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Tale of the Lost Map [ti-basic] [z80] [RPG]

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b/Calculator Development publicado por u/SJCubed October 01, 2015, 06:22:53 AM
A graphical, side-scrolling, turn-based RPG for TI-83/84+SE.

It is programmed in pure BASIC, without any help from asm libraries except one, which will just help with archiving and unarchiving programs due to the size.

It uses ASCII Art for map and Horiz mode to display menu, HUD, conversation, etc.

It has been over 6 years since I first started this project, and it went through probably hundreds of rewrites, design changes, engine changes, and so on.

So far, movement, dialogue, and event handling engine is 100% complete.
HUD design is almost complete, I should say 80% of it is done.
Inventory engine is about 30% complete. Battle engine has not been coded yet, but the battle design has been fully made and documented.
Equipment engine has not been started. Equipment design is the part I'm working on right now.
Story line is at its infancy. I have vague idea on how it should go, but the actual detail has not yet been planned out. With that said, quests have not been implemented yet either.

This is the planned battle screen HUD.

This old screenshot shows how movement, event handling, and menu will look like. Menu HUD has gone some changes, while the movement and event handling has been kept intact.

The part I'm working on is the equipment design and the skill design.

So far, I have 9 different weapons, shield, quiver, 3 different helms, 3 different armors, boots, and amulet as equipment.
Edit: Just made changes. There will be 8 different weapons, shield, 4 different helms, 4 different armors, boots, and amulet.

Each equipment will have randomly generated stats. So each equipment you find or craft will be unique.

Different skills might require different type of equipment to be equipped to be able to use.

Battle is not random. You will choose when to battle.

I stopped developing this game about 3 years ago because of life events and me losing interest in calculators, but I actually kept the game design alive and made a huge progress since I wanted to make this game on PC.
However, programming a full RPG for a PC as a one-man project proved to be far more difficult than programming a simpler version for calculator, so I have decided to return developing for TI-83/84+SE.

Because I was able to have such a long planning phase (basically for about 3 years), I'm confident that I will finally be able to finish this project, once and for all :D
Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 03:20:24 AM by SJCubed
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u/SJCubed October 01, 2015, 03:43:08 PM
Double post, but just sharing what I accomplished so far.

Implemented the calendar and clock system. Moving and any kind of event will cost time.

In regards to this, certain quests are only available during certain days and time.

Also made more changes to the battle HUD (which I will share later once I actually code it).

Fleshed out 40 different items that will be included in the game.

I've also been brainstorming skills to be added in. So far, I have 17 skills. I'm aiming for at least 80+ different skills.
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 01, 2015, 04:10:56 PM
I still remember those graphics now, I liked what you had so far, especially the battle layout. Just one thing, though: How will you access the plain black rectangle character?

Also how do you display the icons? Do you use text sprites?

I hope this gets finished onee day :)
u/SJCubed October 01, 2015, 04:13:53 PM
Black rectangle is just a placeholder and it will be replaced with something like F, X, @, etc.

Icons are displayed by just using Line( and Pt-On(. Due to the size of the icon, and my distaste for using pic variable, I don't think I'll really use text sprites.
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 01, 2015, 10:21:02 PM
That's cool. Hopefully the final result won't be too large. As for pic vars, could you just use an hacked pic instead? It wouldn't take any of the 10 official slots, but it would still take 768 bytes of RAM. Or maybe the game could have an option to enable/disable cache?
u/SiphonicSugar October 01, 2015, 10:37:48 PM
This may end up being a dumb question, but how did you get the 5x3 letters and lines on the home screen?
u/c4ooo October 01, 2015, 11:03:36 PM
Quote from: SiphonicSugar on October 01, 2015, 10:37:48 PM
This may end up being a dumb question, but how did you get the 5x3 letters and lines on the home screen?
She uses Horiz mode, meaning the home and graph screen are side by side...err top and bottom. The bottom is a 16*4 home screen shile the top is the graph screen.
u/SJCubed October 02, 2015, 03:04:30 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on October 01, 2015, 10:21:02 PM
That's cool. Hopefully the final result won't be too large. As for pic vars, could you just use an hacked pic instead? It wouldn't take any of the 10 official slots, but it would still take 768 bytes of RAM. Or maybe the game could have an option to enable/disable cache?

There are multiple skill icons, and it's not static (meaning whatever skill you put in that spot, its own unique skill icon will show up). So using pic variable wouldn't work.
Quote from: c4ooo on October 01, 2015, 11:03:36 PM
Quote from: SiphonicSugar on October 01, 2015, 10:37:48 PM
This may end up being a dumb question, but how did you get the 5x3 letters and lines on the home screen?
She uses Horiz mode, meaning the home and graph screen are side by side...err top and bottom. The bottom is a 16*4 home screen shile the top is the graph screen.

Yup :) I use Horiz mode. Not many people use this mode, and I find it that this mode is what makes my RPG very special  :thumbsup:
u/SiphonicSugar October 02, 2015, 11:50:32 PM
I just noticed that using Horiz would probably be the best thing to use for dialog in my RPG...

It is going to be called Elzema, and no, that is not going to be the main character's name, because you get to choose that.
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 03, 2015, 02:25:17 AM
Oh I see SJCubed. How long does it take to draw each icon, by the way?

Quote from: SiphonicSugar on October 02, 2015, 11:50:32 PM
I just noticed that using Horiz would probably be the best thing to use for dialog in my RPG...

It is going to be called Elzema, and no, that is not going to be the main character's name, because you get to choose that.
It depends. When you set horiz mode, it erases the graph screen content, so you have to StorePic 0:Horiz:RecallPic 0 or something like that, or redraw it. Of course it depends how dialogs show up, though. In some games, the entire screen disappears and you see two squares with the character faces in them.

Quote from: c4ooo on October 01, 2015, 11:03:36 PMShe uses Horiz mode

u/SJCubed October 03, 2015, 02:29:48 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on October 03, 2015, 02:25:17 AM
Oh I see SJCubed. How long does it take to draw each icon, by the way?
I haven't coded drawing the icons yet (I drew that mockup on paint haha) but I assume each icon will take about one second.

Quote from: SiphonicSugar on October 02, 2015, 11:50:32 PM
I just noticed that using Horiz would probably be the best thing to use for dialog in my RPG...

It is going to be called Elzema, and no, that is not going to be the main character's name, because you get to choose that.
Good luck :)
u/SiphonicSugar October 03, 2015, 02:41:01 AM
Thanks!  :D
u/Dream of Omnimaga October 03, 2015, 03:49:23 AM
Quote from: SJCubed on October 03, 2015, 02:29:48 AM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on October 03, 2015, 02:25:17 AM
Oh I see SJCubed. How long does it take to draw each icon, by the way?
I haven't coded drawing the icons yet (I drew that mockup on paint haha) but I assume each icon will take about one second.

Quote from: SiphonicSugar on October 02, 2015, 11:50:32 PM
I just noticed that using Horiz would probably be the best thing to use for dialog in my RPG...

It is going to be called Elzema, and no, that is not going to be the main character's name, because you get to choose that.
Good luck :)
Ah I see now. Hopefully you don't run into speed (and size) issues with those icons.
u/SiphonicSugar December 15, 2015, 01:55:35 AM
Hey, just wondering, is this project still being worked on?
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