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Messages - PT_

I really like this theme, although the text in the posts is hard to read, so I would suggest choosing a different font. Other than that, looks great!
Hardware / Re: Gamebuino Meta
October 26, 2017, 09:37:07 PM

want want want want want want want want want

– Sorunome

Looks cool though! What will be the price of one Gamebuino?
Contests / Re: Code Golf Belgium Numbers
August 17, 2017, 01:25:38 PM
Sorry if I was not clear, but your program should input the variable, you can't assume N (or any other variable) is set before the program runs. In TI-BASIC, it looks like Input N or something similar. With Assembly, you are allowed to fetch the input from Ans. It should display/set in Ans at least one k-number.
Contests / Re: Code Golf Belgium Numbers
August 17, 2017, 07:43:54 AM
Exactly. The only difference is that you can assume there is always at least 1 Belgium-k number.
Contests / Code Golf Belgium Numbers
August 16, 2017, 06:37:13 PM
Hello ladies and gentlemen!

It was a rather long time ago that Code Golf - The Reboot was active, and I enjoyed it so much, that I decided it would be fun to pick that up again. So here I am with a new task. Don't know what Code Golf is? Check some old topics. You have one week to complete this task, and entries should be submitted by sending a PM to me. Without any further ado, here is your task:

Write a program that inputs a positive integer and outputs the Belgium k-number of the input. Of course, you have no idea what a Belgium k-number is, so let me explain that first. Let k be one of the integers 0-9. The input N has the Belgium k-number, if N occurs in the increasing sequence which starts with k, and the difference between 2 consecutive numbers in the sequence are the same as the digits of N. See this for a better explanation. Let me give an example.

k = 7, N = 85
Sequence starts with 7
7  + 8 = 15
15 + 5 = 20
20 + 8 = 28
28 + 5 = 33
33 + 8 = 41
41 + 5 = 46
46 + 8 = 54
54 + 5 = 59
59 + 8 = 67
67 + 5 = 72
72 + 8 = 80
80 + 5 = 85

As you can see, 85 is in the sequence (7, 15, 20, 28, 33..), which means 85 as Belgium k-number 7.

Other example:
k = 7, N = 152
Sequence starts with 7
7  + 1 = 8
8  + 5 = 13
13 + 2 = 15
15 + 1 = 16
16 + 5 = 21
21 + 2 = 23
23 + 1 = 24

Providing that ANY input N has at least 1 Belgium k-number, find one of the Belgium k-numbers with any input.

Good luck! :)

I've no idea if this is a simple or a hard task, we will see later!

Sorry, didn't realize there are already 2 open contests at CW :(
General Help / Re: Questions about ICE
June 24, 2017, 11:55:00 AM
Seriously, first read the README.txt, then the commands.html, then the Documentation.pdf, and finally compile the included examples and try to understand it. If you still have questions, then you can post it or PM me.

In your case, just look at BOUNCSRC.8xp, it shows a DefineSprite( at the top, and a det(42 in the Repeat loop to display the ball.
Haha no way :P I was just camping some days at a farm, with a beatiful sunset and some sheep :love:
And no, we are not all farmers, just the nothern part of the Netherlands is (Friesland, Groningen, Drenthe), but I don't live there and I don't wanna live there :P
The Netherlands :)

Glad to hear that you are picking up ICE, it's rather easy but powerful, and in my opinion, easy to learn :) If you have any questions, post in the ICE Compiler thread, make a seperate topic with the question (be sure to tag me with @PT_ since I don't see all the topics). Also, you can visit, which redirects you to a page with some useful information (I still need to add more information to that lol)
Other / Re: The awesome items thread
May 03, 2017, 10:38:36 PM
How dare you not to choose Spongbob???  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

* PT_ runs :trollface:
Can someone try to get the mp3 from this website WITHOUT recording it? :D (I made something which should prevent downloading it, hopefully ;) )
Web / Listen to MP3 files but not download them
April 15, 2017, 05:00:57 PM
Situation: my dad wants to host a paid service, where people can pay for his own music to listen online. However, they should not have the possibility to download them, because the service is paid. I tried several tricks to hide them, or making it really hard to find. I tried htaccess, but if I then block the MP3, <audio> doesn't work anymore, so that doesn't help. Another idea was to copy the MP3 to a temp folder, load it in the <audio> tag, and then immediately remove the folder, but I can't get that working yet + an experienced person can easily remove the JS code to remove the folder. Also, in HTML5, there is an option to download the MP3 IMMEDIATELY. I can remove that with CSS, but again, an experienced user can display it again, and download it.

@c4ooo said I can maybe stream it, so downloading them second by second, which might work, so I might give that a try.

Any more ideas? :)
:D thanks guys!
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on April 08, 2017, 09:27:07 PM
Prediction: The entire poll will end up tied. Every single entry will have 4 votes.
26*4=104/6=17.333. Either this is impossible, or someone is really mad and only give it 2 votes ;)
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