just a few chars)

Edit: done
Calculator Development / Re: gpSP-Nspire for HW-W
March 19, 2017, 03:23:21 PM
Unfortunately, on my CX CAS rev F, this new version is incredibly slow (around 2 FPS, and it was frameskipping etc.)
Can't test on a W+, since I don't have one.
Technically there are short videos available in critor's posts like here:
Also for getting an Nspire ROM, see here: (I noticed the ticalc tutorial didn't have an nspire section on that page)
I thought I had posted here before, but... ?

Anyway, I only wanted to mention I met Jim & Stefan Bauwens and Vogtinator while at the FOSDEM 2017 conference a "few days" ago.
(I had already seen Jim actually)

That said, the list of other community people I've met in the past includes, in alphabetical order: critor, Elfprince, Excale, Jim Bauwens, KermM, Laurae, Levak, Lionel Debroux, Merth (+ some TIers that have been active (some many years ago, some more recently) in the community by publishing stuff etc., but idk if that counts :P).
I almost met DJ and Juju, too, while I was in Québec.
Calculator Talk / Re: Ndless 4.4 release
January 25, 2017, 08:48:01 PM
Can't reproduce the lua-script-crash bug either, here, on both my CX and CX CAS :/
Any more info about the context of the crash?
Media Talk / Re: Star Wars Episode VII, who's going?
January 23, 2017, 10:42:21 PM
Funny how discussions started on reddit already (of course), and one comment thread was about the fact that "Jedi" is also the plural form...
Also TI-Planet's PB now has compression support :) In fact it's always enabled and will make both and only keep the smallest 8xp (whether it's the compressed one or not).
This was a troll photoshop image I made, if you hadn't noticed (and a made up release date, although who knows...)

Here's a real image from a german press release ( that amazonka found.

What about the "more squared" design:

(Photoshop troll, yep :P)

(rehosted on imgur just in case)
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