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Messages - c4ooo

Here are two images:.

It looks a hell of a lot worst on smaller screens. On an iPhone the avatar is on the right and the buttons are somewhere in the middle, and the text is all over the place.
Hmm... On my iPad CW is actually good looking. In fact it is practically identical to how it looks like on my PC. When i use an iPhone, however, which had a much smaller screen, then the site starts looking ugly, because the sides of the page are adhered to the sides of the screen, so on a smaller screen the different texts and buttons and stuff turn into a jumble thats a pain to the eye.  On a similar note, when I turn my iPad right side up, so that it is taller then it is wider, the active posts page becomes unpleasant to read.
So are you using asm with those custom fonts or not  ??? If not then that would be awesome  ;)
Other / Re: New member introductions: Say hello here!
August 24, 2015, 03:30:26 AM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on August 23, 2015, 09:01:44 PM
Hello there! Welcome to the forums :) Also me, brentmaas and thecoder are the only ones on probably our school who know the true potetial of calculators
Haha lol I had those times.
Classmate: "hdydhfggsi how the hell did you get it to play sound?!?! hdhdhdjrgia  :crazy:"
Me: "well I just attached two cables via some shloopy homemade converter and spent about five minutes writing code. The hardest part was adjusting frequency table couse the sound routine  is a bit off :P "
Well, here is some rough pseudo code for the compression I suggest.

currentMap * 9999 -> rand //seeds the rng.
If currentMap = 1:"compressed map 1"->str2 //format for compressed map: if the first value of a tile starts with o zero, then that tiles second value tells how many water tiles follow. If a tile does not start with zero, then it's just a normal tile. And I guess this means that tiles 00-0F will be reserved. Also more compression can be used, such as if you have less then 16 tiles, you can store the two tiles with two numbers.
If currentMap = 2:"compressed map 2"->str2
For(every other char in str2, starting with the first one)
If char="0"
//Insert x water tiles, where x is the the char following the current char. This may be hard to do, but is doable in tibasic. Simply get the position of nextChar in the string "0123456789ABCDEF" and loop that many times.
//let's say you have 3 different sprites for a water tiles. This is where the rand command comes in. Because it was seeded with the current map, going back and  forth between two maps will always yield the same water results.
//copy this char and next char to str1

I hope you can follow this.
Calc Projects, Programming & Tutorials / Re: Aqu-Wars
August 19, 2015, 10:54:17 PM
Quote from: 123outerme on August 19, 2015, 03:37:43 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 18, 2015, 09:33:33 PM
There are probably ways to compress data in basic explained on TIBD, but they are most likely very slow. You could always do what I did in FF:MF if your maps are simple, though.
How did you compress in FF:MF? ???

Quote from: tr1p1ea on August 18, 2015, 10:09:33 PM
Wow this looks really cool! I love how fast it moves as well :).

Quote from: c4ooo on August 19, 2015, 05:58:56 AM
I can describe a basic system to do this (spoiler: simple noise (not simplex)). But first, how exactly is the tilemap stored (in the file)? In an appvar? List? Matrix? Second, how exactly  do you communicate with xlib, telling it what tiles to draw?. The most important question is: how do you store the map in the first place?
I have a set of If commands that check which map you're on, then load the specific tilemap data into a string, then is displayed. The only way to store tilemaps is through strings. I suppose I could store it in the tileset AppVar, but I'll have to test if that messes anything up.

Edit: The tileset appvar becomes corrupted. Sadly, I can't store anything else in there.
How do you store a tile map in a string? Is like "A" the first tile, "B" the second ect? Also quick question, do you store the current map the boat is on with a single value (good) or an X and Y value (bad)?
Edit: storing the map as two separate values may not be so bad, it just depends on your structure of if statements.
I can describe a basic system to do this (spoiler: simple noise (not simplex)). But first, how exactly is the tilemap stored (in the file)? In an appvar? List? Matrix? Second, how exactly  do you communicate with xlib, telling it what tiles to draw?. The most important question is: how do you store the map in the first place?
Calc Projects, Programming & Tutorials / Re: Aqu-Wars
August 19, 2015, 03:33:46 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 19, 2015, 02:10:25 AM
Actually the solution would probably be to fill the entire screen with water tiles but I don't know if a command exists in DCSE to fill the screen or an area with just 1 tile in particular. He could always use DrawSpriteA with a 1x8 tile grid and a For loop to avoid massive slowdowns, though. Then he would draw the borders he need. Random water tiles might not be an option, though, because he might come back to the previous map and it would look weird if a map changed on every visit.
No, you are wrong ;)  Its the non random tiles that would look weird.  Water, after all, does move.
Quote from: Art_of_camelot on August 19, 2015, 12:23:54 AM
Cross-posted from Omnimaga:
Here's a quick mockup of what the battle screen might look like. Please note that the sprites are only place holders and will not be used in the game.

Image does not work. Says it's forbidden. Just upload it to imgur or something.
Media Talk / Re: Funny/awesome Youtube videos
August 18, 2015, 11:02:45 PM
This is very funny, but a bit NSFW:
Edit: I can't get the embedding to work, but here is the link, if it does not work tell me.
Edit: disregard the last sentence.

Edit: I suck at this, don't i? This link should work:
IMHO, storing this type of game as a tile map is inaficiant. I would try storing beaches and ports using vectors or something. And there is no point having a bunch of water tiles. If you are gona store the whole thing as a tilemap, then the compression I would recomend is this: if a tile is a water tile, then the next piece of data in the map will tell the game how many water tiles follows the current tile. As I notice your water tiles come in several types (right?, just have the renderer select a random sprite for the water tile.
It's a bit hard to explain but I hope you get what I mean.
Media Talk / Re: Funny (and awesome) picture thread
August 18, 2015, 04:01:36 AM
It's some sort of of glitch that happens when you try to creat a bookmark.. I think.
Media Talk / Re: Funny (and awesome) picture thread
August 18, 2015, 12:09:22 AM
Here's one:

Apparently glitchy ios thinks that the's icon is a walrus :P
Personally I don't feel it's worth the effort. I just want to get done with this as fast as possible and move on to lazer 2 and other projects.

Speaking of getting done, I decided to allocate myself 3 days to rewrite some major portions of the game, making it faster and better. Here is a changeling:
1) some redesigned menus.
2) lasers now travel 9 pixels (one tile) at a time.
3) you can now see the level name when selecting the level.
4) much internal stuff
5) five new levels are planned (come on guys!)
And here is a teaser:

It shows a "wavy laser", a bug caused by me forgetting to change a number in line of code that draws the laser.
Edit; the text on the paper is there to focus the camera.
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on August 16, 2015, 06:53:10 PM
Quote from: Cumred_Snektron on August 16, 2015, 10:16:25 AM
Maybe they just ordered the cases from the same factory :P
I'm more thinking that the person just sacrified 3 SNES games to do his thing. I hope he didn't use Aero Fighters carts O.O

But we never know:  Maybe Cumred is right too :P
I was thinking that was a commercial product, with the user being able to by a different ram/rom if they wished, not a homebrew computer : P
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