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Messages - Ivoah

Was the editor written in lua?
Is it going to be opensource?
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on April 16, 2015, 01:01:01 PM
Wait, is this an OS? that is really awesome *.*

It looks like it's more of a VM/emulator, kinda like computercraft or (less so) LÖVE.
This looks really sweet! I love lua for smallish stuff like this, and I think it's a perfect language to use.

EDIT: I wonder if this would be able to be ported to the Nspire?
Hello codewalrus! I'm Ivoah, you may know me from Cemetech/Omnimaga, or as the co-author of Nspire Emblem.
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 15, 2015, 03:46:55 AM
Do you pre-render the background on-calc from smaller tiles or do you have to create a 320x240 picture on the computer then store it as data in the code? The HP Prime can do both, but I don't remember about Lua. I hope you don't have to store massive images, since that can get quite large fast, although I am OK with the extra file size if the game is good :P (on the HP Prime it's the opposite: Graphics are ultra fast, but program control, especially For loops, and to a lesser extent math stuff are a serious speed drain).

Anyway I wish you good luck in this project to you and LD Studios. Hopefully it won't end up in LD Studio's defunct project list like the Medieval Platformer and Portal >.<

We create the background on the computer and store it with the game. This shouldn't increase the game size too much if we have ~10-15 levels, plus, size isn't really a problem on then Nspire. Hopefully with two people working on it, motivation will never drop too low :)
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 15, 2015, 01:33:45 AM
So I assume that in Lua, the main speed problems are with graphic rendering and math is fine? If math is fine then hopefully you can have moderately complex AI with many units at a time without slowdowns :) (especially that you don't need to move every single unit every turn)

Yeah pretty much. Although the graphics aren't slowing it down very much, we just draw the map as a single pre-rendered background, and the troops shouldn't make a very big dent in the speed.
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