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Topics - aetios

Other / MOVED: archangel comeback
April 06, 2017, 08:10:27 PM
Drawing & Animation / my random drawings
September 26, 2016, 05:09:30 PM
i made a thing today
Gaming / BattleBorn
August 17, 2016, 01:19:41 PM
once upon a time there was a 2k humble bundle that I bought because it had borderlands the pre sequel for less than 15 euro. there was this other game 'battleborn' in it....

and it turns out to be m***erf*#$ing amazing  O.O

Basically, it's what you get when you cross a MOBA like DOTA with an arena shooter like Team Fortress 2. I hear you thinking 'OVERWATCH' but I looked into it and overwatch doesn't really have the moba staples like minions and turrets. I've been playing this game nonstop for 4 days now and I just can't get enough of it. It's a bit of a sad story, cause the game kinda flopped due to launching in the same week as the incredibly hyped overwatch. The price is also very steep; 60 euros, but if you can get it for a low price DO GET IT. It's definitely worth 30 bucks. I'd love to play with some of you guys if you have it.

Gaming / Pokemon Go
July 11, 2016, 09:09:06 AM
Alright I'm addicted. How about you.
Tech, Science & IT / Recommend me a sub-€45 mouse
June 08, 2016, 08:46:12 AM
So, I noticed that my middle mouse click is dying on my Logitech G300, which is a PAIN because I use it all the time. I really like the mouse, so naturally I'm looking at the g300s as a replacement but maybe you guys know something better. The mouse I'm looking for must at the very least have the following functionality:

1) Next/prev page buttons
2) DPI switch. Call it a 'sniper button' if you want, I usually don't use it for sniping but sometimes you just need that temp extra accuracy.
3) DPI ranging between at least 250 and 2000

Throw me some suggestions. I'd rather not have Razer, I don't really like their designs. FWIW, €45 is about 50 dollars.
Randomness / boi dat unicycle
May 08, 2016, 12:33:00 PM

o c waddup
So I've been thinking about switching my mousing over to the left for a really long time. Why, you ask? My #1 reason for switching is ergonomics. Most keyboards (including mine) have those really bulky numpads and "EXTRA KEYS" on the right of the keyboard. This causes the mouse to be out of your comfortable reaching zone causing repeated stress on your shoulder and wrist. However, on the left side of your keyboard you have a good 15 centimeters less to reach! This is quite significant. Now you might say 'Y U NO BUY 10KEYLESS KEYBOARD M9???!?!? XDXDXD XD LOLOL"; However, I like having the numpad and in fact i use it quite a lot. When not in use so, it's a bit... bulky. Now I'm a leftie myself so I finally pulled the trigger and I'm going to try switching to my left hand for browsing (thank god I have an ambidextrous mouse... ;D)

My experiences so far:
T+00:00:00 Okay, let's do this thing!
T+00:00:00.00000000000000000000001 OH MY GOD THIS IS SO AWKWARD
T+00:00:05 Accidentally closed window instead of maximizing it.
T+00:10:00 This is actually going quite well.
T+01:30:00 Going slooow but stead -- DAMMIT I CLICKED ON THE WRONG THING AGAIN
T+24:00:00 Accidentally switched my mouse to the right.  Woops!
T+25:00:00 I'm at work and I notice a lowered attention. I'm not sure if this is because I pulled an all nighter, or because I have to focus on left handed mousing, or a combination of both.
T+26:00:00 My whole body is crying and I get the idea something broke.
T+27:00:00 I see :walrii: flying all over the place. (...) The lab boys are telling me this is not caused by the left handed mousing, but rather due to the use of /walrii in WIRC. Whatever. Continue testing.
T+28:00:00 Getting more muscle memory. Sometimes it almost seems like I'm starting to get used to this.

(To be continued)
February 13, 2016, 07:11:24 AM

Coming out sometime on all platforms. I'm excited. There's mods for this!
Gaming / Planet
February 11, 2016, 09:49:22 PM
So I came across this neato thing today in a Nerd³ video....

Sadly, I can't run it 'cause i don't have WebGL enabled on my pc, but it loooks reeeeally neat. Try it!
Other / I moved omg
February 08, 2016, 09:55:28 AM
So I recently moved out! :D I got fed up with the place I used to live at before so I started looking for another place. Spoilers: I found one! I finished furnishing it and it's pretty much done. Whee! I'm throwin a party yesterday. (not enough money)
[pics coming soon(ISH)]

Tech, Science & IT / Inbox by Gmail - anyone use it?
December 12, 2015, 12:23:31 PM
So I logged into my gmail a few days ago, roughly a week I think, and I got a popup to switch to 'Inbox by Gmail'. Apparently, it's a new thing that's going to replace Gmail in the future, and I must say after getting used to it for a bit it's really awesome. My inbox hasn't been as organized as it is now :) Basically, Inbox emphasizes archiving and makes it way easier to do so, so I often have my inbox entirely empty. It's awesome and I recommend it. I also don't exactly know why I'm writing this in a topic but hey, I figured I'd just do that.

Oh, and it has an android (maybe ios too) app that works well. At least it doesn't use tons of data (looking at you, cyanogen mail app)
Other / Stuff I got because it was the day I was born on.
December 11, 2015, 02:01:39 PM
I turned 20 the day before today. I hate everything because I feel old, but not really. *starts running around in circles because it feels like something bad might happen*
So yeah, I got a lot of cool stuff, really one of my better days I was born on ever :P
I got:
This cool metal lines on wood for making nice noises book!

This cool book that explains how stuff works in the ten hundred words people use the most! It also learned me how to write like this.

This cool thing for the box that makes the nice noises that I make with the metal lines on wood even louder nice noises! It tells it to make the nice noises sound different.

This cool... money!

I also got to see my girl friend. That was also nice of course :)

Do you also want to write like this? Go to to check your words as you write!

Have a nice day!
So, I was browsing Explain XKCD this morning, when my eye got caught by an ad for Sandra & Woo. I'm usually not really the ad-clicker, but this particular one got my click because uhm uhm uhm uhm, it looked cute.... ( ・ิω・ิ) dammit i just blew my cover of strong manliness dont let my girlfriend know
So yeah, cute pic, got my clic... turns out to be a hilarious (and cute) webcomic.. I ended up reading about 450 of their averagely 4-pane comics. Not sure what else to say without spoiling things, but there's romance, movies, and pop/nerd culture references. Oh, also, the characters are like 12 years old but I don't care because I was 12 when the comic started (2008)

What else to say. IT ROCKS READ IT
Randomness / The rant topic
September 29, 2015, 04:08:03 PM
Post any one thing you have a rant about in this topic. Anything, everything.
-twitter style (140 characters max)
-one per day
-must be sensible (no 'I lost' posts)

I'll start.

I was trying to fix my amp but instead i shorted it and broke it for real. Also, the fuse blew so the whole house went dark. >:(
Media Talk / Funny (and awesome) picture thread
November 21, 2014, 12:45:39 PM
So yeah, post your funny pictures here :)
This one gave me a good giggle today:
Media Talk / Anime
November 19, 2014, 11:49:00 PM
talk about anime here

-insert anime talk-
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