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[ti-83+/84+][axe][axiom][3d][gLib] gLib's revised tutorials & general help

Started by TheMachine02, September 03, 2015, 01:29:20 PM

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Understanding the new gLib pipeline [version 4.0.0]

I noticed in all previous gLib version pipeline an big bottleneck : data passing. That is, copying data / caching stuff taked a huge part of executed commands. As we can't really afford losing the single TStates (z80 cycles), I had to revised the pipeline with 'efficienty'&'no double copy' masters words. The caching system has been totally redisigned from scratch, VBO as been almost suppressed since they became useless. This come with quite syntax changes, and I am pretty much sorry of that, but the fps boost was worth it. All rounded, a nearly 30% speed boost have been observed, this is using the whole pipeline. The different pipeline part did recieved various (and different) speed improvement. Further improvement are better clipping (wich should be error free now), faster vertex transform, and much faster (70% faster) projection.
Without further ads  :P, let's see the changes in gLib pipeline.

The gLib pipeline is separated in three bigs parts : the vertex pipeline, the primitive pipeline and the raster pipeline

  • The vertex pipeline is in charge of rotating vertex/translate them and cache them
  • The primitive pipeline build geometry from the vertex, clip it again the frustrum, and retrieve 2D coordinates of visible points
  • The raster pipeline take care of drawing onto the screen

The first part of the vertex pipeline need to be generally performed only one time per frame : it is settings the rotation/translation matrix. This matrix is called the °GWorldViewMatrix and is 15 bytes.
It is a 3x3 matrix packed with a 3 elements vector representing the translation. The 3x3 matrix is 1 bytes per elements, and the vector is 2 bytes per elements to enable full [-32768,32768] translation range.

gLib provide the 'gAngle(' command to set matrix with 2 euler angles. Angles are comprised in [0-255], so, you can effectively pack two angle in one 16bits values.
Some examples of the 'gAngle' call are :

The Y angle is stored in the high byte, whereas the X angle is stored in the low byte.
You have to note that this command doesn't set the translation part. You have to set it manually to have an actual translation. There is no translation at default (after engine intialisation) (equivalent to a (0,0,0) translation).

The new important command of the vertex pipeline is the 'gStream' command. The goal of this command is to transform an arbitary vertex set and cache it to the vertex cache at user specified id. This way, the user can remap id on the fly and have an advanced control on the whole cache.

It as the following syntax :
where 'streamStruct' is build this way :

  • 'VertexSet' is the adress of the vertices data, and is a two bytes value
  • 'lenght' is the lenght of the stream
  • stride is the number of bytes each verteex take. It is usually 6 bytes ( as 3 words value)

An example of the command would be the following :


It send transformed vertices at cache ID 0, with a stream composed of 8 vertices, 6 bytes per vertices and wich data is stored at GDB1 pointer adress.
Of course, stream can be build in a static way, or a dynamic way - it is up to the user to provide the adress of the stream structure.

Stream by default transform the vertices using the defined matrix, and calculate clipcode. However, the user can specified an custom vertex calculation in the matter of vertex shader. Alpha version is however lacking this functionnality.

Next important part of the pipeline is the primitive pipeline. Let's take a look at it :

Primitive pipeline part 1

The primitive pipeline come in two version. You can either call standard functions who will perform and the primitive pipeline, and the raster pipeline ; or user defined function : the geometry shader.

The geometry shader input a primitive patch, containing primitive's vertices ID, and output one or multiple patchs (and therefore as the ability to create new pieces of geometry) . It has the ability to output new vertex (whereas vertex shader can output only one vertex), and cache it at unsued id (in the total limit of 256 vertices explained before).
Right after the geometry shader, path is divided following the primitive type outputed. The fixed function are directly called to this part.
gLib build data needed for followed step, and then pass to the second part of the primitive pipeline :

Primitive pipeline part 2

Concerning the clipping, gLib perform all primitive clipping directly in 3D, again a fustrum. This remove the need of having 2D clipping, speeding up actual drawing code. The frustrum is a clipped at the top pyramid, representing camera's visibility cone.

This tutorial won't dive in the obscur 3D clipping algorithm, since it is totally handled by gLib, but some notion still will be explained. The 3D clipping rely on a bit code, wich represent if a vertex is in or out certains planes, defined by :


An attentive eye will see that the Y planes are scaled in order to be aligned to the screen realtity ( 48/32 is indeed a 3/2 ratio). This allow
total removing of the 2D clipping, since the actual calculated primitive/frustrum intersection point will be inside the actual screen range.
You can calculate the clipping code of a vertex (wich is in °GPosition) with the 'gComputeCode' commands. However, the commands will return the interesting data only in L, but doesn't reset H. You may want to mask it before using it. More is explained a bit farther .

The primitive pipeline is now in charge of projection (wich is equivalent to perspective division). Having the projection running asynchronously from the vertex transform allow the geometry shader to create vertex on-the-fly without calculating useless projection (as if vertex is displaced in geometry shader). As-in, the projection is not performed by the end user, but directly by gLib primitive function. The calculated value are stored in a 512 bytes low-latency cache (about ~24TStates to check if value has been cached). Because performing a reset of the cache each frame is slow, this cache rely partly on vertex transform : the trust bit (wich determine if value has been calculated or not) is stored in the clipping code byte. (Wich should always been calculated per-vertex).

When the 'gComputeCode' commands is called, the returned value have the 7th bit of the HL register (counting from right to left) set, corresponding to the non calculated code. In order to fully retrive the real code, this post calculation need to be performed :


This code mask unwanted bits of the returned value, and effectively return the clip code.

Once the 2D values are retrived, the primitive pipeline pass hand to the raster pipeline.

The raster pipeline

As you may see the raster pipeline turn around three importants elements.

  • The rasterisation, the process to transform coordinate into pixel
  • Pixel shading
  • The actual drawing to buffer code

Rasterisation use the bresenham algorithm for both line and triangle code. Two bresenham are run in parallel for triangle though. If you want more information on the particular algorithm, I'll point you here

The next part, pixel shading is maybe the most trickiest thing in whole library. Indeed, using variable would induce a huge speed hit, and we can't really afford it. The pixel shader in this case as to be written in pur assembly. However it still have several limitation. You have 16 bytes of asm command allowed, and not more  :P. You can have only one sampler, limited to screen sampling/buffer sampling, with buffer being the same format as screen. In fact general purpose of this shader is to allow general screen effect as Z-Buffer or Stencil buffer to be performed in almost real-time (I did test those, and they were quite fast).

The pixel shader as 3 inputs :

HL - screen byte coordinate
C - color of pixel line
DE - sampler

Each pixel shader act on 8 pixels in same time (for speed reason, here again), and the sampler is user defined. The accumulator register is the temporary register and can be set to a default value. (Per primitive). The B register is a reserved register wich should'nt be touched, as well as the IX register. You can use a push/pop though.

The last important part is the pixel writing. There isn't many much things to tell here, apart that pixel shader as the ability to skip this part for a given 8 pixels line, and that this writing is layered. You can specify per primitive on wich layer you want to draw the primitive.

An model loading/displaying example

This first code example as the goal of displaying a model with single dot. This model will be loaded from an external appv, wich I provide you. (It is the standford bunny model)(please note that I didn't made the model myself). The model appvar format will be explained.

Let's go, shall we ?

First let's give a fancy name to this code example  ;D ; and include gLib's variable definition.


The first thing you may want to do is intialise the 3d engine. The 'gInitEngine' does that for you, so let's add it to the start of the program. Please note that this particular command disable interrupts, so if you have set up your's before calling it, you may want to reenable them with 'FnOn'.
The following step will be load the model from the appv and build the main loop. It is simple axe code, and I assume you won't need much explanation here.



While 1
EndIf getkey(15)

Let's now fill the main loop.
The first things to do is set up the transform matrix. We will use 'gAngle' command, with axe var A holding our angles. Note that if you doesn't set translation part, you will be 'inside' the model, with camera at the origin point. We have to add a intialisation in order to fully see the model.



While 1
EndIf getkey(15)

Once you are here, you have two options. Either use the functions in standalone point (overriding the cache system), wich is faster, but can't do much things apparts dot, or use the cache system - wich may be not the more efficient way to render dots, but which is more robust.
Both way will be detailed. Let's start with the pipeline override.

We will need three functions, wich are vertex transform and vertex classification functions.

Here are the functions :


gComputeCode and gProject both read values at the °GPosition adress and return usefull value in HL. gTransform read data from the vector adress passed as argument and output transformed (with the °GWorldViewMatrix) vector in GPosition.

We have to loop through all our vertices, transform them, compute code, and if vertex is inside the frustrum, project and draw. Please note that you MUST use code clipping because the projection algorithm will most likely crash if value passed in GPositionZ<1.

From this, we can now create this loop:

While 1
!If gComputeCode.63
EndIf getkey(15)

There is quite interesting thigs going on here. First notice the 'X*6+M'. In fact since gTransform need the ADRESS of the vector, you can directly pass the adress of the model, offseted by the correct number. The vertices are 6 bytes in size (2bytes per elements), so we multiplie X by 6 to get our offset. X is ranged from 0 to 114 because there is 148 vertices in the model.
The second thing is the masking applied on the result of 'gComputeCode'. Remember the paragraph about clipping in primitive pipeline? Well here came the application : we don't care about caching system, but only the actual clipping code, so we only keep what we want ( 63=%00111111, so the last 6 bits). We perform a 16 bit and to mask unwanted bit.
The third and last thing is the actual drawing code. 'gProject' return the 2D screen coordinate packed in HL for speed/convenience reason. The high byte (H) is the Y coordinate, the low byte (L) is the X coordinate. Those won't ever be out screen (so contained in [0-95] and [0-63] range).
Two code snippets which can be usefull:
Retriving only Y in HL:


Retriving only X in HL


We take here advantage of the fact that axe drawing command read value as HL modulo 256.
Doing this :
is the equivalent of :


This allow us to pass easily value to drwaing axe function without the need of supplementary variables/stuff.

We can now finish the program by adding the axe displaying command and some getkeys to be able to move our model. Those getkeys just change the angle.

Here is the finished code :



While 1
!If gComputeCode.63
EndIf getkey(15)

Of course, several optimizations are still possible, but I will leave this to the reader  :P, with some tips :

  • Having the 'X*6+M' each frame is quite slow. Why not find a way to remove it ?
  • You may want to zoom/dezoom into your model. Try add a getkey for increasing/decreasing gWorldViewMatrixZ

And a little screenshot of what we just did :

note: a screen is missing here ...

We can now take back our code and use the gLib pipeline instead of overriding it. We will indeed use the 'gStream' command. For more explanation on this command, go read vertex pipeline information.

Synthetics benchmarks [version 4.0.0]

Vertex Transform rate        : 1714 vertex/s
Triangle render rate            : 140 Triangle/s
Triangle culling rate             : 550 Triangle/s
Pixel filling rate                    : 286 KPxl/s
Vertex cache transfer rate : 259 KB/s
Raster cache transfer rate : 545~300KB/s (variable with commands surrounding)

Other 3D engines/interesting download

Many 3D engines have been developped by the past. For documentation purpose (as some algorithm have been sometimes explained, and because sub-jacent algorithm are more or less the same) , I'll link them here.

  • AxeJH3D : an axiom conversion of the juha3d engine [by Matrefeyontias and yhean] LINK
  • Aether3D : a fast 3d engine, with advanced features [by qarnos] LINK
  • Nostromo : an BSP engine, with a lot of algorithm explained [by benryves] LINK
  • 3D collision library : an impressive axe library handling collision in a 3D world [by ben_g] LINK
  • vector axiom : an axiom providing basic 3d vector calculation [by Matrefeyontias] LINK
  • invasion : a 3d polygon engine [by ben_g] LINK

I didn't really take time benchmark these (in a fair apple to apple comparaison). If one would want to do such, well go ahead and tell us the results  ;)

Download Section [version 4.0.0]

Credits to :

  • Runner112 for his fast multiplication routine (I did remanied it, but the sub-jacent algo is from him), and for axe bug fix allowing compiling with this axiom  :D
  • Matref for starting converting the axe library to an axiom, learning me how to do an axiom, and his triangle filling routine used in alpha.
  • Xeda112358 for the  sqrt routine

ASMGCORE.8xv                                                     * version 4.0.0 ALPHA

  • Missing triangle filling/pixel shader support
  • Missing geometry shader support
  • Missing vertex shader support
  • May contains bugs
GCOREINC.8xp                                                       * version 4.0.0 ALPHA
MODEL.8xv                                                            * final version, bunny model


Command set[version 4.0.0]

All command are in 'VARS', '5:Stats'

gInitEnginexxxInitialise the gLib 3D engine. Call this routine before actually using a command (has to be called only once).
gLoadIdentityxxxLoad in the world view matrix the identity (do-nothing) matrix
gPushMatrixxxxPush the current world view  matrix into the stack. You must call 'gPopMatrix' before changing stack level (with a Return)
gPopMatrixxxxPop the top most matrix off the stack into the world view matrix
gAngle(Y*256+X)xxxGenerate the rotation matrix corresponding to X,Y angle, store it into the world view matrix Both angle are 1 byte value
gTranspose(matrix)xxxTranspose the given matrix. Matrix is passed with it start adress
gStream(start_id, stream)xxxTransform a stream of vertex and cache it at start_id. Struct is a data structure composed like this : {Vertex_data (2bytes), number_of_vertex, vertex_size }. Structure is passed with it start adress
gTransform(vertex)xxxTransform the given vertex, store it to °GVertex, vertex is passed with it start adress

Under the scene - asm tricks

This part will detailed two interesting tricks I used in order to get the most speed I can from the z80 processor. You can pass you way if you only want to use the library and don't really know asm, but it is interesting to explain those because source code might be a bit obscur.

I will start with the projection algorithm. Most of these algorithm base their caculation on division, and mutlplication. As is, it apply those following formula :


with C being a constant finned tunned for the calculator (I find that 49 lead to the best result).

However, this simple algorithm came with an high TStates cost. Even when calculating the inverse first, as like these following formulaes, an average of about ~2300TStates was needed.

Further improvement via huge LUT for multiplication and the division came at ~1000TStates (wich is quite fast, but very large, a 512 bytes LUT is needed for both division and multipliaction)
The algorithm I propose here, however have an average of about ~700TStates, and doesn't require any LUT.

The first part of the algorithm is to scale the Z, as well as X,Y coordinate in the [128,64] range. We scale following Z. Since the clipping windows define Z=X, Z=2/3*Y we are assured that X and Y coordinate will be in range too.
the scaling is performed by multiplication by 2 or by division by 2. Since this operation doesn't change X/Z and Y/Z ratio, we are free to performed it as much as we need.
The whole scaling point is to get pure 8 bits coordinates, wich isn't most likely what we will get after the transform.

Now, we want to find the intersection of the vector defined by (X,Y,Z) and (0,0,0) and the screen, defined by Z=49. Look at this picture :

State after the scaling

It seems that we can use a bissection algorithm !
The point of bissection algorithm is to calculate midpoint of a vector, check the position of this midpoint against a plane (here, Z=49) , and create a new vector according to the position. Several iterations will lead to the intersection point.
Since we have scale our value, we can put our two vector endpoint in z80 register : H,D,B is the origin midpoint (at the start), L,E,C is the scaled coordinate. And because division by two is pretty fast in z80, the iteration is quite fast too : 65TStates/iterations.
Code (One iteration) Select
ld a, l
add a, h
cp 49
jp nc, _gBissectIter1NC
ld h, a
ld a, e
add a, d
ld d, a
ld a, c
add a, b
ld b, a

Since we store the midpoint in one of the two vector point, I separated code flow in two part, each one taking care of storing to one point. JP take care of using the right code flow.
Also, since result of scaling will lead to B=0 if BC>0, B=-1 if BC<0, the 'ld a,c \ add a, b' will only carry if BC is negative and a 'rra' can be performed instead of 'sra a'.

The needed precision is get after 5 iterations and the first and the last iteration are optimized given their place.
Once we got the intersection point, we only need to add 47 for X and do 32-Y for Y to get our screen coordinate, wich are then outputed to HL.

The next tricky part of the source is everything concerning the cache system.

The old cache system (ie VBO) was 16 bytes/elements, each elements get an id in [0-255], and a indexing followed by a copy was the fetch method :

; HL is the id
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
ld de, (base_adress)
add hl, de
ld de, gClipCode
ldi \ ldi \ ldi \ ldi
ldi \ ldi \ ldi

7 bytes was copied, using 'ldi' for speed reason. This fecth is about 197 TStates with indexing taking ~75 TStates.
This method was removed in favor of an other one, at 7 bytes/vertex, with a vertex ID in range [0-255]. Let's take a look at it :

ld hl, (gVertexID)
ld a, (hl)
ld (gClipCode), a
inc h
ld e, (hl)
inc h
ld d, (hl)
ld (gPositionX), de
inc h
ld e, (hl)
inc h
ld d, (hl)
ld (gPositionY), de
inc h
ld e, (hl)
inc h
ld d, (hl)
ld (gPositionZ), de

It read directly at the gVertexID adress. That is because this variable is build off like that : BASE_ADRESS*256+vertexID, with the base adress being aligned to 256 bytes boundary. With this, I can acess the cache as interleaved array, and save +-15% of the previous cache fetch cycles. Seven 256 bytes form one vertex. An interesting propriety of this array is that I can append as much as I want of data to vertex without losing muuch performance.

The same method is used for the raster cache, with 2 bytes per point, forming a 512 bytes cache. As I have explained before, this one is a 'true' cache. It detect if the value as been calculated that frame, if not it calculate it, else it fetch it.

The detection is made that way :

ld    a, (hl)
xor $80
jp p, _gCacheMiss
dec h
; fetch
ld  (hl), a
; caculate & cache

Source code dowload

The source code is SPASM compatible, but other assembler haven't been tried. (but should works).
The file to compile is 'gCoreMain.z80'. Routine has been separated by their functions. Fell free to look at it  ;)



Sounds pretty sweet :) How is model data stored in appvars?

Quote from: TheMachine02 on September 03, 2015, 01:29:20 PM


I guess this means the fov is restricted to 45 degrees?

  • Calculators owned: TI-84+
Legends say if you spam more than DJ Omnimaga, you will become a walrus...


Well I am writing so wait  :P Also, yes the FOV is set to ~45°


An admin can maybe paste my post somewhere else to make room for it :P
  • Calculators owned: TI-84+
Legends say if you spam more than DJ Omnimaga, you will become a walrus...


Hang on. :P

Edit : here we go, reordered posts. Tell me if you need more. ^.^


  • Calculators owned: TI-84+
Legends say if you spam more than DJ Omnimaga, you will become a walrus...


I don't have a personnla website, but that may indeed be a good idea. Altough that here is a great place too  :P


Maybe if you ask nicely someone will make a subdomain and let you put it on the cw server :)
  • Calculators owned: TI-84+
Legends say if you spam more than DJ Omnimaga, you will become a walrus...


It's feasible, as long as Juju and DJ agree.

Dream of Omnimaga

Ideally we should probably keep tutorials into separate topics or edit posts to append additions to them, crediting peeople properly. Because topic/post ID changes seems to cause issues from what I saw.

We should also use tags like this topic. We should avoid using a SMF mod that shows them on a separate page, though, so that if I ever step down from CodeWalrus staff, the tutorials section won't get permanently deleted three years later. <_<
  • Calculators owned: TI-82 Advanced Edition Python TI-84+ TI-84+CSE TI-84+CE TI-84+CEP TI-86 TI-89T cfx-9940GT fx-7400G+ fx 1.0+ fx-9750G+ fx-9860G fx-CG10 HP 49g+ HP 39g+ HP 39gs (bricked) HP 39gII HP Prime G1 HP Prime G2 Sharp EL-9600C
  • Consoles, mobile devices and vintage computers owned: Huawei P30 Lite, Moto G 5G, Nintendo 64 (broken), Playstation, Wii U
Now active at (CodeWalrus server)


Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 03, 2015, 10:37:07 PM
Ideally we should probably keep tutorials into separate topics or edit posts to append additions to them, crediting peeople properly. Because topic/post ID changes seems to cause issues from what I saw.
It was painful to fix the db. Next time I do it, it will have to be in maintenance mode and with all the precautions needed. If I ever do it again. <_<


I think it'd be cool if there were screenshots that showed what the code accomplished in the future parts of the tutorial. Anyways this is a really nice start on the tutorial, I hope to actually read all of it soon (I've just skimmed through).

Also maybe once this is done if could be front page news because that might make convince more people to try to use it.
  • Calculators owned: TI-83+, TI-84+

Dream of Omnimaga

Quote from: Streetwalrus on September 03, 2015, 10:42:40 PM
Quote from: DJ Omnimaga on September 03, 2015, 10:37:07 PM
Ideally we should probably keep tutorials into separate topics or edit posts to append additions to them, crediting peeople properly. Because topic/post ID changes seems to cause issues from what I saw.
It was painful to fix the db. Next time I do it, it will have to be in maintenance mode and with all the precautions needed. If I ever do it again. <_<
YEah that might be better. This happened to me on Omnimaga in early 2010 when I wanted to swap topic IDs. At first, things got messed up and posts disappeared, then once fixed, new topics were inserted 1000 IDs ahead.

Quote from: CKH4 on September 03, 2015, 11:58:50 PM
I think it'd be cool if there were screenshots that showed what the code accomplished in the future parts of the tutorial. Anyways this is a really nice start on the tutorial, I hope to actually read all of it soon (I've just skimmed through).

Also maybe once this is done if could be front page news because that might make convince more people to try to use it.
I agree. Also we will post a news about the recent site changes too.

By the way TheMachine02 that tutorial is impressive. You put so much work into it so far. Hopefully it convince more people to use GLIB once finished.
  • Calculators owned: TI-82 Advanced Edition Python TI-84+ TI-84+CSE TI-84+CE TI-84+CEP TI-86 TI-89T cfx-9940GT fx-7400G+ fx 1.0+ fx-9750G+ fx-9860G fx-CG10 HP 49g+ HP 39g+ HP 39gs (bricked) HP 39gII HP Prime G1 HP Prime G2 Sharp EL-9600C
  • Consoles, mobile devices and vintage computers owned: Huawei P30 Lite, Moto G 5G, Nintendo 64 (broken), Playstation, Wii U
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