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Messages - matrefeytontias

That looks so cool o/ keep it up !
Randomness / Re: The ultimate solution
July 20, 2017, 12:11:23 PM
Instructions unclear, still 100% straight, abort mission
[Inactive] Zarmina (PC) / Re: Zarmina
November 26, 2016, 07:05:15 PM
Well if you want some pumping metal tunes I guess I can help.
Well that's weird. It seems to be fetching the correct SDL2 lib files (see the /nix/ part) but writing in the wrong obj directories (see the /win/ part). What version of Linux are you using ? Also, can you quote me the first few lines (10 or so) of running man make ?
You're working on Linux right ? Then you should run make linux, not make, that's for Windows.
Yeah those are the most commonly used danmaku coontrols. I kinda liked my left-handed I,O,P though :P glad you like my game anyway.

And wow the home directory thing sounds bad. Good luck with that, although if all you're getting is a permission denied, you should try sudo-ing it up.
I mean you get infinite continues, so you can finish the game no problem :P you'll get 0 points though, obviously, because your score and max chains are resetted on every continue.

@Jkolade936 can you test my build ? I don't have a Linux machine available unfortunately so you'll have to compile it yourself. It should be easy though, just download the source code as a zip ("Clone or Download" button), extract it somewhere and run make linux in its directory from a terminal. You can then run bin/nix/nKaruga.

EDIT : if you guys want a challenge, try to beat my highscore of over 4 million points after level 2. I did that by getting every single possible score chain from the first level and most of them in the second one (while not doing in the process, except maybe against the second boss).
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on October 27, 2016, 07:05:22 PM
Also that idea reminds me of how persalteas managed to release an Axe game for the TI-82 Stats/83. Axe is not available for the TI-82 Stats/83, so basically he grabbed the hexadecimal after disassembling the game then modified what's necessary to become compatible with the older calculator, then he was set.
Hum ... that was me :P and that was Jetpack 8x+ too.

@E37 you might want to take a look at my PageSwap axiom. It should be somewhere on Omnimaga.
Well I mean if you're not gonna make a pull request you're just gonna have your fork sitting there and you'll need to keep it up-to-date with my version. Although I wouldn't advise you to do an actual pull request because it doesn't meet my requirements for the game, that is, to be able to work on it and play it without sudo rights.

Congrats on the GCW0 port though, that looks cool. Just like Juju added the Mac target, it would be nice if you could add a target for that without rewriting all of my toolchain :P
I quickly looked at it and yeah, that's a handful of really horrible hacks you've put together >_>

I didn't know software rendering was that slow with SDL2. Since I'm constantly capping at 60 FPS on my machine I didn't notice, and I assumed it would be fine since the game did run completely fine on the TI-Nspire (so it's really not how I do things). That makes me think that I should eventually use a HARDWARE_RENDER define and rewrite a new version of n2DLib that uses SDL2's HW rendering capabilities when that define is ... well, defined.

Also, I haven't tried, but your implementation of drawDecimal is supposed to break ( It's an int we're talking about, it can have up to 10 digits, not 6 (11 counting the minus sign).

Also, your rotations only look better because SDL2 renders them on a 640x480 window, when n2DLib does it on a 320x240 buffer. If you look closely in your screenshot, you can see that the rotations use what should technically be sub-pixel measures, but isn't because of the scaling up.

So yeah, as I said, it kind of defeats the whole point of me making the game but I will provide a flag to enable hardware rendering eventually. That will also permit me to rewrite hardware rendering with a better understanding of the existing code, thus resulting in a cleaner result (supposedly). I'm not saying I'll be doing this anytime soon (probably after I'm done with it, since it's mostly just changing the way images are loaded and rewriting most of n2DLib's drawing functions), but it will happen.
Well I don't know. Since I'm going the "all software rendering" route, it's probably not going to be very efficient, but I guess one's gotta try.
Alright, yesterday I found why it was crashing when toggling fullscreen, turns out it's an actual bug with the SDL2 Direct3D renderer. That's fixed now, so you'll be able to press F to toggle between windowed and fullscreen mode.
Yeah, GCC allows that with -fpermissive, and I find it useful and practical so I use it. Thanks for trying.
Wait, you got nKaruga running at 300 FPS ? How even is that possible ? It shouldn't be.

Also, you should try the code I posted above.

So I ran tests to see which of the two updateScreen() routines were faster, turns out that the memcpy version slows down the game by 5 FPS when uncapped (110 vs 115) compared to my own (now reworked) version.

void updateScreen()
int di;
void *pixels;
void *buf = BUFF_BASE_ADDRESS; // cast to void*
int pitch;
SDL_LockTexture(MAIN_SCREEN, NULL, &pixels, &pitch);
for (di = 0; di < 320 * 240 * sizeof(unsigned short); di += sizeof(unsigned int))
*(unsigned int*)(pixels + di) = *(unsigned int*)(buf + di);
SDL_RenderCopy(sdlRenderer, MAIN_SCREEN, NULL, NULL);
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