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Messages - critor

A little update.
There is now a newer Ndless installer for classic TI-Nspire running OS 3.9.0.

It is based on more recent Ndless 4 installers and thus doesn't require an USB connection anymore.
You can now reinstall Ndless 3.9 in any situation directly from your own calculator ! :)

Moreover, the previous 3.9.0 installer wasn't compatible with TI-Nspire TouchPad calculators.
If your TI-Nspire TouchPad was already running OS 3.9 then you had a huge problem, not being able to install Ndless, not being able to upgrade to 4.x, and not being able to easily downgrade to 3.6.
The newer installer is now fully compatible with all TI-Nspire ClickPad and TI-Nspire TouchPad calculators ! :)

Download + source :
Major ControlX 4.4 update has been released with lots of new features and possibilities :
  • you can now store your default choices in the ControlX menu
  • new ability to run CX/CM Boot2 images older than 4.0.1
  • new ability to run CX/CM OS images older than 4.0.1
  • new ability to run light OS images (see nTNOC)
  • added the 3.1CX, 3.1CM, 3.6CX and 3.9.1CX Ndless installers
  • added the 4.4CX Ndless installers
  • now also auto-installs Ndless when directly hot-running decrypted OS images

About default choices :
To store a choice as a default boot choice, just hold [ctrl] while pressing it.
You can choose up to 2 things :
  • a default boot action in the main ControlX menu (clearing minOS for example)
  • a default boot image in one of the Boot2/Diags/ExtnD partitions
Although it's possible, you shouldn't make minOS=0 a default boot action, and select it manually only when needed.
Choosing it as a default boot action means a NAND block always in the same 2-3 NAND blocks is going to be erased+rewritten each time the calculator does reboot.
And NAND chips are supporting a huge but still limited number of erase+rewrite cycles for each block. It's very unlikely you'll run into problems before taking your exams, but it's still not a good choice.

It's not very useful to make something else than Boot2 4.0.3 as the default boot image.
But by manually specifying your Boot2 4.0.3 image as the default boot image, ControlX is going to store its location,
and thus will boot your calculator a little faster as it won't have to search for this image anymore.

About OS launching :
This is important to understand things below.
Let me remind you you have 2 interesting ways of launching TI-Nspire OSes :
  • through the Boot2 in which ControlX is going to inject its payload with several OS patches (only Boot2 4.0.3 is fully supported)
  • by directly flashing and hot-running a decrypted OS image (raw or compressed) in the ExtendeD partition, *if* you are able to decrypt OS images

About hot-running decrypted OS images :
You're completely skipping the Boot2 and all its checks.
Thus you are able to :
  • run a CAS OS on a non-CAS calculator (up to version 3.6)
  • run a non-CAS OS on a CAS calculator (up to version 3.6)
  • run a CM OS on a CX calculator
  • run a development OS on a production calculator
The incomplete source code (keys missing) of an OS decrypting tool is available :
But you should also be able to get the decrypted OS image by dumping the SDRAM in th Firebird emulator with a breakpoint on execution at 0x10000000.

As hot-launching is skipping the OS installation, the resources files aren't updated. Thus you should keep versions of your hot-launched decrypted OS image and of your installed OS image as near as possible (for example, if you have a CX non-CAS with OS 4.3 and want CAS, decrypt, flash and hot-launch the 4.3 CX CAS OS image).

The only way to really install such "forbidden" OS images and thus not having to decrypt them is to also install Nlaunchy, if compatible with your hardware.

About Boot2 4.0.3 OS patches :
When running OSes normally through the Boot2, you'll still need Boot2 4.0.3 for patches to be applied to the OS (nBoot fix for versions older than 4.0.1, Ndless auto-installers, discrepency fix, disable Boot2 updater...).
The discrepency is a set of auto-checks performed by the OS itself, and triggering an OS self-destruct process if the OS considers itself as unsafe

The Ndless auto-installer only works if you have the right ndless_resources.tns file in your /ndless folder.

Thanks to the new discrepency fixing patch, you can use nTNOC to gain some space by removing useless things (Boot2 image + sample files) from your installed OS image.

The size of the payload injected in Boot2 4.0.3 is limited. So not all patches are available when launching the OS  through a Boot2.
Patches enabled by default in the Makefile are :
  • OS 3.1 (nBoot fix + Ndless auto-installer + discrepency disabled)
  • OS 3.6 (nBoot fix + Ndless auto-installer + discrepency disabled)
  • OS 4.2 (Ndless auto-installer + discrepency disabled)
  • OS 4.4 (Ndless auto-installer + discrepency disabled)
For other OS versions, you'll either need to rebuild ControlX by disabling support for some of the above versions, to flash and use a decrypted OS image in your ExtendeD partition, or to also install Nlaunchy if compatible.

About downgrading.
Boot2/OS 3.6+ won't let you install OSes older than 3.6 (although they'll still be able to boot them).
To install older images, you'll have to :
  • temporary install a Boot2 image older than 3.9.1 somewhere in your partitions
  • trigger the maintenance menu and remove the current OS
  • ask ControlX to reset the minOS version
  • ask ControlX to launch the older Boot2
  • then send your OS older than 3.6
Of course, the Boot2 image will have to be compatible with your hardware.
Boot2 3.1 for example won't work on harware revisions J-V, but you can use Boot2 3.2.4 in its place.
The OS will also have to be compatible with your hardware - see the table over there :
To sum up things :
  • no OS older than 3.2.3 on hardware revisions J-R
  • no OS older than 3.9.1 on hardware revisions S-V

Download :
Tutorial :
A bit less than a year ago, on February 19th, 2016, Ndless 4.2 was released. This version added compatbility with the then-latest TI-Nspire CX OS version, OS 4.2.

Ndless is the TI-Nspire's "jailbreak", which makes it possible to run programs much more powerful than those allowed by TI's approved tools (Basic, Lua), by taking advantage of native code (C/C++/ASM/etc.).

Unfortunately, on August 18th, 2016, Texas Instruments released the OS 4.3 version, which blocked the ability to install Ndless 4.2 and additionally forbade going back to OS 4.2.
That was a very unwelcome gift for users who accepted the update without being aware of the consequences, as well as a growing proportion of users since then, given that brand-new TI-Nspire CX calculators started coming preloaded with OS 4.3 months ago.

In fact, it's the usual scandal, going in dramatic ways against users' interests, because it forbids programming with Python for their school needs (multiple French high school classes / projects, etc.), or protecting their private data contained in their calculators from some exam watchers illegally allowing upon themselves to go through the calculators' contents, making snapshots and adding them as proof in their fraud reports, as reported over the past few years.

Three days ago, the OS 4.4 version was released, still based on the same philosophy of forbidding valid and legal usages :(
This version created a hearbreaking dilemma, as for once in a while, the new version brought multiple new, really useful features ! :'(

However, clearly, a vulnerability was found, and it took the Ndless team only 3 days to release the retaliation to Texas Instruments, the new Ndless 4.4 version !  :thumbsup:

As indicated by its version number, the install program targets OS 4.4, with this time, lots of humor and references aimed at poking fun at and taunting Texas Instruments :P

nSonic2MS, the program making it possible to prevent exam watchers browsing the machine to find stuff, was also updated for OS 4.4 compatibility.  :thumbsup:

For those fortunate enough to own TI-Nspire CX calculators with hardware revision V or older (assembled until October 2015), the ControlX boot manager was also upgraded for compatibility with OS 4.4 et Ndless 4.4. It's executed at Boot1 level, i.e. long before Ndless, and offers
  • in theory, full control over the calculator - everything is imaginable  :love:
  • in pratice:
    • automated reinstall of Ndless 4.4 upon every calculator reboot  :love:
    • the ability to reinstall an older OS version, and therefore fix the calculator, even if you updated by mistake the calculator to a future OS version preventing Ndless 4.4 from working and getting back to OS  :love:
    • many other things - ControlX 4.4 is a major version bringing new abilities, too many and too rich to list in this article - they will be detailed later in a news item dedicated to ControlX 4.4  ;)
Don't miss your chance - if you have a TI-Nspire CX, take advantage of the fact Ndless 4.4 can, at the time of this writing, be installed on all TI-Nspire CX calculators worldwide, to install ControlX, and nSonic2MS while you're at it (don't make a gamble on exam watchers not doing illegal stuff) !

In 2017, for the last French exam session where the unfair exam testing mode won't be used, you'll be able to take advantage of Ndless like your older peers - on the condition of not accepting a possible future OS update, should Texas Instruments produce one in the meantime.  :thumbsup:

Downloads & Tutorials :

Official website:
Source code and Ndless SDK: (SDK tutorial here)

Crossported from :
Oh thank you very much for such a prompt edit, DJ Omnimaga. :)
Petite précision : niveau "source via", une mention plus exacte serait plutôt TI-Planet et non Cemetech :

Après avoir publié cet article, j'ai prévenu en privé cfxm qui m'a répondu et a ensuite annoncé sur Cemetech où je ne poste pas, ainsi que sur Casiopeia.
Pour ma part, dans le même temps je me suis chargé de l'annonce sur Planete Casio, ainsi que du message privé à l'attention de l'administration Planete Casio.

Une simple vérification des horaires après correction du décalage horaire le confirmera.

Il n'est pas du tout dans la politique de Cemetech de créditer correctement ses sources, ce que je déplore d'ailleurs fortement.
Il faut donc toujours rester très méfiant quand on trouve une info sur ce site, tant que sa politique ne changera pas.
Calculator News, Coding, Help & Talk / Re: Oriam levels
January 07, 2017, 05:20:21 PM
Does the image show which passage links to which other one ?

No intention of spoiling the level.
It's just my way of promoting your work, of making people wanting to play it, of showing you that I do appreciate your huge work.

For the moment there are very few custom levels. But when there'll be more of them, how do you want players to choose your level if they don't have a preview of the map ?

I've never asked for permission for freely sharing (and correctly crediting) screenshots of something which is already available online for free, whether it is a game level, a game or a program, screenshots that anybody can take here by just opening the file in the editor. It didn't even come to my mind that you wouldn't be happy with this.

If the problem is that, in your opinion, the screen is showing too many non displayable details, then we need some kind of an "export PNG map" feature in the level editor, which is going to generate a clean image (without the non-displayable informations). I'll then be able to use it.

Or you may want a 'password' feature in the editor too, in order to protect the level so that nobody else is going to be able to open it, whether it is for modifying it, checking the secrets, or taking a screenshot.
Calculator News, Coding, Help & Talk / Re: Oriam levels
January 07, 2017, 05:02:17 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 07, 2017, 04:33:23 PM
Quote from: xMarminq_ on January 07, 2017, 04:32:05 PM
Here's the first level in my pack. There are many 1ups to prepare you for the harder levels. Enjoy!
Cool! I'll check it out soon. Any screenshot?

Here's your screenshot :

It's huge and looks great ! :D
Then we can assume most new members prefer shoutboxes to forums.

So it's not that the activity is lower, it's that it's changing/moving.
Your point of view is just different, Adriweb.

January-June 2016 was great.
September-December 2016 not so great...

By mixing both periods in your stats (when the users/developers are changing/leaving/joining between June and September), you're just masking the problem IMO, delaying it by 1 year.

Last school-year, I had to *choose* which CE/CX project to feature on
This school-year, I have to *search/wait* for CE/CX projects featurable on
Calculator News, Coding, Help & Talk / Re: Oriam levels
January 07, 2017, 02:00:27 PM
Quote from: xMarminq_ on January 07, 2017, 01:55:41 PM
But I had an old version of it on my calc and then when I exported it from my calc to the save files in the yellow folder icon it showed me the levels.  :thumbsup:
Great  ! :thumbsup:
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on January 05, 2017, 03:17:32 PM
Quote from: STV on January 05, 2017, 12:08:21 PM
OK, so here are the variations in activity for all main (ie above 100 posts :p) sites, compared to 2015:
1. Codewalrus; 21,164 posts; ▼-21.43%
2. TI-Planet; 16,909 posts; ▼-11.65%
3. Cemetech; 11,155 posts; ▼-25.54%
4. Omnimaga; 1,959 posts; ▼-55.53%
5. TI-Basic Developper; 1,331 posts; ▼-52.12%
6. Tout82 (Original); 793 posts; ▼-34.79%
7. yAronet (combined); 285 posts ▼-39.87%
8.; 165 posts ▲+81.32%
9. Tout82 (Second site); 159 posts ▼-67.81%
That was quite a massive drop this year >.< .
So what I was feeling (so few CX/CE projects being released this year compared to last year) was coming from somewhere...

I wouldn't say massive.
The drop in percentage is much higher for web sites which were already old/unmaintained/unsupported/inactive.

Very impressive to see how Omnimaga still manages to go lower when being already so low, with a respectable -53.53% drop percentage.

The new tout82 project seems to be dead since birth too. As it was publicly presented as being the last issue, I spent hours last year converting their old CMS forum to a phpBB database, did provide them the new image, and got no news ever again after that. :(
The TI-82 Advanced for France being completely locked down and the only approved 82 model for 2018+ exams probably didn't help either for a 82-only oriented website.

But it's still a significant drop, yes.
In such context, there is no room for any more division in the TI community.
But it doesn't mean that people who built a new website because they felt very unwanted somewhere else should feel guilty, nor that they should go back at any cost either.
It's up to people who throw some/all of their members out to apologize, change their behaviour and fix their stupid mistakes.
Games / Re: Oiram CE
January 06, 2017, 11:45:42 AM
Let's play a game : spot the difference between Oriam CE and Super Mario Bros 3 ! :D

Level 1 and World 1 Level 1 :

Level 7 and World 2 Level 3 :

Level 8 and World 5 Level 3 :

End of Level 9  and end of World 7 Level 2 :

Level 12 and end of World 8 Castle :

But, but... Elephants never forget, do they ? :P
Just made a TAS of TITOLCE with CEmu, in 5:25.37.

Enjoy :
Quote from: MateoConLechuga on December 20, 2016, 04:29:14 PM
I reworked your code and did a few optimizations and fixed some bugs. I no longer can make it crash; can anyone else?


Thank you Mateo :)
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