What happens when someone with a RPG project and someone with a battle engine project team up?
A new project : WalrusRPG, J-RPG engine for Nspire, by Streetwalrus and Eiyeron (aeTIos is more or less lurking at the moment). Basically, we aim to make a versatile enough RPG engine to create a full game in the vein or Earthbound and Pokemon (each one was the inspiration from both the programmer) on Nspire in C++. A big project starting from scratch but giving us experience on many things we could have missed around on the gamedev subject.
What's the goal? Having a RPG engine versatile enough blahblahblah. For Eiyeron, the main project is giving birth to a game inspired by MOTHER series while keeping its own identity. For Streetwalrus, WalrusRPG is a basis on a project he hasn't really defined at the moment, hence the need for versatility.
What's planned? Well, the points more defined are that we want to have a RPG engine based on an event system, 2-layered tilemaps, HBE as battle engine, the ability to load data from files to allow bigger games, and event scripting with Lua.
What's already done?
Bascially, nothing is in a really done state. But let's check what we already did
- Advanced sprite rendering : based on a Renderer interface, anything aggregating a renderer will be able to draw sprites taken from two kinds of spritesheet : a grid-aligned one (like old Minecraft's item textures) or packed sprites (like modern game engine does, allowing for different sized sprites/frames)
- Time-based animations for sprite rendering.
- Tilemaps. Also as they uses the Renderer and the time-based animations, it allows us to have animated tiles
- Update/Render loop.
- Asynchronous Triple Buffering, because WE CAN DO IT. (and it also helps allowing us squeezing the most FPS we can with vsync).
- A small fixed font renderer. (Also with the SpriteRenderer, we should be able to quickly do a variable-width-height font renderer)
- Automatic compile-time picture to C/C++ data conversion based on ConvertImg.
Soo, we're only a few steps ahead from the starting point but here's the GitHub repo, if anyone is interested in giving us some help on anything about it :
https://github.com/Streetwalrus/WalrusRPG .
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Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on November 17, 2014, 05:52:30 PM
On a side note, if one day we can manage to do a massive calculator achievement or innovate like Hayleia just did (even if parts of the credits goes to Badja and to a lesser extent Matref for the scaled sprite routine) then we can get more visibility outside the calc world too.
Lol yeah, SSBO is really something. We kind of wanted something like that with Pokespire as well.