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Topics - garvalf

As said in this thread, I'm working a SID sound chip simulator on Arduino. I'm not responsible for most of the code, but I've assembled some parts, a SID emulator, a midi library, and some settings for modifing the chip.

Here is a better sample:

The last part has some kind of hard bass sound (sawtooth).

and the code (w.i.p.):

Now I want to make it polyphonic and be able to adjust correctly the filters (if it's possible/implemented) so it will sound more like SID chip...

The same setup can play sid file using a different arduino sketch:
But because of the memory limitation, it can't play a whole tune. It should be adapted to be able to read from an sd card.

Consoles / Garvalf's pico-8 projects
June 08, 2016, 02:38:07 PM
I've just started a little pico-8 game, it's not finished but here is a demo:

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